For Nick (17 page)

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Authors: Taylor Dean

BOOK: For Nick
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Andie let that ruminate. Camille had been best friends with his wife, she was there for him during a tragic event in his life, and they’d dated on and off for social convenience. Andie would guess that there was a much stronger connection between them than Zach realized. The thought bothered her.

“What’s her favorite word?” she asked, hiding her consternation.

“Shopping,” Zach answered.

Andie stilled. “Are you serious?”

“Yes. That ought to explain everything.”

“I suppose it does.” Andie knew she was totally, completely, and madly in love with Zach and she had been for quite some time. No doubts. She’d known that he struck a chord in her from the first moment she’d laid eyes upon him. Why else would she have said yes to a business marriage? The idea was preposterous in this day and age.

Except she had another reason for agreeing to the marriage, and it had nothing to do with whether she was in love with Zach or not. It all had to do with Nick. Nick was everything to her.

Regardless, it was foolishness of the very worst kind to let yourself fall in love with a man who only wanted you for a year.

But Nick was hers forever and she intended on keeping it that way for as long as possible.

That was the only real consolation.

She didn’t voice these thoughts. Instead, she mumbled, “I wonder what color her toothbrush is?”

Zach collapsed with laughter.


The double life of Andrea Drake.

It was more than one woman could handle. She’d been unable to shake a constant feeling of fatigue. It was the only mar in an existence that was idyllic, and Zach had the starring role. They didn’t hear from Camille again and Andie figured she’d finally accepted that Zach was now married and therefore off limits to her. Andie was overdoing it and she knew it. Still, she trudged on. There was only one path to take and that was forward. She loved Zach and their newly found passion for one another, and she felt as happy as was possible, under the circumstances.

Zach had just left for work and as she waved goodbye, she suddenly felt off kilter. Andie ran to the bathroom and was miserably sick. It was then that it finally dawned on her. Fatigue and nausea. Could she be pregnant? What would this mean to Nick? To Zach?

She hadn’t expected anything to happen between herself and Zach or that it would be an ongoing event. They’d been married now for three months and the ongoing event had been a daily occurrence. The pill wasn’t foolproof for at least three months. She’d completely forgotten that important little tidbit. She ran to the drugstore and picked up a pregnancy test.

It was positive.

A baby. A baby! Love coursed through her at the thought and her heart nearly leapt in her chest. Her entire body trembled with emotion. A precious child.

All of her fatigue was suddenly explainable.

But her life was completely unexplainable.

Her perfect world came tumbling down. She could no longer live with the fantasy that she and Zach would stay together after the year was up.

She had to ensure it.

Her emotions overwhelmed her and she sunk to the floor, wanting to have a good, hard, gut-wrenching, bone-rattling cry.

Nothing happened, not even a tear. She’d kept herself from crying for so long, her body didn’t remember how to do it. It would be such a release, to let loose, to liberate herself from this robotic state she lived in.

She ran her hand across her belly. She was carrying Zach’s child and she wanted it more than anything in the world—with a longing that truly made her soul ache.

Zach’s baby.

Absolutely, one-hundred percent conceived in love. No doubt about that.

At least on her side.
Did Zach love her? She thought he did. But there was a seed of uncertainty. He’d never said it, but then neither had she. They were both being ridiculously cautious when everything between them was so very blatant. How could she tell him? How would he react? Would he be angry? They’d never once discussed having children between them.

Then an idea came into her mind, a way to tell Zach about the baby and how she felt about him all in one fell swoop. It was perfect.

Today would be a stressful day with Nick, but the news of the baby made Andie feel exuberant. It was the pick-me-up she needed.

What about Nick? Zach would help her with Nick. She was sure of it. In her heart she’d always known he would.

It was time to get personal. As if they hadn’t already.

Andie rushed to the mall and found exactly what she was looking for. She met Zach for lunch and couldn’t hide her glow of excitement.

Zach watched Andie leave his office. She was positively beaming today. She seemed to be bubbling with happiness. The way she kissed him—there was no doubt how she felt about him—and he felt the same. What was she so giddy about? She’d announced she was going to make dinner for him tonight and give Mr. and Mrs. Barnes the night off. She said she had something special for him. His curiosity was absolutely stoked. He went to his window and watched her car, a splash of silver on the pavement below. Where did she go every day? What was going on in her life that was so important that she couldn’t stay another week in Tahoe? Or go on a business trip with him? He’d always dismissed the idea quickly, not wanting to get too personal.

Okay, he admitted he was the one who didn’t want to share the pathetic details of
life. And once she shared her story, he’d be obligated to return the favor. Admitting to his grandfather’s meddling in his life was downright embarrassing.

And personal? Huh, what a joke. They’d gone way beyond personal. It was as if they shared a secret together, one that made both of them smile like children.

He’d never really said the words he wanted to say to her out loud before, at least not to her face. Cami had forced his hand. That night at the social, she’d ranted and gone on about being asked to marry him. She’d told him he broke his word by marrying another woman. She felt betrayed and couldn’t believe he was putting on such a disgusting show of public affection in front of everyone. How could he do this to her? Was he trying to make her jealous? Why had he picked a plain Jane nobody to marry? Couldn’t he have picked someone in the same class as himself? Zach couldn’t help but scoff at her words. He wanted to remind her that she’d turned him down flat, but he didn’t. When she’d finally taken a breath, he’d told her calmly, but firmly, “I’m completely in love with her, Cami. She’s my wife and I’m very happy. Please just be happy for me.” Cami had stormed off. He hadn’t heard from her since.

