Fitting The Pieces (The Riverdale Series Book 3) (16 page)

BOOK: Fitting The Pieces (The Riverdale Series Book 3)
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“You didn’t show me your tattoo.” He said and then turned
to face her, his dark eyes traveling the length of her trying to locate her new
ink. “I ate all my vegetables.” He said pointedly.

She unraveled her legs that were tucked underneath her
and stood in front of him.

“Can you remove the
bandage? I probably should let it breathe a little.” She said as she lifted the
hem of her shirt, revealing her flat stomach. Luke’s eyes watched as she lifted
the shirt over her breasts, revealing a purple lacy bra. He swallowed and his
eyes found the gauze that was taped to her side right under her breast. He sat
up and leaned forward, taking his arm off the back of the couch. He glanced up
at her before he started to peel the gauze from her ribcage. She hissed
slightly and he looked back up at her.

“Sorry…” he murmured softly and finished taking the gauze
off. His eyes moved along the script that spread along her rib cage and read
‘Sometimes you have to be your own hero.’

“Do you like it?” She asked as she tried to maneuver
herself so she could look too.

His darkened gaze lifted to hers.

“I love it.” He said his gruff voice returning.

She smiled and peeled the shirt down her torso before
falling back onto the couch.

“Me too, Pete did a really good job.” She turned
slightly, leaning her back against the arm of the couch so she could look at
him. “Oh, I have news!”

He reached behind him and cupped the back of his
“What’s your news?”

“I’m going to work at Riverdale Ink.” She said with a

His eyes quickly found hers and he stared at her for a
moment. “What do you mean you’re going to work at Riverdale Ink?”

“I was talking to Pete, and do you know he hasn’t had a
day off since probably before Jake even passed away?” She rolled her eyes. “Of
course you know that. He told me how he does all the ordering and bookkeeping
when he’s not taking on clients. He also mentioned that he has taken on most of
Jake’s regular clients. I mean he’s swamped.” She paused. “And then, there’s
you… running back and forth between the garage and the tattoo parlor. I figured
why not? I can do basic bookkeeping. I’ve helped Rudy out in the past and since
you conveniently deposit the profits of the business into my checking account
every week, it makes even more sense for me to work there.” She took a deep
breath, let it out and then bit her lip as she waited for him to say something.

“Is that really what you want?” He asked softly.

“I’d like to try.” She said honestly. “That place was
everything to Jake.”

“You were everything to Jake.” He whispered,
understanding how the woman before him easily became everything to his brother.
He saw her dip her head and he instantly regretted his words. “I didn’t mean to
upset you, Cara.”

She lifted her head and looked at him. “We couldn’t keep
him here, Luke.” She reached out and took his hand, lacing their fingers
together. “But we can keep his business alive, together. I know that you
already have been doing that with Pete’s help, but I’d like to help now too.”

He looked down at their hands and then back to her face,
her beautiful face.

“Whatever you want.” He said softly, not letting her know
that in the back of his mind, he wondered if she wanted to work at Riverdale
Ink to hold onto Jake. Not that he blamed her. He just wished there was room
inside her for Jake’s memory and what he wanted to give Cara, himself.

She smiled as she swiped the remote from his hands. “Now
that that’s settled, what movie are we going to watch?”

“Whatever you want.” He repeated and leaned back against
the couch lost in his own thoughts. She browsed their selection, settled on
one, pressed play, and leaned back, tucking her legs under her as the movie


Cara stirred in her sleep, rolling into something hard.
She moaned softly as she slid her hands along the hardness she was curled up
against and then heard a groan. Her eyes snapped open at the throaty sound, that
wasn’t hers. She took in her surroundings. The TV was on and the credits were
rolling on the movie they had fallen asleep watching. She looked at her legs
and how they were tangled with Luke’s long ones. His arm wrapped around her,
his palm splayed across her stomach underneath her shirt. Skin to skin. She
opened her fist releasing the fabric of his shirt. Her eyes widened as she
noticed the wet spot on his shirt, where she no doubt had drooled on him. Way
to go Cara she chastised, but then her eyes found his face. He looked so
peaceful when he slept. She reached up and brushed away a lock of hair that had
fallen over his forehead.

She had no idea how they wound up laying on the couch
tangled in each other. They were sitting on opposite ends of the couch watching
a movie and now her leg was wrapped around his, his palm lay dangerously close
to her waistband of her yoga pants and she couldn’t stop staring at his face
forgetting all about her drooling escapade.

