| change at the time, as has Bouvier, in his contribution to the Libération colloquium, "Sur la politique économique en 19441946."
| 39. De Gaulle has given his own justification in Mémoires de guerre, 3: 11722, which included Mendès France's letter of resignation of April 2, 1945 (460).
| 40. Bloch-Lainé, Profession: Fonctionnaire, 73.
| 41. Mioche has discussed these turf wars well, in Le Plan Monnet, 3572.
| 42. Lacouture, Pierre Mendès France, 60.
| 43. Mendés France to Hervé Alphand, secretary-general of the Comitè Economique, April 20, 1944, AN, F60, box 896.
| 44. Mioche, Plan Monnet, 67. For a good summary of Mendès France's economic thinking, see Feiertag, "Pierre Mendès France: Acteur et témoin de la planification française, 19431962."
| 45. Rapport de Jean Monnet: Resumé du plan de remise en marche rapide de l'économie française, August 4, 1944, submitted to the CEI, AN, F60, box 896.
| 46. Note to the CEI, August 1, 1944; minutes of CEI meeting, August 16, 1944, AN, F60, box 896.
| 47. Monnet's activity with regard to lend-lease and its termination may be followed in memoranda of February 15, 1945, AN, F60, box 920; March 29, April 10, April 11, 1945, AN, F60, box 921; and June 22, 1945, AN, F60, box 922. On Monnet's wartime activity, see Nathan, "An Unsung Hero of World War II."
| 48. Mioche, Plan Monnet, citing an interview with Mendès France, 52.
| 49. Monnet to Palewski, November 11, 1945, Monnet Papers [microfiche], AN, AMF 1/6/2.