Fledge Star (2 page)

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Authors: Titania Woods

BOOK: Fledge Star
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Miss Shimmery went on to make the usual announcements: they'd be expected to wear their uniforms from tomorrow, Flight lessons for the First Years would begin the next morning, no high-speed flying allowed in the corridors . . .

Twink looked out of the window. She couldn't see the Fledge field from here, but she could picture it in her mind – a circle of grass with a forest of different-sized poles rising up from it. Each pole had a hole through it, and when they played, the fairies jetted through them at speeds that would make your wings sizzle. It was such an exciting game! Should she
try out, though? Her neck prickled at the thought.

‘Twink!' hissed Bimi, nudging her hard. ‘Stand up, it's the school song.'

‘Oh!' Twink jumped to her feet. She hadn't even noticed that the cricket band had started up! Hastily, she began to sing with the others:

Oh, Glitterwings, dear Glitterwings

Beloved oak tree scho-ool.

Good fairy fun for everyone,

That is our fairy ru-ule.

Our teachers wise,

Their magic strong,

With all our friends,

We can't go wrong.

Oh, Glitterwings, dear Glitterwings

Beloved oak tree scho-ool.

The music ended, and Miss Shimmery raised her arm in the air. ‘Butterflies commence!'

A stream of brightly coloured butterflies floated into the branch, carrying oak-leaf platters piled high with food. The First Years gasped with delight. A blue and green butterfly dropped a platter of honey cakes on to the Peony Branch table, and another delivered acorn pitchers filled with fresh dew.

‘New term, same old honey cakes,' said Sooze, drizzling nectar over hers from an almond-shell pitcher.

‘I like honey cakes!' protested Sili, an excitable fairy with silver hair. ‘And anyway, isn't it glimmery to be Second Years now? I feel so
Zena, don't I seem more grown-up to you?' Sili struck a pose.

‘Oh, definitely,' laughed Zena. ‘No one would ever guess that you're really a total wasp brain.'

As Sili squealed with pretended outrage, Bimi offered Twink a honey cake. ‘You were miles away a moment ago!'

Twink glanced at the others. They were still chatting loudly, not paying any attention. ‘I suppose I was thinking about the try-outs tomorrow,' she admitted.

‘Well, you know what
think.' Bimi's blue eyes sparkled.

‘How were your hols, you two?' asked Pix, leaning across the table.

Twink was relieved to change the subject, but later, as they were getting ready for bed, she whispered, ‘Bimi, do you really think I should try out for Fledge?'

Bimi's blue head popped out of her soft cobweb nightgown. ‘Absolutely!' she whispered back. ‘Do it, Twink!'

Twink hesitated. ‘Maybe,' she said finally.

Nestling down into her moss bed, Twink pulled her petal duvet snugly around her. There was a window open, and the peony over her bed swayed slightly in the breeze. The inside of the flower was a soft, gentle pink, with bright yellow stamens curling at its centre.

Mrs Hover, the matron, bustled heavily up and down the branch. ‘All right, girls, lights out!' The glow-worms faded, so that the only light was the moonlight angling into the branch.

‘Goodnight, Twink,' whispered Bimi.

‘Goodnight,' said Twink softly. It had been a long day, but even so she lay awake for a long time, gazing out of the moonlit window at the large, rustling oak leaves beyond.

Was she
a good enough flier to play Fledge?

Chapter Two

‘Rise and shine, my lovelies!' In what seemed no time at all, Mrs Hover was back again, shaking a sleepy shoulder here and there. ‘Come along now, flitter-flutter. It's a new term today!'

Twink opened her eyes. Sunshine flooded the branch, so that the peonies over each bed seemed to sparkle. How pretty! She sat up and yawned, smoothing her sleep-crumpled wings.

Mrs Hover appeared at her bedside, her ample arms full of still more peonies, in every shade of pink imaginable. ‘Now then, my dear, shall we get your new uniform fitted?'

‘Yes, please!' Twink bounced out of bed. She looked forward to this each new term.

Mrs Hover chose a bright pink flower and held it in front of Twink. ‘Very nice. Goes with your hair a treat!'

Reaching into the petal pouch at her hip, Mrs Hover took out a pinch of fairy dust and threw it over the flower. There was a tinkling sound like tiny chimes, and suddenly Mrs Hover was holding a peony dress just Twink's size, with stripy sleeves and a fluttery petal skirt. A bright blue petal sash completed the picture, blue being the second-year colour.

