Four Alphas One Mate (Werebear Shifter FMMMM Menage Steamy Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Four Alphas One Mate (Werebear Shifter FMMMM Menage Steamy Romance)
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"Who the fuck are you guys?"


"We will explain everything in a moment, but mentioned that this is yours. We found this place abandoned six years ago, so tell do you have a key?"


"It was my father's," I defiantly told them. "Passed down from his grandfather, who built it with his bare hands."


"With his bare hands," the stranger responded, and the three of them shared a private chuckle. "So, it would appear that Jackson sired a daughter. Well, this IS a surprise."


"How do you know my father's name?" I demanded, the knifepoint slowly lowering.


"Jackson's father has been a friend to our pack for some time," he continued. "We gave him opportunities to become an...honorary member of our group, but your grandfather was a traditionalist, and clung to his full humanity. It is a shame. He would have made such a magnificent werebear."


My grandfather? Werebears?
It seemed so much to take in, and I began to slump against the wall.


"Forgive us," the stranger spoke, suddenly in front of me. I recoiled from him, but he held his hands up in front of me, in the standard gesture for


"I'm not going to hurt you.
of us are going to hurt you...let me move you to the couch, and you can relax. Let me help you," he murmured to me, and I felt a wave of relaxation strike down my fear.


With a heavy head, I gave a light nod, and he effortlessly scooped me into his arms and carried me towards the couch. As he started to sit me down, I drifted into a deep sleep, the world and its changed laws fading far away from me.


*              *              *              *


"It looks like our little sparrow has awoken," I heard the handsome stranger speak. "Well now, that's a good girl. Would you like some water?"


As I blinked away my sleep and rustled up slowly from the couch, I took the glass that was handed to me and sipped down the water. I'd had the strangest dream about strange bear men and fighting my way across the grass outside...


...And as I finally focused on my surroundings, I saw the four –
why were there FOUR now
– men that were attending to me. I shrunk back lightly, my eyes fearfully turning from one rugged face to another.


"Allow us to introduce ourselves," the handsome stranger told me. "My name is Bjorn. These are my brothers – Stern," the leftmost face smiled at me, bearing a full beard of curly black hair, "Petir," the next face nodded solemnly, with a thick brunette moustache, "Warren," the bearded face to the right of Bjorn grinned toothily, "and introducing Grizz," and the unfamiliar, red-bearded face to the right chuckled.


I gazed back and forth between them. The hostility they had previously shown me was long gone from the room, and the werebears were watching me with curiosity as I sat up straighter. I tried to put on a display of confidence, but with my set shoulders and firm bottom lip, they just laughed instead.


"Such a feisty one!" Stern chuckled. "And can you smell that scent from her? She is, as you say...the heir."


"The...heir?" I stumbled over the words. And HOW DARE THEY remark about my body like that? I hadn't seen a shower all day, and I had been chased across the open grass by a pair of bloodthirsty bears...


"Yes, the latest descendant of Robert's blood," Bjorn wistfully answered. "It was he who built this cabin, allowing us to use it during off and on during the years. When we returned to these parts, we found it long abandoned, and reclaimed it as our own to honor the man who had defended our forefathers when they were weak and alone..."


"What did he do?" I asked.


"Something never forgotten by our pack, which dwindles ever so small as the seasons pass," Bjorn told me, his piercing green eyes on mine. I realized now that they all had the same eyes, even as they retreated in quiet from us, mulling around the cabin. "And it is knowing now that we almost shed the blood of our pack's great savior that we are filled with shame. So long as you are away from the cities, we will protect you, young sparrow."


I nodded, taking it all in. Although I had been frightened and suspicious before, I felt somewhat comforted in the presence of these powerful, otherworldly men now...and not just comforted. As my eyes fell upon them, I realized that the rest of them were still naked, and a primal lust filled me. I traced the outlines of their chiseled abs and strong pectorals, and felt my breath catch in my throat.


The danger was faded, and all that was true now was that I was alone in a cabin with a rugged, muscular, half-naked man and four others...four others who had already done me the liberty of seeing all they had to offer.


I thought back to my last romp in the sack, some drunken one-night stand after a thin wisp of a man brought me home and barely managed to satisfy me for five minutes before sleep took him. Neither of us had even finished, and I extracted myself that morning before he woke up, hearing him murmur something as I slipped out the door.


And that had been months ago.


The werebears seemed to notice my change in demeanor, and I could see them returning out from the shadows. Hungry looks covered four faces as they studied the curves of my body.


It was Bjorn, apparently their leader, who broke the silence.


"Our shifter senses can smell the lust on you," he told me. "And it awakens a primal need within us. But you have to understand...we do things as a pack. We share EVERYTHING..."


"How is my scent?" I asked in curiosity.


Grizz peered closer, his bushy orange beard parting for this toothy grin. "You have the smell of a young woman who needs several pairs of hands on her...caressing her...taking her...


The others nodded in unison, and my couch was soon surrounded by five faces, filled with pained restraint. I didn't know if they were reacting to me, or if I was reacting to them, but need painted across their eyes continued to stir the roar of passion that was flaring between my legs.


