Framed (8 page)

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Authors: C.P. Smith

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #War, #Military, #Suspense

BOOK: Framed
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Mickey knew, without a doubt, to have her here now and not be able to touch her had to be eating away at Kade. So there was no way in hell he wanted to tell Kade that he had tasted those luscious lips first.

“He’ll find out, D, he always has a way of knowing. You know this about him. If you tell him up front what happened, he might let you live,” Prez advised.

“Jesus, Prez, what were the chances that that fine woman was his dream girl? Swear to God, between this fuck up and that Puerto Rican hottie that Campbell drooled over, it’s a wonder I haven’t been killed.”

“You leap before you look, my friend. Always have. You should have asked why she was so pissed off before sweeping her off her feet.”

“Maybe after meeting her he wasn’t as into her as he once was. Maybe with age and experience the pedestal he put her on isn’t as high.”

Prez cocked his brow again and scoffed, “You met the woman, right?”

Yeah, he’d met her and tasted those sweet lips, too.

Christ, I’m fucked

“I’m dead, aren’t I?”

“Is your will in order?” Prez chuckled, enjoying watching his brother sweat.

D was shaking his head no, just as the door opened and Kade came into view. If anything, he looked bigger than the last time they’d seen him; as if he spent all his time strength-training. And his hair looked like he hadn’t cut it since the day he discharged. Other than that, he was still the same man they hadn’t seen in two years.

His eyes were sharp, assessing everyone and everything as he entered the room. He didn’t see them at first so he and D stood. When their eyes met, the hard lines on Kade’s face grew even harder for a moment then relief filled his eyes.

“Whoever this motherfucker is that put my brother in here and that look on his face, he’s a dead man. I’m gonna string him up by his entrails when I find him,” Prez growled low to D as Kade made his way towards them both.

Kade wound around the tables never taking his eyes off his old friends. When he was close enough, Prez grabbed him by the shoulder and drew him in for a fierce hug, holding on tight.

“Our mission was extended, my brother. It killed us we couldn’t get back here any sooner. We didn’t get any of Kyle’s messages about the trial until we hit stateside yesterday morning,” Prez mumbled as he felt Kade’s rigid body relax.

“Jesus, you’re a sight for sore eyes,” Kade finally said. “An ugly sight, but I’m not complaining.”

Looking between his two friends, the bitterness that had taken root and grew daily like a malignant tumor melted away.

Only to be replaced by the urge to kill a certain giant of a man a moment later.

“Kade, I gotta tell you somethin’,” D jumped in.

“D, you may want to step back before you—”

“I didn’t know who she was when I kissed her, man. Honestly, you would have done the same thing if a woman that hot got in your face. It’s just . . . Ah, hell; you know how I love the ones with piss and vinegar, Kade. I couldn’t help myself.”

Kade narrowed his eyes at D at a loss for what the hell he was talking about. He looked at Prez for help but then it hit him like a lightning bolt. There was only one woman that D could touch that would piss him off and he wasn’t at a loss anymore. He was crystal-clear. His mouth tightened and his jaw clenched at the thought of D’s lips anywhere near Harley and he instantly reacted. Leaning in to cover his actions from the guards, Kade hissed, “Are you telling me you kissed Harley?” right as he grabbed D by the balls and squeezed. Hard.

“King,” Mickey hissed low, trying to keep from moving. He’d been on the receiving end of this maneuver a few times and knew better than to move. “I didn’t know who she was.”

“Where the fuck did you run into Harley?” he asked Prez, still holding onto D’s balls like a Rottweiler. At six-foot-seven, D was a big man. But he had the mentality of a lover, not a fighter, most of the time. He’d have your back in an instant if you needed it, but he was a Romeo. Kade was big, but not as big as D at six-foot-four. But D also knew his size wasn’t any match against a
pissed off Kade, so he didn’t move a muscle.

“St. Elmo’s Fire. She was there with her father doing the same thing we were; asking questions about the night Sutton died. She got in our faces when she figured out who we were. Unfortunately, I have to agree with numbnuts here; she
hot doin’ it and considering the way D lets his little head do all the thinking, it was bound to happen.”

Hearing that Harley was at the bar looking for a killer, the air around them hummed with unleashed anger as Kade sucked all the oxygen out of the room.

