For Nick (28 page)

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Authors: Taylor Dean

BOOK: For Nick
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“I don’t understand. Why’d you do that?”

“You owe me nothing. You’re free to do as you please. I release you from the contracts. I’m sorry I ever came up with the idea.”

“But the money…”

“You earned every penny of that money.”

She turned her head away from him quickly and he cursed himself for his poor choice of words. “Andie…that didn’t come out right. I don’t mean it that way. We both know it wasn’t like that, not at all.” His hand raked through his hair as he thought about what to say. He placed a hand on her cheek and turned her face towards him. His next words were hushed. “You’ve been through enough at my hands and I don’t want to cause you any more pain. I apologize profusely for everything that has happened between us. I know that I behaved badly. You kept your part of the bargain even though the circumstances have been intolerable. The money is yours to keep. I want you to have it.”

She didn’t look happy and he was confused. He’d thought for sure she would be relieved, if not delighted, with the news that she was free.

“Do you still need a wife for one year?” Her voice was quiet.

He was surprised at the question. That she was able to consider him and his situation was remarkable. “Yes, I still need a wife for one year.”

“I’ll stay married to you for the entire year, if you’d like, that is.”

“Why would you do that for me?”

“It was part of the deal. I’m not going back on my promise, contract or not. Besides, I don’t have any place else to go and I’m not sure what I’m going to do next. Do you mind if I stay here a little while longer?”

“You’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like. I…want you to stay. Thank you, Andie.” She was incredible and if he had his way, she was staying right here forever. Now he had time on his side. And he would win her back, he was sure of it.

“May I ask why you need a wife?” she asked hesitantly.

Zach ran his hands over his face, knowing he owed her an explanation for his strange behavior when it came to matrimony. He decided to simply lay it on the line, no matter how absurd it sounded. “My grandfather was worried about me. From the moment I lost Emily, he was constantly reminding me to go on with life, to start again. For the first time in my life, I didn’t do as he suggested. I haven’t really dated since Emily or, frankly, even tried to find someone new. He took matters into his own hands. Marriage for one year was a provision in his will. He wanted me to be happy and I know he meant well. But if I don’t comply I lose Drake Enterprises. It will be sold and the profits donated to charity.”

Andie’s eyebrows rose and it was obvious that she hadn’t suspected that scenario. Who would’ve?

“Oh, I never would’ve guessed. I thought it had to do with Camille.”

“Camille? How so?”

“I thought maybe you were trying to make her jealous so she’d marry you.”

He couldn’t help but scoff at the idea. “No, but I’m sorry that my actions led you to believe such a thing. Camille and I don’t—nor have we ever—had that kind of relationship.”

“Oh,” she said softly again, her expression vulnerable. She was the sweetest woman he’d ever known.

“Thank you for helping me keep my company,” he told her, even though there was so much more he wanted to say.

It was time for baby steps, and he was willing to be patient. She was worth it.


The next day, Andie arose, determined to go see Nick. It had been five days and it was far too long of a separation. Nick needed her now.

It wasn’t wise to stay with Zach and she knew it, but she’d agreed to a year with him and she wasn’t about to go back on her word. Besides, she couldn’t let him lose his company. Briefly, she’d toyed with the idea of moving in with Charles, but nixed the thought almost immediately. They were close, but not
close. It would be awkward to say the least.

Andie lingered at Zach’s office doorway uncertainly. “Zach.”

He stood. “Andie…I didn’t know you were up. You look…beautiful.”

He’d been kind and attentive the last several days. Honestly, his compassion increased her sadness. If only they’d been able to work things out. As it stood, they would soon part as friends. The only thing she’d take with her was major baggage filled with heart wrenching memories. “I just wanted to let you know that I’m going out,” she informed him softly.

He objected. “Are you sure you’re up to it? Perhaps you should give it a few more days.”

“I’m fine.”

“Let me drive you,” Zach offered.

“No. Charles is driving me. He’ll be here any minute. Thank you, though.” So polite and so formal. Is this what their relationship had dwindled to?

“All right then. Please be careful.”

“I won’t be gone long, only a couple of hours. I know I can’t over do it. But I have to go. It’s vitally important,” she stated firmly as she turned and left, not giving him a chance to respond further.

Zach hurried to the window and watched as Andie waited for the arrival of Charles. It was a cold mid-November day outside. Andie was bundled up appropriately, but he still worried over her. The fresh air was probably good for her though. She’d been stuck in bed for much too long.

Charles trudged up the driveway, hugged Andie tightly and kissed her on the forehead several times. The affection could be misconstrued by an innocent bystander, but now that Zach knew their relation to one another, it seemed entirely sweet. Andie handed her keys to Charles. He popped into the driver’s side, and off they went.

Didn’t anyone in her family own a car? They all rode the bus as if cars had never been invented. It was downright weird. A sudden impulse to follow her made him run to his car and speed out of the driveway.

Zach was able to catch up to Charles and Andie easily. As a matter of fact, he had to brake several times just to keep from gaining on them.
What am I doing? Isn’t this exactly what got me into trouble the last time?

But it was time to find out what the big secret of Andie’s life actually was. It was crucial to their relationship—no more secrets. What could be so important that she had to go everyday and take care of
? What was
? Several things ran through his mind. Maybe she was in trouble with the law. Maybe she had to go see a parole officer everyday and work at paying back some sort of restitution. The million could have gone towards her repayment.

