For a Hero (9 page)

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Authors: Jess Hunter,Sable Hunter

BOOK: For a Hero
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“You are too good of a person, Boss. I’m afraid that one day, you are going to be put in a situation where you’ll have to choose between being sensible and doing the right thing, and you are going to be that great person you are at your own expense.”

“I do every day, Hank. I’m a firefighter. And you’re one to talk, Numnutts. You are always flying somewhere or jumping off of something.”

“That’s for fun. This is completely different. What I do is a calculated risk for nobody’s benefit but my own. No one else is involved. You should try sometime. Rock-climbing is awesome.”

“No. I’ve tried that. I think I’ll stay here on the ground. Thank you very much.”

Scott burst into the room. “Sorry to interrupt, guys. Chief, you have someone, ahem, special here to see you.” He put his hand up to his mouth as if to keep a secret. “It’s a girl.”

Hank elbowed his friend in the ribs. “Ooooh. You’ve got a girl here to see you. I bet she is going to give you a very special thank you for being her hero.” Hank raised and daintied his voice. “Hey Chief. Thanks for saving my life. Here is my body and virtue for your besmirching.” He ripped his shirt open, pretending to show his ample bosom to David in thanks for a job well done.

“That’s enough, Fellas.” Just a shadow of a laugh broke through in David’s voice and that was enough for Hank.

“Alright, Boss. Let’s go see this girl of yours.” He jumped up and Scott and he ran back to the front door.

David stood. “Who could it be?” The thought crossed his mind that it may be Jenna, but he didn’t remember his luck being that good. He joined the others.

There she stood, like a little princess. Within an instant all of the stress of the day melted away. He involuntarily grinned and strode toward her. He began to realize that the guys were surrounding her. He loved Hank and Scott and the others but they were men, and his Jenna was a perfect-figured, flawless faced, heaven-sent treasure. He sped up a little.

“Hey Jenna. What are you doing here?” David stepped through the guys, puffing his chest out a tad. He hugged her and stood near her after. The guys noticed.

“Hey Baby! I just thought I’d stop by and bring you a treat! You went off to save some people last night and had to leave me so soon. I thought you could use some cheering up. Here!” She held out a plate, wrapped in plastic, and covered in the most obtuse-looking chocolate chip cookies he had ever seen.

“I didn’t even have one because I was saving them all for you! Your nice friends can share if you like.”

David took the plate. “My nice friends, huh?”

“Yes, this nice one was just telling me how valiant you were last night.” She, glad to have her hands empty again, wrapped her arms around David’s arm.

Hank spoke up quickly. “Scott does say things like that about David. We think he has a little man-crush.”

“This is Hank, and this is Scott. Fellas, this is Jenna.”

Hank stepped out first and extended his hand in greeting. “Nice to meet you, Ma’am. We have noticed David’s improved humor the past few days. No doubt that had something to do with you.”

Scott followed. “Yes Ma’am. Forgive our rudeness. We should have introduced ourselves to you already.”

Jenna looked at the three men. All of them were tall and broad-shouldered, muscular and lean. Hank was almost as tall as David. His hair was browner and lighter and his eyes were the most wicked shade of green. She could see a devil-may-care attitude in him but also noticed the same giving spirit of David. Scott was shorter than the other two, though still taller than the average man. His hair was golden, like lightning. His eyes were a hazel that was closer to red. She could tell Scott was a sweetheart. He probably made some girl-next-door a very happy woman. Then she looked up at David. He was clearly their leader. He towered over them in presence and stature. His bravery and power had been seen by the other men, and they told of it loudly in the respect they gave him just through body language. She felt so lucky.

“Dig in, Guys!”

David unwrapped the plate and pulled a cookie into his grip. It reminded him of a discus that had been melted down. His fingers noticed how impregnably hard the pastry was and his teeth winced. He bit into it, if you could call it that. His teeth didn’t sink all the way to the bottom. It was like finding a bone in a piece of chicken. Worst of all, it tasted like soap.

David closed his eyes, using leagues of strength he didn’t know he had to protect Jenna from the knowledge of exactly how dreadful her cookie was.

Jenna watched David close his eyes. “Oh, you like it! Wonderful! I call it chocolate surprise!”

