Read Frank: A Life in Politics from the Great Society to Same-Sex Marriage Online
Authors: Barney Frank
Bielat, Sean
bin Laden, Osama
bipartisanship; breakdown of; in elections
Black, Hugo
Black Panthers
Blair, Warren
Blinder, Alan
Bloomberg, Michael
Blunt, Roy
Blute, Peter
Boehner, John
Boggs, Hale
Bolling, Royal
Bonior, David
Bono, Sonny
bonuses, in banking industry
Boschwitz, Rudy
Boston: Frank on staff of mayor of; grape boycott in; LGBT people in; Ward Five of; White as mayor of
Boston Globe, The
; coming out in
Boston Herald
Boutilier, Clive Michael
Boxer, Barbara
Bradley, Dan
Branch, Taylor
Breay, Doris
Breay, Jim
Brennan, William
Brier, Jacob
Broder, David
Brooke, Edward
Brookline, Mass.
Brown, James
Brown, Scott
Bryan, William Jennings
Buchanan, Pat
Budget Committee
budget deficits,
national debt Buffett, Warren
Bulger, William “Billy”
Bull by the Horns
(Bair) bumper stickers
Bunte, Doris
Burton, Dan
Burton, John
Bush, George H. W.; FMLA and; immigration under; military spending reduced by; Souter and; taxes and Bush, George W.: appointees of; financial crisis and; LGBT rights and; Schiavo and; tax cuts by; in 2000 election; in 2004 election; 2006 elections and; War on Terror of Bush, Jeb
Bush v. Gore
schools: desegregation of Byrd, Robert
Byrne, Charlie
Cahill, Mary Beth
California; marriage in
Campaign for Military Service (CMS)
campaigns; contributions to; effects on governance of; friendship and; hard feelings in; luck and; negativity in; sexism in; timing of;
see also
congressional campaigns; gubernatorial campaigns; mayoral campaigns; presidential campaigns Canada
Cantor, Eric
Cape Verde
capitalism: democracy under; income distribution under; liberal support for;
see also
economy; financial crisis of 2007–2008
Capote, Truman
Cardoza, Dennis
Caro, Robert
Carter, Jimmy; in 1980 elections
Carter, John
Carville, James
Castro, Fidel
Catholic Church
Cato Institute
Cella, Alexander
censorship; advocacy of
census, redistricting following
Center for Responsible Lending
CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)
Chamber of Commerce
Chaney, James
Chavez, Cesar
Cheney, Dick; on LGBT people; memoir by; military and Chicago
children, protection of
Church, Frank
Churchill, Winston
CIA Gay Pride Day
Cirque du Soleil
Cisneros, Henry
civil disobedience,
direct action civil liberties;
see also
free speech Civil Rights Act
civil rights movement, lessons from;
see also
desegregation civil unions
Clark, Arthur
Clayton Antitrust Act
Clean Air Act
Clean Water Act
Cleveland, Grover
Cleveland, Ohio
Clinton, Bill: administration of; affirmative action under; DOMA and; on economy; elections of; on government; health care and; in Lewinsky scandal; LGBT rights supported by; on marijuana; memoirs of; on military LGBT ban; military spending under; minimum wage increase under; supporters of; taxes under; trade under; Whitewater and Clinton, Hillary: as first lady; as presidential candidate; as secretary of state
Clinton Tapes, The
(Branch) cloture; for DADT
CMS (Campaign for Military Service)
Coelho, Tony
Cohen, Shelly
Cohen, Steve
Cohn, Roy
Cold War
Collins, Susan
Colson, Charles
Commodity Futures Modernization Act (2000)
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Commonwealth Avenue
community banks
community colleges
“community control”
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
commuter rail
compensation, political
compromise: importance of; purity vs.
Condit, Gary
Congress: African Americans in; on AIDS; architecture of; campaigns for,
congressional campaigns; committees of,
Congressional Committees; credentials for; D.C. overseen by; Japanese Americans in; leadership in; privileges of; LGBT people in; procedures of; punishment in; Republican control of in 1980s; reputation of,
government: reputation of; scandals in; spouses of members of; term limits in; women in;
see also
legislative work Congressional Black Caucus
Congressional Budget Office
congressional campaigning; for Brooke; for Kennedy; for Saltonstall; for Warren; for Wellstone congressional campaigns: for Mass. House; for U.S. House Congressional Committees and Subcommittees: Administrative Law; Agriculture; Appropriations; Armed Services; Banking; Budget; Constitution; District of Columbia; Education and Labor; Employment and Housing; Ethics; Financial Services; Government Operations; Government Reform; International Development, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy; Investigations; Judiciary; Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Rules; Un-American Activities; Ways and Means; Workforce Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Connally, John
Connection, The
environmentalism Conservation Law Foundation
conservatism; financial crisis explained by; grassroots advocacy by; rise of Constitution, amending of
constitutional rights, as loaded term;
see also
free speech Constitution Subcommittee
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
Contract with America
conventional political activity, direct action vs.; wealth and Conyers, John
CORE (Congress of Racial Equality)
Costanza, Midge
Council of Federated Organizations
Cowan, Mo
Cox, William Harold
CRA (Community Reinvestment Act)
Crane, Robert
Creating Change
(McFeeley) credit cards
criminal justice system,
drug law reform Crowley, Sheila
Czolgosz, Leon
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Daley, William
Dancing with the Stars
Dannemeyer, William
Daughters of Bilitis
Daughters of the American Revolution
Day, Doris
Dean, Howard
debt; for students;
see also
financial crisis of 2007–2008; national debt decriminalization,
drug law reform Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA); Supreme Court on; upshots of de Gaulle, Charles
DeLay, Tom; financial crisis and; impeachment and; Schiavo and Dellums, Ron
democracy, capitalist
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Democratic conventions: in 1964; in 1984; in 2000; in 2004; in 2012
Democratic Study Group (Federal)
Democratic Study Group (Mass.)
