Forget-Me-Nots in September (10 page)

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Authors: Clare Revell

Tags: #christian Fiction

BOOK: Forget-Me-Nots in September
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“I'm great. What about you and this fire though? Word on the street is that it's arson.”

“I thought it might be, but nothing has come from official channels yet. I'm fine, this will heal. I'm more worried about Jude and this stalker of hers.” He filled Elliott in quickly. “But what brings you over here? Surely you're not that worried about me.”

Elliott chuckled. “Don't flatter yourself. I've been meaning to come over all week, but never made it. I'm here for work actually, to give you a quote for some work over the road.”

“Jude's place. I'll take you.” Bev grabbed the keys. “Gran, I'm taking Elliott over to see the house. Won't be long.” He walked over the road with Elliott. “I was going to decorate, obviously I can't do that now.” He shrugged. “Anyway, Gran reckons I should get the kitchen and bathroom gutted and both rooms, along with the heating system, brought kicking and screaming into this century. Both date back to when the house was built. Jude's dad is a kitchen fitter, but I'd like you to do the bathroom and heating if that's possible.”

Once inside, Elliott began to measure and draw a basic plan of the house for the positioning of the radiators.

Bev leaned against the wall. “Gran tells me you're getting married.”

“Yeah, so's Joel. We're having a double wedding on New Year's Eve. Will you be around then?”

“I'm not sure. But if I am, I'd love to come. Just to see the confirmed bachelor doing something he'd sworn never to do, if nothing else. Who's the lady?”

“Her name is Grace. She runs Carnation Street Florist now. Joel is marrying her sister, Faith.”

Bev smiled. “Grace and Faith. Sounds like there should be another sister called Hope.”

“There is, but no one has seen her in over nine years.” Elliott followed Bev up to the bathroom. “So, what's the story with you and Jude?”

“She's my adopter this tour. She sends me stuff and when I came to stay with Gran, we met and…” Heat rose in his cheeks.

“Are you blushing, mate?” Elliott teased. “Has the uptight Lt. Col finally fallen for a woman?”

Bev coughed to hide his embarrassment. “The same could be said of you. I thought we were going to remain single forever.”

“I changed my mind.”

He grinned. “Was there something wrong with the one God gave you?”

Elliott laughed. “Nothing wrong with my mind, or love, mate. Especially for the right woman.”

Bev leaned against the wall. “But don't you find it hard?”

“Which bit in particular?”

“All the lads at work rave on about women and night life and…” He paused, stumbling over his words. “I mean, I haven't kissed her properly yet, but what if I do and we can't stop and…”

Elliott grinned. “Oh, you mean sex. It isn't an issue. Both of us are content to wait until we're married.” He stood and leaned against the wall next to Bev. “Don't get me wrong, the temptation is there and far worse than either of us ever imagined. Just to keep kissing her and go further than we're meant to. So we make it easy on ourselves. No kissing anywhere near a bedroom. In fact, that part of the house is off limits. Grace came up with a code word and if either of us feels we're reaching the point of no return we use it.”


Elliott nodded. “Yes. And ‘pineapple' usually works.”

Great, now I'm craving pineapple upside down cake. I'll have to ask Gran to make it for dinner tonight.”

“I'll have the quotes to you tonight. I'll drop them in on my way home.” He packed up his things. “You take care now.”

Bev saw him out and threw a few things into a bag, along with a change of clothes for Jude. Then he locked up and headed home.

Gran smiled. “All done?”

“Yeah. He'll drop the quote off tonight. Can you give me a lift to the base? I have to go see my boss and the CMO.”

Gran nodded. “Sure. It's a good job you're based locally.”

“Yeah. And I really fancy pineapple upside down cake now. I'll even buy the stuff while we're on the base along with whatever else you need.”

“What's in the bag?”

“Clothes for Jude. Can we drop them off on the way? I won't stay long. Just need to go and change myself first.”


Jude sat on the bed, her father sitting next to her. She'd totally forgotten he was coming, so much had happened in the last eighteen hours or so. Dad was mid-story about Mrs. Dear from next door to them when Bev arrived—in uniform.

