Flint (8 page)

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Authors: Fran Lee

BOOK: Flint
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The soft pink that rose into her cheeks was doing a damn great job on his own libido. How any man could have left those horrible bruises on this sweet child was beyond him. But he knew that men like Jacob Proctor had no decency in them, and if it was the last thing he did, he would see that man in jail.

He didn't tell her any of the things he'd learned about her ex-step father. He would let Flint do that. He also didn't tell her that he'd contacted the Travis County Social Services and had her guardianship case transferred to the Calder County division, and that he'd set an appointment for her to meet with a caseworker and himself next week. He had a lot more work to do before he gave her any more information. He didn't want to get her hopes up before he was certain that he could bring this to a satisfactory conclusion.

Chapter Eight


Flint rose like a shot from the hard wooden bench, and in three long strides he was across the lobby. His ass ached from the long hours of sitting on that damn bench, but every ache and pain was gone the minute she stepped out of that elevator with Max at her side. Max shot him a warning glance to keep his cool, and he barely kept himself from grabbing her and dragging her into his arms. He inhaled a deep breath of her sweet scent, and held his lawyer's gaze for a long moment before they all stepped up to the desk to retrieve her property.

He forced himself to not slip an arm around her slim body and pull her close to feel her near him. It took them about twenty minutes to sign for her back pack and her personal items, and then they were heading for the doors. Once they were outside the building, he picked up his pace until they reached the parking lot where attorneys and cops parked.

They had made him move his truck earlier on in the day to the general parking, and he'd met Daly outside the main doors. Daly could damn well drive him back to the ranch truck. Once inside Max's big SUV, he let himself pull the damn woman close against him and nearly crush her in his arms. He expected maybe a complaint at being held too tight...instead, he felt her arms go around him in the damn tightest hug he'd ever felt, and she pressed her face into the front of his shirt and cried her eyes out. He tugged her tight against him, and kissed the top of her head, unable to say one damn word.

Max drove them through the huge lot to the spot where Flint's truck sat, and pulled into an empty spot a couple of spaces away. He shut off the engine and turned in his seat to gaze at them as they simply held each other.

"Keep her at the ranch. No shopping or gallivanting. She's in your custody until I can get her case in front of Judge Grant. Her step dad's fit to be tied, and I wouldn't trust him not to do something even more stupid than he's done already. He's been served a notice to file a response to the court. He may try to find her. He may try to run. Frankly, I hope he tries to run. I'd like to get an arrest warrant issued on the bastard. The sooner he breaks under pressure, the sooner we get the truth out in court, and we get these charges dismissed."

Lily lifted her face and swiped tear from her cheeks. "What is happening? What did you find out?"

Flint swallowed the tight lump at the back of his throat and shook his head. "I'll explain on the drive home. We need food, and Max needs to get back to his office." He lifted his dark gaze to the attorney behind the wheel. "I owe you more than you can imagine, Max."

"Oh, I have a great imagination, Flint...and I'll be collecting on all these favors shortly. You just take care of your woman, and I'll take care of the rest." The lawyer grinned at them and extended his hand to shake Flint's.


Your woman...

Lily felt odd inside hearing those words. As she slipped out of the high seat and Flint caught her by the waist and set her on her feet, she smiled back at Max Daly. "Thanks so much for all you've done, Mr. Daly. You're a good man."

He nodded and drove away, leaving them to get into the ranch truck and head for El Dorado. She was startled when Flint flipped the console up into the back of the seat and dragged her into the middle seat, helping her fasten the belt. "You ran off." His voice was tight as he snapped the belt closed and fastened his own. When he turned the key in the ignition, his dark brown gaze pinned her where she sat, breathless and afraid of her own reaction to this man.

"I'm so sorry, Flint. I didn't mean for you to get so involved. I didn't want to..."

He cut her off with a soft curse as he growled, "Did you not think about what
wanted? Did it not occur to you that someone cares enough about you to lose their mind when you up and take off like that?"

