Owning Skye

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Authors: Elizabeth Hendricks

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Owning Skye

Elizabeth Hendricks





The Smut Factory Production

Copyrighted © 2016

All rights reserved. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Chapter 1

Today was my father’s funeral. I couldn’t believe my greatest nemesis and supporter had died. We hardly ever agreed on anything, but I loved the man. He worked me to the bone throughout the years and interfered in any relationship I tried to have leaving me single. Even in college he kept tabs on me. I couldn’t even talk to a woman without him knowing about it. When I graduated, I thought I’d live on my own, but he made quick work of working me harder than any other employee. He claimed he was grooming me to take over the company, so that better be in the will today. I put up with a lot of shit, even though I was his sole heir, to inherit the company. 

I’d stopped at the office before the funeral to pick up some files to review. Being in the office, I knew that I had to take some time off. There was no way I could deal with the loss of my father especially in the one place where we saw each other every day. Running my hand along his nameplate on his door, I paused dealing with a rush of emotions that flooded my heart. The feelings I got at seeing his door weren’t manly. I wanted to cry like I was a little boy again, so I hurried into my office.

I looked down at the note from my assistant with the address for the will reading. There were only two people invited or that was what I could get out of the attorney. Everything else was confidential. I didn’t know the other person who’d benefit from my father’s estate, but I was pissed thinking about it. I worked for my father, and I knew there wasn’t anyone he was close to unless he finally got a mistress. Which I doubted because he and I burned the midnight oil in the office. After my mother left, my father had sworn off another marriage and hardly ever dated. My work schedule revolved around the company and he was no better. Damn, I was going to miss the old bastard. He could be a true son of a bitch, but it was always with the best of intentions. I tapped my knuckles on my desk in frustration.

As I packed my briefcase there was a knock on my office door. I opened it to find my assistant waiting for me. “Sir, the car’s ready.” I could see her concern for me. She patted my hand with a look of genuine sadness in her eyes. “I’m really sorry, Mr. Walker.”

“Thanks, Monica. Give the staff the rest of the day off. I think we all need to forget about work for a bit. I won’t be back for a week. Let me know if you need anything or have any questions while I’m out.”

“Yes, sir.” She turned away to do as I asked. I should have told the staff to take the day off before today, but my head wasn’t working right. Fuck, my regrets are so damn strong. Why did he have to be a pushy, cold, and demanding father? Our relationship was based on his experiences with my mother and his parents. He did the best he could with being a single dad.

Stepping out of my office, I headed down to the limo. It would be taking me straight to the reading after the funeral. There was no wake because my father didn’t want that. He wanted to be remembered for the man he was, not the one he became after the cancer took hold. He didn’t want a huge fanfare, so only a select few were invited to the service. It was an unconventional way to go, but that was my father and like he said he wasn’t alive to see it anyway. He did everything to the beat of his own drum. If you had a problem with it, you had to move along.

The ride up to the cemetery was a silent one. I left my phone off because today wasn’t about business. It was about the man who taught me everything I knew and made me the man I was today. For the first time since he died it truly hit me that he was gone. He would never be demanding and controlling again. Grayson Walker the first wasn’t the most sensitive man, but I always knew he loved me. He’d never tell me how happy he was that I was his son. It wasn’t often, but on occasion he’d tell me how much of a man I’d become. I was only twenty-five, but thanks to him I knew everything there was about the business world.

I took a deep breath after my driver came to a stop. It was time to say goodbye. Stepping out of the limo, I was stunned to see a beautiful woman walking up to the grave site. She was in all black, like everyone else, but she still didn’t fit in. I wondered if she’d gotten the wrong funeral location. My father didn’t know any young beauties like that. Her long, dark blonde hair flowed down her back where it curled at the bottom. Her tight black dress hugged her ass giving her a full hour glass shape. The sway of her hips as she walked up the small hill captivated me. Fuck. I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. I was supposed to be in mourning, but all I could think of was my father couldn’t threaten to disown me if I took a woman like her to bed. My cock jerked. Not good. Of all places, this wasn’t the place to get a stiff one.

