For a Hero (21 page)

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Authors: Jess Hunter,Sable Hunter

BOOK: For a Hero
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Jenna snuck little kisses to his chest over his shirt, hoping to not be too conspicuous; she was a lady after all. Thank God that the world could not see the dirty things and plans that were dancing through her head right now.

He bent his head down to whisper in her ear. “You are driving me crazy here in front of everybody. There are kids walking by.”

She returned. “They’ll have to learn about this stuff one day. We can spare them an awkward conversation with their parents.”

David’s cheeks burned with want. They passed under a bridge, and on the other side, beneath a hotel, was a waterfall hiding a small cove of plants meant for viewing, undoubtedly, during a warmer part of the year.

He held his arm up over Jenna’s head and pulled her into the hidden paradise with him. David took her by the belt loops and pulled her to him. He kissed her. The moisture of their lips felt hot in the crisp San Antonio air. The sound of the water filled their ears, and the rest of the world left them behind in their little hiding spot.

Jenna hummed a little enjoyment as he feasted at her lips. She had an idea, a rather mischievous idea. She pulled away.

“I’m tired. Can we lay down somewhere? I’m sure you are sleepy, too.”

David, always polite, answered. “Of course. I’ll take you to the hotel room now.” Try as he might, he could not hide his disappointment that they would not be making love anytime soon... Jenna kept her smile to herself. Everything was going according to plan. She held him tight as they walked to the room.




David yawned. He was surprised that he had fallen asleep, especially since moments before Jenna had accompanied him to the room, she had been giving him clear signals of an exciting playtime to come. But somehow, he had resisted the urge to follow his rock-hard cock’s urging to tackle Jenna and do with her what nature told him to.

He let his eyes open groggily. No need to rush. He looked around and saw the beautiful hotel room he had gotten for them. The sheets were crisp. The light of the bedside lamp was so warm, gentle and unobtrusive that nobody would have trouble sleeping next to it. He looked down beside him, expecting to see Jenna’s sultry figure tucked up close.

She was gone. David’s eyes opened wider. Instantly he was alert. Raising his head, he saw her.  Across the room was Jenna, wearing sexy black lingerie and fishnet stockings. She had a little crop in her hand in the fuzzy shape of a heart. David smiled. “What on Earth are you planning? You can’t be thinking you are going to use that on me, can you?”

“I don’t know. What are you going to do about it?” She swung it down crisply, letting it clap her toned thigh with a sensual snap.

David leaned forward and tried to bring his hand to his face to wipe the sleep from his eyes, but it wouldn’t come. He turned his head to see that his little rascal had handcuffed his wrists to the headboard of their bed. His cheer and cockiness quickly turned into something else, entirely. “Let me go,” he said the words slowly and succinctly.

“Why should I? I get the feeling that you won’t be letting me use my toy on you if I do. I think it would be better if I kept you bound for a little while. Plus, it’s so nice to watch your arms struggle against the cuffs. It must be rough to have all that strength and not be able to do anything about it, huh?”

She strutted toward him, biting the crop with her lips turned up. She felt more confident with her play, confident enough to make a few of her own little dreams come true.

David rattled his cage and strained against the cuffs. He was clearly uncomfortable being so helpless. Jenna saw the power grow in his face and the muscles of his shoulders. As she pulled her little outfit down far enough for perky, little tits to pop out the top, she could see something else of his growing too.

She began to crawl across the big bed toward him, crop in her teeth. Her breasts hung down below her, and their sway made a perfect swell of cleavage visible to him. As frustrated as his head was getting, his body was begging her to do what it needed her to do.

She pulled the sheets down past his chest and stomach, showing his muscle and skin. She placed the furry end of the crop on his chest and slowly drug it down his body, following the lines his musculature had drawn for her. Quickly, and without warning, she tipped it up, and brought it down hard on his nipple.

David shook violently beneath her and she hissed with pleasure. “Did that hurt?”

“No.” He answered harshly. His jaw was clenched and his biceps were pulling on the headboard so hard that it looked like it was bending. It was a good thing the wood was so thick.

“Too bad. I guess I shall try a little harder next time.”

