Five Go Down to the Sea (10 page)

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Authors: Enid Blyton

Tags: #Detective and Mystery Stories

BOOK: Five Go Down to the Sea
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The children were simply delighted with everything. They had laughed so much at Clopper that they felt quite weak. The play had amused them too, with its sighings and groanings and threats and tears and stridings around. Now they were more than ready for their supper!

The Barnies crowded round the loaded table, cracking jokes, complimenting Mrs Penruthlan, smacking everyone on the back, and general y behaving like a lot of school children out for a treat. Julian looked round at them all. What a jolly lot! He looked for the Guv"nor, surely for once in a way he too would be smiling and cheerful.

But he wasn"t there. Julian looked and looked again. No, he certainly wasn"t there.

„Where"s the Guv"nor?" he asked Sid, who was sitting next to him.

„The Guv"nor? Oh, he"s sitting in solitary state in the barn," said Sid, attacking an enormous slice of meat-pie laced with hard-boiled eggs. „He never feeds with us, not even after a show. Keeps himself to himself, he does! He"l be having a whacking great tray of food al on his own. Suits me al right! I never did get on with the Guv"nor."

„Where"s Clopper - the horse"s head, I mean?" asked Julian. He couldn"t see it beside Sid anywhere. „Is it under the table?"

„No. The Guv"nor"s got it tonight. Said he wasn"t going to have it rol ed about under the table, or have jelly or gravy dropped all over it," said Sid, taking six large pickled onions.

„My, Mrs Penruthlan is a wonder! Why don"t I marry someone like her, instead of getting thinner and thinner inside Clopper"s back-legs?"

Julian laughed. He wondered who was going to take the Guv"nor"s tray into the barn. He noticed that Mrs Penruthlan was getting one ready, and he went over to her.

„Is that for the Guv"nor?" he asked. „Shall I take it for you?"

„Oh, thank you, Julian," said the busy farmer"s wife, grateful y. „Here it is, and ask Dick to carry in a bottle and a glass for him, wil you? There"s no more room on the tray."

So Julian and Dick together went out to the barn with the food and drink. The wind stil blew strongly and rain was beginning to fal again.

„There"s no one here," said Julian, looking round. He set down the tray, puzzled. Then he saw a note pinned on the curtain. He went to read it.

„Back in an hour," he read. „Gone for a walk. The Guv"nor."

„Oh well, we"ll leave the tray then," said Julian. He and Dick were just turning to go when they caught sight of something, the back and front legs of Clopper the horse! They stopped, each with the same thought in his mind.

„Everyone at supper! The Guv"nor gone for an hour. Nobody would know if we tried on the legs!"

They looked at one another, and read each other"s mind. „Let"s have a go at being Clopper!"

„Come on, quick," said Julian. „You be the back legs and I"l be the front ones. Quick!"

They got into them hurriedly, and Julian managed to do up most of the zip. But it wasn"t right without the head. Had the Guv"nor taken it with him? Surely not.” It would be quite safe in the barn.

„There it is, on that chair under the shawl!" said Dick, and they gal oped over to get it.

Julian picked it up. It was rather heavier than he had imagined. He looked inside it to see how far his head went in it, wondering how to work the eyes and mouth.

He put his hand inside, and scrabbled about. A lid fel open in the side of the neck, and out came some cigarettes, scattering over the floor. „Blow!" said Julian, „I didn"t know Mr Binks kept his cigarettes in Clopper. Pick them up, Dick, and I"l put them back. Thanks."

He put the cigarettes back in the little space, and shut the lid on them. Then he put the head careful y over his own, It felt extremely strange.

„There are eye-holes in the neck," he said to Dick. „That"s how Mr Binks knew where he was going. I kept wondering why he didn"t bump into things more than he did! Now - I"m ready. The head seems to be on firmly. I"l count - one-two, one-two - and we"ll walk in time. Don"t let"s start any funny tricks til we"re used to Clopper. Does my voice sound funny inside the neck?"

„Most peculiar," said Dick, who was now bending over so that his back made the horse"s back, and his arms were round Julian"s waist. „I say, what"s that?"

„Someone"s coming, it"s the Guv"nor coming back!" said Julian in alarm. „Quick, gallop out of the door before we"re caught."

And so, to the Guv"nor"s enormous surprise Clopper gal oped very clumsily out of the barn door just as he was coming in, almost knocking him over. At first he didn"t realize it was Clopper, then he let out a loud roar and gave chase.

