Franklin Wants a Pet, Franklin's Blanket, and Franklin's School Play: Three Classic Franklin Stories (5 page)

BOOK: Franklin Wants a Pet, Franklin's Blanket, and Franklin's School Play: Three Classic Franklin Stories
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At breakfast, Franklin's father sniffed and pinched his nose. “Do you smell something odd?” he asked. “A sort of musty, old-sock smell?”

Franklin and his mother sniffed, too.

Then Franklin remembered. “I think I know what smells,” he said.

Franklin reached under his chair and pulled out his blue blanket. Plop! A handful of cold, slimy brussels sprouts spilled out of the blanket and onto the floor.

His mother and father stared with amazement.

“Look!” said Franklin. “I found my blanket. I forgot I put it here.”

“You forgot to eat your brussels sprouts, too,” said Franklin's mother.

“Whoops,” said Franklin, looking a little sheepish.

“Old, cold brussels sprouts sure do stink,” said Franklin's father.

“All brussels sprouts stink,” said Franklin.

Franklin's mother smiled.  “I used to hate cabbage,” she said. “Now
a stinky vegetable.”

“Asparagus!” said Franklin' s father. “That's even stinkier than brussels sprouts and cabbage mixed together.”

“Broccoli!” shouted Franklin. Then he stopped. He liked broccoli. “It stinks, but I wouldn't hide broccoli,” he said.

“That's good news,” said his father.

Franklin helped to tidy the mess.

Then Franklin picked up his blanket.

“I don't care that you are old and full of holes,” he said. “But you sure do need a bath.”

That night, before his goodnight story, his goodnight hug and a glass of water, Franklin put his father's yellow blanket back where it belonged. He was glad he lived in a house where even old blankets had their special place.

For Rachel – P. B.

For Sandi, who was born to perform – B. C.

Franklin is a trademark of Kids Can Press Ltd.

Text © 1996 by Context

Illustrations © 1996 Brenda Clark Illustrator Inc.

Interior illustrations prepared with the assistance of Shelley Southern.

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Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data

Bourgeois, Paulette

                        Franklin's school play

ISBN 1-55074-287-6 (bound)      ISBN 1-55074-289-2 (pbk.)

II. Clark, Brenda.          II. Title.

PS8553.O854F73 1996             jC813'.54           C96-930082-4

PZ7.B68Fr  1996

Kids Can Press is a Nelvana company

Franklin's School Play

Written by
Paulette Bourgeois

by Brenda Clark

Kids Can Press

RANKLIN could count forwards and backwards. He could remember his phone number, his address and the names of six different shapes. But sometimes Franklin was forgetful. So he worried when Mr. Owl chose him play one of the lead roles in the class play. What if he forgot his lines?

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