Forgotten Self (Forgotten Self #1) (23 page)

BOOK: Forgotten Self (Forgotten Self #1)
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I wonder if her appearance has something to do with my memory of her. Had I

She greets me by name before addressing Lucas. “There is no need to search any longer, Balancer. The archangels have been located.”

Lucas' expression does not cha
nge. Apparently he is unsurprised at her showing up.


A city called Dallas.”

Tabitha speaks in a tone that sounds defensive. “We have been monitoring crime rates. There has not been any spike in that area.”

Naomi's gaze slowly lands on Tabitha, an
d when she answers she does so in a condescendingly careful way. “Do you really think our brothers would be so stupid as to alert us to their location? Do you not think they are aware of our tactics, our ways of looking? No, they are not fools. But they ha
ve been found nonetheless. And no thanks to you.”

Tabitha's mouth is open; she has no reply. Awkwardly she steps away and avoids looking at any of us.

You have seen them?” Lucas asks slowly. A short nod confirms it and he closes his eyes in contemplation

How did you avoid detection?” Giloh's voice is soft.

Naomi's eyes flash angrily. “I didn't,” is all she offers. I assume this explains the burns.

There is a communal silence. I look around, waiting for someone to say something.

When no one does, I ask
, “So are we going?”

You certainly aren't,” Jonathan tells me.

I certainly am,” I counter.

Not a -”

Stop,” Lucas commands us. There's a sort of power behind his voice, immediately causing both Jonathan and I to shut up.

Giloh seems not to take notice o
f our tensions. “We should meet there and locate them. I think we all know what we have to do.” His implication is clear: we have to fight them, low numbers or not.

Yes,” Lucas says steadily. “Try to get as close as possible. We will find you when we can

Giloh and Tabitha nod in agreement.

Lucas,” Jonathan starts, staring at me angrily.

She is coming because she wants to. And because we need her.”

Jonathan lifts his chin and I watch his knuckles go white. “I don't know why you aren't being more carefu
l, Lucas,” he accuses.

Lucas levels a long, calm stare at him. After a few moments Jonathan looks away, and no more words are spoken as one by one, we all disappear.




The first thing I see is a man riding a bull in a ring. There are cheers all around m
e and a loud voice commentating over some speakers.

It's like I've landed into chaos.

I turn to look at Lucas, who is sitting on a metal bench next to me.

What the hell?” I ask, though my voice is inaudible in this place.

He just grins and nods toward th
e ring, voicelessly telling me to watch. Dumbfounded, I look back at the bull-riding man. The man is big, all muscle and tallness. He's wearing a cowboy outfit and seems to be laughing as the animal bucks him around. Dirt is being kicked up into the air an
d the dust floats over to coat all of us.

Ladies and gentleman, Rusty has hit a new record!” the announcer's voice booms, but tinnily, coming through a cheap sound system. “It has been five whole minutes!” This announcer is definitely from the south. “Who
le” had sounded like “ho”.

Dazed, I watch the spectacle continue. The audience's screams get louder and louder as popcorn and other concessions are thrown into the sky. These people are nuts.

Finally, the cowboy called Rusty is thrown violently to the grou
nd. The announcer calls the time and Rusty jumps up and climbs over the ring's fence. Handlers round up the angry bull and herd him into a metal stall.

The noise quiets down enough that I'm able to speak over it. “What are we doing here, Lucas?”

His eyes g
leam and it befuddles me. I've never seen Lucas act this way – excited, almost.

We are here to see Rusty,” he informs me, taking my hand and leading me down the steps to the ground.

Who's Rusty!” I yell over the announcer telling us about the new contest
ant. But Lucas doesn't answer. As we pass by excited spectators, almost all of them stare at Lucas, more than noticing his ethereal appearance.

I let him drag me down dirt pathways and through gates to what looks like a break area. Rough, dirty looking men
in boots and cowboy hats sit around on folding chairs, drinking beer and talking. No one notices us as we meander through them, I guess looking for Rusty.

We eventually see him behind some trash cans, relaxing in his chair, eyes closed. Lucas walks right
up to him.

Rusty,” he says in an amused voice. I just stand back and watch everything confusedly.

The cowboy opens his eyes and instantly I know he is an angel. My vision focuses in and I can see the light behind his eyes, and faintly around his body.

ty smiles hugely. “Lucas!” He jumps up and clasps Lucas' hand enthusiastically. “I was wondering when you were going to show up.” His excited gaze lands on me. “And who's this pretty little lady?”

Lucas turns back to glance at me, his gorgeous face lightin
g up ever so slightly.

This is Abigail, Rusty.”

Rusty's jaw drops. “Abigail?” he asks in astonishment.

I give him a little wave, unsure of how else to respond to his obvious surprise.

He looks back at Lucas, eyebrows raised. “Abigail?” he repeats.

Lucas c
huckles. “Yeah, it's her.”

Rusty rushes up to me and grabs me tightly. I let out a little squeak and he quickly lets go. “Sorry,” he apologizes distractedly. “It's just been so many years.” His face closes in on mine, searching for something. “Wow,” he say
s quietly. “What have they done -”

Lucas abruptly cuts him off. “Rusty.” His voice is a warning.

