Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1 (6 page)

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Authors: Lisa M. Harley,Missy Johnson,Stacey Lynn,Lexi Buchanan,Rebecca Brooke,Olivia Linden,Jessica Hawkins,R. S. Grey,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Janice Baker

BOOK: Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1
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“That was…holy hell. That was…wow,” she said in a low grumbly voice.

“Yeah.  That it was.” I turned toward her and rose up on my elbow.  “You are pretty fucking amazing, Mrs. Mason.”

“Really?  After you fucked me senseless you’re still going to call me that?”

“You betcha.  It’s hot as hell.  The studly young man fucking the sexy older woman?” I kissed her boob and ran my tongue along her nipple watching it pebble under my touch. “That’s hot as fuck.”


The Last Night



I couldn’t believe summer was already over.  Tray had been here for six weeks.   The best six weeks I’d had in a long time. While he was here, the employees treated me better.  I had no clue why, but they seemed to gain some respect for me.  It didn’t make sense, but I sure accepted it.

Maybe it was my attitude that had changed instead of theirs.  Tray had lived true to his promise.  We had fun together. And I’m not just talking about sex. The sex was off the charts amazing, but just being with Tray made me happy.  He was a happy guy and it rubbed off on those around him.  Mason Farms was a happier place because of him and I was going to miss him.

I knew our summer, would just be that – a summer.  But that fact didn’t make the thought of him leaving any less significant.  It was going to hurt to lose him, but he had to go back to his life and I had to stay here and continue mine.  Tray had taught me that it was okay to smile again.  He let me be me, and not the sad widow for a while.  It was great.

Tray made me feel like a woman again.  He made me feel beautiful and wanted, the same way Jefferson had before him.  I found myself not missing Jefferson as much as I had before.  I still thought about him all the time, but thoughts of him weren’t controlling me anymore.  He was gone and I was still here and now I was going to act like it.  AnaBelle was back and she was happy.

For our last night together I decided to do something silly.  When Tray walked in the house that afternoon, I ushered him up to the bathroom where I had the shower all ready for him.  His shorts were there and while he was in the shower I wrote him a note on the mirror in lipstick.  It read, “Fun time. Meet me in the kitchen.”

I was pulling the pizza out of the oven and placing it on the bar when he walked through the door.  His hair was still wet, and a big smile spread across his face.

“Fun time, huh?” he said as he made his way over to me.  Wrapping his strong arms around my waist he leaned in and placed a kiss on my bare shoulder.  I was wearing the same Aerosmith shirt I wore the first time we were together and it had slipped so my shoulder was sticking out.

Turning into him, I whispered, “Yes, sir.”

He laughed and grabbed the plates from the cabinet.  “Pull up a stool.”

“Actually, I had another idea,” I said as I placed a couple of slices of pizza on his plate.  “Grab those beers and let’s go sit in the living room.”

“Beers?  As in more than one beer?”

“Yes, Mr. Minor. I think you’ve earned a beer.”

“Thank god.  It’s about damn time.  Man, I was about to have withdrawals.” He smiled and asked, “I did tell you I’m majoring in beer and sex, right?

“You might’ve mentioned that.” I chuckled.

We walked into the living room and Tray started cracking up.  “What’d you do get every damn pillow in the house and put it on the floor?”

I looked over toward the chair by the door, and replied, “Yep, I even remembered that one.”

We sat down on the floor and leaned back against the couch.  We ate pizza, drank more beers than we should have, and watched some really horrible reality TV.  We laughed and had a good time.  I thought to myself that it was about time I was happy again.  As I looked into Tray’s eyes, I remembered something.  This boy brought back my happiness.  I could never thank him enough for that.  Never…

“So, I was wondering, Mrs. Mason.  On this last night that we get to spend together, do you think maybe we could try something new?”

“What did you have in mind, Tray?” I asked, feeling a little nervous all of a sudden.