‘Glimmery!' said Twink happily. ‘Thanks, Mrs Hover.'

Bimi's new uniform was bright pink like Twink's, and her blue hair gleamed against it like a river of bluebells. ‘It's even nicer than last year's, isn't it?' she said.

‘It's perfect!' Twink twirled in place, admiring her skirt. Then she popped her oak-leaf cap on to her head. ‘There you go – I'm ready for the new term!'

When Mrs Hover had finished with the uniforms, she stood in the middle of the branch. ‘Right! Who wants timetables?'

Twink clustered about with the others as Mrs Hover passed out the rose-petal timetables. She scanned her new classes eagerly.

Creature Kindness Continued: Amphibians and Reptiles. Flower Power II: An Introduction to Trees. Fairy Dust: Theory and Practice. Introduction to Weather Magic. Dance II.

‘Weather Magic – now
sounds glimmery.' Sooze fluttered her wings with satisfaction. ‘And no more Flight lessons, hurrah!'

Twink grinned to herself. She had rather liked their Flight lessons with gruff Mrs Lightwing, but Sooze had been wild with impatience after the first term. Only first-year babies took Flight!

‘And look at all the free time we have,' commented Bimi. ‘Hours and hours of it!'

Mrs Hover's plump face beamed. ‘That's right – you'll be expected to take part in some sort of club or sport, now that you know your way around the school. Not to mention all the extra homework you'll have!'

Gazing at the free periods on her timetable, an image of herself zooming about the Fledge field popped into Twink's mind. She knew it was daft to even imagine it could happen, but – oh, it would be so ultra-glimmery to be on the team!

Bimi nudged her. ‘Well?' she whispered.

Twink took a deep breath. ‘OK,' she whispered back. ‘I'll try out!'

When lessons finally ended that afternoon, Twink flew out to the Fledge field and hovered at its edge.

A dozen or so older fairies were already on the field, practising their moves. Twink's resolve wavered as she watched a fourth-year girl jet through a post hole so fast that her blue hair whistled behind her. They were all fantastic fliers!

‘What are
doing here?' sneered a voice. ‘It's for good fliers only, or didn't you read the notice!'

Twink glanced around and groaned to herself. Hanging in the air beside her was the last fairy she wanted to see.

‘None of your business, Mariella,' she said.

‘You're not actually thinking of trying out!' Mariella burst out laughing.

Twink's wings stiffened as she glared at her. ‘What's so funny?'

Mariella's eyes shone smugly. She flicked her silvery-green hair back. ‘Well, I'm sure Madge won't want novice
fliers like
on the team! What if you had trouble flying again and ruined a game for everyone?'

A chill clutched Twink's wings as she remembered the problems with flying she'd had her very first term. Could Mariella be right?
Don't be daft,
she reassured herself.
That was ages ago!

‘Well, I'm trying out anyway,' she said shortly.

wouldn't bother if I were you –' started Mariella. Then she looked upwards, and a sudden smile burst across her face. ‘Oh, I'm so excited! Aren't you? I can hardly wait to play!'

Twink stared at her in confusion. Before she could reply, a voice boomed, ‘Here to try out, are you?'



Hovering just above them was a tall, solid fairy with dark green hair and wings. Twink's eyes widened as she recognised Madge Woodwing, the Games Fairy. The fifth-year girl was larger than any fairy Twink had ever seen, and looked as powerful as a small hawk.

Mariella nodded eagerly. ‘Oh, yes! We were just talking about it, weren't we, Twink?'

No wonder Mariella had suddenly become so nice! ‘Um – yes, that's right,' mumbled Twink.

‘Good!' Madge clapped her large hands together. ‘We've just finished the warm-up, but we're about to start a practice game if you want to join in.'

Twink gulped. The Games Fairy was obviously trying to be kind, but there was something a bit fierce about her. ‘I – I
I want to try out, but I've never played Fledge before,' she admitted in a rush.

‘Even better!' said Madge with a sudden grin. ‘If you're a good flier I can train you up myself, and not have to break you of any bad habits. Do you know the rules?'

‘Sort of,' said Twink. Her cheeks reddened. Oh,
did Mariella have to be there?

