For Nick (14 page)

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Authors: Taylor Dean

BOOK: For Nick
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When Andie arrived at Zach’s office that afternoon, Mrs. Edwards spoke softly into her intercom and Andie heard Zach’s voice boom over the airwaves, “Send her in.”

By the time Andie was at his door, Zach was already walking around his desk to greet her. She flew into his arms and he twirled her around, their lips meeting in a scorching kiss. Nothing else existed for them for the next several moments, until the slam of Zach’s office door practically made the walls rattle.

“What the hell is going on here?”

Zach and Andie turned to find Robert glaring at them, steam practically coming out of his ears.

“Watch your language, Robert, there’s a lady in the room,” Zach warned.

“Really? I don’t see one,” Robert said rudely.

“I suggest you tread carefully, Robert,” Zach’s tone was the sternest Andie had ever heard. As a matter of fact, it was downright formidable.

Robert was quite literally taken aback. “May I speak with you privately, Zach?”

Andie moved to leave, but Zach held her in place. “No. Anything you have to say concerns Andie also. She stays.”

Robert seemed speechless for several moments. “What’s going on here? The two of you are carrying on as if this marriage is real. Zach, do you realize the risk you are taking by getting involved with this…this…young lady?”

“Good choice of words,” Zach commented. “I’m well aware of the risks, Robert, thank you. Is that all?”

“Zach…as your lawyer, I must advise you to not behave in this manner. Your contract could be declared null and void and she could take you for every penny you own.”

“That won’t happen. Look Robert, we don’t know exactly what’s happening yet. But we want to find out. It’s as simple as that. Let’s not over complicate things.”

“You’ve already complicated things all on your own.”

Andie still stood in the circle of Zach’s arms, protectively. She rested her head on his chest and held onto him tightly. She didn’t say a word. What could she say? The tension in the room was almost unbearable.

Mrs. Edwards announced over the intercom that lunch had been delivered, interrupting the tense moment.

“Excuse us while we enjoy our lunch together,” Zach told Robert icily.

Robert left, but Andie knew he wasn’t done telling Zach what he thought of the two of them ‘carrying on’ as he put it.

“I thought we’d just eat here at the office. Do you mind? I have a lot of catch-up work to get done today.”

“Not at all.” Andie liked being alone with him in his office versus a crowded restaurant. “Zach,” she said hesitantly, “I would never try to ‘take’ you for anything, no matter what happens between us. That’s not why I’m here. You do know that, right?” Gulp. Sort of. She
here for the money in the beginning, but things had changed.

“I know that, Andie. Don’t worry about Robert. I’ll take care of him.”

In spite of everything, they enjoyed their lunch. They sat on the carpet, backs against the wall, and had a leisurely, casual lunch together. Andie wouldn’t have thought Zach the type to sit on the floor as if they were having an indoor picnic, but it was his idea and she loved it. They forgot about Robert and returned to their normal light banter, stealing kisses here and there as if they’d been separated for days instead of hours. His intercom, announcing his next appointment, disturbed their romantic interlude as usual.

“To be continued…” he whispered in her ear.

“See you tonight.”

“I usually have a late dinner, at about nine or ten. Does that work for you?”

He wasn’t kidding when he said he was a work-a-holic. Yet, it would actually work out perfect for her. It gave her even more time with Nick. “Yes. I’ll miss you,” she said as she adjusted his tie, and finger-combed his hair, making him presentable once again.

“I’ll miss you too,” he told her with a wink.

It was later that afternoon when Robert came storming back into Zach’s office.

“May I have a word, Zach?”

Zach let out his breath. He knew Robert wasn’t going to let things go so easily. While he knew Robert had his best interests at heart, he was a little peeved with him for his manner towards Andie. “Listen Robert, no matter how you feel about this situation, I expect you to be polite to Andie. I will not have you insulting her. Is that clear?”

“I apologize,” Robert said, subdued.

“Thank you. I trust it won’t happen again,” Zach added for good measure.

“Am I right in assuming that the marriage has been consummated?”

“Yes, Robert. You’ve no need to worry on that account.”

“It didn’t happen more than once, did it?”

“None of your damn business.”

Robert held his head in his hands. “Zach,” he mumbled. “You do realize that, legally, you are treading on thin ice, don’t you?”

“I’m happy, Robert. For once, I’m happy. Please don’t take that away from me. This is what my grandfather wanted after all. I didn’t expect this to happen. I’d say we were both taken by surprise, rather pleasantly, I might add.”

“Please don’t tell me you’ve fallen for her.”

“Would that really be such a bad thing?”

“All right, Zach, I give. But if this goes bad, just remember that I warned you of the consequences.”

“I’m well aware. Thank you. I do appreciate you looking out for me.”

Robert scoffed. “If only you listened to me once in awhile. But I must admit…you do look really good…kind of a glow about you…”

“Shut up.”

“I’m serious. And the way she was kissing you…wow, I felt like I shouldn’t be watching…it was downright scandalous…”

Zach felt his face go hot. “Then next time, don’t watch.”


“Bye, sweetheart. See you tonight,” Zach mumbled as he kissed her.

“I hate saying goodbye to you,” Andie responded.

“The feeling’s mutual. This is crazy.”

For the first time, they didn’t laugh at their obsession with each other. They held each other’s gaze for a few moments, but neither one said anything significant.

“Off with you, or I’ll get nothing done today, as appealing as that sounds.” Before she turned to go, he grabbed her shoulders and kissed her one last time.