I want to say those words to Andie. I want to tell her. What am I doing standing here? Besides, it’s time I found out where it is she goes every day.

It was time to let down his defenses and let her into his life completely and vice versa. He’d never felt more sure about anything. It was time to get personal…more personal than they already were. For the first time he understood his grandfather’s desires for him. He was right. He hadn’t been living till now, till Andie entered his life.

So what if they’d originally gotten together due to a ridiculous business arrangement. There’d been absolutely nothing business-like between them since the very beginning. He’d known early on that Andie was someone special. Since the moment she’d held pepper spray on him, in fact.

Zach took the elevator down to the parking garage in record time. He jumped into his car and peeled out, making his tires squeal. He wasn’t sure he could catch her. He’d sat there dwelling on the issue for much too long. There was a chance she hadn’t gotten far. The street was dotted with traffic lights and was always rather congested at this time of day. Of course, he had no idea which way she had gone. He took a short cut, one that put him way ahead of the other cars on the main street and—he struck gold—there she was, about four cars in front of him. He stayed back, following her slowly for the next forty-minutes wondering what he was doing. This seemed so wrong, so deceitful. She’d offered to tell him about her life many times. He’d turned her down every time. He knew it was something between them, a wedge, if you will. There was a part of her he didn’t know and he suddenly wanted to know everything. He wanted to beg her to stay with him after their preposterous contract was up. When he was old and gray he wanted this to be a story he told to their grandchildren. He wanted to tell Andie how much he loved her and see her eyes widen with pleasure. Andie’s car merged onto the freeway and he kept a safe distance, feeling like a jerk. He should just ask her. Instead, here he was following her like a suspicious, jealous husband. What if she was mad when he told her what he’d done?
By the way, I followed you today. I wanted to know where you go every day. No, I didn’t think of just asking you, even though you’ve offered to tell me on several occasions.
How would she react to this behavior?

She’d roll her eyes at him, that’s what. Then she’d throw her arms around him and kiss him the way she always does. No one had ever kissed him the way Andie did. What did Robert call it…scandalous? Yeah, it was scandalous, that and downright indecent.

It was fantastic.

She exited the freeway and they followed a long city road for a while. They were getting into a neighborhood he’d never ventured into before. It was rundown and unkempt. Where on earth was she going? They weaved in and out through some residential streets and then she pulled over next to a row of old, ramshackle townhomes.

Zach felt numb as he pulled over, a clear view of her car available through a maze of trees. He watched her begin to go up the walk.

A man ran out of the house and took Andie in his arms. He twirled her around in the air and held her close to him. They walked into the home with their arms around each other. Zach couldn’t believe his eyes, as a matter of fact he wouldn’t have believed it if it hadn’t happened before his very eyes.

Zach was frozen. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t think. He stared straight ahead and for several minutes had no reaction whatsoever. Slowly, reality began to sink in. His jaw clenched and his teeth gritted together He waited for the next hour, staring intently, waiting to see her exit the house.

She never came out.

One hour turned into two. Images wafted about his mind that left him feeling cold, detached, and remote.

Andie was cheating on him.

All this time, she’d been playing him. She’d completely double-crossed him and he’d fallen for her…hook, line, and sinker. How could she have done it? How could she two-time him like this?

He’d given Andie a million bucks. Her personal cause was a poverty-stricken lover.
I wonder what kind of whopper she would’ve told me if I’d ever let her tell me the so-called truth about her personal life

He had no one to blame but himself. He’d fallen into her trap easily, disgustingly easy. She’d played the helpless little maiden in distress and he’d jumped in to save her every time, whisking her away from an awful apartment, buying her a car, keeping her bank account nice and full.
What an idiot I am.
He’d given her three months of his life, three of the best months of his life, or so he’d thought. Now he realized it was all a big, fat lie. It wasn’t as if he needed to have anything explained to him, he knew exactly what was going on.

She’d made him feel as if it was all about him.
She probably thinks she can get more out of me.
That must be what this is all about. Money.

Didn’t it always come down to money? Isn’t that really why he was in this mess in the first place? Zach sat eerily still as these thoughts wandered through his mind. This was the last thing he would have suspected her capable of. She was a good little actress.

But I’m on to you adorable Andie. And you’re not so adorable anymore.

So now, the question is: what am I going to do about it? Confront her, tell her I know what kind of a woman she is and throw her out of my house? That passes as option number one. Tempting, very tempting. But I need a wife for one year or Drake Enterprises will be lost. I’m not willing to lose my company. If I bide my time, I’ll have what I want.

So that’s it. Maybe he had to keep Andie as his wife, but he didn’t have to enjoy it.

It’s over.

Zach put the car into gear and slowly drove away, feeling entirely removed from the situation.


Zach entered the dining room that evening with about ten other people in tow. He’d planned it this way on purpose and it was a good thing too. His eyes widened at the sight that met him. Andie was making every effort to impress tonight. The lights were low and a candlelight dinner waited on the table. A beautifully wrapped gift sat next to his plate. And there she stood in classy lingerie. Her smile was genuine, and she looked stunning.

Now that he knew what she was, the whole set-up screamed guilt.

“Zach, we forgot you were a newlywed.”

Laughter erupted behind him. “Is this what you come home to every night, you lucky son of a gun?”

“Please meet me in my office while I have a few words with my wife.” The group wandered off.

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