Stiffening under his anger, she lowered her gaze to the her hands as they twisted  together in her lap. "I guess I wasn't thinking at all. I just panicked and ran."

"You planning to do it again? Because if you are, I'll stop by the hardware store in Beesford and buy me a length of chair and a pair of handcuffs..." His deep tones brought a shiver of excitement to her again.

"I won't run away. Mr. Daly told me you had to mortgage your home to get my bail posted. I don't want to hurt you any more than I already have."


Flint frowned down at her, and fought back a smile. Just like Max to say something like that. Of course, if it had taken that to get her out of jail, he'd have happily done it, but with his reputation and his good standing in the area, it had taken nothing more than his signature on a piece of paper to gain her release. But he wasn't about to admit that to her. Anything to make sure she didn't hare off again.

Swinging out of the parking lot, he wasted little time getting onto the freeway heading toward the state road junction. He didn't say a word until they were well under way, and then he lifted his right arm and wrapped it around her shoulders, pulling her tight against his side.

"What did I do or say that set you off last night, Lily? Was I pushing you too far too fast? I won't do it again. Just tell me..."

Instead of pulling back and telling him, she leaned her face into his collar bone and wrapped both arms tight around him, as tight as the seat belt would allow. He did his damnedest to calm his suddenly interested cock but when she dropped her hand to his swollen zipper, he nearly swerved out of the lane, and his palm settled over her hand to press it tighter to his body.

"Holy shit, sweet thing...hold that thought until I can get to an exit. Unless you were just teasing..." He drew in a deep breath and swallowed hard as her fingers tightened around his rigid shaft where it stretched up his belly.

"It had nothing to do with you." Her whisper was enough to put his libido on auto pilot. "It just brought back a memory I wasn't ready to revisit."


She inhaled the warm scent of his body and pressed the heel of her palm harder over his length. His groan made her smile into the soft flannel of his shirt. "Find an exit. I want you so badly, I could scream."

"I intend to make you do just that...and I know just the exit..."

He swung the big stake side truck off the road at the exit, and followed the frontage road about a half mile until the road passed under a stand of ancient oaks that hung out over the pavement like venerable  ancestors. He slowed and pulled the truck into a rutted track that led away from the frontage road, and parked the vehicle in a secluded spot that was shady and totally invisible from the road.

"Any preference as to where and how, darlin'? Lyin' on the seat, in the bed of the truck, or bouncin' on my lap? Or I could tongue fuck you until you couldn't think straight. Or maybe all of the above?"

Lily unsnapped her seat belt and reached for his, then she fell back across the wide bench seat and dragged him down on top of her. He tore the snaps of her shirt open, then shoved her front closure bra away from her breasts to take each nipple deep into his mouth and taste her like a starving man.

"Oh, God, Flint...that feels so delicious. Harder...oh, yes..." Her fingers knotted into his thick hair and her legs wrapped around his hips. He reached between them and unsnapped her jeans, lowering the zipper. She was like a wildcat beneath his mouth and tongue, and he nipped the turgid little nubbin as she clawed his back through his shirt.

"Lift that sweet little ass off the seat, darlin'...I want these jeans off you."

Obeying his command, Lily helped him shove the pants down her thighs, and then off her ankles as she kicked her boots off the edge of the seat. "Hurry...I need you so bad..."

Flint eased down her body to kiss the damp sweet flesh of her belly. dipping his tongue into her belly button as he gently spread her thighs and settled between them, shoving her up the seat toward her door. "You taste delicious, woman...open that pink pussy for me and let me make both of us happy..."


Lily cried out in shock as he pressed his hot mouth over her swollen clit and began to suck gently. She clutched his dark hair and arched her body to get him closer. His big hands cupped her soft ass and lifted her until her thighs clutched his ears, and he drove his strong tongue into her soaked opening in deep, hungry thrusts.

"Oh, Lord, Flint! That is sooo good..." The sound of her cry made him want to do even more to her sweet cunt. He slid two long fingers into her vagina and went to work sucking on her stiffened, eager clit, listening to her gasps and cries as she bucked up into his mouth.
"Oh...oh God...I'm coming!"

