Food for the Soul (6 page)

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Authors: Ceri Grenelle

Tags: #Contemporary, Menage, Multicultural

BOOK: Food for the Soul
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“Don’t you call me baby,
,” Harper snarled, gripping the stainless-steel countertop until her knuckles were white.

Theo could see Flynn was enjoying himself, working Harper into a frustrated mess. Theo couldn’t blame the man. Harper, with her curvaceous body all puffed up with tension and those full lips tightened to thin lines, made him want to coax her body into relaxation. The considerable bruise on her face didn’t detract from the sheer wildness of her vibrant personality. She was arguing loudly, gesticulating enthusiastically, tossing her head back and forth as though she hadn’t suffered a concussion a couple of days before. She was better now, healthy. Healthy enough to do things he’d kept himself from doing after first meeting her.

Something unlatched within Theo, opening a cage he usually kept closed for fear he’d frighten his lovers, the majority of which were one-night stands. Harper wouldn’t be easily frightened. He trusted her to handle her own. He began to move, and before he realized he’d taken more than a step toward her, he was directly in front of her.

“Oh good,” she said, turning to face him, not understanding what he’d come to her for. “You’re on my side, right?”

Theo laced his fingers through her hair and gently tilted her chin back. “Always,” he murmured. Then, with a delicate expediency, giving her enough time to pull away if she wished, Theo leaned down and kissed her.

She was frozen, unreactive to the sudden move. But that was all right… He’d come over here with the intention of relaxing her, and if he had to work at it, he was more than happy to do so. She’d earned time off, and he enjoyed doing the work.

He stroked her temples as he nuzzled at her lips, taking his time and enjoying the sensation of her against him. Her lips were warm and slightly cracked from the time she spent on pain meds. He licked them, softening the rough surface, then bit the lush bottom lip. She gasped and gripped his T-shirt tightly, but she didn’t pull him closer.

Still unsure, then.

He moved from her lips to her bruised cheek, brushing his mouth against it without exerting much pressure. Her breathing was harsh, but she wasn’t pushing him away yet. He continued his form of care. Seeing the swollen skin made him angry. A primitive creature inside him wanted reassurance that she was all right, wanted to protect her from any future harm and take away what had already transpired. He’d healed her to the best of his ability, but now he craved a physical reminder that she was alive. If her injuries had been worse, he might never have known her, known this.

The thought made him pull back slightly, needing to see where her mind was at through all of it. Her eyes had been closed, but now she opened them, big brown orbs staring up at him in a dazed pleasure he was all too proud to know he’d caused.

“All right?” he asked.

She nodded slowly and lifted her gaze over his shoulder before returning to his. Theo had heard Flynn’s approach once he’d taken his lips off Harper’s skin, but there hadn’t been a single second he wasn’t aware of Flynn. He couldn’t focus his attention on one without keeping part of his mind occupied by the other.

A warm hand rested on Theo’s back, and his muscles tensed instinctively. Flynn immediately pulled away, but before he could take another step back, Theo spun around and grabbed Flynn’s wrist.

Theo wanted to speak, say something classy and confident, but Flynn cupped his face and smiled at him. “You’re not ready. It’s okay, because I’ll be here when you are.”

“I just—” Theo found himself oddly tongue-tied. “I don’t know what to do with myself, with all of this.” Harper came around and leaned against Theo’s side, his arm instantly wrapping around her like it was already second nature. He felt the loss of Flynn’s hand when it was removed, like taking a warm jacket off in an ice storm. “This isn’t normal.”

“Is normal important to you?” Harper looked up at him, eyes wide yet shrewd.

“Normal is…what I’m used to.”

Flynn had his arms crossed and his hip propped against the countertop. He looked full of life and mischief, but Theo could see he’d put distance between them to give Theo some space. He didn’t like that it was his fault for causing that separation. He didn’t want Flynn to think Theo was indifferent toward him. There was no indifference in the fervent beating of his heart or in the ache in his gut.

After giving Harper a squeeze in thanks for her support, Theo threw his worries and self-consciousness into the garbage with all the expired food and approached Flynn. Flynn was stationary, watching Theo move toward him like an exotic beast meeting another alpha male in the forest. Theo rested his hands on either side of Flynn’s body on the countertop, effectively caging him. He tilted his head slightly, never looking away from Flynn’s lips, then rested his against the man’s sumptuous mouth.