But to take ALL of them? All FOUR? I wasn't sure if my body would be up to that challenge. After all, the most I'd ever had was ONE, and that was only a few times.



"We won't harm you," Bjorn reminded me. "But if you want this, we'll oblige...but only together." I could practically see them dripping with saliva now, and my face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and longing.


These clothes
, I thought to myself.
They’re so restraining. Wouldn’t I be so much more comfortable without them?


As I stared at the longing in their eyes, I began to pull absentmindedly at my shirt. "Okay," I told them. "I don't know how...but okay. All of you. At once. How do we...?"


"It's already started," Bjorn told me with a grin as his brothers pulled me from the couch, all four naked, rugged men ripping me out of my clothes. I heard the threads shred as they moved with a mission, determined to fish me out of the fabric that so cruelly kept me from them.


Bjorn, however, stood back, watching me with intense curiosity and anticipation as the other werebears finally had me down to my underwear. I unclipped my bra as they tugged my panties down, and my unclothed body was exposed for them, finally as free as theirs. While Bjorn was still dressed in his rugged jeans, I was now a naked and vulnerable woman between three nude, chiseled men who were grasping at me. They were planting strong, passionate kisses across my body, their fingernails scratching into my skin. I held Warren and Petir's heads in my hands, their shoulders in the crooks of my elbows as they moved up and down my full, naked body. Whereas I had struggled to find the attraction of anyone even halfway worthwhile back at school, these rugged men were very clear about one firm, uncompromising point:


They deeply, hungrily wanted me.


And I was willing to give myself to them.


I felt myself being pushed down to my knees between them, and heard the telltale noises of Bjorn unbuckling and dropping his pants. As I knelt between them, the thick, bulbous heads of their erections bounced into view. I was stunned at the size of their cocks. Each one was massive, larger than I could have possibly thought, and as Bjorn pushed his way into the group I realized that his was the thickest and longest of all.


Naked and surrounded by four tall, broad men with their mighty, erect poles dangling in my face, I was completely overcome by my need to have them all. Stern was the one to lead the charge, his hands on the back of my head as he pushed the bulb of his throbbing cock to my lips. Without hesitation, I parted my lips around it, tightly taking it into my mouth as I teased the underside with my tongue. My lips began pumping up and down on his shaft, eager to take in his musk and the ferocity of his animalistic need. I could hear him gasping in satisfaction, and that only propelled me to pump his thick shaft harder. But it had an effect on the others, too – they were impatient now, growling among themselves, eager to have my mouth as well.


I shifted gears to the next, which turned out to be the thick cock of Warren. My hands slid up now, taking another two into their grasp as I began to stroke them, rolling my fists near the bulb as I firmly jacked off the werebears. I was forming a strong rhythm as my lips bounced up and down Warren's cock, eager to please him like the others.


I gave him a few more seconds of my attention before switching to another cock, and the orange fuzz around the balls told me that this was Grizz's own contribution to the party. I was able to relax my throat to allow him all the way inside, with my lips kissing the base from all the practice I was gaining. He groaned in delight as I pulled back up slowly, teasing him lightly before jumping back into thrusting his thick dick into and out of my mouth.


I felt myself being lifted from beneath, and shuddered with delight when I realized that one of them – Warren, I think – was carrying me up to chest level. My legs hung from either side of his strong arms as my ankles dangled in the air, and he slowly lowered me onto this throbbing erection.


"I have GOT to get a piece of this pussy," he emphatically told us as I reached down as steadied his thick cock, aligning it with my soaked slit. I hadn't realized how sopping wet I was getting down there, but given how aroused and frenzied the werebears were starting to get, it was clear that they could all smell it.


In the last moment, I felt a burst of fear fill my head as I realized what was about to be forced inside me, but to my astonishment the bulb of his thick cock decidedly did NOT shred me to bits upon entry. Instead, he carefully lowered my hips down onto it, lifting and dropping me in large increments until the lips of my pussy were finally nestled at the base of his shaft.


"Oh my god," I murmured in mixed surprise and arousal. "I can't believe it fucking fit..."


Warren gave me a wicked grin as he started to rock my hips against his with his powerful forearms under my legs. I realized that he was completely in control, and all I could do was wrap my arms around his shoulders as I began to bounce on his cock.


But the others weren't so eager to simply watch, and after growing accustomed to Warren's massive shaft inside me, I felt him slow down to allow me to enjoy the fullness of his shaft. At the same time came a sudden pressure at my backdoor.


"I haven't..." I started, looking over my shoulder in fear. It was Grizz who was pushing the bulb of his member against my star, and he pressed his lips to my ear.


"Don't worry, little sparrow, I won't hurt you. I GUARANTEE you that you are going to enjoy this..."


In hesitation, I stared him in his piercing green eyes and nodded abruptly. He licked his fingers and teased my virgin asshole, carefully fingering inside before stretching the rim and guiding the tip of his cock inside. Somehow, what he was doing was working, and I felt his erection slowly guide into my bowels...


After a moment of care, I was suddenly hoisted between two werebears, occupying both holes as I was pressed between them. They began to pump me together, and worked out a rhythm so that when one cock was pulling outward, another was burying itself inside.


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