„I can"t see," panted poor Julian. „Where am I going? Oh thank goodness, it"s an empty stable! Quick, let"s un-zip ourselves, and you"l have to take this head off for me, I can"t manage it myself."

But alas and alack! The zip got stuck and wouldn"t come undone. The boys tugged and pul ed but it wasn"t a bit of good. It looked as if they had got to be Clopper for the rest of the evening!

Chapter Twelve

„Blow this zip!" said Julian, desperately. „It"s got absolutely stuck! It"s so dificult for us to undo it from the inside of the beastly horse. Oh, this head. I must get it off."

He pushed at the head but somehow or other it had got wedged on him, and Julian felt that short of pul ing his own head off he would certainly never get Clopper"s off!

The horse sat down, exhausted, looking a very peculiar shape. Julian leaned the head against the wal of the stable and panted. „I"m so hot," he complained. „Dick, for goodness sake think of something. We"ll have to get help. But I daren"t go back to the barn because of the Guv"nor, and we real y can"t appear in the kitchen like this.

Everyone would have a fit, and Sid and Mr Binks would be furious with us.

„I think we were asses to try this," said Dick, pul ing viciously at the zip again. „Ugh! What use are zips, I"d like to know. I feel most uncomfortable. Can"t you get in some other position, Ju ? I seem to be standing'„ on my head or something."

„Let"s go and scout round the kitchen," said Julian trying to get up. Dick tried to get up too, but they both fel down on top of one another. They tried again and this time stood up rather shakily.

„It"s not as easy as it looks, is it, to be a two-man horse," said Julian. „I wish I could get these eye holes in the right place. I"m absolutely blind!"

However, he managed to adjust them at last, and the two boys made their way cautiously and clumsily out of the stable. They went careful y over the farm-yard, Julian counting one-two, one-two, under his breath so that they walked in time with one another.

They came to the kitchen door and debated whether to try and catch someone"s attention without going in. There was a fairly large window near by, open because of the warmth of the kitchen. Julian decided to take a look through to see if George or Anne were anywhere near. If so, he could cal them outside.

But he reckoned without the clumsiness of the big head! It knocked against the window-frame, and everyone looked up. There were shrieks at once.

„A horse! Farmer Penruthlan, one of your horses is loose!" cried a vil ager who was helping with the supper. „He looked in at the window!"

The farmer went out at once. Julian and Dick backed hurriedly away and trotted in very good style over the farm-yard. Where now? The farmer saw their moving figure in the darkness and went after them.

Trot-trot-trot went the horse desperately then gallop-gallop-gallop! But that finished them, because the back and front legs didn"t gallop together, got entangled and down went the horse! The farmer ran up in alarm, thinking that his horse had fal en.

„Take your knee out of my mouth," mumbled an angry voice, and the farmer stopped suddenly, astounded to hear a human voice coming from the horse. Then he realized what was happening - it was the stage horse with two people in it! Who? It sounded like Julian and Dick. He gave the horse a gentle kick.

„Don"t," said Dick"s voice. „For goodness" sake whoever it is, un-zip us! We"re suffocating!"

The farmer let out a terrific guffaw, bent down and felt for the zip. One good pul and the horse"s canvas skin came in half as the zip was undone.

The boys clambered out thankfully. „Oh - er - thanks awful y, Mr Penruthlan," said Julian, rather embarrassed. „We - er - we were just having a canter round."

Mr Penruthlan gave another hearty roar and went off towards the kitchen to finish his meal. Dick and Julian felt very thankful. They carried the legs and head of the horse cautiously towards the barn. They peeped in at a window. The Guv"nor was there, striding up and down, looking extremely angry.

Julian waited til he was at the far end of the barn, and then hurriedly pushed the legs and head in at the door, as quietly as he could. When the Guv"nor turned round to stride angrily back the first thing he saw was the bundle that was Clopper! He raced over to it at once, and looked out of the door.

But Julian and Dick had gone. They could own up the next day when things were not quite so exciting! They slid quietly into the kitchen, feeling hot and untidy, hoping that nobody would notice them.

George and Anne saw them at once. George came over. „What have you been doing?

You"ve been ages and ages. Do you want any more to eat before everything is finished up?"

„Tell you everything afterwards," said Julian. „Yes, we do want something to eat. I"ve hardly had a thing yet. I"m starving!"

