Read Fixed 01 - Fantasy Fix Online

Authors: Christine Warren

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic, #Vampire/Gothic

Fixed 01 - Fantasy Fix (21 page)

BOOK: Fixed 01 - Fantasy Fix
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She loved the taste of him, warm and salty and solid. He tasted like man and earth and desire, and she paused occasionally on her journey to enjoy the flavor. He let her have her way and lay still beneath her lazy exploration, but she heard his breath catch when she reached his knee and stroked her tongue along the crease behind it. When she reached his thighs, he gave in and buried his hands in her hair, fingers massaging her scalp while her tongue darted out to stroke the smooth skin she found there. Here his taste was stronger, darker, even more enticing. She let her tongue glide up and up until it flicked over his balls in a warm hello.

Her eyes drifted shut in pleasure, and she rubbed her cheek against his erection like a cat, enjoying the knowledge she’d caused him to harden, that she had brought him pleasure and made him want. She parted her lips to take him inside, but he had other plans. Grasping her arms, he dragged her up, bare skin sliding over bare skin, until her face came level with his.

His black eyes gleamed in the candlelight—candles that hadn’t been lit a moment ago—and his lips curved in a wicked smile. “Not this time,
,” he whispered, brushing his lips against hers, returning a heartbeat later for a deeper kiss. He nibbled her lips apart, stroked her tongue with his, conquered her mouth and claimed her for his own. When he drew back, her breathing had turned into excited panting. “I have seen your desire for me, seen how you dreamed of me. That is what I want from you now. Will you indulge me?”

Reggie didn’t answer, but she figured since he could read her mind somehow, he could probably see the excitement there. Did he think she’d argue with the man who was well on his way to fulfilling every single one of her hottest sexual fantasies? She wasn’t
out of her mind.

Leaning down she brushed her lips against his, against his throat, his nipples and the tip of his cock. She sat up and turned her back to him, kneeling between his spread legs and bracing her hands against his hard thighs. She perched on her heels, her back straight and graceful before him, and turned to send him an enticing look over her shoulder.

Dmitri rumbled out a sound of appreciation. He moved closer and slid his hands over the smooth skin of her back, briefly cupping her ass before he wrapped his arms around her and pressed against her.

“You are so lovely,
,” he murmured, and his breath tickled her ear even while his hands slid up to cuddle her full breasts in his palms. “Soft and lush and sweet.” His tongue flicked her earlobe, followed by gentle nibbles, and one of his hands slid down the center of her body, over the soft curve of her stomach and down between her thighs. “Warm and wet and giving.”

His fingers slipped easily over her damp flesh, tracing each curve and fold, probing at her entrance as if testing her readiness. God, how could he doubt she was ready for him?

“It pleases me that you take pleasure in my pleasure,” he whispered, sinking two fingers deep inside her. “You were made for me. Can you not tell?”

He trailed kisses from the hollow behind her ear, along her throat to the curve of her shoulder. Reggie’s head fell back, resting on his shoulder while he sent waves and waves of pleasure coursing through her.

“Can you not tell you were born for me, Regina? Born to please me and to be pleasured by me?”

Reggie groaned, her mind blank of everything but Misha and pleasure and need. Her fingers tightened on his thighs, dug into his flesh, her whole body tensed with wanting. “Misha. Please.”

“Can you tell, Regina?”

His black magic voice only added to the chaos inside her, only layered another level of sensation on her already-overloaded nervous system. Her body arched, pressing into his hands. “God! Misha, I want…”

His hand at her breast abandoned its massage and slid up her shoulder to the nape of her neck. His fingers caressed her briefly before they firmed on her skin and pressed, urging her forward. She followed his silent command, easing forward to brace her weight on her hands and lift her hips, until she knelt on all fours before him and trembled.

He bracketed her hips with both hands and leaned over her, covering her with his heat and his presence. His lips brushed the nape of her neck, making her shudder. She could feel his lips curve into a smile.

“What do you want,
?” He teased her, knowing the answer, but forcing her to say it.