David’s dick was standing at complete attention, throbbing with his heartbeat. It made the bed sheet that covered it dance and wave every second.

She brushed the tip of her small whip from David’s short sideburns down his cheek to his chest and slapped the other nipple as hard as she could. It hardened from the attention, and even though David would never admit the erotic blows stung, she could see his skin turning red from the force.

“If you do that again, so help me, I will –“

“What? You’ll do what?” Jenna interrupted him with two slaps to his stomach, leaving heart shape marks across the tight, flat expanse. If only she could have doodled like this during class, schoolwork would have been so much more fun.

David shook the bed. It clapped against the wall and made a lot of noise.

Jenna put her face next to David’s ear. “Relax, Honey. You’ll wake the neighbors. You have to be quiet while I show you my skills.” And she licked his earlobe as she pulled away.

David bared his teeth. God, she was sexy. “Skills, my ass! When I get out of this, I am going to spank you so hard that the neighbors will be complaining about your screaming instead of the bed moving.”

“That’s big talk for a man who’s shackled to the bedstead.” Jenna crinkled her nose mockingly at David as she let her eyes rove down his body toward the tent he pitched below her. She bit into the sheet and pulled it down past his member. His cock popped back up once the cover was removed and a clear drop of pre-cum screamed at Jenna to lick it off. She was happy to oblige.

Bending toward it, she let her tongue tickle the underside of his head before swirling slowly, round and round. She watched David fight the pleasure to stay put-out at her. It wasn’t easy for him. Jenna grinned, she liked that a lot.

Her hand encircled the thick base, grasping it firmly. With slow, deliberate movements, she pushed it in and out of her mouth. Her hot, wet, lips closed around it and she sucked. David groaned at the attention and pushed his hips up to meet her.

Jenna slid her hands up the shaft and breathed over it. Her tongue covered every inch.

She teased him. Determined to drive him crazy with lust, she would start to move her mouth quickly, beating her hand up and down his rod before stopping and removing all stimulation completely. Each time, David would pull on the headboard even harder. She let him buck as much as he wanted to, allowing his dick to bob inside her smiling mouth.

Closing her eyes, Jenna focused. She wanted him to think that she was going to make him cum. Her suction created a tight haven for him in her throat and her lips slid up and down. Her hand twisted and stroked. Faster. Faster. Faster. He was pulsing. She could feel drops of dampness coming from his tip. He was about to cum.

Suddenly, she stopped. Jenna sat up. She slowly wiped the moisture from her mouth and hooded her eyes temptingly. Then, she did nothing.

David could not believe that she had done that. “What are you trying to do to me?”

“What’s wrong? Did I stop a little too soon?” Her seductive voice smoldered into his ears and made his predicament even more uncomfortable.

That was it. She just crossed the line. For just a moment, he contained it. He held it in. Not for the bed, or the neighbors, or anything else, but for her. Then he remembered how much she loved it last time. He remembered how she had writhed as he let loose all over her, on top of her, and inside of her. He felt free. Hell, here it comes.

With a powerful jerk, David pulled his elbows down to his navel. The headboard splintered into pieces with a loud crack. He stood quickly and gracefully. With a single, smooth motion, he parted his hands and brought them up passed his shoulders. The chain of the cuffs snapped and the remnants of the bed fell down to the ground.

Jenna leapt back. Her first instinct was fear. Loud noises and furniture breaking can do that to a girl. But when she realized what happened, she grew wetter than she had ever been. Her knees trembled beneath her. She was actually losing her balance.

He flew to her, metal cuffs still on separate wrists like bracelets with a little dangling chain on each side. He caught her in his arms. He was dominating, he was in charge – he was all man. His arms twisted her and lifted her. She had no choice but to do exactly as he directed. She loved it.

He swiftly tore her lingerie off with a flick of his wrist, still supporting her body with his other hand cupped on her bottom. She only wore a purple thong now, and David’s arms of course.

He walked against the wall, pressing his weight against her. She felt flattened, controlled, dominated; she felt like she belonged to him. His hand still grasped her ass firmly. Jenna knew the imprint of his hand would brand her skin; he was keeping her right where he wanted her.  The sensation sent electric chills up her spine.

