Authors: Roz Lee
Richard stood and paced to the open balcony door. He stood a moment, looking out at the distant beach dotted with sunbathers. “You know they’re couples classes, and I’m as involved as Fallon is.”
“I know.”
Ryan waited for his friend to say what was on his mind. He knew Richard would have reservations. He had plenty of them himself. “Look, Ryan, its one thing to show a complete stranger how to tie up his girlfriend or wife, but it would be something completely different if they’re friends of ours.”
“I know. Believe me. If I thought there was another way to give Candace what she wants for our anniversary, I’d do it. But she wants me to tie her up, and not playfully. She really wants to be bound, and all that goes with it.”
“How much does she know about it?”
“Too much. You can blame your wife. Fallon has been filling her head with stories. Candace wants to give it a try, and I haven’t ever been able to tell her no.”
Richard turned around. “Tell me what she expects.”
Ryan went into detail about his wife’s expectations, as well as his own. “I want her to experience as much pleasure as she can stand, and I’ll do anything to make that happen. Anything, Richard.”
“Let me talk to Fallon. If she’s okay with it, then I’ll email you. You can come aboard next week when we drop anchor, and stay for the week. That way, if there are any issues, Fallon can help the two of you work them out.” He handed Ryan a folder. “Look at these photos. Show them to Candace. Be sure this is what she wants, and be damned sure you can handle it. There isn’t any way I can show you how to do this without touching your wife. We’ve been friends for a long time, and I don’t want to fuck that up because your wife wants to dabble in bondage play.”
Ryan took the folder, added it to the stack of papers in his briefcase. “Thanks, Richard. I’ll take a look. I honest to God don’t know if I can handle this, but if Candace wants it, then I’ll figure out how.”
“You could pick up some ropes from the gift shop, or some handcuffs. Maybe a little fantasy play would be enough to satisfy this urge of hers.”
“Maybe, but I don’t think so. She’s not one to do anything halfway.”
Richard gestured to Ryan’s briefcase. “Well, look those over and talk to each other. If she still wants to try it, we’ll figure out a way to get through it.”
Ryan stood and shook hands with his best friend. “Thanks, Richard.”
He had the tender to himself returning to the island. This time, he chose a seat on the lower level, as far from the small crew as he could find. He slid the folder Richard gave him from his briefcase. The session photos were graphic, and knowing the model had been paid for her services didn’t make them any less erotic. It didn’t take much imagination for his brain to replace the model’s image with his wife’s. His cock responded to the imagery, and he shifted on the hard plastic seat. Yeah, he wanted to do this with Candace, but the step by step photos clearly showed Richard’s hands as he secured the ropes, as well as Fallon’s, stroking, soothing, assuring.
The engines slowed, and Ryan stowed the folder. Candace would be waiting for him at the house. Maybe after dinner he’d show her the photos. He wondered if she understood how hands-on the class was, and if she did, how she felt about it.
* * * * *
Candace gripped Ryan’s hand tight. Fallon’s office was small and windowless. Nevertheless, the four of them crammed into it—Fallon behind her desk, Richard leaning against the credenza, his legs crossed at the ankles, his arms crossed defensively over his chest. She and Ryan occupied the Parson’s style chairs facing Fallon’s desk. Excitement skittered across her skin. This was the first step toward her goal. Fallon studied their faces, her fingers steepled over her lips. Candace understood that the counseling was part of the process, that Fallon wouldn’t proceed until she was certain the participants were fully aware of the process, and all its implications.
The air grew thick with their combined body heat. Her skin was on fire, and judging from Ryan’s palm pressed against hers, his was too. Richard looked like a volcano, ready to explode any minute. Only Fallon appeared cool and collected.
“So, Richard said he gave you the session photos to look over. What did you think?”
Ryan answered before Candace could find the words to describe her reaction. “Is it necessary for Richard to touch her?”