Reggie’s head bowed, her long hair falling forward to curtain her from everything else. She didn’t know if she could talk, didn’t know if she still controlled her body, since it seemed so intent on doing Misha’s bidding. She tested her tongue, tried to speak. Nothing emerged but a whimper, and she pressed back against him instead, her ass cushioning the pulsing length of his cock.

His hands pressed her forward, separating their flesh. She groaned at the loss of the contact.

“What is it you want?”

Reggie moaned and tried to sit up, to turn toward him, but his hand just cupped the back of her neck again and pressed her back down. This time he held her there while he repeated the question. “What do you want, Regina?”

Frustration and the pain of wanting him gave her the power to speak, barely. Her words tore from her on a moan. “You! God, Misha, I want

He hummed his approval, and his hand lifted from her neck. It trailed down the length of her spine, slid between them. His cock nudged at the opening of her cunt, demanding entrance. She wanted him to thrust, needed him to fuck her, needed to feel him inside her. But he wasn’t done torturing her.

“I can feel what you want, Regina,” he crooned, his hands reaching to cup her breasts where they hung beneath her. He pressed against her back, her cunt, her breasts. She felt surrounded by him, overwhelmed and helpless. And, Lord, but it felt good. His breath caressed her cheek, and he nuzzled her hair out of his way so he could touch his skin to hers.

“But what are you willing to give me in return?”

Moaning and shaking and needing him more than her next breath, Reggie turned her head enough to touch her mouth to his. Parting her lips against his, she breathed her answer into his mouth, as if she could gift her soul to him.

“Anything,” she whispered urgently, willing him to know how much she meant it. “ I would give you anything.”


He took her mouth, claimed it, marked it as his. His tongue swept over hers like a conquering warrior, even though her surrender came swift and willing. When he finally drew back, she could see his intensity and his lust in the harsh cast of his features. His savage look caused her no fear, but made her tremble with the thrill of anticipation.

“You will give me everything,
,” he growled, hands grabbing her hips to hold her still. “And I will take all you have. For you are

As he spoke, he thrust, claiming her physically even as he claimed her verbally. Reggie gasped at the intrusion, her body shocked at the feel of him after a weeklong absence. Her muscles clenched to ward him off, but it was much too late. He was already buried to the hilt, his thick cock stretching her, pleasure and discomfort blending into an indistinguishable maelstrom of sensation.

He released her hips long enough to grab her wrists and guide her hands to the rail at the foot of the bed. She had to stretch to reach it, moving forward on her knees until she leaned past them, shifting her center of gravity to her torso and throwing herself off balance. Misha followed her motion, embedded in her clutching pussy, and wrapped her hands around the cool wood, squeezing a warning that she leave them there. The position was awkward. Her weight had shifted forward and now was supported mainly by her grip on the railing and Dmitri’s grip on her hips. If she moved, she would collapse. All she could do was kneel there, still and submissive, and let him take her.

He did.

He leaned forward to place a tender kiss on her spine just at the small of her back. He reared back, withdrawing until only the head of his cock remained inside her; then he braced her hips before him, and plunged.

Reggie screamed. She barely heard herself, too caught up in the feel of him pounding inside of her. Her head jerked back even as the force of his thrust pushed her forward. She braced her arms, locking herself in place, not wanting to lose even a pound of the force. She tried to spread her legs further to give herself a better sense of balance, but his calves were braced on the outside of hers to keep her exactly as he had positioned her. All she could do was whimper and accept him.

He drew back slowly, making her pant. She could feel each inch of him while it pulled out of her, feel her cunt collapsing back on itself, relieved of the huge, invading cock. It felt like a massage on her most sensitive tissues. She thought wildly that nothing could feel better, but he surged forward again, filled her again, and she knew how wrong she had been.

Misha settled into a rhythm, fast and hard and desperately deep. Each thrust brought him inside her to the hilt. She could feel his balls swing against her, feel his cock butting against her cervix. She’d never been fucked this deep, this hard. She loved it, wanted more, and even while she thought it, he gave it to her.