David slipped his index finger through her panties and pulled down with such speed and force that they ripped asunder. He deftly replaced his finger with his cock. He took just a moment to ensure that it was in the perfect position before. . .

“Oh my god!” Jenna screamed as he impaled her on his thick rod. She was caught between a rock and a hard place. The wall was a rock, huge, flat and unyielding. David was hard, every inch of him. His chest was solid, firmly planted against her breasts. The sensitive, swollen globes bounced between them as David thrust into her over and over again. His stomach was hard, the protrusions of his abs massaging her torso. His arms were hard, barricading her in the exact place she needed to be to receive his passion. David’s cock was hard, pushing up inside her like a bullet, or a piston running her motor.

“You like that? Huh?” David asked, knowing what the answer would be. He could read her emotions on her face. 

“Oh yes! Yes I do!”

He stopped for a moment and stepped away from the wall. Her body was effortlessly balanced on his hand. He held her tight to him while he bent over and picked something up. She couldn’t tell. It was behind her and her thoughts were elsewhere.

He returned her to the wall. The mating continued. This time it was smoother, slower. She noticed his other hand was missing. She would care if she wasn’t receiving the best pleasure of her life.

All of a sudden, her questions were answered.

Her little heart crop slapped against the side of her ass. Jenna let out a tiny, high yelp.

The sex never stopped. David added the spanking to the mix. He popped her again, in time with the rhythm of his bucking. She locked her elbow around his neck. Each time the whip connected with her thigh or bottom, her pussy squeezed David’s cock. They both moaned together.

The spanks increased in force and frequency. Jenna felt a fire rising in her loins. “Oh, David. Please spank me harder. Please!”

David moved his hand up to the small of her back and pulled it in, plumping her ass out beneath them. He pumped into her harder, feeling her explosion to come. He let the small whip fall straight down, and then brought it up once more. Pop!  The crop snapped cleanly into two pieces. To Jenna, it felt like iced lightning and her whole body reeled. She loved it. To her surprise, David’s hand took the place of the sex toy. . Between the spanking and the rocketing of his dick, Jenna melted in his arms. Her whole body released. She shook and vibrated on his cock. Her heart burst with love and her body burst with pleasure. “Yes! God! David!” Her head rolled back as her mind went blank with white-hot pleasure.

When she recovered, Jenna relaxed and used her pussy muscles to make David cum. She eased them as he pushed in, and squeezed them when he pulled out. “Give it to me, David. I want it all.”

David sped up. A guttural growl erupted from his throat, it sounded more like a roar that any sound a human should be able to make. She realized he was free, he had allowed himself to let go and let her see the beast.  With total abandon, he bucked and shook and then with a shout, he erupted, filling her with his seed.

Jenna closed her eyes and only felt with her sex. She concentrated on the sensation of David’s essence shooting into her. She memorized the warmth, the texture, the feeling of fullness, the explosiveness of the ropes painting the inside of her.

His thrusting slowed with the receding of his orgasm and he held her there, against the wall, breathing on her neck. Beads of sweat fell from his hair and ran down her back. “Jenna, that was amazing.”

She smiled and held him in her arms; although she was the one being supported, she had never held on to anybody so tightly, like a mother afraid she’d drop a newborn baby.

He carried her toward the bed and before he could lay her down, he considered sweeping the wood chips and sawdust out of her way. It didn’t look like they would be able to use the bed. It wasn’t until their adventure was over, that they had looked around the room and realized how much damage they had caused.

The bed was unrecognizable. There was no headboard anymore, and the mattress could not be seen under the debris. The carpet looked like a children’s playground with wood chips covering the whole area. Amongst the broken wreckage, there could be seen two pieces of lingerie and two pieces of a small heart crop. David inspected the wall, expecting to find a Jenna-shaped indention in the wall near the door, thankfully there wasn’t one.

“Oh, David. Look at the room. You must have paid a fortune to stay here. We’ll have to pay for all of this. ”

“Don’t worry about it. It was worth it. Besides, it doesn’t matter. I’ll tell them it was your fault. ”

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