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Authors: Rebecca Lorino Pond

Forced Handfasting (5 page)

BOOK: Forced Handfasting
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              Jahan gave her one last look then pulled her behind him when he headed to the double doors that led into the building. She breathed a sigh of relief when the warmth of the building warmed her chilled body. Jahan continued through the foyer of the building, down a long hallway that finally opened up into a large eating room. A huge stone table and chairs were the only furniture in the massive room. A large window looked out over the edge of the mountain to reveal how high they were.

              “Ah, my lord! It is wonderful to have you home again!”

              Sam turned at the sound of a different male voice. A man, not much taller than she, crossed the room from another door off to the side.

              “Harro, it is good to be home.” Jahan slapped the little man on the back.

              “I see you have brought someone home with you.” Harro turned his attention to her. “I am Harro. It is a great pleasure to meet you.” He bowed in front of her, making her feel uncomfortable.

              “Harro, this is Samantha, my wife.”

              Harro’s eyes sparkled with the sudden news. “Your wife! My lord, I am happy for you!”

              “Would you please see to the evening meal, and inform me when it is ready. My wife has not had a decent meal in a long time.”

              “Of course, of course!” Harro rushed out of the dining room to fulfill his employer’s wishes.

              “On that note, I will leave the two of you to yourselves,” Niko said. “I’ll see you tomorrow, my friend.”

              Jahan nodded as Niko walked by with a smile on his face. “Let’s go,” he said to her as soon as Niko was out of sight.

              He had finally let go of her hand. Instead, he guided her through a third doorway with a hand on the lower part of her back. As they walked, she took in everything around her. The place seemed to be a maze of hallways that stretched off in every direction possible. She passed numerous closed doors, and wondered what was hidden behind them. Upon reaching the end of the hallway they were in, the area opened up to house a staircase that led to the second floor. Her bare feet were soundless as she climbed the stairs behind her husband. At the top of the stairs, she stopped for a moment to take a breath. The climb had winded her because of her poor condition.

              “Why are you stopping?” Jahan walked back to where she had stopped.

              “Give me a moment to catch my breath,” she said. She fanned her face with her hand to try, and ward off the sudden hot flash.

              Jahan immediately realized his error and rushed to her. “I am sorry. I didn’t think…” he paused as he watched her.

              “It’s...okay, I’ll be fine in a moment. I haven’t had much exercise lately.” She tried to smile up at him in between her gulps of air.

              Jahan didn’t utter another word before he swooped her up into his arms. It was becoming a habit with him carrying her everywhere.

              “You don’t really need to carry me. I just needed to rest for a moment,” she said.

              “You will regain your strength soon. A few hot meals and some much-needed rest will have you feeling better. Still, I will send for the doctor to make sure you are healing.” Jahan turned, and headed up another flight of stairs that led to the third floor.

              “Maybe it was a good idea for you to carry me,” she murmured when she saw the next flight of stairs.

              “My private rooms are on the third floor. No one else resides on this floor, so you will have all the privacy you need.”

              “Including from you?” she asked.

              “No,” he replied sternly, “Not from me. Have you forgotten so quickly that you are now my wife?”

              She folded her arms across her chest. “How could I forget?”

              At the top of the stairs, there was a small alcove that housed a single door. She watched as Jahan pressed his thumb to a red panel on the wall next to the door. The door open with a small click, and slowly swung inward. Once inside the room Jahan set her down on the wooden floor.

              She couldn’t believe her eyes! The rooms she was to occupy with Jahan were bigger than half the school she taught in. Everything in the room, matter of fact, was big. Two brown sofas sat in the middle of the room facing each other separated by a tan, and cream colored rug that had geometric designs on it. A tall cabinet stood against one wall and housed several books and knickknacks. Two doors in the middle of the cabinet hid something she couldn’t see, but was curious to find out what. A very large window, without any window treatments, allowed a view that took her breath away when she looked out. Several paintings that contained wildlife or scenery were hung on the walls throughout the room. A closed door off to the side alerted her to the presence of a bedroom, the only bedroom in the so called suite.

              “Where am I to sleep?” she asked mockingly. She already knew what the answer would be, but she wanted to hear it from him.

              “Where do you think?” He threw back at her then smiled.

              “I am not sleeping in the same bed as you!”

              “There is no discussion about it. You will sleep in the bed with me even if I have to chain you to the bed.”

              She sensed the threat in his voice. She didn’t doubt it for a moment that he would do just as he said, and she didn’t need that problem. If she wanted to try to escape, and find a way home, she would need her freedom to move about the room.

              “What happened to the nice guy who rescued me from certain doom in that slave market? Or was that just a show? Maybe you are an asshole!” She glowered at him as she spoke her mind.

