For Nick (30 page)

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Authors: Taylor Dean

BOOK: For Nick
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Even her determination to never cry made sense to him now. “Perfectly understandable.” Thoughts of the man who’d been a constant source of strength to him in his life wafted through his mind. “Wait here a minute. I’ll be right back.”

Zach grabbed what he wanted and quickly returned to Andie. He handed her his favorite photograph, one of himself and his grandfather, only a few weeks before he’d passed. “This is my grandfather. He raised me from the time I was fifteen. We were very close and I miss him every day of my life.” Zach ran his hand over his face. “He always told me, “Work as if everything depends upon you, pray as if everything depends upon God.” It was his favorite quote by St. Augustine and he lived his life by this motto. Of course, at the end of the quote he loved to insert his own wisdom. He always added, “Because it does.” You’ve done that, Andie. You’ve done everything within your power to help Nick. The rest is in God’s hands.”

She was quiet for several moments as the thought sunk in. “Thank you, Zach. I needed to hear that,” she said as a few more tears drizzled down her face.

Zach watched as her eyes lowered and she studied the photo, a frown slowly developing on her precious face.

“I know him,” she whispered in awe.

Zach shrugged. “He was in the newspaper often and did a weekly ‘business spot’ on the morning news. Investment stuff. Many people recognize him.”

“No, you don’t understand, I know him. He was a patient for a short time at the same hospital where Nick is.”

Zach remembered his grandfather spending a few days in the hospital for some tests not too terribly long ago. Zach had been on a business trip at the time and had never visited him while he was there.

“You met?” he said, feeling incredulous.

“We met. He adored Nick. He was so good to her. He made her laugh, just like you do.”

That sounded just like his grandfather. “He always was good with children,” Zach smiled reminiscently. Somehow it made his heart fill with joy to know that his grandfather had known Andie and Nick. He had loved them, just as Zach did, even if it was only for a short time. What an interesting twist of fate.

“There’s more,” Andie stated quietly.

Zach felt his heart stop in his chest. “More? What do you mean?”

“This is the man who encouraged me to apply at Drake Enterprises. He told me I would find ‘favorable working conditions.’ Then rather cryptically, he added, ‘and maybe something more.’ I never knew what he meant by that.”

Zach felt utterly speechless as his heart raced to monumental proportions. What was she implying? “Are you saying he set us up?” Thoughts flew through his mind at an alarming rate.

“I don’t know. I don’t know what he meant. I only know he wanted me to apply at Drake Enterprises. I had no idea he was the owner.”

“He must’ve known,” Zach said, feeling flabbergasted.

“How could he have known?” Andie mumbled in response.

“It’s not possible,” Zach breathed.

“Maybe he wanted us to meet,” Andie provided, as though she hadn’t realized she’d said it aloud.

“I’m not sure what to think. He never tried to set me up with women, at least not that I’m aware of.”

“I guess he felt he knew something we didn’t,” Andie smiled, making light of the fluke.

Zach reminisced on his feelings the first time he met Andie. Decisively, he said, “He knew. I know he knew.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Because I knew the moment I laid eyes on you.”

Andie’s smile died and she immediately lowered her eyes. “I think I’d better get some sleep now.”

Such an abrupt change of subject. She wasn’t ready for this conversation, not by a long shot. Zach knew from the expression on her face that she was as disturbed by this coincidence as he was.

“C’mon, I’ll walk you up the stairs.”

Zach and Andie went to their separate rooms for the night and Zach spent the night dreaming of holding Andie in his arms. Somehow his grandfather was lurking in the background of his consciousness all the while—with a huge smile on his face.

How could he have known?

In the morning, Zach called Andie into his office. “I’ve just spoken with my insurance company. Nick is now fully covered under my medical plan. Perhaps we can take control over the skyrocketing bills now. Exactly how much do you owe?”

Andie was stunned. Zach had turned into the high-powered businessman, ready to tackle the problem at hand. It came so easy to him. Just like that, he’d solved one of her biggest issues.

“Andie, did you hear me?”

She wasn’t sure she could find her voice. She sat there like an idiot, staring at him in shock. “She’s covered?”

“Yes. I need a few items of paperwork filled out. Other than that, it’s a done deal.”

“What does this do to your premiums?”

“I’m not worried about it, Andie.”

Andie covered her face and started to cry. Zach was becoming her savior, solving all her problems in one fell swoop. He didn’t seem to realize just what this would mean to her. She opened her eyes to find he was kneeling next to her. “Thank you, Zach. After years of worry and fear, it feels so good to have someone else take over. I don’t feel so alone anymore.”

Zach pulled her up to her feet and hugged her. “You’re not alone anymore, Andie. It’s high time someone stepped in and helped you and Charles. And I want to be that person.”

For the next few weeks, little changed. Before they knew it, it was late December and Christmas was upon them, although none of them felt very festive. Zach remedied the situation.