He took her over the edge of the cliff and kept up the onslaught until she was crying and begging him to stop because he was killing her. He backed off and leisurely flicked her pussy with his tongue, enjoying her shudders of reaction.

"Mmmm...you taste so good, woman...are you ready for more?"

"Fuck me, Flint...please..." her little mewling gasps drove him crazy as he made his way up her trembling body and reached between them to open his own fly, easing his swollen, erect shaft out.

"Reach into my pocket, baby. I have a condom in my right front. Could you do the honors?"

Obeying, she found the packet and brought it to her mouth to bite the corner off. He could feel the desperate nudging of his cock head against her wet pussy. Her fingers rolled the sheath up over his heavily-veined cock, and when it was secure, she opened wide and took every thick, long, pulsing inch of the him deep into her cunt, crying out with delight as he filled her and held himself deep inside her, pressed to the swollen, ultra sensitive tissues of her G spot.

"Never run from me again..." he grated the words against her temple as he cupped her breasts and squeezed gently, not moving at all.

"Never again...I promise..."

With her broken voice in his ear, he began to pound his thick cock in and out of her, closing his eyes as he savored the tight, slick channel that caressed every inch of his eager shaft. "So fucking good...am I hurting you, baby?"

She shook her head and clung to him, meeting every hard thrust with an upward lift of her hips. "Don't stop...don't slow down."

He managed to make it until she clenched around him in the throes of yet another climax before he cried out in exultation and emptied into the condom, the heat of his cum making it even hotter as he gave her everything he had. He held his weight off her shuddering body as they both came back to earth, and he found her open lips to kiss her into oblivion.

Her voice was a raspy whisper against his mouth as she panted, "What did I do to deserve you, Flint Calderon?"

He lifted his lips and smiled down into her glassy eyes. "You simply exist."

* * * * *

They remained wrapped around each other on the wide front seat for quite some time, with Flint running his hands gently over every inch of skin he could reach, and Lily soaking up his attention like a rain-starved flower. From time to time, Flint would slide back inside her with a fresh condom, and slowly drive her to distraction again. Until his cell phone rang and he grabbed it with a soft curse.

Curley's voice was crackly and broken as he told Flint that Jacob Proctor had shown up in Beesford asking about the Calderon ranch, and making threats and stating that if Lily wasn't back in his legal custody before twenty-four hours were up, there would be hell to pay.

"Thanks for the heads-up."  Flint closed his cell phone and straightened up on the seat.

Lily sighed and buried her face against his throat. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. We'd better get rolling, though. I have a couple of calls to make once we're close enough to the microwave tower at the ranch. And besides...I don't have any more condoms."

She stretched like a satisfied cat, and reached languidly for her discarded articles of clothing. "I wish we could stay here forever..."

"Me too, sweet thing...me too."


Max's voice was harsh when Flint gave him a rundown of Jacob Proctor's visit to Beesford. "The bastard must have scrambled eggs for brains. I'm giving Judge Grant a call right now and making him aware of Proctor's actions. He's a danger to her, and he is breaking the restraining order Judge Grant set in place based on our civil suit."

"Got it. This guy isn't clicking on even two cylinders, I reckon. I won't let him anywhere near her."

"You won't let who near me?" Lily's soft voice made him turn to face her where she stood in the doorway.

"Talk to you later." Flint hung up and reached for her, pulling her close. Where to start...tough question. Best to be totally honest.

"Your step father is running scared. Max filed a civil suit against him and had him served with papers a few days back. He knows you're here with me." The look on her face was enough to make him want to pound that man into the ground.

"He's coming to get me, isn't he?" Her voice was hollow, and all color drained from her face.

"He can't touch you. Max filed a restraining order against him until the judge in the felony case sees the evidence. If all goes according to plan, the criminal charges against you should be dropped. And just for your information, he is no longer your legal guardian/conservator. With all the evidence against him, he'll be lucky if he isn't in jail himself."

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