“I was thinking maybe we could try reverse cowgirl,” he replied with a smirk.  “I read about it in your last issue of
up in the bathroom. Looks like a good time.”

“What the fuck is going on here!” Jason screamed from the front door. “What the hell AnaBelle? Tray? One of ya’ll better start talking right fucking now.”

Tray stood up and made his way over to Jason. “Calm down, man. It ain’t what you think.”

“It ain’t what I think?  It looks like you were snuggled up on the floor with my stepmom talking about ways to fuck her.” He pushed Tray’s chest. “Am I wrong there, buddy?”

“Jason, it’s really not what you think.” My eyes darted over to Tray, pleading silently with him to go along with me. “Nothing is going on.  We were just eating some pizza and watching TV.  Tray was just teasing me.  You know I wouldn’t do anything with him. Stop being silly.”

I didn’t want to lie, but sometimes that’s the only option you have when you get backed into a corner.  And I was definitely feeling like I was.

“So you aren’t having sex with my best friend?” Jason asked.

“Do you really think I would do that, Jason?” I asked, praying he believed me.

“Sorry, Tray.  I should’ve got all the information before I started in on you.”

“No problem, man.  Just glad to see you.  Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home?”  Tray asked.  The look on his face when his eyes met mine was sad.  He looked like somebody kicked his puppy – apparently I was now a puppy kicker.

“Zoe.  Long story.  We’ll talk about it later,” Jason explained.

“Yeah about this girl, Zoe.  How come I don’t know anything about her?” I chastised.

“I’m sorry, AnaBelle.  How about I fill you in over a beer?”

“What is the deal with you minors asking me for booze?  I am not an enabler,” I laughed and walked with Tray and Jason into the kitchen.  Tray reached out and squeezed my hand.  The little grin on his face told me everything I needed to know.  He was just as upset that our time was up as I was.

But no matter what, we’d always have our one hot summer together.


Eighteen Years Later



When I got the invitation in the mail I almost tossed it right then.  My damn conscience wouldn’t let me do it.  When I saw the return address of Mason Farms I couldn’t help but smile. Some of my best memories happened on that farm.

My wife Abigail and I had been married for almost fifteen years.   It didn’t seem possible. It seemed like just yesterday when I was down on one knee asking her to spend the rest of her life with me.  Obviously, she had some issues, because she didn’t even hesitate when she said yes.

We were the proud parents of two sons and a daughter. Jacob, Lucas, and Samantha.  Jacob was twelve, Lucas just turned nine, and Samantha would be three on her birthday next month.

My life went from sex and beer to diapers and formula in what seemed like an instant.  And I wouldn’t trade it for anything.  Abigail was a wonderful wife and mother.  I couldn’t ask for a more amazing family.

I built a home in Ash Valley just down the street from my mom’s house.  The kids got to spend a lot of time with her and her new husband, Joshua.  They’d been together a little over two years and he made her so damn happy.  I thanked God for bringing him into mom’s life.

The graduation was in two weeks.

Jason and Zoe’s daughter Madeline was graduating high school and the invitation was in my hand.  I hadn’t been back to the farm since the day I left that summer.  The summer that changed my whole life.  Mrs. Mason changed my life for the better.  She showed me that I was me, not what I had done in the past.  And I hope I helped her realize she was an amazing beautiful woman who deserved happiness.  I know I did my damndest to bring her happiness that summer.  Just thinking about our time together was making my dick hard.

A weekend - that was it. I could go there for the weekend.  Take my family on a tour of the countryside and visit with my friend that I’d basically lost contact with.  After the night he came home and caught me with Mrs. Mason, we hadn’t really talked a lot.  Shortly after classes started that fall Zoe found out she was pregnant and she and Jason quit school, got married and moved back to Duncan.  I went to his wedding, but things weren’t the same anymore.  We weren’t tight.  He came to my wedding and we sent Christmas cards and did the obligatory once a year catch up phone call, but that was about it.