Wow, wow, wow, wow
! Her mind screamed the same word over and over. It was only when he leaned in and closed her mouth that she realized her jaw had literally dropped and she was staring. “H—hi,” she managed.

He grinned, as if aware of the impact he had on her. “Hi. The nurse said I could have a couple of minutes after I told her I was on my way to report to the base.” He held up the bag. “I raided your house and brought you clothes, soap, talc. I just grabbed stuff, so it probably doesn't match or anything.”

“Thank you. A—are you leaving?” A hole appeared underneath her, sending her stomach dropping several feet.

He shook his head. “Just reporting into the CMO after last night, is all. But visiting isn't for several hours yet.” He winked. “Pulling rank works on occasion. And I didn't have to lie to the nurse either.” He put the bag on the bed. “When do you get out of here?”

“This afternoon.”

“Then come to ours for dinner. I'm taking Gran shopping, and I know she won't mind.”

“I'd like that. Thank you.”

Bev hesitated, then leaned in and kissed her briefly. Fire flamed through her from her lips to her core. Then as soon as the kiss began it was over and he was pulling away. “See you later, gorgeous. Mr. Travis.”

Jude sat stunned, fingers covering her lips, as Bev sauntered out of the ward.

Dad coughed. “He seems like a nice fellow. Army so I see. And a Lt. Col.”


“And you like him.”

She squirmed. “I can't believe the first time he kisses me it's in front of you.”

Dad grinned. “First time I kissed your mother was in front of your grandfather at a church camp. It means he's confident about how he feels about you. Just make sure of your feelings for him before committing to anything.”

Heat rose in her face. “Dad…” But the protest sounded lame even to her. “My heart skips a beat, my stomach does cartwheels, and my knees go weak.” She paused. She'd always been able to tell her father everything, but this?

He took her hand. “Jude, you'll always be my little girl. Even when you have kids of your own. And speaking of kids…”

She rolled her eyes. “I know, wait until I'm married. I have this top…” She broke off as she spotted it in the bag Bev had brought in. She pulled it out and held it up. Black adorned with bright pink writing, it read ‘I love my husband, and I haven't even met him yet.' Had he realized what he'd picked up?

“I love it,” Dad said, smiling ear to ear.

“Did he do it deliberately?”

“I doubt it. He said he'd just grabbed things at random, but so appropriate he chose that.”

Jude looked at it. Husband? Would that be him?


Jude leaned on the crutches and rang the doorbell. She hadn't anticipated how unwieldy these things were, or how little she'd be able to do on them. At least she didn't have to cook tonight.

Bev opened the door, looking just as dapper in civvies as he had earlier in his uniform. “Hello. Come on in. Are you alone?” he asked, looking past her.

“Yeah, Dad had to go home, reassure Mum I'm fine and stop her from catching a train here to look after me. They're coming for the weekend instead. How did it go at the base?”

Bev shut the door and helped her out of her coat, his light touch on her arms and shoulders bringing her out in goose bumps. “Well, I was expecting to get chewed out by the CMO and my CO for running into a blazing building and getting hurt.”

“Why?” she asked, her stomach dropping. Was he in trouble because of her?

“Endangering my operational status. But actually, I'm not in any kind of hot water at all. I have to go back next week and pass a PT test to make sure my hands are up to scratch. Assuming I pass that, then I'm fine to go back to my unit on the twenty-seventh.”

“I'm sorry.”

His arms wound around her, pulling her close against his chest. He smelled of wood spice and something she couldn't quite put a finger on. “Don't be.” His chest rumbled as he spoke. “It isn't your fault.”

“But it is.” Jude closed her eyes tightly. “I got you mixed up in my mess. You could have been killed right along with me.”

His lips brushed her forehead before he raised her face to look at his. “I said it isn't your fault and I meant it. No one asked me to run into that building. In fact they told me not to and to wait for the fire brigade. Hopefully, the CCTV cameras will give DI Jenson a look at this bloke, and she can catch him and throw away the key.”

“I hope so.”

A smile lit his eyes. “That's not a faint smile on your face is it?”

“No…” she said trying hard not to smile.