The cowboy angel shakes his head, throwing off his bemused expression. His demeanor becomes casual and jovial once more. “Yeah, it's good to see you, Abby. Can
't wait 'til you remember
me.” He winks. “We've had some good times, you and I.”

His good humor is infectious and I smile unwittingly.

I guess you know why we are here,” Lucas tells him.

Rusty nods. “Obviously. I've been waiting for a while.”

Why did you
not get in touch with me earlier?”

Didn't you receive my messages?” Rusty's expression is confused.

Then both of their faces seem to pale.

What?” I ask them worriedly. The noise of the rodeo has faded and all I can see are the tense expressions of the a
ngels in front of me. “What?”

I'm ignored.

Who could it have been?” Rusty asks quickly, quietly.

Lucas gaze is distant. Wherever he is he's not here. It takes a few moments for him to respond. “I cannot tell...there is no feeling.” He comes back from wher
ever he'd been and stares harshly at Rusty. “It had to be Raguel and Remiel.”

Rusty tilts his head back and his worried expression grows. “Something else is going on here.”

I step forward. “What new crisis now?” Finally I get their attention.

Someone bloc
ked a summoning,” Lucas explains tersely. “It is impossible...”

The image of a powerful, suave-looking demon pops into my mind. “What about Aram?”

The two look at each other. Rusty frowns. “A demon? No. Not alone, at least. There had to be divine intervent

I don't understand. Why does it matter? Other than delaying us, obviously.”

It matters because there is power being used that should not be. I do not know who is working together, but it is a problem. It means they can track us, our plans.”

ly I notice Lucas' formal speech. I wonder if it has to do with the way he changed.

It also means that the archangels know we're coming.” Rusty's tone is cold. Lucas doesn't respond, which I take as acknowledgment.

Then Rusty leans in closer to Lucas, sp
eaking soft words not meant for me. “This means she's in danger, Luke.”

Lucas doesn't say anything to that, either. He turns back to me. “Abby, we must leave.”

Whe -”

Then it's like the play button is pressed and all of the noise and chaos of the event hi
ts me like a tidal wave. But it's not just that, it's something else – a pulling, a grasp at my insides. Such a strange feeling. I look down at my stomach and back up at Lucas questioningly.

He's instantly right in front of me, grabbing my hands. “What is

I blink a few times, trying to find words to explain. “It's like a pull. There's a voice in my head...”

Rusty harshly curses from behind Lucas.

A summoning,” Lucas murmurs. Not releasing my hands or my gaze, he comments to Rusty, “It must be Raguel
and Remiel.”

Got to be,” Rusty replies. “Let's go.” And then we – maybe just I – are leaving this place, the announcer's voice echoing bizarrely around us.




Flat, empty land. A dry field. Dust blowing in swirls across the horizon.

Lucas, Rusty, and I s
tand close together, watching the scene.

Is this where I was summoned to be?” I ask, rubbing the dust out of my nose.

Lucas grimly nods. “It feels powerful.”

We wait. Questions are brimming inside of me, but we wait and I don't speak.

After a brief sile
nce, Rusty softly asks, “You hear that?” I know it's meant for Lucas.

Lucas' eyes are closed as he concentrates. “It is them.”

Apprehension fills my stomach. “Who?” I whisper.

So swiftly I don't even see it, he's grabbed me. “Rusty,” he begins.

But Rusty's
already walking the other way. “I got it. Just take her and go.” His voice comes out low and tight.

The sound I couldn't hear before – a whistle – is quickly reaching a painful volume. It reminds me of that scene in the room with the man and the sandwich.

I realize who's coming. “Remiel and Raguel,” I have time to say before Lucas disappears – without me.

Lucas?” I call loudly over the hum of the archangels' arrival.


A little ways off, I can see Rusty standing, glowing – so bright – he's changi
ng –

Rusty!” I yell, not sure what to do, or feel for that matter. Should I run? Should I be more terrified than I am currently? Because right now I only feel a slight apprehension, like none of this is real. I must still be in denial – a tiny part of my
brain telling me that this is all a dream or a major dose of Haldol.

He spins at the sound of my voice with a look of horror on his face. A light is growing behind him, more quickly now. It's too intense to look at any longer so I close my eyes. I can't h
ear anything but the noise, the noise that is a deafening whistle. Rusty's going to get -

The noise stops.

Suffocating silence takes its place for a moment.

And then:

Abigail, it's a pleasure.” I open my eyes and there is no longer any bright light to h
urt my eyes. Instead, a man in white placidly stands in front of me. There is no one else.


I start to feel even more afraid, but attempt to pull some confidence from the angel Abigail. “Which one are you?” I ask him steadily.

He has no expressio
n or inflection as he answers, “Remiel.”

What do you want?”

Without hesitation he says, “You out of our way.”

I start to fidget with the bottom of my coat sleeve. “Why haven't you killed me then?”

A hint of tension touches his features. “We are unable to.

Why can't you?” I'm not going to drop this, I've got to keep him talking – isn't that what they say to do with bad guys?

We cannot kill a creature of Death itself.” Vague, but I'll take it.

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