I couldn’t believe Madeline was already eighteen years old.  It seemed like just yesterday that Zoe walked into our dorm room sobbing that her life was over.  Now that “mistake” was graduating high school.  Jason and Zoe were happy, or at least they seemed it when I spoke with Jason.

He never mentioned his stepmom to me.  After he caught us that night, he never said another word about her to me. And I sure as hell wasn’t going to say anything.

“Everything okay, Tray?” Abigail asked as she wrapped her arms around me from behind and nuzzled her nose into my neck.

“Yeah, baby.  Everything’s fine.  Wanna go on a road trip in a couple weeks?”

“Road Trip?  Sounds fun.  Where we going?”

“Duncan,” I replied.

“Oh, are we going to see Jason and Zoe?  That’s where they live right?”

“Yeah.  Their daughter Madeline is graduating. Can you believe it?  Man, he’s old,” I laughed.

Abigail rubbed my head and laughed. “You ain’t no spring chicken there yourself.”

I turned around and pulled her onto my lap.  She wrapped her legs around my waist and ground her pussy against my crotch.

“Wanna play, old man?” she asked with a giggle.  “The boys are still at your mom’s and Samantha is zonked out.”

“Silly question, baby,” I whispered as I unzipped my pants and pulled my hard cock out.  I slid it deep into my wife’s waiting pussy.  Even after three kids she was so fucking tight.  Her pussy squeezed me so tight- it was like a vise. She was running her hands up and down my chest and she slammed her lips to mine.  Her sweet little tongue darted into my mouth and I sucked it hard.  She moaned loudly and I sucked harder.  My cock was so hard and throbbing it was ready to fucking explode inside her.  Luckily, we didn’t have to worry about those pesky condoms anymore.  She got fixed after Samantha was born.

“Come inside me, baby.  I wanna feel you,” she moaned into my mouth.

It took only a couple of thrusts for me to explode inside of her.  I don’t know what the hell it is about a woman telling you to come inside her that makes it so fucking exciting.  It’s like an instant orgasm for a man.  To know you want our seed inside you…damn. That’s hot. Not as hot as when your wife reaches down between you and slides your cock out of her pussy before she drops to her knees and licks you clean.  Now that is the hottest fucking thing a woman can do for her man -seriously.

We got dressed and went about our day.  I didn’t think another thing about Mason Farms until the day we left on our road trip.

Who was I kidding?

I thought about it a lot. I couldn’t quit thinking about Mrs. Mason and our summer together.  I’d always wondered in the back of my mind what she was doing now.  How she was. If she remarried - if she was happy.  So many thoughts went through my head when I allowed myself to think about her.  I tried not to allow it much, but once a year on a night in August all the memories came flooding back to me. The talks we had and the running we did together each morning.  The awesome sex and the way she gave herself over to me completely.  I loved the way she let me please her.

The kids were all buckled in tight and I was pointing out all of the travel hot spots in the big town of Duncan, Missouri for them.  The feed store, Millie’s Diner, and the pharmacy on the corner with the old-fashioned soda fountain.  These were important things in this tiny town.

“I wanna ice cream, Daddy,” Samantha whined from the backseat.

“Maybe on the way home, baby.  Right now we have a party to go to.”

“I know, that’s why I got my pretty new dress,” she smiled while she pulled on her pretty pink dress.  Her blonde curls were sparkling in the light and I looked over at my beautiful wife and thought about how damn lucky I was to have this family that we created together.

Every time I saw a barn, or horses out in a field, I thought of Mrs. Mason.  But that didn’t mean that I would trade anything I have now to be with her.  She was a summer of memories for me.  Abigail and the kids were my future.

Driving up the lane to the farm was surreal. It seemed like just yesterday when Gabe drove me up here and so politely ushered me out of his truck.  The trees that lined the lane were decked out in twinkling lights and there were pink bows wrapped around the trunks.  There was a big tent set up in the front yard, with tables and chairs all inside.

