Fitting The Pieces (The Riverdale Series Book 3) (20 page)

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for driving me home last night.” Luke said evenly and walked to the coffee
machine. His stomach rumbled and as the coffee dripped into the mug he padded
to the fridge to pull out the carton of eggs.

no problem.” She said and he reached behind her for the loaf of sliced bread
that was on the counter behind her.

dinner with Sam go?” He asked as he reached for a pan, moving around the
kitchen with ease.

shrugged her shoulders. “It was good. I feel bad we kind of just left Mallory
and Phillip there.” She watched him slide the lever down on the toaster. “What
do you think of Mallory?” She asked curiously.

a nice girl. From some of the stories Sam has told me, she’s a bit wild. But,
to each his own.” He looked up at her. “How do you like your eggs?”

not hungry.”

do you like your eggs?” He repeated.

up.” She said giving in. “Do you think she’s attractive?”

raised an eyebrow and cracked two eggs into the frying pan. He was baffled as
to where this was coming from and then it dawned on him that she was planning
to push him away. “She’s a looker.” He stated and then grabbed a dish from the
cabinet. “Why? Is that part of your plan? You kiss me like you did last night and
then pawn me off on Mallory?”

opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She watched as he slid her
perfectly cooked eggs into a dish and grabbed the toast as it popped up from
the toaster. He glanced at her with a knowing look.

do remember.” She said quietly.

sure, I told you I’d never forget.” He said and nodded towards the table.

did as she was told and watched as he pulled out a chair and turned it around
straddling the back of it, his arms hanging on the back of the chair as he
stared at her.

going on in that pretty little head of yours Spunky?” He asked sincerely.

not pawning you off.” She said immediately. “I don’t know if you’ve realized
yet, but I’m kind of selfish.” She bit greedily into the slice of toast, and
then widened her eyes as if taking a huge bite of toast proved her point. He
didn’t say anything, he just smiled slightly as she chewed. God, he had a great
smile and she was the one making him smile. Something fluttered inside her. “I
don’t regret last night, Luke. I’m not going to pretend it didn’t happen or
that I didn’t want it to happen.” She put the slice of toast down and took a
deep breath.

He probed.

I’m not ready to jump into a relationship.” She said honestly and surprisingly,
he didn’t shift his gaze from her. He gave her his undivided attention. “I’m
also not willing to give you up and have Phillip set you up with Mallory.
That’s their plan, you know? Mallory has the hots for you.” She said with a
frown and looked down.

lifted his hand to her chin and tipped it up with his fingers. Little did she
know, he’d wait until he was old and gray for her. Funny, he thought, how you
just know when you find the right one and you’re willing to go to the ends of
the world or wait until the end of time to only have that one person. “I don’t
want Mallory.”

stared at him. “Do you want me?” She asked with her voice uncertain.

than you’ll ever know.” He confessed.

might take me a while to get myself together.” She warned.

a patient man.” His thumb ran across her jaw.

might take a while for me to feel comfortable with... you know.” She added,
hoping he got her drift and she wouldn’t have to say it out loud. See? Selfish.
The guy was already bursting at the seams, point proven in the shower.

can wait.” He said with the slightest hint of humor in his eyes.

“What if we fall in love?” She asked.

there, sweetheart, he said to himself as he reworded his answer in his head.

would people think?” She asked in a whisper.

I’m a lucky son of a bitch?” He offered and saw she was serious.

Jake’s brother.” She sighed and felt awful instantly. Jake would want her to
move on. He had said it his own words, but how would he feel if it was his

I always will be.” Luke said, dragging her from her thoughts. “I’m not looking
to replace Jake. I’d never attempt to. I know I can’t compare the man I am, to
the man he was. What the two of you had was rare and it was special. It was so
goddamn beautiful to watch.” He paused and dropped his hand from her face. “I
just want a piece of whatever you’re willing to give.”

shouldn’t settle for a piece of anyone. You deserve someone who can give
themselves wholeheartedly. You’re that kind of guy, Luke.” She said taking his
hand and lacing her fingers with his.

one day you’ll be able to and if not that’s okay too. It’d be my honor to share
your heart with Jake.” He reached up and cradled her face in the palms of his
hand. “How about we take it one day at a time? Yeah?”

wrapped her hands around his wrists. “If I say yes, will you kiss me again?”

that an invitation Cara?”

She said and before she could smile fully he pulled her face to his and his
mouth found hers. He took control of the kiss, working her lips so perfectly
that she had no choice but to part them, craving more. He slipped his tongue
inside reveling in the taste that was all Cara. He didn’t know what drunk was
until he was kissing Cara and he was drunk on her. Her fingers went to his hair
and she grabbed at the ends desperate for him and everything he poured into
that kiss. His heart. His soul. Him.





stood in the center of her living room in her new apartment, glancing around at
all the boxes that she had to unpack, dreading it. She blew a piece of hair out
of her eye that had fallen out of her ponytail and braced her hands on her hips
contemplating what to tackle first. The front door kicked open and Luke strode
in carrying another box.