For the first time since remembering that they had slept
together, she wondered how it felt. She remembered going through the motions,
she replayed them in her head a few times. But she didn’t remember his touch.
Luke’s touch. She gasped slightly as she allowed herself to wonder how it felt
to have his mouth on hers, his hand not just on her stomach, but traveling the
length of her body. Startled that her mind went down that path to begin with
she struggled to detangle herself from him without waking him.

She threw one leg over his body and was trying to pull
the other one out and over his when she noticed she was now straddling him. She
hung her head and whimpered. Fine mess you’re in now Cara. She took a deep
breath and reigned herself in. It was Luke. No big deal. She just needed to get
her leg off of him and stop sitting on his stomach. She lifted her leg as he
squirmed beneath her and wrapped his arm around her waist, bringing her closer
to him so that her torso pressed against his.

“Luke.” She whispered, having no choice but to wake him.

“Hmm?” He said sleepily and let his hand travel down the
small of her back. She reached around and grabbed his hand.

“Luke.” She said a little bit louder and when she moved
his hand to the side he opened his eyes. Her hair fell around her face wildly,
and her hazel eyes stared into his.

“I have to go.” She whispered and swallowed, trying to
find her natural voice.

He dropped his hands to the side and looked up at her.

“You’re not exactly trapped.” He pointed out as he

“Right.” She said and crawled off of him, nearly falling
onto the floor in her attempt to put some space between them.

He sat up and stretched his back out, his shirt lifting
to reveal part of the six pack she had assumed was there. “What time is it?”

She looked away quickly toward the cable box as she
shoved her feet into her boots. “It’s a quarter after twelve.” She said bending
to tie her laces.

His eyes skimmed over her ass as she tied her shoes and
he grunted. “You too tired to drive home?”

“No.” She said immediately. She needed to get out of
there. She needed to get a hold on her thoughts. And while she was at it, she
needed to get a hold on her body which had decided to awaken from its sexless

He stood up and followed her as she moved quickly to his
door. “Cara…” He said to her back.

“Hmm?” She replied as she grabbed her coat off the hook
and opened the door. She shrugged her coat on and turned around to face him.
His face was still groggy with sleep and his arms were stretched over his head,
his hands clutching the door jamb as he casually stared at her.

“Be careful.” He said evenly.

“Sure.” She said quickly and then turned to leave.

His arm reached out and clamped onto the hood of her
coat, causing her to step backward towards him. She didn’t turn around, she
didn’t have a chance. He stepped close to her, his hard body against her back.
He bent his head and spoke gently into her ear.

“Thanks for dinner.” He said and let go of her hood.

“No problem.” She mumbled halfway down the walkway,
scurrying away as quickly as possible. Once she was in her car she risked a
glance at the door and found him still staring after her. Holy shit. Luke Lanza
was hot.




Cara kneeled before Jake’s headstone and brushed away
some of the snow that dusted the ground before it. She placed the metal cone
firmly into the ground and once it was secure she placed the bouquet of flowers
inside of it. She leaned back, sitting on the heels of her boots that were
tucked underneath her and stared at his name engraved into the stone. It was
the first time since he was buried, that she had come to his final resting
place and been completely straight.

baby…” She said softly. “I’m sorry I haven’t visited in a while. I have a good
excuse though.” She looked down at her hands that rested in her lap. “I’m clean
almost two whole months. No pills Jake, not even a sip of alcohol.” She glanced
back at his stone. “I know I disappointed you, but I couldn’t find my way when
you left this world. I couldn’t find the Cara that existed without Jake Lanza
at her side.” She shrugged her shoulders and thought about her words for a
moment. “To be honest, I’m not sure I found her completely, but I’m trying.
Every day I am trying to pick up the pieces of who I used to be. I don’t think
I will ever be that girl again, but I think there are traces of her in the
woman I’m becoming. I hope wherever you are, you can learn to like the new me,
maybe even love me.” Her eyes filled but the tears didn’t fall.

is so much I wish I could tell you. I sometimes wish heaven had a phone. Don’t
laugh at me, I know it sounds ridiculous. But it’s true. I’d give anything to
talk to you again. I’d tell you everything you’d want to hear, knowing I
couldn’t change the outcome of how we ended. I’d tell you I missed you like
crazy, but I was okay. I’d tell you I was lonely but not alone. I’d tell you
that I love you and that I always will but that I may love another one day too.
I can say that to you now, after reading your letter and knowing that you would
want me to move on. I’m not ready for that step just yet. I don’t know when I
will be but I won’t close my mind to it. I won’t let your death be the death of
me, because then I wouldn’t be honoring everything you stood for. Everything we
stood for.” She smiled sadly. “I also came here today to tell you that I’m
packing up our apartment, well, your apartment.” She shook her head. “Our
apartment,” she decided. “I would’ve stayed there forever, but well… your
brother bought me a puppy.” She laughed out loud mentally picturing Jake’s eyes
going wide in shock. “Our grumpy neighbor across the hall isn’t fond of Benny,
that’s what we named him. He’s a beagle and he’s the cutest little guy you’ve
ever seen.” A breeze blew through washing over her and she paused for a beat.
“But I bet you knew that already… I feel you Jake. I know you’ll never really
leave me. You’ll always be with me, always be in my heart, in my soul.”