She screamed his name. Her body shook with his thrusts. The tension was unbearable. She needed him to stop. She needed him to never stop. She needed to get away. She needed to get closer. Her hands clenched so hard on the bedrail that her knuckles ached. Her elbows had locked, stretched out before her, and she used her braced position to thrust herself back onto his cock, desperate to take everything he had.

He obliged her with a grunt, and somehow he grew impossibly larger inside her, stretching her abused pussy even further. She shuddered, and her head fell. Her hands remained braced on the railing, but her upper body sank down until she rested her cheek and her shoulder on the mattress, her hips still angled up to take Misha’s fierce, pounding sex.

She gulped in oxygen, desperate and out of breath. If he didn’t stop, he would kill her. If he ever stopped, she’d die.

Misha leaned forward, curling his body around hers, his hips still hammering hard and rhythmically into her. She felt the slight roughness of his cheek against the sensitive skin of her neck, heard the irregular sound of his breathing, felt the heat of him like a firebrand against her. She heard his voice, deep and harsh and frighteningly intense.

“What would you give me,
?” he growled low and bestial.

Reggie tried to moan, but she didn’t even have the breath for that. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t think, could barely hold herself up for his possession.

she thought desperately.
I would give you anything!



She heard a rumbling growl of pleasure, felt him shift, fill her more deeply, surround her more completely. She felt a sharp pain at her throat, and she shattered.

The pleasure inside her exploded and she came, spasming around his thrusting cock, milking him of his seed, sharing her ecstasy, as she had shared her body. The orgasm lasted forever, her pussy clenching in time to the rhythmic draw on her pulse. She felt him tense, heard another muffled growl when he spurted inside her, still feeding on her pleasure as he fed on her blood.

Chapter Fifteen


She woke and was astounded. Her memory possessed the crystalline clarity of a movie reel. She knew exactly what had happened to her, and quite frankly, the last thing she’d expected had been to wake up again.

I fucked a vampire

“Actually, I believe if you wished to be technical, the vampire fucked you.”

Reggie shot up in bed, one hand clutching the silken sheet to her chest while the other slapped down over the bruise on her neck. “I’m not dead.”

“Not at all.” Dmitri pushed away from the doorframe where he’d been lounging and watching her sleep. He’d pulled on a pair of worn black jeans, but nothing else.

Reggie stared helplessly at his chest and cursed herself for the lust that surged through her. Not only had the man sucked her blood like a Slurpee, but he’d fucked her so hard, she still felt tender. She had no business getting all wet at the thought of him doing it again.

“You’re perfectly healthy,” he assured her, perching on the edge of the bed and wrapping a hand around her ankle when she would have moved away. “Not to mention tasty.”

“You ought to know,” she grumbled, inspecting the hand she’d pressed to her neck for signs of residual bleeding.

“Dry as a bone,” he assured her, looking amused. “The wounds close up almost immediately. I did leave you with a little hickey, though. I could have fed without marking you, but I found the idea of you bearing my ‘love bite’ too amusing to resist.”

“Har-har.” Reggie stared at him and waited for the panic to flood her. It didn’t happen. All she felt when she looked at him was horny. Well, horny and wary. He
a bloodsucking fiend, after all, but he didn’t seem to have killed her, and what’s done was done. Which meant it was probably a good time to ask a few questions.

“Did you turn me into one of you?” she demanded, crossing her arms over her chest and scooting back to lean against the headboard. Might as well get comfortable before she turned into a bat or something.

“Of course not. More is required to make a vampire than a simple bite. If that were all it took, the world would be overrun—by us ‘bloodsucking fiends.’”

He appeared more amused than insulted, but Reggie was distracted by another revelation. “That’s why you can read my mind! You’ve got some vampiric power of mind control, or something.”

Dmitri chuckled. “Or something. I cannot control your mind,
. I can influence your decisions, but only in the direction your subconscious already wishes to go. If I could truly control you, you never would have attempted to date that Marc person. But I can read your thoughts, and I can speak to you in your mind.”

“Can you read everyone’s mind? Can I?” Now that could be a useful little skill.

BOOK: Fixed 01 - Fantasy Fix
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