I walked up to the small gathering and the priest stepped up to speak with me. “Mr. Walker. You’re the last to arrive. We can begin the services if that’ll work for you.”

I nodded, giving my approval. Looking at my father’s casket, directly across from me, my eyes caught sight of the woman who had been walking up the hill before me. She was crying hard like she lost someone she loved, but she was practically a baby or some shit. I didn’t understand why she was crying nor the damn feelings of jealousy that washed over me at her tears for my father. How dare she pretend to cry for a man she was probably fucking to get everything she wanted. I stared at her throughout the service angrily and strangely turned on. I should be mortified that I wanted to fuck my dad’s whore, but something about her did shit to my body that I didn’t even understand.

I threw my rose onto the casket as they lowered it into the ground and stayed there as the woman who captivated both Walker men tossed the rose on the casket. She was closer to me and her tears actually looked real. I still called bullshit. Hot women knew how to play with a man’s cock, making you fall in love with them. It never happened with me until now. She made me forget my pain for a moment.

Everyone started to walk around the casket to pay their respects to my father before coming to me and giving me their condolences. When I was done talking to one of my father’s drivers, the girl had disappeared without coming to me. Damn her. I looked around the crowd of heads, but she was long gone.

“Mr. Walker,” my father’s attorney said, interrupting my search.

“Yes,” I said crankily.

“We have to get to the will reading. Your father was very specific about the time on everything.” I didn’t like the tone of his voice. It was like there was more to this than he let on.

I went back to my limo and met him at his office. The instant I got to the office, I saw her. The young woman from the cemetery. That was why she didn’t say anything to me. We were going to be fighting over my father’s belongings. She was standing there looking at me in embarrassment, like she was shocked to be here. Bullshit, she knew why she was here. There was no way I was going to let her take all my father gave her. I wondered if he fucked his kid into her. I growled. Looking at her legs and up to her thighs, I snarled, “At least, his eyesight wasn’t bad.” She was fucking sexy and had a body that I wanted to know.

“Mr. Walker,” Mr. Spencer warned. “Calm down and take a seat. This matter isn’t something Ms. Reynolds even knows about. She was notified at the service.”

I took a seat after she did. Watching the way her body moved, I hated my father for owning such a sexy piece of ass. She should be the one I took to my bed. Instead, she was my father’s little lover. Fucking shit. I was hard again. This wasn’t going to work. Walking out and letting him send me the information ran through my head, but I couldn’t let her get everything that belonged to me, especially the company. I was the rightful heir; she was just his cocksucker.

“Mr. Grayson Walker, Ms. Skye Reynolds. I’ve had to read uncomfortable wills before, but this tops the cake. So I’ll just get to it. You two are stuck with each other.”

“What?” I roared.

“What does that mean?” she asked.

“It means the both of you needed to pay closer attention to the documents you signed. The two of you are married.”

“Married?” We both shouted in shock.

He laid the documents before us. “Yes, you are. Is this not both of your signatures?” He pointed to the pages we signed.

“Yes, but I only agreed to let him help me. I had no idea that I was signing my life away to his son,” she cried out in anger.

“Your life away, I’m the one who got shafted. I got my father’s leftovers, and as much as I want to fuck your sexy ass, I don’t want to fuck some whore.” I didn’t see the smack coming since my eyes travelled down her body as I finished my statement, but I felt the damn sting on my face.

“This has to be undone. I won’t be married to some playboy.” I scoffed at that one. If she only knew she’d had gotten more fucking out of her system than I had. Again, jealousy hit my chest.

“Wait, we signed this last week. Don’t tell me you’ve been gracing his bed the whole time?”

She reached to strike me again, but I was onto her this time. Gripping her wrist, I stopped the blow. “Are you getting this, Spencer? This could be grounds for an annulment.”

“That’s where it’s tricky, sir.”

“What do you mean? Did the old bastard fuck me on the company, too?”