‘Well, I'll just go over them for you. First, there's the Flea – that's him over there, sitting on the centre post. He won't sit still for long, though, once the game starts! He jumps about like a wild thing.' Madge gave the Flea an affectionate look.

Twink glanced apprehensively at the crouching insect. He was combing his whiskers with his front legs, looking completely unconcerned.

Madge went on, ‘The Flea's the whole object of the game – depending on what team you're on, you're either guarding him or stealing him. When you're playing with the Guards, there's only three of you, but when you're a Stealer, you've got six players. Right?'

‘Um – right!' said Twink quickly. She could see Mariella smirking out of the corner of her eye.

‘Now, if the Stealers gain possession of the Flea three times during a game, then the Guards lose. And at the same time, the Guards are trying to tag the Stealers. If they tag all six before they lose the Flea,
win. And that's all there is to it!' finished Madge with a grin. ‘Got it?'

‘I – I think so,' said Twink, hoping that the Games Fairy wasn't going to ask her to repeat any of that! She looked at the Flea again, and tried to hold back a shudder as she imagined tackling the spiky, hairy insect. ‘But, um . . . catching the Flea . . . I mean . . .'

‘Doesn't hurt him at all!' boomed Madge. ‘He loves it! Right, off you go, then. You can both be Stealers. Mind you don't let the Guards tag you!'

That's not quite what I meant!
thought Twink. Feeling hot and self-conscious, she flew towards the playing field.

Mariella skimmed quickly ahead of her. As they joined the other Stealers, she kept well away from Twink, hovering with her nose in the air. ‘Good!' muttered Twink. Worrying about Mariella was the last thing she needed right now.

At the centre of the field, the three Guards clustered about the Flea. The little insect still sat preening himself, stroking his long, whiskery legs over his face. The blue-haired Fourth Year whom Twink had noticed before nudged her arm.

‘You have to watch him like a cat!' she whispered. ‘He's always leaping off when you least expect it.'

Twink nodded, grateful for the advice.

‘And use the posts,' urged the girl. ‘You can hide behind them to keep from being tagged, or zoom through one of the holes to shake a Guard off. But be careful – you can crash right into them if you're not looking.'

Suddenly she stuck her hand out with a grin. ‘I'm Mia, by the way. Good luck!'

Madge blew a reed whistle, and the game started. ‘Watch the Flea!' called someone. Just as Madge had said, the tiny insect was now jumping madly from post to post, soaring almost a foot in the air with each leap.

Twink darted towards him – and then zipped hastily away again as one of the Guards flew straight at her. Remembering Mia's advice about the posts, she did a quick midair somersault and dived through a hole.

‘Good move!' called one of the other Stealers.

Twink grinned, but there was no time to savour her triumph. The game continued at a rocketing pace, each moment more exhilarating than the last. Everyone played hard and fast – and Twink had to admit that Mariella got some glimmery moves in. She really was a very good flyer, even if she was Twink's least favourite fairy in the world!

Finally, with three of their teammates tagged, the Stealers had caught the Flea twice. Once more, and they'd win.

Hovering behind a post, Twink peeked out. The Flea was on the move again! She forgot all about her dread of touching him. She had to catch him! She zoomed out of hiding as he sprang over her head, her fingers straining.

All at once a Guard spotted her. ‘Oh, no you don't!' she called.

Twink gulped as the larger fairy barrelled towards her, and ducked out of the way just in time.

‘Agh!' cried the Guard. Flying too fast to stop, she only barely missed crashing into a post. Her wings beat frantically as she tumbled through the air.

Now! Twink turned sharply and dived again, keeping her eyes on the Flea. Mariella was jetting towards him from the other direction, a determined grimace on her face.

But Twink got there first. Ignoring the Guard's angry shout, she scooped the Flea into her arms. He wriggled in her grasp, not spiky at all. His hairy legs tickled like little feathers.

She had done it! They'd won! Excitement burst through Twink like fizzy dew as her teammates crowded around her, shouting congratulations and thumping her on the back.




‘I can't believe it!' she gasped.

‘Well done!' cried Mia. ‘You're a natural!'

‘Yes, well done, Twink,' simpered Mariella with a phoney smile. ‘That was
clever of you.'

Suddenly Madge was there, beaming all across her broad face. ‘Not bad,' she said, taking the Flea from Twink. Her green wings beat the air with strong, solid strokes. ‘Good game, everyone – thanks for coming. I'll post the new team list after dinner.'

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