First Command (30 page)

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Authors: Rodney Smith

BOOK: First Command
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Chief Johnson wanted to kiss the pirate in charge.
He tracked the active sensor sweep all the way back to what had to be the pirate main base.
He also tracked every identification friend or foe signal from the early warning satellites to the torpedo ships.
He had a plot of all the satellites now.
As long as they hadn’t seeded any out here in the higher gravity area, they should be able to sneak into the base’s back door.
He went forward to brief his analysis to the captain.

Kelly and Chief Blankenship took Chief Johnson’s collected active sensor data, Alistair’s energy data, the day’s gravimetric data, and overlaid them on top of each other.
The result was a series of additional gravity tubes of various G-forces.
Numerous travel tubes of similar gravity existed throughout the area and the Vigilant was probably the only ship aware of them.


* * * * *


Chief Johnson’s weren’t the only set of eyes and ears out that day.
Captain Ben Alden also intercepted and tracked the returning flight of torpedo ships.
He filed this info away and thought about the best way to use this information.
A sneak attack with massive firepower and shock action was his preferred mode of operation.
If you could catch the other side asleep or off balance then half the battle was won.
He retired his ship from the star cluster and prepared a message to all his fleet to rendezvous above Rigel’s southern pole in two days.
He turned the conn over to his second in command and went to his cabin to plan his attack and rescue operation.
He still laughed, because he got paid either way.

Ben knew that he wouldn’t have a breakout of the planetary defenses, but he could always come in on the side opposite where the main settlement was.
He pulled up a scanned hand drawn map one of his crew had drafted from the rum-soaked blatherings of a pirate crewman in one of the seedier bars of Rigel Prime.

Captain Alden looked at the map and couldn’t figure out what significance the moon had for it to figure so prominently in the chart.
Was it seeded with defensive weaponry or did it have another function?
He pondered on this, but no revelation came to him.
He’d just have to see if he could come at the planet from the side opposite the moon, if he could.
He closed his terminal and lay down on his bunk, and within seconds was asleep, dreaming of what he would do with all the credits he would earn from this job.


* * * * *


Shadow Lead Analyst G’Lon and Master Tactician B’Gotil completed their video briefing to the High Elders and awaited questions.
The three elders conferred amongst themselves, then the center Elder looked up at them.

“We thank you both for bringing this critical information to our attention.
It is obvious that our show of force strategy along the frontier leaves us vulnerable if the Humans choose to use this avenue of approach into our space.
We must move forces back into this sector immediately.”

The Elder to the left said, “Master Tactician B’Gotil, perhaps we should give some consideration to an armed reconnaissance in force, to see what is within the star cluster and to let the Humans know that this pathway goes both ways.”

B’Gotil answered, “Of course, Excellency, as soon as we recall sufficient forces to both conduct the reconnaissance in force and defend the sector, we will do so.
We don’t want to alert the Humans until we can blunt any attack.
We won’t know what forces are in the star cluster until we make contact.
It would not do to have our recon force make contact with an approaching invasion force and not have our defenses ready to repel them.”

The center Elder looked down at something before him on his desk, and then spoke again.
“You may reduce the force in all contiguous sectors by one-third.
There are two Shadow Force destroyers just coming out of the yards here at G’Durin that are yours to deal with this situation.
In addition, the Shadow Force Heavy Cruiser H’Kom was coming into the yards for a weapons upgrade, but will be redirected to this effort.”

The right side elder, which had been silent up to this point, spoke.
“G’Lon and B’Gotil, we thank you for this briefing.
You may have saved the Empire.
We shall see to it that you are suitably rewarded.
Long live the Empire!”

G’Lon and B’Gotil echoed, “Long live the Empire,” as the video image dissolved on the screen.

Fleet Commander J’Kalt, Fleet Operations Officer, who had been sitting to the side, allowing the two to conduct the briefing, said, “B’Gotil, prepare the orders to the adjacent sector commanders, to send us one-third of their forces.
Look at the fleet rosters and select the ships we require.
If we leave it up to the sector commanders we will only get their cast offs.
This is too important to leave up to their good will.
Don’t pick just their best.
There is always the chance that the Humans may attack there instead of here.”

“If we are successful in forcing our way through this star cluster and coming out into human space, maybe we can turn the tables on them.
Maybe we can threaten their worlds and force them to react to us.
It could reduce the threat in many vulnerable frontier sectors.
G’Lon, see what you can find out about Human forces on the other side of this star cluster.”

B’Gotil’s joint message from K’Rang Fleet HQ and Shadow Force, reducing forces in adjacent sectors, was met with much grumbling from commanders aware of how weak they were, considering this new Human ability to rapidly shift forces around.
As they reviewed the list of ships to be chopped, they saw that at least HQ did not take all the first line ships.
The fact that they would not be left with the weakest ships softened the blow some.
The seal of the Elders on the message also forestalled any requests for reconsideration.