“Yes and no. Everything belongs to you except for the requirements for Ms. Reynolds, if you stay in the marriage. If you or Ms. Reynolds ends or cheats in the marriage both of you lose everything. The company would be sold to a competitor and the money that you receive Ms. Reynolds will cease and you will have to pay back the three hundred thousand dollars to the estate.”

“I can’t believe this,” I roared. Jumping from my chair, which made her flinch, I paced the room. Something about the way she reacted concerned me. She was frightened on the spot. It could be my size and anger that scared her, but something else seemed to be behind it.

“Is there anything else we need to know?” I asked, pissed beyond belief.

“Yes, a child must be conceived within the first year or you default on your end of the deal.”

“I can’t believe that shit. After all the years of him telling me never to fuck with and marry loose women because they’ll leave and take you to the cleaners and the son of a bitch did it to me.”

“I’m not a loose woman. I’m out of here,” she hissed, standing up from her chair and walking toward the door.

“Ms. Reynolds,” Spencer warned.

“I know the stupid contract. I’ll be at the estate. I just can’t stand to be around my asshole husband right now.” She stormed out of the room. I wanted to snap and drag her back, but when she said husband I was struck cold. I was married to a woman I was supposed to knock up. Standing there, absorbing the reality of the situation I was struck with fear. Once that feeling disappeared, fucking pure lust hit me hard. Nailing her was all I could think about.

“I’ve got to get my wife. Excuse me.” I left the attorney’s office and headed to my father’s mansion. I’d be moving back in. I wanted Skye in my bed—tonight.


Getting to the mansion, I searched for my beautiful, angry wife. I hoped her pretty ass wasn’t a great actress because when she left the office, I believed her when she said she wasn’t a loose broad. I ran through the house only to see her walking into the kitchen from the pool with the gardener following behind her. I stood out of sight as she walked in to the kitchen counter. Skye was so damn perfect. Her curves were all a man could dream about. The bikini she had on did nothing to hide her large breasts, tiny waist, and thick ass bottom. It was a tight, light blue, stringed bikini that barely covered her nipples. I swallowed back a moan because I needed to know what the fuck was going on between them two.

The gardener, I couldn’t remember his name, but the way he was saddling up to her it didn’t matter. “So, now that Mr. Walker died, we can date,” he told her, running his fingers down her arm.

“I can’t, Juan,” she replied. She didn’t say she didn’t want to go out with him, but that she couldn’t. As much as my need to mark her struck me, I had to hold out for more. I wasn’t going to be played like my father.

“Why not? I know he told me to stay away from you when he was alive, but he’s gone now.” He tried to pull her into his arms, but she pushed him away. Good girl, but he was done touching what was mine.

“Because she’s my wife, you stupid fuck. Get out of my house and don’t ever come back,” I roared. My body came in between the two. He took off without a second glance.

I turned to her. “You trying to end our contract right away?”

“I didn’t flirt with him or anything.”

“No, you go around in a tiny ass bikini while the gardener is supposed to be working. Sorry my dad ruined your plan.”

“He didn’t ruin anything. Juan wasn’t supposed to be here. I’ve never jumped in the pool with people roaming around. What are you doing here?” She sounded put out and grabbed the towel at her waist, wrapping it around her tits.

“I live here.” My body pinned her to the granite surface of the kitchen island.

“You haven’t lived here in five years,” she argued.

“This house is mine now, Mrs. Walker. You’re mine. If you think I’m going to let you destroy everything I’ve worked so hard for just so you could go get your kicks from some other cock, you’ve got another thing coming.” I yanked down the towel. She dared to cover herself up from me but she didn’t bother to hide her body from the fuck I just tossed out of my house.

“Don’t cover up from me when you didn’t cover up for him. I own you. I read the will better on my way here. I own you. I don’t lose everything. I just lose the company. The estate is still mine even if you walk out, but you have a huge spending habit. Only here for a year and you’ve racked up so much debt. Was it for this?” I asked, pulling at the strings on her bikini top. It fell and she didn’t even flinch. Instead her chest rose and fell quickly, moving my eyes to those sweet tits.

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