Fostering Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Fostering Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 1)
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“Yes!  Sure let me see what I've got.”  I’m totally thrilled with this turn of events and it could mean a whole different range of stuff to get involved in.  Again he smiles back at me; he knows he’s made my night.  I show him some shots of Chris’s ranch hands during a cattle drive and some of a rescue of some children who got lost at Chesters Mountain which are really emotional.  I briefly flip through some from the other day that I took at the lake, I also have a general folder on hand where I store stuff from my purse camera and it has a wide range of stuff in it.

“I like what I see, you’ve taken the trouble to learn your art and it’s obvious.  When I get back I’ll have a chat with the ‘pic lead’ as I call her and suggest she gives you a call.”

“Wonderful!  Thank you so much Mig.”  As I finish off this sentence our food arrives.  It looks and smells delicious and after my first bite I can confirm it ticks the taste box too; what a great place. 

We make polite but interesting conversation over our meal and Mig tells me of some of the amazing stories he’s covered.  It seems his love of human emotion and capturing the written word on paper is as great as mine and where I use photographs and the eyes for a visual display, Mig uses language and works with the mind.  He believes that if he makes a piece memorable so that the reader doesn’t forget it then, great.  But if he sparks an interest that helps the reader maintain some of the details that may shape the way they think or react about something in the future then he’s done his job.  It’s simple to him, words are powerful and for the reader to interpret them correctly he feels he has the responsibility to give them factual information without conveying his own opinion.  He describes how at times it’s difficult and it’s a trap that many writers fall into, these people tend to go from creative and inspiring to just purely creative with the truth and end up being gossip columnists.  It sounds like it’s a fine line that is easy to cross when you’re trying to get established in his field.

The conversation is flowing freely, he’s interesting and passionate about his vocation.  My mind wants to know if he has someone in his life who shares his love of words and writing, but asking takes us back to a place I
can’t think about now, especially as he’s talking about future work for me with the magazine.  I check my watch and it’s getting late, I’ve done what I came here to do and decide to make a polite exit.

“Mig, thank you for meeting me.  It’s been a lovely dinner and I am thrilled that you can use my shots, not to mention excited that we may be able to work together in the future, but I need to make a move, I’ve had a long day and it’s a bit of a drive home.”

“Of course,” he says as we both make to stand up.  There is a little awkward silence between us as he says “Let me see you to your car.”

“Thank you.”  He settled the check earlier so we both grab our bags and head for the door.  “I’m not parked far, I may actually be parked at the hotel you’re staying at so I don’t think I’m taking you too far out of your way.”  I feel like I’m trying to make conversation so there is no awkward silence.

“I am staying next door, but it wouldn’t be any trouble anyway,” he says like a gentleman.  I reach my jeep and deposit my purse on the passenger seat.

“Thanks again.”

“I’ll be in touch about the photos.  Dolly would it be OK too if I called you?”

“I thought you just said you were going to?”  He stares at me and waits for the penny to drop; Oh Lord I can be dumb sometimes.

“Oh, I see.  Well...I’m a bit worried about how it would affect us if we were to work together again.  It’s not that I wouldn’t like you to.”

“I understand that, so let’s get the working thing sorted first and any future photographic links you may have with my magazine will be handled by the art department.  Technically then we won’t be working together.”

“Oh” is all I can verbalize.  Why do I turn mute at times of important conversation?

“Oh yes or Oh no?” he attempts to clarify.

“Oh yes. I’d like that once we’ve cleared up the work assignment,” I reply firmly and he smiles back at me.

“Great, I think you’re very beautiful Dolly, I’d like to take you out on a date and get to know you.”

“Sure Mig, sounds lovely, fab.” I fumble my reply back at him which earns me a chuckle.