As Andie left Zach’s office with a smile on her face, she reflected on the happy routine she and Zach had settled into in their wedded bliss. For the past two weeks, each day had pretty much matched the former. They followed the same pattern that was set by their first day back from their honeymoon. It was an inkling of what their life would be like together. She slept in his bed, they made love every night with a never waning passion for one another. She watched him get dressed in the morning, becoming adept at shaving for him. She picked his clothing and always tied his tie for him. He jokingly called her his ‘morning stalker’ and she readily accepted the label, feeling as though she’d entered the private ‘inner sanctum’ of Zachary Drake. They had breakfast together and after he left, she completed her morning routine, took care of any business or errands she needed to do, and then met Zach for lunch. Sometimes they stayed in his office eating take-out and sometimes he took her out to a restaurant, depending on the amount of time he had. Then she was free to spend her afternoon and evening with Nick, until meeting Zach back at the house for a late dinner, usually at ten. Things were good between them and every day seemed to get better.

Still smiling, Andie situated herself on a bench, waiting for her bus ride. Her mind continued to reminisce. Who would’ve predicted that things would turn out so well between her and Zach? What a story they’d be able to tell when people asked how they’d met. More than likely, most would think they were making the whole thing up.


Startled out of her reverie, Andie looked up to see Zach standing next to his car several feet ahead of her, parked at the curbside. He held the passenger door open. She ran over to him.

“Zach, what are you doing here?” She hugged him, but he was rigid in her arms.

“Get in,” he said rather sternly.

She entered the car and buckled. He took his place on the driver’s side. “Zach, what is it? Is something wrong?”

“What are you doing?” he asked firmly, his lips a straight, taut line.

“What do you mean?”

“Why are you waiting at the bus stop?” he said sounding irritated. He didn’t yell, but his voice rose an octave.

Incredulous, Andie stared at him with her mouth slightly open. “I’m waiting for the bus.”

“Don’t you have a car?” he retorted with frustration.

“No. Are you telling me you didn’t know that?”

“Of course I didn’t know that. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Maybe the fact that there’s no car in the driveway should be your first clue. Why are you so angry with me?”

“Because the wife of Zachary Drake does not take the bus!” he said, his voice like ice.

Andie expelled air out of her mouth in an exasperated manner. “Well, excuse me for being an embarrassment to you.” Andie got out of the car, slammed the door, and began to walk away from him. She couldn’t believe he was angry over such a trivial matter. She’d never really seen Zach angry and she didn’t like that it was directed at her. Or that he’d raised his voice at her. Guess this was their first fight. She was ready to do battle.

“Andie, wait…”

She walked briskly. She’d be late to see Nick today because she was going to miss her bus. Great.


Zach was following her, no doubt to chastise her some more for riding the bus. She picked up her pace to a slight run. She didn’t want to have this conversation with him. It was humiliating.

Zach caught up to her effortlessly. He grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him. “Why are you running away from me?”

“Why are you yelling at me?”

Passersby stared. “Can we please sit down and talk about this?” Zach said through gritted teeth.

“Only if you can speak in a civilized tone,” she told him.

The corners of Zach’s mouth started to tug into a smile before he let go fully and a smile covered his face. “You are so cute when you’re angry.”

She didn’t smile. “It isn’t funny. I’m not a child you can scold. Are you going to ground me from riding the bus? How am I supposed to get to the places I need to be? How did you think I arrived at your office every day? Fly, perhaps?”

This time, Zach laughed aloud. “I’m sorry, Andie. Can we please have this conversation in private? Come back with me to the car, please.”

“Why? Because Zachary Drake doesn’t have arguments with his wife in public? Is this beneath you? Am I beneath you? Is that what this is about? Am I an embarrassment to you?”

Zach quickly sobered. “Of course not. I apologize for overreacting and I apologize for raising my voice. I was out of line. Please come back with me to the car. We’ll talk this out.”

Andie said nothing, just headed for the car, filled with righteous indignation at his behavior. He held his hand at the small of her back as if escorting her in a gentlemanly fashion. Clearly, he was trying to make up for his lack of courteousness earlier. Back in the car, they were both silent for several minutes.

“I’m sorry, Andie. I’m not angry with you.” He ran his hand through his hair, tiredly. “Why are you riding the bus?”

“Because I don’t have a car.”

“Why don’t you have a car?”

“I don’t have the money to buy one.”

“I beg to differ. I just paid you one million dollars. You have enough to buy ten cars if you so choose.”

“What’s wrong with riding the bus?” She evaded the question.

“What’s wrong with buying a car?”

“I can’t.”

Zach merged in with traffic and pulled back into his office building’s parking lot. They boarded the elevator and ascended to his office in silence. Zach closed and locked the door, then faced her with an enigmatic expression. Andie couldn’t read him and it worried her.

The angry, defiant Andie left and as Zach studied her, Andie watched his features slowly change. Could he see the pain she’d suffered in her life on her face? Was it obvious? Andie tried to hide it, but never knew if she was successful or not.

Burdened Girl.

Did it show? Presently, she felt as though Zach could see it, feel it. She’d experienced so much happiness since they’d married, much more so than she’d ever imagined.

“Why can’t you buy a car?” he asked quietly, his demeanor strangely calm. The concern in his expression was disconcerting. “It isn’t safe for you to ride the bus. I don’t like it. I don’t like you having to walk the streets, especially at night. I don’t want my lovely wife riding the bus, while I enjoy the luxury of a car. It makes me feel cruel and selfish. That’s what I meant to say, but in my anger I didn’t word it very well.”


“Displeasure,” he corrected.

Andie felt the sting of tears. He was worried about her. When was the last time someone had worried over her? “I always have my pepper spray with me,” she told him.

A hint of a smile crossed his features. “It’s not enough. Scary, but not enough,” he said in all seriousness.

Zach approached, backing her up against the wall, his face an inch from hers, his actions intimate rather than threatening. “I repeat, why can’t you buy a car?”

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