Frank: A Life in Politics from the Great Society to Same-Sex Marriage (56 page)

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parliamentary procedures;
see also
Congress: procedures of party loyalty

Pataki, George

Patrick, Deval; Kerry’s replacement appointed by

Patriot Act

patronage jobs

Patterson, Liz

Patterson, Rachelle

Paulson, Hank passim

Payne, Dan

Pelosi, Nancy; during financial crisis; LGBT rights and; as Speaker perjury

Perot, Ross

Peterson, Collin

Pew Charitable Trust

pharmaceutical companies

Phoenix, The

Pingree, Chellie

Plunkitt, George Washington

Poirier, Kevin

police: blacks and; brutality of; LGBT people and; protesters and political language

political parties: in capitalist democracy; loyalty to;
see also
Democrats; Republicans politicians, role of;
see also
government; legislative work;
specific politicians
Pombo, Sergio

poor people; health of; housing for; influence of; legal services for;
see also
welfare Pope John Paul II


Portland, Oreg.

Portuguese Americans

Powell, Colin: on affirmative action; on LGBT people presidential campaigns; in 1876; in 1904; in 1956; in 1960; in 1964; in 1968; in 1972; in 1976; in 1980; in 1984; in 1988; in 1992; in 1996; in 2000; in 2004; in 2008; in 2012

private sector, tug-of-war with;
see also
financial crisis of 2007–2008

progressive tax rates


pro-life, as term;
see also
abortion prostitution; use of

Providence, R.I.

Provincetown, Mass.

Pruden, Wes

public health

public housing

“Public Man, Private Life” (Greenhouse)

public opinion; on AIG bonuses; on ENDA; on Lewinsky affair; on military spending; on same-sex marriage; on Schiavo; wealth vs.

public sector,
government public transportation

publish what you pay

Pusey, Nathan

Putin, Vladimir


racism; in Congress; in employment; institutional; in military; self-interest and; violent acts of radicalism, disapproval of

Rand, Ayn

Randolph, A. Philip

Rangel, Charlie

Rankin, Jeannette

Raskin, A. H. (Abe)

Rather, Dan

Rauh, Joseph

Ready, Jim; on Fox News; as husband; meeting; Obama and; prioritizing of; on
60 Minutes
; support from; travel with Reagan, Ronald; abortion and; AIDS and; assassination attempt on; government shrunk by; on LGBT rights; metaphors used by; Nicaragua and; in 1976 primary; 1982 election and; on Redress bill; on USSR

Real Paper, The

Reckless Endangerment
(Morgenson and Rosner) Recovery Act;
see also
financial crisis of 2007–2008

redistricting; retaliatory

Redress bill

Reeve, Christopher

Reeves, Richard

referenda; on marijuana; on marriage; on non-discrimination; on taxation refugees

regulation: of financial industry; importance of; opposition to Reich, Robert

Reichard, Dorothy

Reid, Harry; on defense


religion; in politics

Reno, Janet

rental property

reparations, for Japanese Americans

Republican National Committee (RNC)

Republicans: closeted; conflict among; Congress controlled by; endorsement of; LGBT; on LGBT rights; regulation by; tactics of; white men as;
see also
specific politicians
resource extraction

retirement age

Rice, Grantland

rights, as loaded term


RNC (Republican National Committee)

Roberts, Cokie Boggs

Roberts, Glenn

Roberts, Steve

Robinson, John

Rodino, Peter

Rogers, David


Romney, Mitt

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Franklin; financial regulation by; Japanese interned by Roosevelt, Theodore

Rosenthal, A. M.

Roslanowick, Jeanne

Rosner, Joshua

Rostenkowski, Dan

Roussos, Nick

Rove, Karl

Rudman, Warren

Rules Committee


Rustin, Bayard

Ryan, Janna

Ryan, Paul

Saltonstall, John

Salvucci, Fred

same-sex marriage,
marriage equality Samuelson, Robert

Sanchez, Diego

Sandman, Charles

Sanford, Mark

San Francisco

Sargent, Frank

Saturday Night Live

Saunders, Lena

Scalia, Antonin


scandals; Clinton’s; coping with; LGBT; media and; punishment for Schiavo, Michael

Schiavo, Terri

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.