let out a deep sigh and glanced at her phone. “I have to go pick up Benny from
Luke. We have this joint custody agreement until I find an apartment. I get him
in the day and then I drop him off at Luke’s to sleep.” She paused for a
moment. “He’s been really great to me Jake. We’re actually becoming friends.”
She swallowed before she began again.
“Can you do me a favor? I know it’s silly for me to ask because he’s
your brother and I know you probably already are, but can you look out for him
too? He’s a good person and deserves some happiness. He probably deserves it
more than anyone I know.”

rose to her feet and leaned down and ran her fingertips along his name carved
into the headstone. “I love you, Jake Lanza.”

* * * * *

looked over at Luke, who was leaning over the engine of a car working, while
Benny chewed on the shoelaces of his boots. He arched a brow, wondering if Luke
even knew Benny was going to town on his Timberland’s.

“Dude, is Benny, the new mechanic you hired?” Nick asked,
earning a scowl from his friend.

“Cute. You’re a real comedian, Foti.” He said as he shook
his leg, trying to shake off Benny, who began to wag his tail at the new game
Luke was playing with him.

Nick bit into the apple that he remembered was in his
hand and began to chew through his amusement. “I think so too.” He said with
his mouth full.

“Well get your kicks in now, because Cara will be here
any minute to pick him up and then you’ll have nothing to harass me about and
maybe you can do some work around here.” Luke said flatly and stuck his head
back under the hood of the car, giving his foot one final shake, hoping Nick
didn’t notice.

“You know they say puppies are supposed to make people
all warm and fuzzy, clearly you missed that memo.” Nick said taking another
hefty bite of his apple.

“Must’ve,” Luke mumbled.

decided to cut Luke some slack, not to mention a pissed off Luke meant Nick had
to do something other than order parts and bid on old classic cars. He finished
off his apple and chucked the core into the trash. “So tomorrow night the girls
have their dress fittings. Sam mentioned going out to dinner afterwards with
Cara. Think you can finagle a babysitter?”

glanced over at him. “Hand me that wrench will you? Why do I need a

grabbed the tool in question and handed it over to Luke before bending down to
pet Benny. “So you and I can have a night out. Before you say no, hear me out.
I have been up to my ears in flower arrangements, favors, invitations, and
whatever the fuck else consists of a wedding. I need some man time. Between the
wedding, the house and the romance novels I’m not even sure I’m still allowed
to piss in the men’s room.”

genuinely laughed and looked up at his friend. “Now would be a good time to
remind you, you’re a lucky bastard.”

know I am. Get to marry the woman of my dreams, the only woman I ever loved… I
mean other than your mother and maybe mine. Lucille is starting to grow on me.”

studied him for a moment, his lips quirking slightly. “Yeah, you’ve definitely
read too many romance novels.” He sighed. “I’ll call Ma, and ask her if Ava can
spend the night.”

I wasn’t worried about Ava. I was wondering if you can convince your parents to
watch Benny the terror overnight.” Nick said and then looked down at the dog
who stared up at him with big brown eyes and a T-shirt that read ‘Bad to the
Bone.’ He was cute, Nick thought. “Sorry pal, Grandpa’s words, not mine.” He
looked back up at Luke. “I doubt Deb would say no, but Joe? Well, he might
divorce her.”

not that bad.” Luke said defensively.

that to your father who had to replace his favorite pair of Italian Loafers,
then gave your mother shit that he had to rent a tux for the wedding. Did you
know he has a perfectly good powder blue tux in the attic? I think he married
your mother in it. Well, that’s what he’s planning on wearing to our wedding,
oh, and of course the new loafers.”

laughed. “She’ll talk him out of it and if not he at least listens to Sam.” He
wiped his hands on a rag and closed the hood of the car. “I’m down for
tomorrow. It’s not like we’ll be out all night, I’ll just keep Benny in his
crate until I get home.”