No, she was much too honest to have committed any sort of crime. And she’d been scared to death after spending a night in jail. She was hardly some kind of hardened criminal. Too bad he couldn’t have seen that sooner.

Maybe she took care of an aging grandparent. Healthcare costs could be unimaginable. That made sense. Or maybe Charles was ill and she took him to the doctor everyday for chemo or something. Maybe she looked after him when he was down. That would explain the hours she’d spent with him that day he’d followed her.

No, he looked healthy and was in amazing shape for his age. Otherwise he wouldn’t have mistaken him for a younger man in the first place.

The next thought that occurred to him made his blood run cold. Maybe her husband had not died in the car accident. Maybe he was in a coma and she went to see him every day. Maybe he was a vegetable, but she refused to let him go by turning off his life support. That would be just like Andie.

Zach let out his breath. This was ridiculous. Surely, whatever her secret is, it can’t be that dramatic. She’d always been willing to tell him, in fact wanted to tell him. It’s probably something silly. Her issues with money probably have nothing whatsoever to do with it.

Or maybe they had everything to do with it. Why else would she have married him? Why else indeed?

They drove for about ten minutes before pulling off the freeway. He wasn’t familiar with the area, so he still had no clue where they were going. Soon, however, they entered the medical district and his heart was suddenly in his throat. Could Andie be sick? Maybe she received some sort of treatment every day.

No, he would have learned of it during her recovery in the hospital. His earlier thoughts began to be viable possibilities.

When they pulled into a hospital parking lot, he felt his stomach lurch uncomfortably. To his surprise, Charles dropped Andie off and then pulled away. He watched Andie disappear inside the glass doors of the hospital. He parked quickly and ran to the entrance so he wouldn’t lose her. He was suddenly filled with dread at what he was about to discover and he seriously considered turning around and going home. He could politely question her about it tonight at home, like most normal people would do. All this subterfuge was silly.

Silly subterfuge

silly stupid subterfuge

hate hospitals

hate horrific, horrendous hospitals.

Andie was the only person in the world who would understand his thoughts right now and come right back at him with an alliteration of her own. He missed that.

Man misses merry moments.

He really needed to pull himself together. Andie was right, they were getting cheesy. Who cares? As long as they were cheesy together.
Charismatic character craves cheesy, charming chatter

cheery companion.

Shut up, Zach. Just shut up.

Andie was walking slowly through the hospital, evidence that she wasn’t feeling completely well. When she boarded the elevator, he camouflaged himself behind a fake plant and watched to see which button she pressed, feeling like a suspicious husband.
Stupid suspicious spouse.
He took the next available elevator. When the doors opened on the chosen floor, a cold numbness washed over him and he had to remind his feet to step forward, one at a time, step by step. A million thoughts frantically fought for attention in his overloaded brain.

They were in the pediatric ward.

Zach followed Andie as she continued down several long corridors. He couldn’t form a conscious thought if his life depended upon it.

A child?

Soon they entered another section of the hospital. When he saw the sign, his heart skipped a beat and he had to stop for a minute and catch his breath. He saw, from a distance, which room Andie entered. He took a few minutes to pull himself together.

The sign read, Pediatric Oncology.

That meant cancer. That meant a child with cancer.

Zach walked slowly towards the room Andie had disappeared into. Of all things his mind had conjured up, this was not one of them. The first thing that registered in his befuddled brain was the sign on the door, the child’s name.

Nicole Parker.

I love you, Nick.

So many things clicked into place for him in that moment. Everything suddenly made perfect sense.




Andie had said her name in her sleep. Not the name of her lover…the name of her child.

The reality finally sunk in. Andie had a child. A daughter. Thoughts continued to whirl through his mind.

Has your wife lost a child before?

No, she hasn’t. At least not yet. But she spends her days watching her child die before her very eyes as she stands back, helpless.

Where did the money go, Andie?

He knew exactly where it went. It went to insurmountable health care costs that were probably through the roof by now.

I can’t afford to buy a car

Why? Because every cent goes to her dying child. She rides the bus to save money, so does Charles.

You’re looking exhausted tonight, Andie.

She wasn’t exhausted because she spent her days in her lover’s arms. She was exhausted because she spent her days caring for her sick child.

I can’t stay another week, Zach, I just can’t

Of course she couldn’t stay another week in Tahoe. It was amazing she’d been able to part from her child for even a day. What a huge sacrifice she’d made for him.

Charles was here earlier. He said he’d be back later. I don’t know where he went.

Charles wasn’t with Andie during her recovery because he was with his granddaughter while Andie couldn’t be there.

“I’m sorry, Zach, I didn’t have time.”

Why couldn’t Andie find the time to go shopping for a new dress? Because every second of her free time was spent with her sick daughter. Of course she didn’t have time for frivolous shopping.

He hadn’t married an evil, monstrous woman. He’d married an absolute angel. A woman who would do anything for her child—a woman who would do anything for love. His esteem of Andie rose phenomenally in that moment. In his mind she was on a pedestal that no one he knew could ever rise above, or even reach. She was incredible.

She was right. This was indeed vitally important that she be there.

All of these thoughts reverberated through his stunned mind in a matter of seconds. Then his eyes took in the scene before him. Andie was smiling and talking to her daughter, hugging her, wiping away both of their tears. It was a joyous reunion. They’d been separated for almost a week as Andie recovered. He wondered how she’d endured it. Nicole ran her hand over Andie’s cast as if her touch could make it all better.

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