G’Lon’s message from the Imperial Analytical Cabal ordered two nondescript Human cargo ships to close on the sector opposite the Human side of the star cluster.
With luck and hard effort, they should be able to provide a much better picture of Human forces available before the K’Rang Fleet conducted its recon in force.


* * * * *


Back on Barataria, Steven Maynard had calmed down and was trying to rationally assess the situation.
The mystery ship that triggered the early warning satellites was nowhere to be found.
It may have been destroyed and the debris sucked into the gravity well of the nearby brown dwarf.
It may have been damaged or discouraged and turned around.
It may have survived and was continuing forward to his world.

Steven knew the first option was wishful thinking and the second option was only slightly less so.
No matter the likelihood of the first two options, the third was the most damaging and the one he had to plan for.
He issued a general recall for all ships’ captains and crews and defensive squadron leaders.
They would go out, find this mystery ship, and destroy it.

As his captains and squadron leaders gathered in his operations center, he put together a cordon and search plan to find and kill this mystery ship.
This was his home ground.
He had the advantage here.


* * * * *


The Vigilant sat in the sun shadow on the dark side of the pirate world.
Kelly had watched a small armada of ships of various classes leave the planet and moon in the direction from which Kelly had just come.
The Vigilant’s gravity sensors, and the fortuitous information on the early warning sensors provided by the pirates themselves, gave him what he needed to know to speed his arrival.
This put him behind the pirates as they departed to conduct what Kelly suspected was a cordon and search operation.

Sensors watched for any further reaction from the pirates, but saw none.
Kelly could not believe they had no sensors on the moon or planet’s surface.
The Vigilant’s sensors mapped out the moon, detecting that it was artificial, then gazed through its outer shell with passive sensors to map out its interior.
Kelly made out half the ships that had been captured in the last seven months.
He could also sense ships under construction in various stages of completion.

Kelly was impressed with this artificial moon, and couldn’t imagine how the pirates could have constructed such a massive facility.
It was huge, about one-fifth the size of Earth’s moon.
He suspected it might have been left behind by some earlier and more advanced civilization.
Nonetheless, it was an impressive facility.

The Vigilant cautiously moved into closer orbit around the planet.
Just because they hadn’t detected any early warning or fire control sensors didn’t mean there weren’t any.
Chief Johnson had the sensors recording at their fastest speed, mapping every house, warehouse, business, and government facility.
They mapped the road system, mines, quarries, wells, and lumber mills.
They searched for any defense facilities on the planet, but found only one headquarters facility near the spaceport and three ground unit barracks near the edge of the main city.

All this information would be needed by the 3rd ALG, when they conducted their assault on the planet.
Kelly considered landing on the planet to conduct a more thorough reconnaissance (he had some time available), but settled for launching ground sensors onto the high ground north of the city.
He launched one sensor to attach itself to the moon near the entrance hatch.
They would provide information on the spaceport, military units’ barracks, and the comings and goings from the moon.

Having accomplished all he could reasonably do, he withdrew from the planet and conducted a high speed run out through a higher gravity tunnel in an area of brown dwarves with gravity no higher than 3G.
The pirates’ cordon and search accomplished nothing and they eventually gave up.


* * * * *


The K’Rang sector outside the entrance into the star cluster had always been a backwater, never rating any units higher than a flotilla.
Its current senior officer was the captain of the missile corvette J’New.
Admiralty looked at the number of ships coming into the sector and decided they needed to assign a senior flag officer to command them.
Fleet Commander J’Kalt was temporarily reassigned to command the task force being assembled.

He chose the Shadow Force Heavy Cruiser H’Kom as his flagship, even though he was not a member of Shadow Force.
It was a Task Force commander’s prerogative.
Shadow Force ships had extensive command suites, communications, and sensor packages.
It would provide him the best picture of the battle and excellent command and control facilities.
In addition, the increased armor of a heavy cruiser would give him the greatest survivability.

He analyzed the ships coming from the surrounding sectors and organized them into what would be his eyes and ears.
He organized his forces into three task forces:
The two scout ships would lead the way by a couple of days, finding the best path through the star cluster and identifying threats; his flagship, the three light cruisers, the six destroyers and the six missile frigates would follow the path cleared by the scout ships and destroy any forces along the avenue of approach; the two Shadow Force destroyers and the four gun frigates would follow and bombard any fixed or planetary bases along the path; the support ships would follow the ships they were loaded to support.
The missile corvette J’New would maintain position at the entrance to the star cluster, to provide communications relay to the main worlds.

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