Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise) (6 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise)
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He picked up the phone and dialed his father.


“Daniel, how are you?” Francesco got up and walked over to the large office windows that looked over Manhattan. He wanted to retire; he wanted his son to take over the business.


“Father, I’m sorry for everything. You were right, I needed to grow up and learn some things. I desperately need to come home though.”


“What have you learned?” Francesco missed his son and couldn’t hide the compassion in his voice. But he had to be sure. He weakened when it came to Daniel, and that’s the worst thing he could do.


“I’ve learned about hard work, making it on my own, that women are crazy, and that I’ll remain a bachelor for the rest of my life!” Daniel didn’t realize how loud and fast he was talking.


“If you feel all of that, Daniel, you still aren’t ready to come home. What you’re doing is running, which you’ve done all your life. You run to escape decisions, emotions, and responsibility. I love you and I miss you, my son, but now isn’t the time.”


Daniel listened to his father hang up the phone.






The weeks were one big blur to Daniel. He felt as if everything had been stripped from him.
Everything had
. He was feeling that way each morning as he got up for work at the farm. Mornings turned into nights, nights turned into the dreaded mornings of knowing there was nothing for him to look forward to. He didn’t even care about the family business anymore. He had definitely avoided the bar at all costs.


Daniel’s body had gotten more muscular, but it didn’t make the work any easier under the heat of the sun. He never planted a thing in his life, let alone rows of vegetables, corn, potatoes, and other things. What saved him was the daydreaming. Constantly dreaming of Katherine made the hours fly by. She had proved him wrong, though. She was no different than Marissa and the rest of the women he entertained.


It wasn’t normal for him to be thinking of just
woman. He didn’t want to think about Katherine, but if he stopped, it would mean that she’d be totally gone. She wasn’t someone Daniel was ready to let go of.


The summer months had blended, and the heat was horrid. The horseflies had left their share of bites, as Daniel had become accustomed to taking off his shirt. He found himself working ridiculously hard so Rosie would have less to do.
Why aren’t there other people helping
Where the hell is Sam


He stopped one blistering day to wash his head down with the garden hose. The rows of plants that were producing delicious food for the table gave him a sense of pride, a sense of accomplishment, respect for the south and the clean, peaceful scenery. The most respect was for the farmers
. No one works harder.
Even though he felt sore most days, he could definitely see why Rosie loved it here so much.


He had become so fond of the horses and had absolutely no fear of them. Without being asked, he would wash them down and groom them. Daniel had more conversations with these horses than he could count.




The summer flew by for Daniel. He was grateful when the days began to cool off and autumn spread its glorious colors across the land.


It was such a beautiful day. The temperature was perfect, so Daniel wanted to walk and just enjoy the scenery. He was feeling completely relaxed until he found himself standing in the meadow, right where he’d pulled Katherine into his arms. Right where he’d held her when she cried and told him the things she wanted out of life. She disclosed her sorrow, her pain, and did it so well.
Some guy shows up with the nicest car that Prairie has probably ever seen, and she runs to him!
He left the meadow with his mood no longer light. Daniel headed to his room so he could doze off. Sleeping and working the land had become his favorite times of each day. Being in his own head was crushing him. He’d never felt this way before and was just sinking inside himself.




Rosie was waiting for him at the kitchen table with a plate full of food that she had prepared, and a steaming cup of coffee. The leaves had fallen from the trees, and the sky stayed gloomy more days than it didn’t. The morning frosts were definitely warning of winter’s arrival. The young man had been on the farm for eight months, and Rosie had become quite fond of him. His joyful disposition had dropped like the leaves, and she couldn’t withhold her concern any longer.


“Okay, spill it.” Rosie was done watching him mope around. He was way too young not be enjoying himself in life.


“Spill what?” Daniel ate without even bothering to savor the flavor of the delicious, hot meal.


“John, you’re not even the same person. Something happened to you, and if I had to guess, I’d say it has something to do with a female.”


“There isn’t a female in my life.” Daniel wished she would just change the topic.


“There are more fish in the sea, it’s a true story.”


“Rosie, I do not want a woman in my life. They all want the same thing.” Daniel had to change the topic for her, or he risked spilling something about his real identity. He was forbidden to attach himself to the Giordano name. The deal was to make it on his own without having the family’s wealth and reputation carry him.


“So, how are the horses?”


“You were with them last night for over two hours. Those aren’t the females I was talking about. What’s going on, John? Maybe the advice from an old bat like me could help some.”


“No offense, Rosie, but there aren’t any good women left. They all want material things you can give to them, not what your heart can offer.”