“This is the last of it.” He declared setting the box
down alongside the rest of the boxes that crowded the small living room.
She looked up at him as he eyed all the boxes
before finding her eyes. “Jesus Cara, you got a lot of shit.” He said as he
scratched the back of his head. She laughed slightly and climbed over the
debris of boxes and bubble wrap wrapping her arms around his neck then pulling
him down so she could press her lips to his.

“Luckily Rudy likes Benny, and we didn’t have to move in
with you.” She said between kisses.

“I would’ve bought a bigger house.” He said as he cupped
her ass with the palms of his hand, squeezing her cheeks playfully.

She laughed before she nibbled on her lower lip. “I bet.”



Luke looked over at Sam clearly uncomfortable. “I don’t
think this is a good idea.” His eyes turned back to the instructors that were
spinning their students along the wooden floor. He ran his hands along his
thighs and shook his head.
He couldn’t
believe he had agreed to his sister’s ridiculous idea, in fact he wasn’t sure
he actually did agree to it, but here he was waiting for his turn.

you just relax?” Sam said, rubbing her hand along his back, trying to ease his

me again why I let you talk me into this?” He mumbled miserably. The song
ended, signaling that another set of student’s would be selected for their
lesson. Luke prayed they didn’t call his name.

“Luke Lanza?” The brunette called, eyeing the few people
that sat waiting for their turn. Luke grimaced, naturally, they’d call him
next. He glanced at Sam, who smiled at him encouragingly before he drew in a
deep breath and rose to his feet.

The instructor’s eyes glided up and down sizing him up
and then smiled at him. Luke wondered if she could tell by just glancing at him
that he was blessed with two left feet. He stood in front of her, feeling like
an imbecile.

“It says here, we’re going to teach you how to Salsa.”
She said looking over the form Sam filled out when he registered for ten lessons.
His eyes widened and he looked over his shoulder at his sister who was sitting
down giving him the thumbs up.

“Salsa?!” He whispered harshly. He thought he was there
to learn how to twirl Cara around the dance floor without stepping on her toes.

“Shall we begin?” The instructor asked, nodding to her
assistant to cue the music. The music cued and Luke turned around suddenly when
he felt the instructor place her hands on his hips. “Let’s loosen those hips!”
She said enthusiastically.

Luke felt his cheeks redden instantly. The things you do
when you’re in love…



Luke walked alongside his father and the contractor, he
hired. The contractor held the blueprints in his hand and pointed to the open
space in which cement foundation was being laid. He pointed to the construction
site and then to the blueprints, explaining step by step how this bare area
would transform into Jake’s Custom Bike Shop. Luke watched as his father absorbed
everything the contractor was saying and couldn’t help but wonder what his
father was thinking. He took a chance on the design of the garage they were
building, hoping it would eventually be the place his brother dreamed of.

Joe shook the contractors hand and watched him walk back
to the site where his crew was diligently working despite the cold weather
conditions. He turned back to face his son, draping his arm around Luke’s

“What do you think?” Luke asked, shoving his hands into
his pockets, walking alongside his father back to the truck. He couldn’t
explain why, but this project he was embarking on was so incredibly important
to him. He wanted every last detail to be perfect. Maybe it was his desire to
finally succeed in being able to give something to Jake. He needed to make
peace with the fact that he couldn’t save him, but here and now, he could honor

“I think your brother would be so damn proud.” Joe said,
his voice thick with emotion. He turned around once they reached the truck and
patted Luke’s cheek. “You did good Luke. You did real good.” He nodded over
Luke’s shoulder towards the site. “It’s going to be a dream come true.”

He stared into his father’s eyes and swallowed hard
against the lump in his throat.




Sam and Nick
climbed the steep hill that was covered with a fresh blanket of snow. He held
her hand tightly, careful that she wouldn’t slip as they made their way to
Jake’s place of rest. Sam looked down at the stone, not really believing that
she was standing in a cemetery looking at her brother’s headstone.

“Hey Jake.” She said softly, taking in all the flowers
and trinkets that decorated the area in front of the stone. There was a
porcelain crucifix, a bouquet of flowers, a teddy bear and small toy motorcycle.

“Hi Buddy.” Nick said as he wrapped an arm loosely around
Sam. “We came to pay our respects to our biggest fan and share some news with

Sam smiled and glanced over her shoulder at the man she
loved. He winked at her and her heart melted a little bit. She couldn’t wait to
marry him. Sam turned back to the stone as she reached into her purse and
pulled out a small frame. She bent down and added it to the collection of
trinkets that stood in front of the stone. “We’re having a baby girl, big brother.”
She whispered, praying he heard her. A tear trickled down her cheek. “Nick and
I are going to have a daughter.” She said in awe as she traced a finger over
the framed sonogram photo she was leaving her brother.