He walked into Nick’s hospital room on Christmas Eve with so many packages, you couldn’t even see him behind them all. He’d purchased a small Christmas tree with all the trimmings. Not only that, he’d also brought lights to string up around the room, and several brightly wrapped packages. All for Nick.

“C’mon, Nick, it’s time to decorate your tree,” Zach said cheerfully.

Nick perked up. “My own tree?”

“Yep. You get to keep it in your room. I got permission from the hospital.”

Andie balked at his generosity, feeling guilty. But Nick’s smiling face quickly erased her worries. They spent over an hour decorating the tree. Then Zach strung the lights. They spent Christmas Eve sitting at Nick’s bedside with only the Christmas lights illuminating the room. They sung several Christmas carols together, then Nick opened her pile of presents. Zach had spoiled her rotten. Amongst other things, he bought her a silky nightgown fit for a princess, which Nick adored, and a precious silver pinky ring with the letter N engraved upon it in an elegant script. To Andie’s surprise, he presented her with a matching ring, also with an N engraved upon it.

“To always remember her by,” he whispered in her ear as she hugged him tightly. It was one of the sweetest gifts she’d ever received.

“We have matching rings, Mommy,” Nick exclaimed. “I’ll never take it off.”

“I’ll never take mine off either,” Andie promised Nick.

Late that night, they watched as Nick fell into a peaceful slumber. “I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything, Zach. I haven’t done any Christmas shopping.”

“I already have everything I want,” he said quietly.

Zach was certainly pulling out all the stops, smothering herself and Nick with kindness. Andie was completely confused by his actions and unsure of exactly what he wanted from her. He’d never once inferred that he wanted them to get back together, yet he was at her side every day. Andie could only assume her situation brought out the philanthropist inside of him. They were now his very own private charity case.

And that was it. But she wouldn’t refuse his help.

Andie stared down at her ring. It was beautiful and such a thoughtful gift.
To always remember her by.
Zach knew what was happening, even though she refused to recognize and accept it. “I’m going to lose her, aren’t I?” she whispered.

“I didn’t mean it that way, Andie. No one can predict the future.”

Andie nodded. “I love the ring. It’ll always be precious to me, a keepsake.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“Thank you, Zach. This is the happiest Christmas we’ve known, the happiest Christmas Nick has ever known. And it may be her last,” Andie stated bluntly, a tear drizzling down her cheek.

“We don’t know that for sure. Don’t lose your determination, Andie. It’s one of the things I love about you.”

Love. There was that word again.

If only they could find the love they’d once known.

One rainy night as Zach worked in his home-office, Andie hesitantly stood in his doorway. He’d been going with her to take care of Nick every day for the last few weeks, letting his vice president take over at work for him. Andie and Nick were more important right now.

“Can I speak with you?”

Zach was hoping she would talk to him. The doctor had asked to visit with her that afternoon and he’d stayed with Nick while she went to meet with him. She was visibly upset when she returned and hadn’t said a word on the ride home. It seemed she was ready to talk now. He knew he simply had to wait it out.

“Of course, Andie. Come on in.”

“Am I disturbing you?”

“No, not at all.”

Andie sat in the chair across from his desk. “I spoke with the doctor today.”

“Yes. I was hoping you would share the prognosis with me.”
I was hoping you would talk to me, look at me, notice me, anything, any sign that you might feel something for me still.

Tears began to slide down her cheeks and Zach braced himself for the worst. She didn’t sob, she spoke quietly and stoically. “The new drug isn’t working. Not at all. It’s only making her sicker and weaker by the day as she suffers from the side effects. The doctor said I have a choice to make.”

Her eyes were intent on him and the anguish was evident on her face. “Go on.”

“I don’t know what to do, Zach. I can either carry on with the new drug, hoping for a miracle, while watching her suffer every day or…”

“Or what?”

“Or…stop all treatment…and finally let her go. The doctor gives her three months to live if we stop all treatment. He said she would recover and get her strength back for a while and have a chance to enjoy life. They would treat her for pain only.”

The pure agony on her face was killing him. “What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know what to do. Please help me. Please tell me what to do. I can’t make this decision. How can a mother make this choice? What if the new drug starts to work? What if it can cure her if we just stick with it for a little longer? Do you know what she said to me today?”


“She said she was ready to go to heaven. She said she would miss me, but she was ready to be with her Heavenly Father and not have pain anymore. I suddenly realized she’s only doing this for me. She knows I’ll miss her and be lonely without her. She’s worried about me, she’s not worried about herself. She’s at peace and ready to move on. She’s been fighting this fight for five years. That’s more than half of her life. I don’t think she even remembers normal life. For her, life is a hospital and pain and drugs that make her sick.” Tears continued to pour down Andie’s face. “What do I do? Please tell me what to do? If I give up now, I’ll lose her. How can I give up?” She started to cry in earnest.

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