His eyes popped open. The guys! He spun his head around just in time to see them wincing and moaning.

Hank shouted. “Oh my god! What the hell is in this?”

David caught his eyes in his stare and lowered his brow. He made a most commanding face, took another bite from the wretched baked good and silently and inconspicuously told Hank and Scott everything they needed to know.

Hank continued to shout. “Like I said! What is in this? Manna from Heaven? Crack cocaine? Blood diamonds? Why is it SO GOOD? I am dying from the quality of this treat!” A tear streamed down his cheek.

Scott, with a full mouth, (refusing to swallow) patted Jenna on the shoulder and said, “Thank you, Jenna. They are wonderful.”

Scott and Hank walked quickly into the men’s bathroom.

David forced his down. “Thank you, Honey. You didn’t have to do that.”

“I know, but I thought it would be nice to pay you back for such a wonderful time last night. Speaking of that.” She moved into his neck and whispered. “I have something else I need to pay you back for.”

“You do?”

She leaned back and enjoyed the fluster on David’s face. “Besides, I don’t know my way around Austin and I would like it if you drove me around, showed me the sights and such, if you’re available.”

“It would be my pleasure. I still need to finish up some paperwork here and change clothes and I would be happy to take you. How did you get here? Did you drive or take the bus?”

Before she could answer, the unthinkable happened. Alex and Veronica approached them. David pretended they weren’t coming. Perhaps for once, they could be civil and just walk past them and mind their own business.

He had no such luck. “Who is this, David?” Veronica slinked her way between them.

“Probably some charity case he is working on. She couldn’t really refuse a man that walked through fire for her, huh? It’s the worst kind of pity-fuck, the desperate kind.” Alex chortled.

“Excuse me, Asshole?” Jenna stepped toward them with her hand on her hips.

“Look Babe, she’s a ferocious little cunt. Aren’t you?” He laughed at her.

“NOT ANOTHER WORD!” David stepped between Jenna and Alex. “You can say anything about me, or to me that you want, but you do not speak like that to Jenna.”

Jenna wiggled her way back around to face off his enemies. “What the hell is your problem? David didn’t do anything to either of you.”

David held Jenna back. He grabbed her arms with his hands and began to walk away. “No, Honey. Just let it go.”

“You’re wrong, Bitch.” Veronica retorted at Jenna. “David did do something to me. He hurt me. He was out of control, a monster. This big idiot tried to pleasure me and all he succeeded in doing was embarrassing himself and sending me to the hospital.”

David visibly hurt from the memory.

“What’s worse is: I kind of liked him before that, before he showed me how perverted he really was. He is nothing but a freak.”

Alex laughed and cheered, “You tell ‘em, Babe.”

David gritted his teeth. He popped his knuckles. But, Jenna was the one who stepped out first.

“You listen to me, you disgusting slut! Whatever he is, whatever you call him, is exactly what I want! A smelly, slithering tramp like you isn’t worthy to walk on the same side of the street as him. He saves people. He puts his life on the line. The only thing freaky about this man is the size of his massive dick and his perfect, pure heart. Speaking of heart, Asshole.” She turned to face Alex. “You are lucky his heart is too big to let him break you in half, you sniveling little skunk. He is twice your size and he writes your paycheck. Pay him a little respect!”

Jenna shouted all that through David’s restraint and protest, but she shouted it anyway. He couldn’t stop her.

Alex approached Jenna and reared his hand to slap her across the face, but before he could swing, David stepped between them again. Alex’s hand slapped pitifully against David’s hard chest. Alex winced in pain.

David swung his fist through the air at great velocity and punched Alex square in the jaw. He toppled to the floor. Veronica screamed and fell after him, nursing his face.

“You raised your hand to a lady. I interpreted that as threatening violence and harm to an innocent woman. You are fired. Neither one of you will ever step foot in this building again. Have I made myself clear?” David’s voice was coming out deep and strong. His posture was upright. The muscles of his shoulders and back were riveted tightly. Jenna was overcome with want for him, her protector.

Veronica looked up at him and wailed. “You hit him! We will sue you for every penny you’ve got! Nobody will believe that he tried to hit her!”

“So not true. I totally saw that.” Scott spoke up, raising his hand as if to announce his presence at roll call.