Nick bent down and placed his hands on Sam’s shoulders
affectionately. “You’ll be doing a guy like me a big favor bro, if you look out
for her. If she’s anything like her mother, I’m going to have my hands full.”

Sam laughed slightly. “He’s loving, the fact that you’re
going to have a daughter.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt he is.” Nick said softly, then
chuckled to himself. “Wherever you are brother, I bet you’re wiggling those
eyebrows anticipating the teenage years and when she brings home her first

Sam looked up at Nick. “I hate that she’ll never know

“She’ll know him. It’s our job to tell her all about him
and how much he would’ve loved her.” Nick said firmly, vowing that his daughter
would know that she had an Uncle Jake, and he was always watching out for her.
After all, everyone needed a guardian angel, didn’t they?



Cara sat Indian style on Luke’s back as he did pushups,
completely unfazed by the rise and fall of her body as he did his workout. She
had to admit though the gym set up, he had in the basement of his house was
pretty impressive. It almost made her want to work out… almost. She was content
eating her Snicker’s bar and badgering him on Christmas gift suggestions.
Besides, sitting on top of someone as they lifted you up and down while they
did pushups consisted of working out too, didn’t it? She could definitely say
she participated.

“Luke! You can’t ignore me forever. There are only twenty
shopping days left!” She said sucking the last of the chocolate off of her
thumb as she finished the candy bar.

Luke grunted and continued his set. “Cara, she’ll love
anything you give her.” He said through breaths.

“What about an Easy Bake Oven?” She asked thoughtfully.

Luke rolled his eyes and counted to five before he pushed
up again. “You could give Ava a pencil and she will treasure it just because
gave it to her. She loves you Cara.”
And with his last sentence he laid flat on the floor, resigning on the pushups.

“I know, but, well, I just want to get her something
special.” She sighed and rolled off of him and stretched out on the floor
beside him. He pushed himself up and grabbed a bottle of water, guzzling it
down. “Didn’t you ever get a gift that you wanted so badly, you never forgot
about it?”

She raised an eyebrow as he guzzled
the bottle until it was empty. When his thirst was quenched, he looked at her.
“Yes, it was a collector’s edition G.I. Joe. Does that help?” He asked, hiding
his grin, knowing very well it didn’t.

“Do you still have it?” She asked,
ignoring his smirk.

“No, of course not.” He said with a
laugh and rose to his feet, holding out his hands to her to help her up.

“But you said it was a collector’s
edition.” She said, putting her hands in his and letting him pull her to her

“It was. I never even took it out of
the package.” He said and pressed his lips to her forehead.

She drew her eyebrows together and
looked up at him. “Then what happened to it?”

“Jake.” He said with a laugh. “I
came home one day from school and he had built a fort and decided that my G.I.
Joe needed to battle it out in the fort.” He laughed at the memory.

“Were you mad?” She asked as they
started for the stairs.

“For about a minute, and then I
jumped right in and played along.” He wrapped his arm around her as they climbed
the stairs. “Toys are made to be played with anyway.”

“You were even a good-hearted kid.”
She said, shaking her head in awe.

“Yeah, you struck gold Spunky.” He
said with a laugh. She punched his rock hard bicep playfully catching the
sarcasm in his voice and then she sighed. She still had no idea what to buy Ava
for Christmas.


December 6

“Deb! Did you hide the batteries?
The damn controller isn’t working!” Joe bellowed as he walked through the
living room into the dining room carrying his broken remote. He spotted his
wife sitting at the table with her glasses on as she filtered through a box.
“Hello? Deb? Batteries? Did you hear me? The controller isn’t working.”

were just babies.” She said more to herself than to her husband as she stared
at the photos in an old photo album.

Joe grabbed his glasses from the top
of his head and slid them on. He looked over his wife’s shoulder at the photo
she was talking about. It was a picture of their three children unwrapping
Christmas presents. Sam was just a toddler playing with the wrapping paper.
Jake was holding up drum sticks for the kit Santa had brought that morning.
Luke was grinning with his hands full of baseball cards and a New York Yankee
cap on his head.

“Wow, seems like it was just yesterday.”
He said nostalgic and placed a hand on her shoulder. “What made you go through
these albums?” He asked.

Deb removed her glasses and placed
the photo back under the clear paper. “I went into the attic to get the
stockings for the mantle and I came across the box of Christmas albums.”

“I thought you didn’t want to
decorate this year.”

“I just wanted to hang the
stockings.” She said not sure why she wanted her mantle full of the stockings
she had for her children since they were babies. She lifted the red and white
stocking that had Jake’s name written in gold glitter along the white cuff. She
remembered carefully writing his name in Elmer’s glue and sprinkling the
glitter on, when he was just a child.

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