“Just checking.” His fingers caressed her cheek. “I meant what I said earlier in the hospital.”

Her heart leapt. “Y—you did?”

He nodded, his gaze resting on the tee shirt she still wore. “And I love the shirt. Is that the one I grabbed at random?”

Jude nodded. “Yeah.”

His face was inches from hers, his breath warm on her cheek. “If I'm going too fast here, just tread on my toe or something.”

“You're not,” she whispered. “I just can't believe you kissed me in front of Dad.”

He chuckled. “Always make the first kiss memorable is what my dad always told me.” He leaned closer. “And the second even more so.”

When he broke off, Jude was giddy with the emotions soaring through her. Being with him felt so right, but at the same time scary, and she wasn't sure she was worthy of the amount of love he showered her with. She stared into his eyes as he leaned his forehead against hers.

“How did I do?” he whispered. “Better than last time?”

“Yes…amazing…” she managed.

Bev took her arm as she hobbled to the kitchen on the crutches. “I hope you're hungry, because Gran always makes loads. She made toad in the hole, with cheesy veggies and pineapple upside down cake.”

“Interesting combination.”

He laughed. “Not on the same plate.”

“That's a relief.” She heaved a mock sigh. “Although we could start a new trend.”

“I'll make it an order as soon as I get back to camp,” he managed in between laughing. “And then sit back and watch the lads eat it.”

Mrs. Bowen glanced up from putting plates on the table as they came into the kitchen. “You two sound happy. How are you, dear?”

“I'm good, could be worse.” Jude smiled. A vase of forget-me-nots graced the middle of the table. “Do you have any of those left in your garden now?”

“Not many, but they grow quickly and spread like wildfire. Bev's always been a bit partial to them.”

“Me too. They're my favorite flower.” She sat as Bev pulled out a chair for her. “Thank you.” She set the crutches beside her.

He leaned over her shoulder. “Jude, tea, coffee, juice, water…ummm…”

She smiled. “Spoilt for choice. Surprise me.”

Bev roared with laughter. “That is a dangerous thing to say, woman.”

“In light of the previous conversation, yes. Just don't put them all in the same glass.”

“OK. Gran?”


“Tea all around then.” Bev made the drinks quickly and carried them over. He said grace and they began eating.

Jude glanced over at him. “How dangerous is it out there?”

He paused, the fork at his lips. “Where I'm deployed?” He chewed as she nodded, taking the time to phrase his thoughts. “I can't say much. But, it's a war zone. I'm not sent there to sit behind a desk and push papers. I'm in one of the biggest bases most of the time and we have several armored troop carriers.”

“What about foot patrols?”

“Sometimes.” He took another spoonful of the veggies. “Has DI Jenson gotten back to you yet?”

Jude noticed the abrupt change of topic and went with it, figuring she was getting into the realm of classified stuff. “Yeah. Arson. I'm afraid they'll think I did it.”

“Why?” Mrs. Bowen asked. “You'd hardly start a fire while you were still in the building, would you?”

“I'm making a loss and have been for a while.” Jude sighed. “I was considering selling up. Once they check the books and see that, they'll think I set the fire for the insurance money.”

Bev frowned and put his knife and fork down. “Sell up?” he repeated. “As in quit, move away, and not be a baker anymore?”

Jude nodded slowly. “Yeah, just cut my losses and do something different. Of course, now I don't have to worry about that, as I no longer have a bakery to sell.”

“They won't blame you.” Bev picked up his fork as he spoke firmly. “You've already reported the stalker and break in.”

“And we both know that's perfect cover for me burning down the shop,” she countered. She took three swift mouthfuls. “Just because I'm friends with the DI handling the investigation, doesn't mean she's on my side.”

“OK, enough already.” Bev put a hand on hers. “We both know it wasn't you. So let the police do their jobs.” He looked at his grandmother. “Maybe she'd better stay here until they catch this bloke. I mean, he knows where she lives, and it'd be safer for her here than over the road on her own.”

Mrs. Bowen nodded. “Aside from the fact it'd be better than you moving in there, which was your first suggestion earlier.”

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