It was…different. There was stubble and hardness and a firm dominance Theo was unused to experiencing. If ever there was a dominant party in his sexual encounters, it was usually him. But Theo couldn’t relegate this moment; he couldn’t compartmentalize or rationalize that this was simply an experiment. It was more. Flynn was more.

Theo pulled his lips away as his body began to relax. He wanted to see what kissing Flynn had done to the man as he had wanted to see Harper’s reaction. Flynn wasn’t dazed. He looked gratified and knowing.

“What?” Theo asked.

“You’re used to taking control, to being in charge, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” No use in lying.

“Would you ever relinquish that control?”

“I think I just did,” Theo said, remaining completely still as Flynn raised his hands and rested them on Theo’s shoulders. Theo could feel heat radiating from Flynn’s body.

“You’ve never kissed a man before.”

It wasn’t a question, but Theo responded anyway, “No, not before you.”

“Have you ever wanted to?”

“I think…I think I might have.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“I don’t know…”

Flynn moved his hands to Theo’s hips, then tugged him until their chests rested along one another’s. Flynn’s form was large, the type of physique that spoke of long hours working out and respect for the body he was given. Theo could imagine Flynn exercising, eating up pavement with a focused gaze, not listening to music or allowing for any distractions. It was how he looked at Theo now. Theo was the distance, and Flynn intended to conquer him.

Flynn turned them, almost dancing, until Theo was the one with his back to the counter. Flynn squeezed Theo’s hips before sliding his hands up Theo’s back, digging in slightly, making it feel like a massage. He repeated the gesture, over and over. He kneaded Theo’s back muscles until Theo couldn’t help but relax against the man. They stood there for a while, looking at one another—studying each other—and soon Theo realized they were connected from knees to chests and Theo had his eyes shut tight.

“Keep your eyes closed and look to the right,” Flynn whispered in his ears, continuing his ministrations. Flynn could have told Theo to drop his pants and he would have done it.

Once his head was turned, he felt smaller hands frame his face and rough, thick lips kiss him. Harper.

Theo’s cock stirred unapologetically, and without thinking, he ground it against Flynn’s obvious arousal. The simultaneous sensation of Flynn’s body rubbing against his, Flynn’s hands on his back, Harper kissing him, running her tongue along his bottom lip and stirring him up, made him want more, made him yearn to see where the three of them could take this.

As Harper pulled away, nuzzling Theo’s cheek and neck, having to stand on her tiptoes, the scent of her clean, black hair was enough to bring him back to the present.

“We can’t do this, at least not all of it, right now,” Theo said, finally looking at him. He should have kept them shut, because the look of blatant lust on Flynn’s face, making Flynn’s cheeks burn a bright red, only amped Theo’s desire higher. Theo leaned forward and kissed Flynn, more than the tentative exploration it had been before. Theo was sure now that this was what he wanted. No more doubts about his so-called straightness, no more insecurity. He would walk into this, chin held high with excitement in his veins in anticipation of what was to come. He had never before fully understood the idea of a fluid sexuality until now.

Flynn gave into the kiss, let Theo take the lead on it, and for that Theo was grateful. Flynn’s lips were soft, well cared for, like the rest of his hard body. After a moment Flynn pulled away, a satisfied smile on the mouth Theo had tasted.

“I don’t want to stop, but I need to do this.” Flynn turned to Harper—sweet, ballsy, understanding Harper—who had rested her cheek on Theo’s arm while he’d kissed Flynn and watched them patiently. But now, seeing the heat in her scrutiny, perhaps she’d liked watching them, enjoyed it actually, and had been experiencing more from it than waiting for her turn.

Theo let Flynn go, letting the man turn to Harper and take her by the hips, lowering his lips to hers. He hesitated for a moment, asking, “Is this okay?”

“Kiss me, damn it,” she said with a gleeful huff, pushing her fingers into Flynn’s hair and then pulling his head down to hers. Their kiss started as a fury of lips and tongues and ended on sweet, lingering bites and licks, relishing the feel of one another. Theo couldn’t help but run his hand down Flynn’s spine, enjoying watching the man shiver in response. Theo understood the enjoyment in Harper’s face as she had watched Flynn and Theo kiss. It was satisfying to see two people he wanted desire each other as well. It made the circle complete, and it didn’t hurt that it was hot as fuck to watch.