“Is she nuts?” Kade growled. “What the hell was she thinkin’ sniffin’ around after killers?” Kade’s hand tightened further on D’s balls just at the thought of Harley in danger, causing the big SEAL to whimper in response.

“King,” Prez said calmly when D’s painful moans caught the attention of a guard. “I know you want to rip his balls off, but you’ve got a guard at your ten who looks like he’s about to head this way.”

Not wanting to spend time in solitary or lose visitation privileges, Kade released D reluctantly.

“Thank you,” D rushed out in relief. If they’d been alone, he would have fallen to his knees and said a silent prayer that Kade was in a forgiving mood.

Not wanting any more attention, all three took a seat at the table with D taking a chair farthest away from Kade. When Kade was sure no one was listening, he leaned in and ordered, “Talk to me. Tell me what you’ve found out.”

“No witnesses, no cameras, no one to corroborate your version of events. We hacked Sutton’s bank records and found no mysterious payments. Nothing out of the ordinary. We’re heading to his house when we leave here to talk to his wife; we’re hoping she can shed some light. After that, we're hitting the apartment building across the street from the alley, followed by walking the perimeter to look for any businesses that might have had cameras. If we can get a visual on one of these guys, we can find him, King. I just need a face, then he’s mine,” Prez vowed.

“I don’t wanna lose anyone else to this mess, you hear me? Whoever they were, they were professionals with no code. I need you to check in with me. Visiting hours are daily except for Tuesday and Wednesday. I want to see your ugly mugs each day. If you don’t check in, I’ll know something is wrong and I’ll get a message out through Harley to contact Kyle. He can report the situation to Bosworth.”

“Affirmative,” Prez agreed.

“Where are you staying? With Kyle and Pops?”

“With Harry Dash. Harley’s father is putting us up.”

Kade shot Mickey a look, pinning the man with his laser sharp eyes. D was smart enough not to say a word.

“Harley doesn’t live with Harry; she lives over the garage in a studio apartment so you can tamp down your need to kill D for now,” Prez chuckled after watching the exchange.

Turning back to Prez, Kade winked. It had been more than two years since he’d had a chance to bust D’s balls over something, and kissing Harley was as good a reason as any to keep the big man off-balance.

“You tell her father to keep Harley out of this.”

“I don’t think you need to worry about that. Papa bear was all over the
.” Prez nodded towards D. “And now that we’re in town, he’s happy to let us take lead.”

Kade sat back, looked at his friends, and took in a slow, deep breath. A breath, he hadn’t been able to pull into his lungs for two years. A grin began to pull across his face as the weight he’d been carrying since the day he was arrested started to ease.

“Damn, but it’s good to see you both.”

“Been too long, my brother. But know this, King. We’ve got your back; we aren’t leaving until you’re free. You have my word on that.”

Kade reached out his hand, then Prez did the same and they clapped their hands together. It was a show of unity, of camaraderie, of respect.

“Jesus, all this touchy feely shit is making me itchy to kill something . . . or maim at the very least,” D blurted out.

“Then get to work, boys,” Kade ordered, looking at both men. “Somewhere out there are three unknowns who need to be found, detained, and preferably brought to me for a little attitude adjustment. However, seeing as I’m in here for the duration, I’ll settle for a room with bars.”

“Speaking of a room with bars, Harley said she thought you were in danger,” Prez questioned.

“Nothin’ I can’t handle.”

“You got any clue who’s marked you?”

“Nope. But like I said, I can handle it.”

“See that you do,” D jumped in. “I may be sterile after the nut hold you just gave me. I’d hate to think I’ve deprived the world of little D’s for nothing if you turn up dead by some gangbanger.”

“I did the world a favor,” Kade grinned, letting D off the hook for now. Of course, when he walked out of this stink hole a free man—all bets were off. He wouldn’t soon forget D had done the one thing he’d dreamed about doing most of his adult life.

Taking a deep breath, he stood from the table and put out his hand to D.

“Does this mean I’m forgiven?”

“Do I seem like the forgiving sort?”

“Fuck, man. At least give me fair warning, will ya?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Prez chuckled, knowing D would sweat bullets wondering when Kade’s retaliation would come for kissing Harley.