I looked up to the front porch and saw Jason standing there.  He looked a little older than when I saw him last.  He was wearing jeans and a white suit shirt.  His dark curls were a mess and before long I saw Zoe walk up and wrap her arm around his waist.  He turned and gave her a kiss on the head.

Abigail and the kids got out of the car and we walked up to say hi to Jason and Zoe.

“You made it.  Damn, it’s good to see you, Tray, “Jason said, walking down the stairs to meet me.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, old man.  Can’t fucking believe you got a kid old enough to graduate.  What the hell happened to you man?” I patted him on the back and we did a one arm man hug.

Jason looked back at my family and said, “You ain’t really one to talk now are you? Looks like you got one that’ll be giving you gray hairs before you know it.”

“You got that right.  If he does half the shit we did when we were his age, I’m screwed.”

“Amen to that, brother. At least he ain’t a girl.  Madeline’s just about been the death of me.”

About that time a beautiful brunette walked out of the house.  She was tiny like Zoe, but she looked just like her dad.  “Boy, there’s no way you could deny that one.”

“Ain’t that the truth?”

“You’d a made a beautiful girl, Jason. Ugly as hell as a man, though,” I laughed.

“Keep it up, asshole.”

“I see it’s just like old times, already,” Zoe said as she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a big ole hug.

“Hey, Zoe.  So nice to see you. It’s been way too long.”

“I agree, Tray.” She stepped away from me and started over to my wife. “Abigail!  So good to see you. Oh my goodness ya’ll are getting so big!”

“Nice looking family you got there, Tray.  You did good, brother.”

“Thanks.  Looks like you did too.  You got one graduating and how old is Malcolm now?”

“He just turned thirteen.  He’s hanging around here somewhere.  I’ll make sure you see him before ya’ll leave.”

“You better. I don’t wanna miss seeing him.”

The screen door slammed shut and as I looked up I saw her.  My angel from all those years ago.  She looked a little older now, we all did, but she was still just as beautiful as I remembered.  Her blonde hair was cut a little shorter.  It set at about her shoulders now.  She was wearing a white dress that came right above her knees.  Her legs were just as hot as I remembered.  Her eyes met mine and I saw them light up.  She smiled a little smile and I smirked back at her.

What the hell just happened?

I was not seeing what I thought I saw…I was apparently losing my mind.

Why was he touching her like that?

His hand was resting on her hip and she turned to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Stop looking at her like that. She’s still my stepmom ya know?”


“What the hell is she doing with that asshole?”

“Gabe?  He’s not an asshole.  They’ve been married for about fifteen years now, Tray.  He’s been really good for her and the farm.”

“Are you fucking with me?”

“Why would I?”

“He was so mean to her when I was here. He treated her like shit.” I was getting pissed off just thinking about it.

“You know what they say.  We are meanest to those we care about the most.  Apparently, he had a crush on her all that time, but didn’t want to do anything to disrespect my dad.  After a couple of years, he told her how he really felt and started working with her instead of against her.  They’ve been inseparable ever since.  They’ve been nothing but happy, that I know of.”

I was glad to hear that everything worked out for them, but I was still a little shocked by it.  Gabe was staring at me from the porch, before he took her hand in his and helped her down the steps.

“Well if it isn’t Jason’s friend?” Gabe asked with a laugh.

“Tray. I have a name, remember?”

“Oh I know.  But it’s more fun to piss you off by pretending I don’t know.”

Mrs. Mason hit Gabe on the shoulder. “Be nice, honey.”

Her voice still sounded smooth like honey.

“Nice to see you, Tray.” She gave me a quick hug and then stepped back into Gabe’s arms. “It’s been a long time.”

“Yes it has, Mrs. Mason.”

She smiled that same smile that I remembered from all those years ago.  Her eyes were sparkling in the sun and I knew by the look in them she was remembering our time together too. She laughed.  “Still with the Mrs. Mason, huh?”

“Well I know how you feel about being called ma’am.”

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