Mr Penruthlan was back in his place eating again. He pointed with his knife at the boys sliding into their seats. „Ock-ock-oo," he said, beginning to laugh, and added a few more equally puzzling words.

„Oh, they"ve been to help you catch the horse that peeped in at the window, have they?" said Mrs Penruthlan, nodding. „Which horse was it?"

„Clopper!" said the farmer, quite clearly, and gave a loud guffaw again. Nobody understood what he meant, so nothing more was said. George and Anne guessed, though, and grinned at the two boys.

It was a wonderful evening altogether, and everyone was sorry that it had to come to an end. The vil age women and the two girls stacked the dirty dishes and plates and the boys carried them to the sink to be washed. The Barnies gave a hand where they could, and the big kitchen was ful of chatter and laughter. It was very pleasant indeed.

But at last the kitchen was empty again, and the big lamp turned out. The vil age women went home, the Barnies departed. Old Grandad took Yan"s hand and went back to his sheep, saying doleful y that he"d „et a mort too much and wouldn"t be able to sleep a wink, so he wouldn"t."

„Never mind. It was worth it, Grandad," said Mrs Penruthlan, and shut and locked the kitchen door. She looked round, tired but happy. There was nothing she liked better than to spend hours upon hours preparing delicious dishes for people and then see them eaten in no time at al ! The children thought she was truly wonderful.

They were soon al in bed and asleep. The Penruthlans were asleep, too. Only the kitchen cat was awake, watching for mice in the kitchen. She didn"t like a crowd. She liked the kitchen to herself!

Next day was fair and warm, though a stiff breeze stil blew. Mrs Penruthlan spoke to the four children at breakfast-time.

„I"l be busy today cleaning up the mess. How would you like to take a picnic lunch of some of the remains of the supper and stay out all day? It"s a nice day, and you"l enjoy it."

Nothing could be better! Julian had already planned to make his way to the old tower once used by the Wreckers, and explore it. Now they would have al day to do it in!

„Oh, yes, Mrs Penruthlan, we"d love to do that," he said. „Let the girls get the picnic stuff ready for us. You"ve plenty to do!"

But no, Mrs Penruthlan wouldn"t let anyone deal with food but herself. She proceeded to pack up enough food for twelve people, or so Julian thought when he saw her preparations!

They set off together happily, with Timmy at their heels. The four farm dogs accompanied them for some way, tearing on in front and then tearing back trying to make Timmy as mad as they were. But Timmy was sedate, walking along as if to say, „I"m taking these children for a walk, I"ve no time to play with you. You"re only farm dogs!"

„Do we want Yan with us if he turns up?" asked George. „Do we particularly want him to know what we are doing today?"

Julian considered. „No, I don"t think we do want him with us. We may find out something we don"t want him to know, or to spread around."

„Right," said George. „Well, just you send him off, then, if he comes. I"m fed up with him.

Thank goodness he"s a bit cleaner than he was!"

Yan did appear, of course. He came up silently on his bare feet. Nobody would have known he was trotting behind if it hadn"t been for Timmy. Timmy quite happily left George"s heels and went to say how-do-you-do to Yan, jumping up at him in delight.

George turned round to see where Timmy was, and saw Yan. „Julian, there"s Yan!" she said.

„Hal o, Yan," said Julian. „Buzz off today. We"re going somewhere alone."

„I come too," said Yan, strutting along behind. He stil looked fairly clean.

„No, you don"t come too," said Julian. „You buzz off. See? Off you go. We don"t want you today."

Yan"s face took on a sullen look. He turned to Anne. „I come too?" he said, pleadingly.

Anne shook her head. „No, not today," she said. „Another time. Take this sweet, Yan, and go away."

Yan took the sweet and turned away, his face sulky. He disappeared over the field and was soon lost to sight.

The four children and Timmy went on together, glad of their warm jerseys when the wind blew strongly. Julian gave a sudden groan.

„I shall be jol y glad when we"ve had our lunch," he said. „This bag of food is so heavy it"s cutting into my shoulders."

„Well, let"s wait til we get to the tower and we can put the bags down," said Dick. „We"ll do a little exploring before we have our lunch. I should think Mrs Penruthlan meant us to stay out to dinner, tea and supper, the amount she"s packed for us!"

They hoped they were going in the right direction. They had looked at a map, and found various lanes which they thought would eventually lead to the tower, and had worked out which was the best direction to take.

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