“Time to get to work and get me out of this hellhole,” Kade said as he clapped one then the other on the back. “To the fuckin’ pain,” Kade hissed low. “Find these bastards and teach them a lesson. No one messes with a SEAL and gets away with it.”

“Amen, my brother. To the fuckin’ pain,” Prez growled.



I never paid much attention to Renault Correctional Facility until I knew Kade was inside for a crime he didn’t commit. Sitting in my car, taking in the gray walls and high fences with razor wire, it seemed more ominous than it had in the years since I’d started working here. Against my father’s advice, I’d decided to drive up on my day off and speak with John Hinkle about moving Kade from his current cellblock. I had no doubt Kade had said nothing to the guards about the attack and intended to handle it on his own. However, that seemed risky to me and since I had the ear of the prison councilor, I intended to use any pull I had to get him moved until Prez and Mickey could set him free.

Making my way from the parking lot, I caught sight of Prez and Mickey leaving. Both men smiled when they saw me and we stopped to greet each other on the sidewalk.

“Why are you walking funny?” I asked Mickey as he made his way towards me. He was lumbering awkwardly like a cowboy fresh off a horse.

“Nothing I want to talk about,” he answered with a grin.

“Did you have a wild night?” I teased.

“Attitude adjustment,” Prez threw in chuckling.

“Drop it, princess,” Mickey sighed. “What are you doing here? Are you training dogs today?”

“I came to see the prison councilor. I thought I’d see if I could have Kade moved to a new cellblock for his protection.”

“That won’t stop whoever’s trying to get at him,” Prez responded. “Just leave it be. He knows who he can trust where he is.”


“Kade’ll tell you the same thing if you ask him,” Mickey interrupted, pointing towards the prison yard.

Turning my head, I looked out over the yard and saw Kade emerging with Buck. He stopped when he saw our group and began watching our exchange.

“We just finished meeting with him, Harley, and he doesn’t want you involved in this. He has enough to worry about without having to worry about what you’re doing. So leave it be.”

“Why would he be worried about me? I’m in no danger talking to Hinkle for him.”

“Just let it be, princess. The Brute Squad has his back now. Just train your dogs and leave everything to us,” Mickey said placating me.

“Now wait just a damn a minute. I’m not some woman you can pat on the head and send home. If I can help, then I will.”

“He’s gonna have his hands full with this one,” Mickey mumbled to Prez.

“Who’s gonna have his hands full with me?” I snapped.

“It’ll be good for him,” Prez responded, then nudged my shoulder. “Go talk to King and you’ll see.”

Prez turned to leave, but Mickey stopped for a moment, staring at me.


“Just seeing you through Kade’s eyes.”

“And how’s that?”

“You’d be hard to forget,” he grinned, then tugged my ponytail before leaving himself.

I turned and watched them leave, wondering what all that was about, then turned back and faced Kade. He was standing at the fence with Buck now, just he was the day before, so I crossed the lawn and made my way over. The closer I got, the angrier he looked.

“Is something wrong? Did something happen again?”

“You went out last night lookin’ for killers?”

Shit, the boys must have ratted me out.

“I wasn’t looking for killers. I was looking for evidence in a crowded bar with my father,” I defended.

“Stay out of this, Harley,” he bit out, pointing a finger in my face.

“I was only trying to help. I thought your team wasn’t coming.”

“As you can see, they’re here now, so let them handle it.”

“Fine, no problem, I’ll let The Brute Squad handle it. Yeesh, you SEALs are a bossy bunch.”

“Brute Squad?” Kade asked, his mouth pulling into a crooked grin.

“What else would you call them? Mickey looks like a giant and Prez is cool like Montoya.”

“You think D looks like Fezzik,” he laughed.

“Oh, Lord no. D’s hot, but his height is right along with the muscles.” Kade’s smile vanished and he froze, his gaze darkening into that blank mask he liked to wear.

“You think D’s hot?” he asked through clenched teeth.

“Um, I think they both are,” I answered truthfully, confused by his reaction.

“Jesus,” he mumbled, looking towards a guard who was watching us.

“So, how is Buck coming along?”

“He’s fine. I better get back to his training,” he mumbled, stepping back from the fence. He was shutting down before my eyes and I didn’t understand.

“Okay, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?”

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