Democrats: in Boston; Clinton not supported by; conflict among,
see also
radicalism; Congress controlled by; political machines of; post-Nixon; reliable voters for; slogan for; white men and; youth and;
see also
specific politicians
DeNucci, Joe
Department of Homeland Security
derivatives; oversees; regulation of
DeSapio, Carmine
desegregation; of Congress; of housing; of schools developing countries
Dickinson, Todd
DiMento, Frank
Dingell, John
Dinneen, Joseph
direct action: against private sector; disparagement of;
see also
radicalism discrimination,
desegregation; employment discrimination; Jews, prejudice against; LGBT rights movement; racism disenfranchisement,
voting dissent vs. personal attack
District of Columbia Committee;
see also
Washington, D.C.
Dixon, Julian
Dodd, Chris; on bonuses; as cosponsor of bill; during financial crisis Dodd-Frank reforms; aftermath of; final version of; opposition to; payment for; substance of Doing Business report (World Bank)
Dole, Bob
Defense of Marriage Act domestic content legislation
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; as compromise; prompting of; rationale for; repeal of; witch hunts after Dorchester, Mass.
Dornan, Robert
Douglas, William O.
Downey, Tom
Drinan, Robert
Droney, John
drug law reform; Holder on
Drury, Allen
Dukakis, Michael; in 1978 gubernatorial race; policies of; in presidential race Durbin, Dick
Early, Joe
Earth Day
East Timor
Eastwood, Clint
economy: collapse of,
financial crisis of 2007–2008; conservative theory about; as global; in 1970s; study of; white male voters and;
see also
capitalism education,
schools Education and Labor Committee
Einhorn, David
Eisenhower, Dwight
elderly, advocates for
conventional political activity elections,
campaigns; congressional campaigns; gubernatorial campaigns; mayoral campaigns; presidential campaigns electronic voting
Emanuel, Rahm
Empire State Pride Agenda
Employment and Housing Subcommittee
employment discrimination: against blacks; against Hispanics; against LGBT people; against women Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
“Employment of Homosexuals, The”
Endean, Steve
end-of-life decisions
enemies, benefits of having
England, history of
environmentalism; jobs vs.; Republicans and; tempering of; trade and Equal Rights Amendment
Ervin, Sam
Ethics Committee
ethnicity, immigration and
Europe, military bases in
Evans, Rowland
examinations, in banking
executive branch;
see also
presidential campaigns;
specific presidents
executive compensation
Fall River, Mass.; demographics of
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
family values
Fannie Mae
Farber, M. A. (Myron)
Farley, Joel
farm workers
FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Commission); Bair as head of; in Dodd-Frank reforms Federal Housing Finance Agency
Federal Reserve; creation of; during financial crisis; in Dodd-Frank reforms Federal Trade Commission
Fehrnstrom, Eric
Feingold, Russell
Fields, Jack
filibuster, on DADT
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
financial crisis of 2007–2008; affordable housing and; bailouts during; conservative take on; derivatives and; foreclosure and; GSEs and; history behind; reforms after financial industry, history of;
see also
economy financial reform bill (2009),
Dodd-Frank reforms Financial Services Committee; authority of; chairmanship of
Financial Shock
(Zandi) Fine, Camden
Fingold, George
Finkelstein, Arthur
Fire Island
Fish, Hamilton
fishing industry
flag burning
Flanagan, Michael Patrick
Florida: Schiavo incident and; 2000 election and
Flynn, Ray
FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act)
Foley, Heather
Foley, Mark
Foley, Tom
food, regulation of
Ford, Gerald
see also
financial crisis of 2007–2008
Foreman, Matthew
Fortas, Abe
Foster, Vince
Fox News
France, elections in
Frank, Ann,
Lewis, Ann Frank, Barney: career path of; character of; as closeted homosexual; in college; coming out by; congressional campaigns of; dating by; desire to be a politician of; family of; fashion of; in graduate school; health of; international travel by; as Jew; marriage of; in Mass. legislature; pragmatism of; priorities of; retirement of; self-esteem of; Senatorial ambitions of; sense of humor of; techniques of; as teenager; as U.S. congressman; voice of; on White’s staff Frank, David
Frank, Doris,
Breay, Doris Frank, Elsie
Frank, Sam
Frank, Thomas
“Frank Breakup Ends an Era”
“Frank rule”
Freddie Mac
Freedom Democratic Party
Freedom Summer
“Free Market Day”
free speech; hate crimes and; money as
free trade
From the Closet to the Altar
(Klarman) Frye, Maurice
“full faith and credit” clause
Furstenberg, Mark
Galbraith, John Kenneth
game theory
Gandhi, Mahatma
garment industry
Garrett, Scott
gasoline: embargo of; lead-based
gay, homosexual vs.
gay bars
gay pride
gay rights movement,
LGBT rights movement Gay Rights National Lobby
Geithner, Timothy
gender equality, in the workplace
gender identity
Gensler, Gary
Georgetown Law School