Schlesinger, Thaleia

schools: desegregation of; LGBT students in; prayer in; student debt from Schroeder, Patricia

Schultz, Debbie Wasserman

Schwerner, Michael

Scott, Hazel

Section 13(3)

securities; regulation of

Securities and Exchange Commission

security clearances; for LGBT people

Seeger, Pete, critique of

Segel, James (Jim); in Washington

Segel, Jennifer

Segel, Margie

Segel, Rebecca



Senate: Armed Services Committee of; Banking Committee of; desire to join; during financial crisis; financial reform bill in; Foreign Relations Committee of; hearings in; rules of Sensenbrenner, Jim

sentencing: for drug use; for hate crimes

September 11, 2001

Servicemembers Legal Defense Network

sexism: in media; in politics

sexual deviation

sexual privacy, right to

Shaffer, Robert

Shaheen, Jeanne

Shannon, James

Shays, Chris

Shays-Meehan bill

Shelby, Richard

Sherman Antitrust Act

Shifts and the Shocks, The
(Wolf) Shrum, Bob

Sigmund, Barbara Boggs

Simmons, Richard

Simpson, Alan

60 Minutes

Skelton, Ike

Smith, Dave

Smoot-Hawley Tariff

Snowe, Olympia


social media

Social Security

sodomy laws; as symbolic

Solarz, Stephen

Solman, Paul

Solomon, Marc

Souter, David

South Boston

South End, Boston

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Southern politics

South Korea

Soviet Union

Speaker of the House: powers of; Lobby of


Stahl, Lesley

Stalin, Joseph

Starr, Kenneth

starving-the-beast strategy

states’ rights; diminishing of

state vs. federal government

Stephanopoulos, George

Stevens, Ted

Stevenson, Adlai

stimulus bill;
see also
financial crisis of 2007–2008

St. John (island)

Stockman, David

stock markets;
see also
economy; financial crisis of 2007–2008

Stoddard, Tom

Stokes, Carl

Stonewall uprising

stress eating

Stress Test
(Geithner) Studds, Gerry; military ban and

student debt

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

Students for a Democratic Society

subprime loans,
financial crisis of 2007–2008

subsidized housing,
affordable housing Sullivan, Mark

Supplemental Security Income

supply-side economics

Supreme Court: on campaign finance; on homosexuality; on Japanese internment; on separate but equal; on 2000 election surveillance

Sussman, Donald


Swift, Byrd

swing districts


systemic injustice,
classism; racism Taft, William Howard


Tammany Hall

Troubled Asset Relief Program Taunton, Mass.

taxation; alternatives to; under George W. Bush; under George H. W. Bush; under Clinton; exemptions from; language of; lobbyists and; oil industry and; under Reagan tax-exempt property

Tax Reform Act (1986)

Taylor, Diana

Tea Party Republicans; collaboration with

teen voters

Tennessee Valley Authority

term limits

War on Terror thirty-year fixed-rate mortgages

Tilden, Samuel

Till, Emmett

Timilty, Joseph

Tobias, Andy

“Tom Foley: Out of the Liberal Closet”

Toobin, Jeffrey


transgender people; ENDA and


transportation policy;
see also
public transportation Travelgate

Treasury Department; Fed and; during financial crisis passim
Triumph of Politics, The
(Stockman) Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP); aftermath of
True Compass
(Kennedy) Truman, Bess

Truman, Harry

Tsongas, Paul


Turner, Bob

UAW (United Auto Workers)

Udall, Mark

Udall, Morris

Un-American Activities Committee


unions; in Indonesia; white male voters in

United Auto Workers (UAW)

United Farm Workers

Unites States, in World Bank

urban planning

vacant lots

Vara, Henry

Vast Conspiracy, A
(Toobin) Vento, Bruce


veterans, of World War II

Vietnam War; Democrats and; politicians against; protests against violence, advocacy of;
see also
military; war Virginia

Virgin Islands


Volcker, Paul

voting; by blacks; by Congress; by teens; wealth vs.; by women;
see also
conventional political activity; public opinion Voting Rights Act

Wallace, George

Wallison, Peter

Wall Street Journal, The

Waltham, Mass.

war: under Bush; casualties of; legislators against; pro-lifers and; protests against;
see also
Ward Eight

Warner, Mark

War on Drugs

War on Terror

Warren, Earl

Warren, Elizabeth; CFPB and

Washington (state)

Washington, D.C.: Congressional veto over; first job in; move to; partners in “Washington consensus”

Washington Post, The

Washington Times, The

Waters, John

Waters, Maxine

Watkins, James

Watt, Mel

Waxman, Henry

Ways and Means Committee

wedge issues

Weiss, Ari

Welch, Joseph

welfare: cuts to; fraud in; Nixon on

Wellstone, Paul

Wertheimer, Linda

West Side Story

West Wing, The

Wexler, Robert

whaling industry

What’s the Matter with Kansas?
(Thomas Frank) White, Kevin passim; job offer from; as mayor; mayoral campaigns of; political ambitions of White House, socializing in

White House Travel Office

white male voters


Whittier, John Greenleaf

Williams, Pete

Wilson, Joe

Wilson, Woodrow

Winning Marriage
(Solomon) Wisconsin

Wolf, Martin

Wolfensohn, James

Wolfowitz, Paul

women’s rights movement; ERA and; FMLA and; voting and Workforce Committee

working class: housing for; as voters

World Bank

World War I

World War II; Japanese internment during; veterans of Wright, Jim

Young Democrats

Youngman, Henny

Youth Activities Commission

Zandi, Mark

A baby in Bayonne

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