like a true dad!” Nick teased and then his eyes went to the parking lot. “Oh
look Benny Boo Boo, Mommy’s here to pick you up.” He eyed Luke and then quickly
made his way to the office, to avoid getting hit in the head with the wrench
Luke was clutching like a weapon.

glared at Nick’s back until the office door closed. He turned around, watching
Benny run straight to Cara, circling her and wagging his tail. He bit the
inside of his cheek as he moved towards her. She laughed as Benny showered her
with love, and the sound of her laughter reached down to the pit of his
stomach. She lifted her gaze and her eyes met his, her smile never faltering.

sorry I’m late.” She said as she tried to get to her feet.

held out his hand to help her. She took it and let him pull her to her feet
with a gentle tug that ended with her pressed against his chest.

squared, whatever you had to away?” He asked, liking the way her body felt
pressed against his. He knew she’d pull away just as she had the other night,
but still he indulged in the minute she granted him.

tilted her head upward and smiled shakily at him before taking a retreating
step backward. “I did.” She said softly.

time will you be coming over tonight?” He asked, shoving his hands into his
pockets so that he wasn’t tempted to touch her.

Friday.” She said simply.

furrowed his eyebrows. “Yeah, it is.”

your night alone with Ava.” She said with a shoulder shrug. “I can drop him off
when you put her to bed or I can try to smuggle him into my place for the
night. I’m leaving soon anyway. What’s the old grump going to do? Have me

bailed on me.” Luke said flatly.


“My social butterfly of a daughter ditched her dad for a
slumber party.” He made a face and Cara laughed slightly.

“Oh, you poor thing.” Cara said covering her mouth to
suppress her chuckle.

“Have dinner with me.” He said without the slightest bit
of humor in his voice and he watched her hand drop to her side. He took a step
closer and changed the way he approached the topic. “Let me take you to dinner
Cara, you’ve been cooking dinner for us every night this week when you drop
Benny off.”

She bit her lower lip. “What will we do with Benny?”

“I’m not asking you to go on a road trip with me. We’ll
put him in the crate for a couple of hours. He’ll be fine.” He said
affirmatively and waited a beat before he repeated his request. “Have dinner
with me, Cara.”

“Okay.” She agreed because why the hell not? It beats
sitting in her apartment by herself, knowing he was only doing the same exact
thing. They were friends. Friends had dinner, heck, she was going to dinner
tomorrow night with Sam. It was the same exact thing. Granted, she didn’t just
recently have an epiphany of sorts, and didn’t find Sam hunky gorgeous as she
did with Luke. Christ, hunky gorgeous Cara? Really?

“Drop Benny at seven and we’ll leave from my house.” He
said, fighting back the grin that threatened.

Still reeling from the term she used to describe him, she
nodded her head in response. “Okay.” She shook her head, dismissing the Hunky
Gorgeous thoughts. “I better go, I have to pack.”

“Okay. I’ll see you tonight.”

She bent down and lifted Benny into her arms, before
looking over at Luke one final time. “Bye Luke.”

He smiled. “Bye Cara.”


Cara stood in front of Luke’s door frozen. She wished for
the love of God, she knew what the hell was wrong with her. She had changed her
outfit four times and now she stood wishing she had gone with the second one.
Instead, she stood wearing a pair of black leggings and a cream colored tunic sweater
that draped off her shoulder, exposing her bra strap and the tattoo she had
there of a butterfly.
She paired the
outfit with knee high riding boots and wore her leather jacket even though she
was freezing and should’ve worn her winter coat. She smoothed down her hair and
hoped it wasn’t overdone, she was almost tempted to put it into a ponytail so
that it didn’t look like she had done herself up to have dinner with Luke. But
she did, she put the extra effort in to look good, to look pretty. Why? She had
no idea.

With her free hand that wasn’t holding Benny’s carrier
she rang Luke’s doorbell.

“Get a grip Cara.” She whispered to herself. “You’re
having dinner with your friend Luke. Jake’s brother. You had dinner every night
for a week with him and his daughter, tonight is just another night.”

The door opened and she glanced up at him. Holy Hunky
Gorgeous. She whimpered, she actually whimpered. His hair was still wet from a
shower and combed back, the ends curling around his neck. She suppressed the
urge to run her fingers through his thick hair and hold on for dear life. Whoa!
Cara. She closed her eyes briefly before opening them and letting them travel
down the length of him. He was wearing jeans and a Henley that hugged every
single muscle in his arms and chest. She lost her voice as she stared at his

“Cara?” He bent his head to be eye level with her.

“Yeah?” She croaked and forced her eyes to meet his.

“You okay?” He asked, concerned and took Benny’s carrier
from her hands.

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