              Jahan didn’t say anything at first. He just stood there watching her, listening to her. For a split second, she wished she hadn’t spoken her mind for once. She was in a predicament that was going to be extremely hard to get out of, and she needed to keep her temper in check.

              A low growl came from Jahan’s closed lips, and his eyes narrowed as he stared at her. She swallowed down the lump of fear that was rising quickly. She didn’t want him to see she was scared of him, and she wasn’t about to cower in front of him. For some reason though, her tongue was a loose cannon she had no control over at the moment.

              “Well, what is it? It must be an asshole because no one in their right mind would force someone to marry them, and be his baby machine!”

              Jahan moved so quickly that she didn’t have time to react. One second she was standing near the window, taunting him then the next she was pinned to the wall, and dangling from his hands.

              “You push me too far!” He was up in her face.

              “Why? Because I speak the truth?”

              Their noses were almost touching as they argued back, and forth. He was holding her up against the wall with his hands underneath her armpits. It took her several minutes to realize he also had his knee pressed between her thighs that she was almost sitting on. With the way she was straddling his knee, she could feel his body trembling as he struggled to control the anger she had driven from him. Maybe it hadn’t been such a good idea to provoke him since he could easily snap her neck.

              Once he had control of him anger, he spoke to her through his clenched teeth. “You are my wife whether you like it or not. You have one year to produce a child for me or you will be sent back to the slave market, and sold. Do I make myself clear?” He was breathing just as hard as she was as she nodded her head in response.

The seconds ticked by as she waited to be put down. She didn’t dare utter another word for fear he would take her back to the slave market right then. Her heart rate sped up when he pulled back from her face. She thought he was about to say something when suddenly he claimed her lips in a hard, forceful kiss. There wasn’t much she could do, but try to push him away. Her efforts were fruitless, and he knew it. He moved his lips over hers until he was able to force her mouth open with his tongue. A small gasp gave him all the room he needed to move into her mouth. His tongue forced hers to move alongside his while he tasted her, and she tasted him.

A part of her wanted to continue to push him away, but when she tasted him she couldn’t bear to break the kiss. His taste and smell filled her senses, made her nipples become hard as they pressed against his chest. Her blood pounded in her ears as he ravaged her mouth, marking her as his. She wanted to give in to the new feelings that were erupting. She let out a low moan and started to respond to his kiss right when he decided to pull away. Breathless, she looked at him, and waited. But waited for what

A sneer began to play across his face. “That was just a small taste. I will give you a few days to adjust to your new home but after that,” he paused as his purple eyes skimmed her over her face. “After that, you will become my wife in every way.” He gently set her back on her own two feet then released her. He moved away from her as she stayed rooted to the spot near the window. “I have some business I need to go take care of. Don’t bother to wait up for me.” He turned and left the room.

She heard an audible click as the door locked behind him. She ran to the door, and tried to open it but found it locked.

“Great! Just freaking wonderful. I go from one prison to another!” She smacked the door with the palm of her hand then turned to lean against it. It might take her some time, but she was going to find a way out of there, and get back home. Even if it killed her!













Chapter 5

Jahan stormed out of his living quarters. The little wench was going to fight him the entire way. She had stirred up his anger, and in a moment’s time he almost did something he would have regretted. He didn’t want her to hate him or fight him, rather, he wanted her to accept him, and maybe in time come to like him even. Something deep down inside of him wanted her to love him even.

“How’s married life treating you?” Niko stepped out of the shadows and walked to him.

“Shut up.”

“I swear, Jahan. That’s all you seem to be able to say to me lately.” Niko laughed.

“Well, maybe if you wouldn’t open that mouth of yours, I wouldn’t have to say it so much! Besides, I thought you left.”

“I heard from the council.”

Jahan’s head snapped to the side. “How the hell do they know I am home already?”

“Beats me. Someone must have informed them once we landed.”

“What do they want?” He had a bad feeling he already knew what they wanted.

“They are waiting for you at the Council Building. I came to get you.”

Together they walked to the waiting vehicle. He just assume get it over with now, and be done with it. The council was bound to be upset with his choice of a mate, but it was his to make. After all, he was the ultimate ruler of Uxslore, not the council. He did value, and respect the council, the same as his father did before him, but he was not about to let them rule his life. The council had only been created to help with the everyday running of Uxslore, but lately, the council had been making more, and more demands of him. He was just about at his wits end with them, and was going to set the record straight. He might not have wanted to do it the evening he arrived home, but the time had come to do it.

The ride to the council building was quiet, and he and Niko sat in the back of a long, black vehicle the council liked to use to summon people. If he didn’t know any better, he would say the council was trying to take control of Uxslore, and oust him.

