Forget-Me-Nots in September (12 page)

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Authors: Clare Revell

Tags: #christian Fiction

BOOK: Forget-Me-Nots in September
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“Let me get this straight. You and he tell each other you're in love. Then you let him go back to a war zone without letting him explain and without a bye your leave or a goodbye.”

“What was I meant to do? He was all over another woman. He didn't want me to go to the repatriation. I was waiting for him, expecting him to need comfort, instead I watched him run into the arms of another woman, laughing and joking with her. And yes, I'm jealous. I admit that.”

“There has to be a simple explanation.” Milly glanced at her as she parked the car. “Maybe she was a sister or…”

“He never mentioned a sister,” Jude muttered. “He wrote, but I don't know how to reply.”

“Ask him outright. It's the best way. Trust me.”

“Trust you? You're as single as I am.” She sucked in a deep breath.

Milly shook her head as she got out of the car. “Come on.”

Jude followed her inside and while she waited, she pulled her phone from her bag. She brought up the e-mail app and sent Bev an ebluey. She phrased it exactly as she'd suggested to Milly. After all, that was asking directly, right?

She looked at the six masked men behind the glass. Each held up a numbered card, but she recognized the eyes instantly. “Number five.”

“Are you sure?”


“OK.” Milly knocked on the window five times. “Let's get you home.”

Jude took a deep breath. “I'll walk. I need the fresh air.”

“Not on crutches you won't,” Milly told her firmly. “DS Holmes and DS Philips will drive you home.”


Jude was half way up the garden path when something hit her hard, sending her to the ground. She rolled over to find Kevin about to hit her again. Not having time to think, she grabbed the crutch and hit him hard with it.

Just then DS Holmes ran over and pulled Kevin off her. He pulled Kevin's hands behind his back, slapping on the cuffs.

DS Philips helped her to her feet. “Are you all right?”

Jude nodded.

“Nice move with the crutches.”

“Thanks.” Her heart pounded and fear gripped her. Kevin? Kevin attacked her in broad daylight? Why? Wasn't the bloke who'd tried to kill her locked up now? Those and a thousand other questions ran rampant through her mind.

DS Philips held out a hand. “Give me your keys and I'll check the house before you go in.”

Jude gave him the keys and stood to one side as another police car came screeching to a halt outside the house, blue lights flashing.

Mrs. Bowen came over. “Jude, dear, are you all right?”

“A bit shaken,” she admitted. She glanced in the back of the police car where Kevin sat. He caught the look and licked his lips. Jude shivered and turned away.

“Sergeant, I'm taking Jude over to my place out of the rain,” Mrs. Bowen said.

DS Holmes nodded. “I'll be over in a few.”

Jude hesitated, but she was getting soaked and really didn't want to sit in a police car as if she'd done something wrong. She reluctantly followed Mrs. Bowen over the road.

The woman Bev had been hugging threw the door open.

Jude felt sick. “I should go…”

Mrs. Bowen shook her head. “I don't believe you've met my granddaughter, have you?”

Jude shook her head.

“Linea, this is Jude Travis, Bev's tenant. Jude, this is Linea King, Bev's…”

Somehow Jude shook Linea's outstretched hand, trying to ignore the wedding band on the other, tuning out what Mrs. Bowen was saying.
Bev was married? How could he?
She felt sick, but somehow forced herself to be pleasant. She could do this. She could be the better and bigger person.

“Jude?” Milly's voice came from the open doorway. “Sorry, but there's a phone call over at your place. It sounds important.”

Relieved, and knowing she should be annoyed the police had answered her phone, but really not caring, Jude nodded. “I'll come.”


Bev stared at the two e-mails. The second was even more confusing than the first. Containing just the one word.
? He tossed the pad to the desk and rubbed his hands over his face. He wasn't married. Was she? Is that where she'd gone? Or did she think he was the one who was married? He groaned.

“Boss, you got a sec?”

“Sure, Steve. Come in.” Grateful for the distraction, Bev twisted his chair to face Steve. “What's up?”

