Four Alphas One Mate (Werebear Shifter FMMMM Menage Steamy Romance)

BOOK: Four Alphas One Mate (Werebear Shifter FMMMM Menage Steamy Romance)
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Four Alphas One Mate


I don't know how long I sat with my little red car in park, the keys grasped firmly in my hand. This entire drive, I'd been running on autopilot, whizzing between the others on the interstate at least fifteen miles over the limit. My eyes had been scanning ahead for the obvious signs of a white vehicle pulled over, watching the tops of the other vehicles for any telltale sirens. But I hadn't seen more than two or three police cruisers during the whole five hours of driving, and as the highway had relinquished its grip of the terrain down to the back roads, and finally this meandering trail up into the woods, the likelihood of running into the fuzz had dropped to a resounding zip.


Even to me, my motivations for doing this were cloudy at best. I mean, I hadn't seen my father in something like eight years, after he walked out on us when we were kids. But when the news of his death hit me, the first thing I did was snatch up the key to our old family cabin and hit the road. I left the sprawling city and its nightclubs behind, trading them to collect my thoughts in the remote forests up north.


I glanced at my phone. Unsurprisingly, my signal was shot to hell. If anything horrible happened, it was clear as daylight that I was going to be on my own.


Speaking of, the canopy above me blotted out the vast majority of that. Enough sunshine fought its way through the branches to light the path, but the air was dark, with looming shadows all around. I listened for any impetus to hit this baby back in reverse and high-tail it out of here, but the woods were awfully quiet. The sounds of insects chirping met my ears, but that was about it. Not a single twig crunched, nor did a lumbering snarl unfurl from the distance.


"Well...I've come all this way, I guess," I told myself, popping open my driver's door. I pulled my dark green backpack from the passenger seat. "What's the point if I turn back now?"


*              *              *              *


The walk to the cabin was fairly straightforward. From the end of this unpaved drive with a few designated but ultimately halfhearted parking spaces loomed a thin trail, curving between the trees and into the woods. I held my hunting knife curled tightly in my fist, a large and serrated piece of steel that had sat in a box beneath my bed for years. It had been the last thing that my father had left me before his unceremonial disappearance, and it was only begrudgingly that I wielded it now, preparing for the worst.


But I didn't hear any roars, or any sign of danger. Hesitantly, I continued onward into the woods, my memory faintly leading me down the trail. It was strange...I had halfway expected to hear
sign of danger. While I wasn't exactly
trouble, it was still common knowledge that wandering alone in the woods wasn't the safest thing for an emotionally compromised, lonely young lady to be doing.


The branches above were thinning, and the light was starting to brighten now. I could make out the trees further ahead, and spotted what looked like the opening to the familiar clearing. It wouldn't be long now before the cabin would be in sight, and then I could settle in for the weekend.


Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a face looming in the shadows. With my large hunting knife flashing what little light there was, I spun around to defend myself from my foe, but there was nothing there. It had looked like the quiet gaze of a looming bear, and I shivered.
Are there bears here? Do they wander this close to the trail


The very thought of it unnerved me, and I considered bolting back for the car. But it was clear that nothing was there now, and the cabin was a lot closer than the brief safety of my car. I knew it passed a lot of safety ratings, but I somehow lacked the confidence in it defending me versus a full-grown bear.


Instead, I pushed forward, keeping my eyes peeled along the shadows. As the clearing came closer, I heard a twig snap, the skitter of something out of sight, and fought the urge to run. I knew better than to flee from something big enough to immediately catch and overpower me.


, I thought to myself,
it’s just paranoia. There ain’t anything out here big and scary that’s going to gobble you down.


A few minutes later, I finally passed into the setting light, and spotted the cabin just a short distance up the slope. A rush of nostalgia for days long past filled my head, pushing out any of the dread I had felt during my little traipse down the trail. With the goal in sight, I found it remarkably easy to press on, and walked across the thick grass as I fought my way towards the front door.


I remembered that there had been a walkway here before, with some small stones and gravel marking the way. My foot stepped unevenly with a large crunch, and I realized that the path was still here. It had just grown over and had been lost to time.


It was as if nature had reclaimed it, leaving the cabin as it was. I wondered what kind of shape it would be in, and if I was unknowingly stepping into a death trap that had already started falling apart in the years.
Had Dad even come here since he left us


Finally, I could see the front door, when I heard a lumbering growl from behind me. Turning with a start, my knife held before me, I felt all confidence sap from my knees. On the edge of the woods was not one, but
large bears, hulking forms that were very clearly staring at me across the completely open clearing.