The Council Building was busy for this time of the evening. The entire planet must have learned he had returned with a wife, and wanted to get a glimpse of her. The vehicle stopped in front of the Council building to let them out. The crowd waiting outside parted to let them enter. He kept his eyes forward and refused to acknowledge some of the glares he could feel pressing on his back. He walked directly to the main conference room and threw open the doors. The spectators that gathered in the room went silent at the sound of the doors banging against the wall.

“Lord Jahan. How happy we are to see you have returned safely!” Councilman Rahman said as he took his seat.

“Let’s not play games here, shall we? What do you want? It must be of utter importance to summon me here so soon after my arrival. I haven’t even had a chance to dine, so let’s get this over with.” His anger was quickly building again.

“Ah yes. Sorry about that but we needed to hear it from you directly. Have you taken a wife?”

“Right to the point, aren’t you?” He laughed. “Let the record show that I have taken a wife.”

“Lord Jahan, your wife has already been selected for you, and..,”

Jahan cut the councilman off mid-sentence. “I never agreed to take a wife that the council would select for me. What makes you think I would? This council has gone too far in making demands of me. My family ruled this planet long before a council ever existed, and why it was created, I will never know.”

“Your father made the council, and you know that,” Rahman replied dryly.

“By the gods! Do you think I am an imbecile? I know my father created it! But, my father is no longer among us as you are well aware.”

Rahman moved to stand up but was held down by another council member. “You test our patience, Jahan. The council believes you have been slacking in your duties as of late.”

“Slacking? Are you fucking joking?” He was going to blow his stack at any moment.

“I am dead serious. Your negotiating’s with the Flox took longer than we expected. Maybe you sought to enjoy yourself for a few days before returning to Uxslore to take the wife appointed to you.” Rahman leaned forward in his chair with a sly grin.

That was it! Rahman had finally pushed him too far. He launched his body in Rahman’s direction but was caught about halfway there by Niko. “I have had enough of you accusing me of not doing my duty! My father was a fool to appoint you to the council! By every right, I should disband the council.” He jerked free from Niko’s clutches.

Rahman chuckled as he watched him struggled with his emotions. “Ah…yes, yes. We have heard that threat numerous times before. Who do you think will run Uxslore while you are out gallivanting around the universe? Ummm….tell us.”

Jahan took a few moments to compose himself. “I will run Uxslore the same as my grandfather did, and his father before.”

“Lord Jahan, you know that there has to be a vote by the people to disband the council. That was part of the provisions your father set forth.”

“I know everything my father did, and what he failed to do. His biggest mistake was electing you fools to help him. Apparently, you believe you are the ruling class for the planet. I plan on remedying that error.” Jahan was going to reveal his plans on disbanding the council. It had become so corrupt after his father’s passing that he was willing to sacrifice his life to get rid of them. It was the main reason he needed an heir. He needed a son to carry on after he was long gone. A son who was stronger than he was, and who would tolerate nothing from the council.

“And how do you plan on doing that?” Rahman folded his arms and waited for a reply. Jahan refused to unveil his plan just yet. He needed to get his wife pregnant first. “Ahh, I see. You plan on doing nothing!”

“I have had enough of your talk this evening. I have a new wife I need to attend to, and do not want to be interrupted again.” He turned to leave but halted when he heard Rahman’s words.

“A wife that has no claim to the throne! A wife who was not selected by the council! Kioto will be devastated to learn of your betrayal.”

Slowly he turned back around to face the entire room. “There was no agreement between me, and the council on my choice of a wife, and I will not honor whatever agreement you think I agreed to.”

“No, you didn’t agree to an arranged marriage,” Rahman paused. “Your father did!”

Rahman’s words hit him like a ton of bricks. His father would have never done such a thing. Sure, he, and his father had not always seen eye to eye but to force him to marry someone not chosen by him would be a cruel, unjust punishment. He would have to speak to his brothers to see if either of them had ever heard of such a plan. For the time being he would get to know the wife he had bought, and not let them find out how he came to find her.

He stormed out of the conference room. Niko trotted alongside of him as he exited the building to go back to his home. He needed a drink. A nice stiff drink would dull some of his senses.

“What’s the plan, boss?” Niko slipped inside the vehicle beside him.

“I need a drink.”

“I can handle that, but what are you going to do? The council members are some of the meanest sons of bitches I have ever had the unfortunate pleasure to meet. Someone is behind this push for you marry Kioto.”

The vehicle sped up the mountain as they talked. “I bet Rahman is the one behind it. It’s his daughter he wants to see married into your home. Thankfully your brothers are already married. If they weren’t, Rahman would turn his sights to them. It’s best if we keep a very close eye on him.”

Jahan mulled Niko’s words over for a moment. “If you what say is true then we have a bigger problem than what we thought. Rahman is known to be ruthless in his pursuits of what he wants. I don’t know what my father ever saw in the man in order to appoint him to the council.”