“I’ll be in touch and see you soon then.”  He leans forward and gently kisses my cheek and the only thoughts in my head are how he smells divine and the lush feel of his stubbly beard against my soft cheek.  I smile at him get in my jeep and drive away.  He waits until I’m out of sight before he leaves.  During my drive home I think about whether I’ve ever kissed anyone with a beard and decide I definitely haven’t.  Tommy was smooth shaven.

Fuck. Tommy. 

How did I let it slip my mind that I’ve also agreed to get to know him? What is the matter with me? 

Neely.  I need my soul sister.

She’ll talk me round, so I put my foot down and head for our apartment building.

Knocking at Neely’s door I realize she didn’t say why she wanted to see me in her text when the door swings open and she greets me.

“Ahaha, the wanderer returns.”

“What do you mean the wanderer returns?” I reply.

“Where have you been all day and all night?”

“Working today and at a business dinner tonight.”  I try and say this casually.

“Well you’ve had a couple of visitors, one who did not seem impressed that you weren’t here and was even less impressed when your second visitor showed up.”

“What’s with all the cryptic sentences, come on the suspense is killing me, who?”

“Jonas was visitor number one, he was pounding at the door and not happy when you didn’t open it.”

“Oh crap, he’s text me a few times. Barbara instigated a family Dolly take down at dinner so he knows about my Tits kick off.  He’s probably gonna kick my ass about it and then there was a small incident with Tommy today, partially witnessed by both Jonas and Chris.”  I know I’m opening a wasp’s nest tempting her with the last bit.

“Tommy? Well that was visitor number two who Jonas politely...OK not politely at all told him you weren’t home and he should leave,” she says.

“What! Why?”

“I don’t know specifics and I can’t lip read, but body language told me those boys were getting ready to brawl.  So what the hell went down at the ranch and who the hell have you been to dinner with?”

“Slow down Columbo, I’m not on trial here.  It would appear that today I have made some questionable choices and in essence it’s just another fucking addition to the drama saga that is my life.  Are you ready?”

“Yep, spill,” she braces for impact.

“Firstly, Barbara’s found out about what happened at the supermarket and we got into that at dinner.  I had a bit of a rage fit and walked out.  Jonas wanted to talk to me but that caused meltdown number two.  Secondly, I got caught making out, like seriously hot shit making out with Tommy Sevens at the lake by Chris and Jonas this afternoon and have agreed to a non-date date on Friday during our girls night at Purps with him.  Tonight I also managed to agree to a proper date date with a hot writer called Mig Smithson.  All in a couple of days, what is wrong with me?” It feels like I blurt this out in one breath.  There is nothing from Neely for an age until a smile slowly spreads across her face and she starts to howl with laughter.

“Sweet Jesus, you have been busy, how the hell did you get any work done?  No don’t answer me, that’s not important, what is important is what and how have you managed to cram all this fun into such a short time frame?  I could do with some tips on
kind of time management.   You’re lucky it’s 11pm or I’d be instigating an S.O.S text to Flo and Lottie.  I will ask questions and you will answer, otherwise I’m quite prepared to spend all night pulling these details from you OK?”

“OK,” I reply, it’s best to get this over with.

“Firstly, Tommy, how far did you get with him?”

, if you get my drift and he got interrupted.”

“Hilarious.  Is he a big boy? Tell me he’s huge and it was worth being busted like a teenager,” she chuckles at me.

“I would imagine he is adequately enabled in that area from what I could feel during my cringe worthy dry humping.”

“Don’t hold back on me, this will only take longer,” she warns.

“Shit.  He’s hot, attentive and gave me an orgasm in the open wildlife, I can’t believe we got busted.  Chris found it highly amusing...Jonas though, not so much.”

“Wow, Tommy has bad timing this afternoon and then his unfortunate bad luck repeats itself at your apartment again too,” she chuckles.  “Mig?  Mig who?”

“Out of towner, writer, metro man of hotness, stubbly face beard and has asked me on a date, although I’ve agreed to this once we get the work stuff out of the way.  What am I going to do?  I've already agreed to see how things pan out with Tommy.”