Richard shifted uneasily. Fallon dropped her hands to her lap and looked Ryan in the eye. “Yes. I’m usually the one being bound, so I’m not proficient in the knots, nor do I have the skill to make sure the ropes aren’t too tight, or too restricting.”
Ryan nodded. “Okay, but why can’t he just tell me how, and let me do the work?”
Richard answered him, “You’ll do your share. She has two arms and two legs, and two breasts, if she wants to go that far. I’ll demonstrate first, and supervise as you learn on the other one.”
“Ryan,” Fallon drew his glare away from Richard. “Richard has done this many times. He isn’t going to grope your wife. If it will make you any easier, he’ll wear his cock cage.”
Richard shifted again, casting a murderous look at his wife. She smiled at him, and his face eased into something more civilized. He turned to Ryan. “I can do that, if it would make you more comfortable, but you can trust me, Ryan. I won’t attack Candace.”
Candace squeezed Ryan’s hand, and saw some of the tension leave his body. “I know you won’t attack her, Richard. I’m sorry. This isn’t easy for me, but it’s what Candace wants, so I’ll deal with it.”
Richard nodded. “I understand. Fallon wears her ropes to these sessions. It helps demonstrate the total submission aspect of bondage. Even though she is technically in charge, she will do as I say. She’ll assist where necessary, and provide emotional support for Candace at all times.”
Fallon had been watching her husband as he spoke. She turned to Candace. “Candace, all you have to do is use your safe word and we’ll end the session, right then, no matter what. Don’t use it unless you want all play to stop, for good. We won’t go back and try again if you stop the session. It’s natural to be uneasy, but there’s a difference between unease and terror.”
“I understand. I trust Ryan, and I trust you and Richard. I know you won’t hurt me.” Ryan squeezed her hand and brought it to his lips. His gentle kiss on the back of her hand made her heart flip. He always knew what she needed. She glanced at his eyes over their clenched hands. His lips curved into a smile against her hand and she smiled back. She was the luckiest woman on the planet. Ryan might not be sure about this, but he’d do anything for her and she for him. “Ryan, we don’t have to do this. We can try something less intense at home if you’re uneasy about it.”
“No. I’ll deal. It’s what you want, and to tell the truth, I want to see you bound. I want to have you totally at my mercy, but I want to do it right. I couldn’t live with myself if I hurt you.”
“Then we’re doing this?” Fallon asked.
“Yes, I guess we are.” Candace said.
“Okay then. The ship sets sail in an hour. Why don’t you two go find something to eat. Light fare, nothing too heavy. I’ll see that you have a proper meal afterward, you’ll need it. Richard and I will meet you in the classroom in say, an hour and a half?”
Ryan stopped with his hand on the doorknob. “Are you sure? It’s not too late to cancel this. They’ll understand.”
Candace took a deep breath and let it out. “No. I want to do this, and I want to do it with you.” She placed a hand over his heart. The steady beat reassured her. “I’m already wet just thinking about it.”
“Christ, Candace!”
“It’s okay. Fallon said it’s normal to be aroused by the anticipation.”
Ryan leaned his forehead against the door and squeezed her hand in his. “You’re going to be the death of me, woman.”
Candace placed a kiss on his shoulder blade, swiped her tongue over his heated back. “You’re turned on too, don’t try to deny it.”
Ryan straightened and turned to her. “How can I? I’ve been hard for days thinking about this.”
“So let’s do it.” He reached for the doorknob again. Candace wrapped her fingers around his wrist to stop him. “Ryan, no matter what happens, you know it’s you I want.”
“I know. I’ll try to remember when Richard has his hands on you.” He reached for the knob again, and again, Candace stopped him.
“You can stop it anytime you want too. I’ll understand.”
“I know. I promise to do my best to make this good for you.”
“Promise you won’t deck Richard.”
“No way.” He opened the door before she could respond.