Hank echoed. “I saw it, too. You guys are boned. Also, check the eye in the sky.” While laughing, Hank pointed up to the cameras in the corner of the building.

Realizing they had been beaten, Alex and Veronica stood, and stumbled out of the door, her leaning on him, his bruised jaw almost as bad as his broken ego.

Jenna calmed herself down. The combination of anger and lust was causing her to quiver where she stood. “I hate them. She must be the woman you were talking about. Dating a guy that works for you, too. What a bitch.” She crossed her arms and made a pouty face

To her surprise, David just hugged her. Silently, he stayed with her, embracing her. “You didn’t have to do that for me. That was so sweet. Thank you so much.”

Jenna’s heart melted for him. “No, Honey. I don’t mind. They had it coming. I am the one that should be thanking you. He almost hit me and you protected me.”

Every day he impressed her more. But every time he did, she became more and more convinced he was out of her league. Jenna was absolutely sure she was not good enough for him.  The affection and the desire that flowed between them brought with it fear and doubt. She suddenly pulled back from the hug, but the care in his eyes erased it all, just long enough for him to say, “I’ll pick you up tonight when I get off and show you all around the city. It will be a lot of fun.”

Jenna smiled and they parted. She had some thinking to do.




They cruised up the Capital of Texas Highway together, between the rolling hills. “I hope you enjoyed my little driving tour. I showed you all the important stuff: downtown, the University of Texas, Chinatown up north, SoCo, the great TexMex in the east, but now I am going to take you to my favorite part of the city.”

Jenna got excited. “Your favorite? What is it?” She sat in the middle seat of his truck, holding his arm against her chest. She felt at home there, in the darkness of the night, watching the city go by, seeing his strong hand on the wheel and listening to his deep, comforting voice. It was where she was meant to be.

“We are going west. The west part of Austin is where the rich and famous live; it is also where the mountains start to show, if you haven’t noticed. I’m taking you to one of the highest points in the city limits. In Covert Park there is a point called Mount Bonnell. It’s not the highest point in Austin, that would be Jollyville Plateau, but Mount Bonnell is definitely more scenic.”

“Why is it your favorite?” Jenna asked as they pulled up to the parking lot.

“You just have to see it, Jenna. It sits out over a bend of the Colorado River and you can see everything, the city, the college, and the nice houses. The rocks form perfect little formations you can sit on and look out over the water. I can’t wait to show you. Come on, just be really quiet.”

“Why do I need to be quiet?” Jenna whispered as David sneakily opened the door for her as silently as possible and then proceeded to tip-toe with her to the entrance.

“Because the park closes at sundown. We are breaking the law.” Then, teasing her, he put his hand up to his mouth as if he were shocked at the depravity of his crimes. “Besides, I want you all to myself. If we get in trouble, I know the guy that patrols here. It should be fine.”

“Of course you do.” She giggled.

They approached the entrance and what they saw was a staircase ascending into darkness. The steep hill was buried deep in foliage and brush, creating a canopy over the steps to the peak. It would get a lot darker before they reached the star-lit cusp at the top. David held her hand. “Stay close to me; you never know what boogeymen might be out there in the night.”

“You stop that, David Conlon. You will get me all scared.”

“No, seriously.” They began to climb the stairs slowly. Pitch blackness surrounded them. “If I was a murderer or a rapist or a ghost, I would DEFINITELY hide in those bushes right there to catch an unsuspecting girl as she walks up.”

She smacked his arm. “You are terrible.”

They finished the climb, and hid the panting of their breaths from each other. David walked her down the path until a particular rock spoke to them as very bench-y. He helped her down and let her sit in the crevice. David stood next to her and began picking up stones and tossing them into the river. Lights of huge party boats looked tiny from where they were, high above everything. The river snaked below them like a great serpent, so massive that it cared not for the people watching it slither by.

It was cold outside, but their affection kept a very comfortable blanket of warmth over them.

“I’ve had a great time with you these past few days, David.”

“Thank you. I’m pretty excited to be here myself.”

He tossed his rocks over the cliff, but stopped after each one and lingered in front of her, a step below and right between her thighs, leaning on her, before returning to his little game. After a while, he sat down beside her feeling more peaceful than he had in many a day. She looked up at him and asked.

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