| many, 141204. The gravity of the coal crisis was confirmed by the American Potter-Hyndley Mission, sent to Europe in the spring. Germany must produce 25 million tons of coal between June 1945 and April 1946, the Mission concluded, or "there will occur . . . a coal famine of such severity as to destroy all semblance of law and order, and thus delay any chance of reasonable stability" (June 7, 1945, FRUS, Conference of Berlin, 1: 620).
| 21. July 2, 1945, AN, F60, box 900.
| 22. Note au sujet du désarmement économique et financier de I'Allemagne, Office of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, July 7, 1945, AN, F6, box 900.
| 23. Royal Institute of International Affairs, Documents, "Report on the Tripartite Conference of Berlin (Potsdam), 17 July-2 August, 1945," 4050.
| 24. "French Reaction to Decisions of the Berlin Conference," Appendix B, FRUS, The Conference of Berlin, 1945, 2: 154366.
| 25. Memorandum of Conversation, Byrnes and Bidault, August 23, 1945, FRUS, Conference of Berlin, 1945, 2. 155764.
| 26. French text of September 14, 1945, memorandum submitted to the London CFM, in Royal Institute of International Affairs, Documents, 6668. For a detailed discussion of the London Conference by a leading French official, see Bérard, Un ambassadeur se souvient, 3259.
| 27. Murphy (political adviser in Germany), telegrams to State, September 23, 1945, FRUS, 1945,, 3: 87173; September 28, 1945, ibid., 84142; October 20, 1945, ibid., 84647; Caffery to State, November 3, 1945, ibid., 89091.
| 28. "Report on the Franco-American Conversations," November 20, 1945, FRUS, 1945, 3: 896906. See also the documentation of these visits in Bidault Papers, AN, 45 7 AP, box 61.
| 29. State to Caffery, November 21, 1945, FRUS, 1945, 3: 908; Caffery to State, November 28, 1945, ibid., 91112.
| 30. Aide-mémoire françcais concernant le futur regime économique et financier de la Ruhr, October 20, 1945, initialed by Alphand, Bidault Papers, AN, 457 AP, box 60.
| 31. Telegram to Bidault, September 29, 1945, de Gaulle, Lettres, notes et camets, mai 1945-juin 1951, 8990; letter to Koenig, October 29, 1945, ibid., 1068; telegram to Koenig, November 30, 1945, ibid., 12930; marginalia in letter to Bidault, December 4, 1945, ibid., 132.