As their kiss ended, Harper took a deep breath and pulled away from Flynn. The trio looked at each other, Theo unsure of what they should do, what would happen next. Thankfully, a loud gurgle coming from Harper’s stomach broke the silence.

She placed her hands on her belly and looked down at it before whispering, “Shush. I’m making out with two hot guys here.”

“I think that’s our cue for dinner,” Theo said with a laugh.

“I can make us something…I think.” Harper looked around the kitchen with a worried sigh.

“Nope. We’re going to dinner,” Flynn said.

“Now? But I’m not done cleaning up.”

“We’ve been done for a while. You’ve been worrying at the place, and we’ve been letting you.”

Harper crossed her arms and arched her eyebrows at Flynn. “Letting me?”

“Get that scary look off your face and go get your coat.” Flynn leaned forward and kissed her quickly on her mouth before she could protest. “You’re taking the night off, and we are treating you to dinner.”

She looked to Theo for support, but Theo shook his head and kissed her on her unmarred cheek. “You won’t win this one. Let us manly men feed you.”

She snorted. “How can I say no to that?”

“And maybe we can learn more about each other over dinner?” Flynn asked, looking like he was thinking of something other than simple chat. “We’ve been working hard enough to have earned that.”

“You buying?” Theo asked, his thoughts also leaning toward a more carnal nature.

“Yes,” Flynn said with a wink. “I’d love to pay for our first date.”

“That sounds good,” Harper admitted. Her excited voice cut into the sexual tension like a warm knife into perfectly soft butter. Both of the men turned their intent gazes in her direction. Theo didn’t see a woman lost in a sexual haze, irresolute of what they were clearly about to embark on, but someone who welcomed it. It set him at ease, her approval and assurance, though he didn’t understand why.

“Let me get my bag from upstairs, and then we can go.” She turned on her heel quickly, then almost instantly turned back to them. “Can one of you take the garbage out? Flynn?”

“Sure.” Flynn rested a hand on Theo’s lower back and nudged him in Harper’s direction. “Theo can accompany you.”

She’d already turned to go once more but stopped at the exit to the back hallway to glare over her shoulder. “I’m fine, Flynn. I don’t need supervision.”

Theo walked up behind her to hold the door open. “I’d like to look around.”

“It’s not like I’m giving you a tour of the kitchen. We’re going to where I sleep. My home. It would be like inviting you over to my apartment before having a date.”

Theo rested his chin on her shoulder. “But we’ve kissed, meaning we’ve fast-forwarded through the date and already arrive at the good part.” Her skin smelled good, and he couldn’t keep himself from kissing her neck. He felt her body relax—an infinitesimal amount, but it was enough. The sensation gave him some more courage.

Theo put his hands on her hips and pushed her through the door before it could swing shut on them. “Pretty please can I see your room?”

She sighed, her expression a bit tight but relenting. “Fine.” She pointed at him over her shoulder as they began to ascend an old wooden staircase. “No judging.”

“I swear I won’t…” All promises of not judging her home flew out the window as they reached the top of the stairs and walked through a creaky wooden door. Theo knew the building was old, but he didn’t realize it was in such a state of disrepair.

The small room where Harper lived, if that was what she called it, was no bigger than a high school classroom. The wood was a light color, uneven, and scuffed all to hell. The walls were a mash-up of dark-green, striped wallpaper and, underneath the bits that were torn up, chips of paint from various stages of life throughout the years.

“It’s a bit of a mess,” she said as she shuffled around the room picking up pieces of clothing thrown here or there and tossing them into a white laundry bin next to a full-size bed. The furniture wasn’t too old, but the pieces were certainly hand-me-downs. An old red couch that looked plush and comfortable rested opposite the entrance to the room. A coffee table in front of it was stacked with old newspapers and various paperback books. Her bed sat to the right, and she’d hung curtains from a beam to give the appearance of a separation of space. It was a clever illusion, but the curtains were sheer, and he could see right through them to her figure scuttling back and forth around her bed, attempting to make it look neat.

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