The vehicle pulled up to his home a few minutes later. He didn’t exit right away but sat still, thinking. His wife waited for him up in their rooms or did she? He bet she wasn’t waiting for him to come home in order to share an evening meal together. His little human wife. Something about her stirred a feeling deep down in him, a feeling he never felt before.




Sam watched Jahan leave the room in a fury. Her situation was definitely not improving, and she needed to learn to keep her mouth shut, and stop taunting the man. But she couldn’t help herself, the words just poured out of her mouth before she even realized it! Then when he pinned her to the wall, and kissed, small waves of pleasure raced through her body causing her to respond to the demanding kiss. It was as if she had two completely opposite brains that were struggling for control.

Time slowly passed as she sat on one of the sofas wondering what she should do. She was locked in and had no way of calling for someone. Jahan had ordered Harro to prepare dinner but was she going to be allowed to go down to eat. Her stomach let out an audible growl at the thought of food, and she wished she had a nice juicy hamburger and an order of fries.

A sigh escaped from her. Her future seemed pretty bleak at the moment. Oh, how she wished this was all a nightmare, and that she would wake up, and find herself back in her hotel room.

The sound of the door clicking open alerted her to the presence of someone entering the room. Harro entered the room while holding a silver tray in both of his hands. He quietly walked over to where she was sitting, and sat the tray down in front of her.

“Your meal, My Lady,” he said.

“Thank-you,” she whispered as she struggled to hide the tears that wanted to fall.

“My lord asked me to bring you an evening meal since he had to leave on business, and did not know what time he might return. Do you need anything else?”

She shook her then said, “No, thanks.”

“Good evening then, my dear.” Harro bowed to her then quickly left the room, and locked the door behind him.

She stared at the covered plate sitting on the tray. An enticing aroma filtered through the lower edge of the covering causing her stomach to clench in hunger. Well, she may be in the unfortunate position but there was no reason for her to starve herself. Carefully, she lifted the cover and was immediately engulfed in a puff of steam coming from the hot food. The food smelled awfully good, but there wasn’t a single thing on the plate she recognized.

Using the fork provided on the tray, she stabbed a green stemmed thing she assumed was a vegetable, and brought it up to her mouth. Hesitantly, she took a small bite and chewed. The veggie was good, and hot, and reminded her of broccoli. She hurriedly took another bite before diving back in for a fork full of the green stems. Next to the veggie was a round slab of yellow meat that was unidentifiable. The meat she was very leery of and wasn’t quite sure she wanted to taste it.

Against her better judgment, she cut off a tiny piece of meat then smelled it. It wasn’t a smell she was familiar with, and nearly put the bite back on the tray, but her hungry stomach prevented her from doing so.

“What the hell,” she said then stuck a fork in her mouth. She chewed on the bite for a few seconds. “I don’t know what this stuff is but it is damn good!” She no longer hesitated with any of the food on the plate, and hastily ate it all. She wiped her mouth with the provided napkin then leaned back on the sofa, and closed her eyes. “I’m stuffed.”

Her stomach for the first time since she arrived in Puerto Rico was now full. She was surprised her stomach could even hold as much as she just ate since she had gone so long without enough food to be satisfied.

She glanced out the huge picture window and found that night had completely fallen around the house on the mountain. She didn’t have a clue to what time it was, but all she knew was that she was dog tired, and wanted to sleep for days. With her belly nice, and full, her eyelids started to grow heavy.

“I’ll just take a short nap,” she said out loud as she reached for a blue blanket that was sitting on the back of the sofa. She scooted to the end of the sofa until she could rest her head on the plush handle then spread a blanket out over her. “I’ll figure out what I need to do later.”

Her eyes closed, and her body released all of its tension as she drifted off to sleep. She didn’t even hear the door open then shut again hours later when Jahan finally returned to find her asleep on the sofa.

Sam’s next conscious thought was that of someone lying pressed up against her back. She was nice, and warm, and didn’t want to move, but as soon as her thoughts came flooding back, she jerked to a sitting position.

“What the hell?” she shouted at the sleeping man next to her.

She waited for Jahan to fully awaken before she questioned him. He rolled onto his back and rubbed his eyes to clear out the sleep. It was sexy as all hell to watch him, but she wanted answers, and she wanted them now.

“How the hell did I get in the bed with you?” She pushed his knee off her leg.

“How do you think?” Jahan’s voice was thick with sleep, but his eyes twinkled at her as he spoke.

She didn’t want to answer his question, so she looked away, and folded her arms across her breasts. The man had the nerve to move her into his bed with her permission!

“Well? Are you going to answer me, my little wife?”

BOOK: Forced Handfasting
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