“You look bothered. Problems?”

“Just women,” Bev muttered.

Steve dropped into the chair on the other side of the desk. “Is that all?” He nodded to the photo stuck to the desk. “Is that her?”

“Yeah. I don't get it. Things were really good. I thought she felt the same way and then I get these.” He held out the letters. “I knew something was up because she just vanished rather than say goodbye, but I'd hoped she just doesn't like goodbyes.”

Steve read the two letters. “Married? Is she? Or does she think you are?”

Bev shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine. But according to Gran she isn't, and she doesn't wear a ring. I'm not that stupid.” He sighed. “Anyway, what brings you to the door of my container?”

Steve handed over the report. “This.”

Bev read it. Twice. Shock ran through him. “Is this for real? What's being done about it?”


“Not for long.” He stood and grabbed his hat. “I'm taking this to the Brigadier.”


An hour later he was back in his office waiting for the go ahead he was sure he'd get. He booted up the laptop and loaded the ebluey site. Then on reflection, he closed it and opened his e-mail. This would be faster. And no one else would read it.
Jude, I've gone over and over the last week we spent together, and I must have done something to upset you, but I have no idea what. Please tell me. And tell me how I can put it right. We can't leave things as they are right now. Bev.

A tap on the door frame jerked his head upright. “Sir?” he asked, scrambling to his feet.

Brigadier Hereford-Jones nodded to him. “You have a go. Brief your men. You leave in forty minutes.”

“Aye, sir.” As his CO left, Bev sat and typed another e-mail. First to Gran. Then one to Jude.
Jude, I'm going off base on a mission up north. We'll be gone about a week and incommunicado for most of it if not all. When I get back, I'll call. We have to sort this out. I love you. Bev.

He took the photo off the desk and tucked it into his shirt pocket. Then he stuck his head outside the tent. “Steve, get the unit in the crew room. Now.”

Ten minutes later, Bev finished briefing the men. “You don't have to go on this one, but if the intel is right, we have the ability to conduct a rescue and put a stop to the activity in the village. So, I'm going to the kit room. I'll be leaving in ten minutes. If you want to join me, be there. I won't think badly of anyone who doesn't appear.”

Before he'd even left the podium, every single man in the room stood, ready to follow him. Pride and love filled each step as he led them out.


Jude left the post office and swung home. Fortunately, it'd stopped raining and the post office was a five minute walk from her place. The phone call had been from her mother. Not important in the slightest, but she wasn't complaining. She loved talking to her mother on the phone or in person. Of course Mum was now insisting Jude moved back in with them, at least until things calmed down, but both Kevin and this other bloke, the locksmith of all people, were now behind bars and likely to stay there.

Evidently Kevin's crush had deepened to the point he'd been convinced he had to be with her or no one else could. He'd paid the locksmith to start the fire and follow her. The theory being Jude would turn to Kevin for comfort and protection. When that failed, he'd decided to take matters into his own hands.

Reaching the house, Jude sat at the computer and loaded the e-mail.

Bev, just a quick note to say there's a parcel on the way. And they caught the stalker and arsonist, so it's over.

The e-mail chimed, and Jude minimized the one she was writing to read. Two from Bev, both sent within a few minutes of each other. She read them then pulled back up the one she was writing. How did she reply? She wrote and deleted. Wrote and deleted. Then settled on simplicity.

Bev, I wish you'd told me you were married rather than leading me on with false hope and flattery. I'd never have gotten involved if I'd…

She deleted it.

Bev, I've posted a box. It'll be there when you get back. They caught the stalker and arsonist. It's over. Stay safe. Jude.

She hit send. But within a few seconds it had bounced back. She checked the address and tried sending again. Once more it bounced back. Oh, well, she'd try later.


Bev could see the village from where he sat in the lead truck. He'd prayed constantly that this mission would be a success. It seemed daft to pass up the opportunity to get this aid worker out when she was so close to where they were. Especially with the threats made to her life. He nudged the driver. “OK, this should be close enough.”

