Fractured (24 page)

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Authors: Wendy Byrne

BOOK: Fractured
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She entered Landry's building with a hint of nervousness itching up her spine. She hit the buzzer and waited for him to answer. Knowing he was moving slowly, she gave him a few minutes.

Finally, he answered. “Yeah.” He sounded groggy.

“It's me, Landry, can I come up?” She wouldn't blame him if he refused to see her. She hadn't been the best girlfriend in the world for the week he'd been laid up in the hospital, showing up intermittently and staying for short periods of time. But she needed the time and the space to figure out how to learn from her mistakes as Malone would say.

Without responding, he buzzed her in. She trudged up the stairs, feeling the weight of everything she'd done to hurt him prod her upward. What could she say?

When she got there, he was leaning on the halfway open door. “Thought you forgot about me.”

“I wanted to tell you at the hospital but—” She glanced down only because she didn't know if she could look him in the eye. There were so many regrets. “I'm sorry. I mean really, really sorry. What I did and said was so very wrong. I don't blame you if you don't forgive me. I…I don't know what I can do to make it up to you.”

To her surprise, he smiled. “Keep talking. I'm enjoying the groveling.”

She couldn't help but smile back and let out a nervous breath. “Okay, I'll give you the big one. Not only was I jealous about the pink thong, but well…I'm sure,” gulp “I'm in love with you.” She felt her heart start to flutter inside her chest at the truth of her words.

“You finally admit it and I'm supposed to roll over and let you have your way with me?” Propped on his good leg with one of his crutches, he leaned against the door jam.

“That would be good. In fact, I've got something to show you.” She yanked her T-shirt away from her shoulder to reveal a strap. “Victoria's Secret, thong and matching bra. Since getting pink would be going a little too far, I got black lace. Will that work?”

“Hmm.” He folded his arms across his chest. “Why don't you come in so we can negotiate some kind of mutual agreement? I might need some kind of sexual type favors to close the deal. And wearing those will certainly help.”

“I can go along with that.” She closed the door behind her as she walked inside. “I also wanted to show you this.” She pulled back her T-shirt to reveal the tattoo on her left shoulder blade.

He fingered the two intersecting hearts bearing their initials, but seemed at a loss for words.

“It's kinda corny, but I wanted to prove I wasn't going to run out on you if you took me back.”

He turned her so that she faced him. “Isabella, I …” He traced her lips with his fingertip.

She nodded feeling the impact of the words he didn't speak. How stupid she'd been. “And you can say ‘I told you so' at least ten times a day. Are we square?”

He laughed, and grasped her hand. “Yeah, we're square. But I have a confession of my own.” He sucked in a breath. “I got accepted to Northwestern Law School.”

“Wow, that's amazing. You must have scored a gazillion on your LSATs to get in there. Congratulations.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Hey, wait a minute. I thought we hated lawyers.”

“I guess you're going to have to learn to love one of them.” He kissed her long and hard.

Looking into his eyes she could have sworn her heart squeezed with pride and love. “No problem. You'll be the exception to the rule.” She placed her fingertip to her lips. “Well…and Malone, too. I kind of like him now. And Liam's an all right guy.” She held up her hand. “Okay, you can say the I-told-you-so-thing about Malone, too.”

“Wouldn't dream of it. Besides, some things you have to learn the hard way.” He surrounded her head with his hands and swooped in for a kiss.

“Speaking of which, I was thinking…your place is kinda small. I mean you are really outgrowing it, especially since you'll have all those law books and you'll need a place for studying. I have a two-bedroom apartment with all kinds of space. How about if we—”

“Are you asking me to move in with you?” When she nodded, he smiled and shook his head. “Except now I have a problem.”

“What's that?”

“Well…you know I'm old-school.” He put his finger to her lips to stop her comment. “And talking to your cousin Lou seemed weird.”

“Landry, where are you going with this?”

“You kind of stole my thunder, so will you give me a minute?” He shook his head as he walked towards his dresser and limped back with something in his hand. “The logical person was Lieutenant Thomas. And he gave me his blessings.”

Tears littered her lashes as her heart pumped inside her chest. She was being such a girl. “Landry…” Words clogged her throat as emotion rolled like a title wave inside.

“I'd get down on one knee, but you might have to call 9-1-1 to get me back up again.” He gave her that sexy smile. “Isabella Sanchez, will you marry me?”

“Abso-freakin-lutely.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and got lost in the kiss.

Nothing had ever felt this right in her entire life.

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