Franklin Wants a Pet, Franklin's Blanket, and Franklin's School Play: Three Classic Franklin Stories (7 page)

BOOK: Franklin Wants a Pet, Franklin's Blanket, and Franklin's School Play: Three Classic Franklin Stories
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The curtain opened. Franklin was silent.

Mr. Owl whispered, “It's time to begin.”

Franklin tried to talk, but his throat was tight. Every time he looked at the empty seats, he was scared.

“Psst,” said Badger. “I'll tell you what to say.”

But Franklin didn't need a prompter. He remembered the lines. He just couldn't say them out loud.

Mr. Owl talked to Franklin alone.

“Maybe you have stage fright,” said Mr. Owl. “Try not to think about the audience.”

Franklin tried three more times.  But each time the curtain opened, Franklin's mouth stayed closed.

He didn't want to give up, but they were running out of time. So Franklin asked Mr. Owl if he could switch places with Badger. She could play the Nutcracker Prince because she knew all the lines.

They started again. Badger couldn't be heard at the back of the room.

Mr. Owl nudged Franklin. “Why don't you help her out.”

Franklin stood on stage beside Badger. “Try saying your lines like this.”

Franklin spoke in a booming voice. He meant to say just one line. But Franklin got carried away and said a whole speech.

When he was finished, everyone cheered.

“You got over your stage fright!” said Mr. Owl.

“I guess I did,” laughed Franklin.

Badger looked relieved.

The next night, when the curtain opened, Franklin saw his family sitting in the front row. He took a deep breath.

Franklin's first words were soft and raspy. Keep going, he told himself. And he did. Franklin acted so well that he almost believed he really
the Nutcracker Prince.

It was a marvellous show. After the finale, the audience gave the class a standing ovation. Franklin and his friends bowed four times.

And that night, after a hot cocoa by the fire, Franklin pasted the show program into his scrapbook. It was a night he wanted to remember forever.

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