He jumped out, checking the area, gun ready should he need it. Then he gave the requisite hand signals and proceeded cautiously on foot. The hut was exactly where the intel said it would be. Using signals, he sent three of his men around the back and another three to each side. That left him and the rest to go through the front. “On three,” he whispered through the head set. “One, two, thee…”

As one, he and his men burst through the door, guns blazing, shouting instructions to each other. Checking rooms one by one, Bev found the aid worker, tied up and guarded. Without hesitation, he shot the guard in the leg, then as he fell, Bev scooped up the aid worker and carried her from the building. “Let's go!”

He was almost to the truck, when something thudded into his back. Pain jarred him, but he kept going. He reached the truck, placing the aid worker into the safety of it. Another thud sent him to his knees. Voices came from a long way off. A third sent him spinning, landing on his back. A fourth caught his stomach. He lay there, watching the blue sky overhead. “Jude…” he whispered.


The e-mail bounced back again. Jude sighed and typed rapidly into the ebluey site, only for that to inexplicably go down. It was too early for the news, so she checked the online news sites and then social media, but there was nothing on there either. Bev hadn't updated his social media page in over a week, not since he'd gone back. But then, she told herself, he'd said he'd be out in the middle of the sticks with no internet access.

And she wasn't his wife. He had no need to be contacting her at all. She was his adopter, nothing more.

The news came on. The main report was from the Middle East. “Three soldiers have been killed…”

A huge lump blocked her throat. Tears sprang into her eyes. She struggled up and hobbled to the door, not bothering with the crutches. She needed to know one way or the other and perhaps Mrs. Bowen would tell her. She had just reached the door when the bell rang. She tugged it open and her stomach plummeted and twisted.

Mrs. Bowen stood there. “Jude, dear, Bev's parents were visited by the MOD. My daughter just rang me and I thought…”

“Noooo…” Everything faded as Jude feared the worst and she fell into the darkness.


Jude opened her eyes. She was lying on the sofa. “How did?” she began.

Mrs. Bowen smiled at her. “You passed out on the doorstep. We moved you in here.”

“We?” Jude struggled to sit up.

“Now you lie down again,” came the unmistakable voice of her American GP. “How you doing, Jude?”

“Fine,” she said. She sat up anyway.

Jackson Parker set a mug of tea on the table beside her. “I'll be the judge of that.” He sat beside her and took her wrist. “Drink that tea. It's hot, sweet, and good for shock.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I was giving Linea a lift home. She's my new receptionist. She saw you fall and I stopped to help.”

“Linea? Bev's wife?”

Mrs. Bowen laughed. “Bev isn't married, dear. Linea is his sister-in-law.”

“Oh.” Jude closed her eyes. Why hadn't she thought of that?

Her eyes sprang open. “You said the MOD called. Is…is he…” She broke off, unable to say the word and make her fear reality.

“He was badly injured. They're treating him out there and will fly him home as soon as they can.”

Jude's hand flew to her mouth. Her whole body went cold, clammy and shook.

“Not going to pass out on me again, are ya?” Dr. Parker asked. His fingers closed on her wrist again.

“No…” Tears burned her eyes and she could no longer pretend to deny her feelings for Bev. They ran deep through her and her heart broke afresh. “Is he badly hurt?”

“It's not good,” Mrs. Bowen said, also crying. “I'm going to Birmingham as soon as I can pack. He'll be flown to the military hospital there.”

Dr. Parker stood. “OK, I'm off. Let me know how things go and if you need me again, shout.”

“I'll see you out,” Mrs. Bowen said.

“I'll see myself out. You ladies take care.”

Jude sipped her tea as he headed out.
she whispered, having no idea what to say or how to voice it.
Guide the medics, the pilots that bring him home. Heal him. Don't let him die, not with things unresolved between us…
She broke off, not wanting him to die at all, but not wanting to ask too much.

“Gran?” came a voice from the hallway.

“Come in,” Jude called. She glanced at the door as the blonde woman from the previous week came in. “Hi.”

Linea nodded. “Hi, are you all right?”

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