“So you’re dating Tommy now?”

“No.  No expectations, just getting to know one another, having fun.  Those are his words,” I say.

“You’re in the clear then with no requests of commitment from either and assuming you haven’t made any either you is good to roll, literally!   My God, it’s taken you years but you’re actually playing the field and casting some wild oats.  Mamma is proud.”  She really is too.  I was stupid to think she could talk any sense in to me when she has no sense herself.

“Shit Neely, I am not equipped for this.”

“Dolly Dense, what equipment do you think you need? And from what you’re telling me these guys seem quite satisfied with the equipment you already have, Jesus...” and now she’s laughing.

“Laughing at your own jokes is lame.  I’m going home, but you need to behave on Friday night with Tommy.  No crude outdoor orgasm jokes.”

“Hey, I’m on your side, I will be making an effort to ensure you’re on top form my wanton beauty.”  I think this may make me worry more.  We sister kiss and say goodnight and then I head home to bed.  I’m beat, a long sleep is definitely called for.

Chapter Ten


Over the next couple of days things get back to some semblance of normality.  I keep in touch with the girls via text and their underlying messages and jokes obviously mean that Neely has shared details about my lust filled afternoon with Tommy and also my potential dalliance with Mig.

I make time to have coffee over at the house with Barbara. The twins aren’t about and Harrison bobs in and out for a fresh refill every so often during some house job he’s doing.  She doesn’t ask about anything ‘fight’ related and neither of us mentions Jonas, that is a bit awkward because we wouldn’t normally steer clear of him as a topic of conversation, but my outburst has obviously made her think again.  Other than that it’s just another coffee catch up with Barbara.

I’ve spent some time at Chesters Mountain and got some great shots of the trail, the mountain and any happy faces that were heading up it for the day.  I also popped back at the end of the day to see if any of the weary travelers would be interested in letting me take some photos.  A few of them were and they’re good shots, they’re smiling, dusty and have a satisfied exhausted look about them.  During a spare couple of hours I also spend some time at the school getting a variety of shots that were on Oli’s list of requirements.  Since I began the work I've kept in touch with him via quick text messages and he’s happy with the progress I’m making.  Whilst at the school I send Flo a quick text to see if she is free and wants to come and meet me at the coach’s office because I know Sonny has a free period and can make us a quick coffee.

“Hey Flo.” He smiles nicely at her and she hides her smile back behind the mug of coffee she brought with her.  We talk for a while until Sonny changes the subject.

“How’s things Dolly, I hear you’ve been busy trying out the naturist lifestyle.”  Why ever he tries to keep a straight face when he says this is beyond me and even Flo struggles, she is currently trying to swallow a mouthful of coffee rather than dump it on the floor.

“Shitting hell, did Chris tell everyone?” I mumble back.

“No, he didn’t need too, I called round for a beer and walked in on him and Jonas having a heated discussion about it,” he says.

“What?  I’m a grown woman, it’s not like I've never caught those boys with their pants down.”  I know I sound defensive, but I’m past this already.  “Anyway, why were they arguing?” I ask.

“It seems that Chris and his sense of humor around the matter tipped our broody brother over the edge,” he’s laughing as he says this to me.

I was just about to ask for more details when Violet Rains wanders through the door.  Violet is the female gym coach and athletically perfect, she’s like a beautifully, brand new Barbie doll.  In my opinion she dresses a little too ‘teasing’ to be hanging around a school full of teenage boys with raging hormones, but then what do I know?  She’s muttering about how hot she is to Sonny as she walks further into the office and stiffens just a little when she spots me sitting in the corner of the room, but her face becomes increasingly unhappy when she spots Flo looking comfortable in her chair.

“Hi Violet, how are you?” I say.  I know who she is and that she works with Sonny, but other than that have no knowledge of her at all.

BOOK: Fostering Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 1)
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