! I screamed in my head.
I could have dropped into the grass! But now they’re looking right at me…


Silently, I prayed in my head that they would wander away.
Go on, you two
, I thought to myself.
Plenty of space. You do you, and I’ll do me, and we can all just go our separate


They bolted into a run, chasing towards me.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


I didn't have the luxury of their size or power, and the grass was too tall for me to do anything faster than an awkward, unsteady hopping prance, but I fought my way across the waist-high grass, furiously slicing with my knife. Unfortunately, I hadn't had the foresight to sharpen it, and the lightly dull edge did absolutely nothing but tire me quicker.


The door was so close!


With my limbs practically on fire, my adrenaline pushing me close to carelessly rolling my ankle with my strides, I finally reached the veranda of the cabin and flung myself against the door.


Of course it’s fucking locked
! I screamed in my head, fumbling for my keys. As I picked out the right one, I heard the bears coming closer. Their breath was practically on my skin as I jammed the key into the lock and threw the door shut behind myself, slamming the bar down.


Seriously…how difficult would it have been to have the keys ready in my hands?
I shouted into my head, stumbling away from the door. If these two were adamant to get in, they probably could...and then I would be royally screwed.


But the lumbering noises outside slowed down, and I heard a pawing at the door. With my fear and adrenaline running at cataclysmic levels of
Oh shit, oh shit, oh my fucking shit
, I found the unfamiliar, oaken voice to be a little on the disarming side.


"And what brings you to my cabin, little sparrow?"


*              *              *              *


I turned on my heel at the trespasser, my hunting knife still gripped with white knuckles.


"Don't you fuck" I blurted before the words trailed off. The gorgeous man in front of me was lounged against the couch, his piercing green eyes locked onto mine. With a smirk drawn across his face, I took in the overpowering look in his eyes, and the way his dark hair framed his chiseled, strong face.


But the most provocative thing about the scene were how his exposed muscles rippled down this arms and his torso. With his bare feet propped up and crossed on the wooden coffee table, he was bare-chested, with just the right amount of chest hair tufted against uncompromisingly powerful pectorals, perched atop a set of washboard abs that just screamed for my touch.


I felt disarmed at the very sight of him, but I retained just enough of my senses to realize the danger that I was in. There was a stranger
in here
and a pair of ridiculously feral bears
out there


The stranger tilted his head a little more, his smirk growing across his face. His pearly white teeth were now exposed, and he leisurely pulled himself up from the couch.


"Look...I don't know who the hell you are, but you're in
cabin, and there are these two...oh god, the bears," I exclaimed as I raced for the window, peeling the curtain back. I could see them now, larger than I could have imagined. They were aimlessly circling outside, with one staring at the cabin and the other towards the setting sun.


"What the fuck are they doing...?" I asked myself, and I heard the half-dressed trespasser answer with amusement.


"They see that you've entered their home, and they're...well, a little at a loss for how to proceed. If you'd just made it here but hadn't gotten in, they probably would have killed you on the spot. But you're here now, and they're confused.
You’ve confused them


The last part sounded accusatory, and I turned to face him with bemusement plain across my face. "
? Ever since halfway across the clearing, this
entire thing
has been confusing to me. Like, what the hell are you doing in my cabin? And why do they think...wait...they're bears! They don't
much of anything!"


"Oh, now you've hurt my feelings," the handsome stranger spoke, a look of sarcasm across his face. "But if you're on unsteady footing now...oh, you're in for a real treat."


He walked over past me, as I watched him suspiciously, my gaze alternating between the odd behavior of the bears and him. Without a moment's hesitation, he lifted the bar up and tossed the door open.


"What are you – do you realize that there are two bloodthirsty bears out there? You're going to get us killed!"


"Silence." He commanded, and his green eyes locked onto mine. I felt a sudden need to obey him, and my confusion and need to take control of the situation withered away inside me. Quietly, I shrank away.


"No. You'll want to see this," he indicated towards the window, and I turned to face the bears. They were both on edge, facing the door, while one turned to regard me coolly.


"Brothers...welcome our guest," he called to them. "Come inside."


When they changed, I couldn't peel my eyes off of them, nor could the scream escape my throat. The very air around the two large bears seemed to shimmer for the faintest second, and then their fur glowed as their bodies twisted and writhed at breakneck speed. Muscles warped shrunk, the fur along their bodies receded, and their very shapes altered into something smaller, yet powerful. The entire process took less than four or five seconds, and I shuddered as they stood up in the grass.


It was a pair of strong, broad-shouldered men.


They wandered towards the door, the grass no more a deterrent to them than the faintest ant. As they stepped onto the porch, I realized that they were
, their thick cocks swinging with their movements.


"What is...what in the..." I stammered, as they came inside. The two of them regarded me with a dangerous glint in their eyes, and the first looked to the trespasser.


"Who is she? Why is she here? This is ours," he growled. "She shouldn't be here."


"According to her, this is her cabin," the handsome stranger told them as all three turned to me. "She even had a key, which kind of underlines her point..."


Their eyes all turned to the keys in my hand, seeming to ignore the blade that I held a little higher as I shrunk back towards the corner.


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