Ryan sucked in a startled breath beside her. Richard wore the standard crew wrap, slung low over his hips. He was an attractive man, no denying that. Fallon stood next to him wearing nothing but the slave ensemble Richard had commissioned for her. The gold ropes, interspersed with rich jewels, criss-crossed her body, drawing attention to her many assets. Candace had seen the ensemble on a mannequin once, but Fallon’s pale skin tone was the perfect backdrop for the gleaming gold.
“Fallon, it’s beautiful!” Candace rushed over to Fallon. “You’re beautiful,” she sighed as she took in her friends’ roped body.
“Thanks. I love wearing Richard’s ropes, but they aren’t practical for all the time.”
“I guess not,” Candace chuckled.
“Ladies, if you’re through with your fashion moment?” Richard interrupted.
“Yes, Richard,” Fallon said.
Candace recognized the change in Fallon’s demeanor, understood her friend now submitted to her husband. The session had begun. A shiver of anticipation and apprehension ran from her toes to her scalp. She returned to Ryan’s side. His hand automatically reached out and took hers in a firm grip.
“Candace,” Richard addressed her. “Remove your clothes and lay on the table. Ryan, you stand beside me so you can watch what I do.”
Ryan turned to her and their eyes met. “It’s okay. I can do this.” She wasn’t sure if she was trying to reassure Ryan, or herself. She slipped her hand from his and unfastened her sarong. She tossed the scrap of cloth on a nearby chair and followed it with her panties. She clasped Ryan’s hand in hers and pulled him across the room to the padded table Richard had indicated. Silently, Ryan helped her up, but refused to let go of her hand. His jaw was set, his eyes blazed with arousal, but under it she saw the iron will it took for him to let her do this. No man other than Ryan had seen her nude in over a year, and he wasn’t taking it well. She squeezed his fingers, offering him reassurance and drawing strength from the pressure he returned. He might be struggling, but his grip on her hand sent a silent message of love that she tucked close to her heart. It never ceased to amaze her, the depth of his love, or hers for him.
Fallon moved to her other side and took Candace’s free hand in hers. Fallon smiled, offering her strength and support. Candace drank it in. Now that they’d begun, she worried she’d overestimated her desire to do this. She thought about what they were doing, and what it was costing Ryan. One word and she could end it. Before she could form the word, Ryan spoke, “No. Don’t, Candace. I know you want this. I’m okay with it, really, I am.”
“If you’re sure. . . .”
“I’m sure. Let’s get on with it.”
“We’ll start with her wrists. I’ll show you, and then you can do the other one,” Richard spoke to Ryan, ignoring Candace.
Candace closed her eyes as Richard began to wrap the bright red rope around her wrist. His hands were warm, strong, competent. Her body flushed with heat and her nipples hardened to aching peaks. Oh God! His hands felt good. She chastised herself for even thinking those kind of thoughts. What would Ryan think if he knew? She was grateful her thighs concealed the sudden flood of arousal between her legs.
Dear Lord
Ryan must have sensed her unease. His palm flattened on her stomach, his thumb idly stroked over her belly button. His heat warmed her. He had such talented hands, competent in their own right. She focused everything she had on that point of contact, on the gentle sweep of his thumb.
“We only use cotton rope. It holds the knots securely and is easier on her skin,” Richard instructed as he wound the rope and tied the knots. “Based on the level of interest you both indicated, we’ll do a simple immobilization today, something that will make Candace vulnerable, and allow Ryan full access to her body.”
Richard was patient, helping Ryan do his part until he understood the technique and could do the knots on his own. Fallon did his bidding, handing him lengths of rope, and then returning to speak softly to Candace. It was Fallon’s reassuring voice that calmed Candace when Richard bent her knee to her waist and bound her thigh to her calf, and with a length of rope suspended from an overhead ring, secured her leg. His fingers probed beneath the ropes along the back of her thigh and along her calf. Though his touch was clinical in nature, it sent a shiver of awareness through her body. Then Ryan touched her. He easily repeated the process, leaving her glistening pussy exposed.