“John, that’s a big crock of bull.”


“Well, I met someone and all she did was take off with the first guy in a fancy car.”
A piece of shit car.


“If you want that woman, go get her. That’s how you do it. Sitting around moping, not having any contact with her, isn’t going to get you anyplace. If you don’t tell her, she’ll never know how you feel. Women aren’t mind readers, John.” Rosie winked at Daniel, then walked outside towards the barn to take care of the horses. She heard the door open and close behind her.


“So just go get her? I’m not a caveman. Besides, I don't have any problems getting women.”
Just not the woman I want.
Daniel’s voice was rising just bringing the topic up. He had tried to be a gentleman, he hadn’t rushed her. And she turned around and did what she did. She deserved that display with Emily.


“I’ll tell you what. We did a lot out in the field yesterday and there isn’t anything pressing today. Go find her and tell this woman what you feel. Women need that.”


“If it goes like the last time I was at the bar, will you bail me out of jail?”


“Absolutely!” Rosie laughed, gave him a quick hug, and told him to get prettied up and head on over.


Daniel insisted on helping out until around noon. There was no way he was going to take time off with her out there killing herself. He finished the work for the day by going a lot faster, then got cleaned up and headed into town. Daniel found that the small barbershop was open, so he stopped in for a quick cut and shave. He wanted to at least look presentable when he saw her, but he was afraid to step inside the bar.
If that little bastard is there…




His excitement grew when he had full view of the parking lot. He saw Katherine’s little Chevy in the back, and there was no sign of the Corvette. Walking inside of the dim bar, he could see only one other patron, a young man eating a sandwich. He didn’t see Katherine and didn’t want to seem like that was his reason for coming there. He ordered a corn beef on rye and had a beer to help his anxiety from boiling over. He decided to go approach the owner, who was standing at the register inspecting the tape.


“Excuse me,” said Daniel. This was Katherine’s uncle, so he would be able to call her upstairs and ask her to come down. He was kicking himself for tearing up her phone number. There was no way that Daniel was going to risk getting a door slammed in his face from going to her apartment.


“What can I get for ya?”


Daniel reached out his hand and introduced himself. “My name’s John Williams. I’ve been in here a few times but I don’t believe we’ve met.”


“Name’s Andy.” Andy smiled and shook the young man’s hand. “You must be new around here. I know pretty much everyone who lives in these parts.” He laughed like a good Irish man. He didn’t want to embarrass the poor man by pointing out that he saw him get one punched and was out for the count. It didn’t stop him from laughing to himself.


“I moved here not that long ago. I’m trying to find Katherine. Is she working today?” Daniel’s heart was beating faster.


“Nope. Not today, not tomorrow, or anytime in the near future is my guess.” Andy shook his head with disappointment.


“Why not? Is she okay?”


“She told me that she had to leave Prairie. I can’t say I much blame her. There isn’t anything here for a young woman other than trouble.”


“Where did she go?” Daniel was almost in a full-blown panic.


“I’m not sure. She took off one night and called me the next morning. It really saddened me. I have plenty of staff to cover, but I’m going to miss that kid. We’re family.”


“Andy, did she go by herself?”


“No, thank God. I’d be scared half to death if she did.”


“Did she leave town with a guy who drives a black Corvette?”


“She sure did. I hope he takes care of her, but I don’t put much hope in that. He’s too footloose and fancy free, but I gotta love that kid too. He don’t have much upstairs, but he’s still my nephew.”


? As in Katherine’s


“Yep, his name’s Jacob. His mouth gets him into trouble now and then. Seen him with a pretty cut up and swollen mouth here some months back. That boy is always fighting. I hate to be rude but I have a delivery coming and I gotta clear out some space in the back. Nice meeting you, John.”


Oh my God! That was her cousin? I accused her of such horrible things, and she was with her cousin?! That crap I pulled with Emily? Oh…my…God.




Daniel hopped in his pickup and drove as fast as he could down to the farm. He went to his room and shut the door. He thought his heart was going to beat right out of his chest. When he felt like his stomach was no longer sitting in his throat and he could breathe better, he got out his phone and called his father.


“Daniel, it’s good to hear your voice. How are you?”


“Father, I need to come home.”


“Are you missing your luxuries? Your penthouse and car are fine, Daniel. I checked on them just this morning.”


“NO! It has
to do with the penthouse and the damn


Francesco was speechless. He had never heard his son raise his voice to him.


“I’m sorry, Father. You can find me a farm in New York, I don’t care. But I need to be near some resources.”

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