Four of Hearts (27 page)

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Authors: Roz Lee

BOOK: Four of Hearts
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Candace sucked in a ragged breath as Ryan found her matching hole and breached it with his finger, mimicking what his cock was doing to Fallon. She tried to move into his caress, but was stopped short by the bindings around her legs. Candace glanced again at Fallon who had dropped her forehead against Richard’s chest, and now clearly rode both men at the same time.

The men set up a matching rhythm, withdrawing and impaling in tandem. Candace closed her eyes and let the slow cadence of skin slapping against skin lull her. The heady musk of sex carried on the humid air in the closed room. Her breasts ached to be touched, and her empty channel throbbed with need. Ryan continued his digital assault on her nether hole, flexing, withdrawing and plunging in without mercy. She needed to be filled. Her core cried out to be completed.

Richard’s hand slid between her legs, and on one powerful thrust, he buried four fingers to the third knuckle inside her. The heel of his hand pressed against her clit and her pubic bone. Candace cried out at the welcome intrusion, the sudden violence of it satisfying her primal need to be taken. She lost track of what was happening to Fallon as Ryan and Richard pleasured her with their fingers. Nothing she did brought her any closer to them. Richard’s bindings were gentle, but effective. Her body struggled to get closer, her mind fought for every grudging centimeter. Her inner muscles tightened, coiling and spiraling tighter, higher, seeking the relief of orgasm.

The shock of their leaving her sent her crashing from the precipice, unfulfilled and desperate. “Shh,” Ryan coaxed as he took her lips with his. When had he left Fallon and come to her? A warm body pressed against her back. Richard. They’d switched places. Candace spared a split second of regret for Fallon’s loss, but that fled completely as two cocks positioned themselves at her openings and without warning, entered her.

Dear God! Two sets of hands stroked and comforted, encouraged and aroused. Her body soared back toward the summit. Fallon gasped beside her and Candace knew Richard and Ryan were pleasuring Fallon as they had pleasured her moments ago.

It was almost too much, the exquisite fullness, the attentions of the men she loved so much. Her heart ached with the beauty of their coupling. She wanted to stay like this forever, locked in their embrace, impaled, filled by their bodies, their love. Warm breath fanned across her nape. Richard placed open mouth kisses along her neck and to the hollow behind her ear. “I love you, Candace,” he whispered in her ear. “I’m going to leave you in Ryan’s hands. Fallon needs me.” A profound loss overcame her as he slipped from her nether hole, but almost as soon as he left, Ryan reached around and filled her again with his fingers. He stretched her almost as wide as Richard’s cock had. The motion brought them closer together. Ryan’s heart beat against hers in as wild a rhythm as her own.

She didn’t need to open her eyes to know Fallon and Richard were enjoying the same kind of joining.

“I love you,” Ryan growled against her ear. “Come for me now, sweetheart. Let me fill your pussy.”

God, she wanted to feel him pulsing inside her, feel his cum gushing against her womb. She needed to take all of him inside her. She needed to be one with him, and through their love, be one with the two souls who shared their love.

“Let go now,” Ryan crooned. “We’re going to all go over together.”

She believed him. She felt it in every cell of her body, this connection they shared. When one went over, the others would follow. Candace let go of the thin rope of control. Her body convulsed around Ryan’s dual intrusions. Two great roars and a strangled cry accompanied the cry from her own lips.

With Fallon’s hip pressed close to hers, their hands joined high above them, four bodies died the petite death, and four hearts beat as one.

The four of hearts.

They’d gambled everything, and they’d won it all.

# # # # #

About The Author

Roz Lee has been married to her best friend, and high school sweetheart, for over three decades. These days she splits her time between their home in rural New Jersey, and Southern California, where her husband works. Even though she’s lived on both coasts, her heart lies in between, in Texas. A Texan by birth, she can trace her family back to the Republic of Texas. With roots that deep, she says, “You can’t ever really leave.”

Roz and her husband have two grown daughters they couldn’t be more proud of, and are currently raising a ten-year-old Labrador Retriever, Betty Boop, who isn’t aware of her canine heritage.

When Roz isn’t writing, she’s reading, or traipsing around the country on one adventure or another. No trip is too small, no tourist trap too cheesy, and no road unworthy of traveling.

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