Fraser 02 - Highland Quest (20 page)

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He grunted and averted his gaze. “I’m a warrior and have no need in my life for such things. But my brothers are different.”

She heard the uncertainty in his voice. “What is it about yourself that makes you different from your brothers?”

“I’m not a smart or bonny man, and the lassies dinna flock to me the way they do Connor and Bryce. I have never felt comfortable around a woman and dinna know what to say. I either end up blurting out something foolish or nothing at all. I prefer not to engage in the conversation in the first place. Most consider me a buffoon, and best they continue to do so.”

“I think you are wrong. Mayhap if given a chance to get to know you, to see the gentler side you’ve shown me, they would change their minds.” She lightly touched his arm, but he yanked it away.

“Well, that is not likely to happen. I dinna want a woman. I’m content with my life the way it is.”

“Why are men so stubborn and blind? You sound like Bryce. Cailin told me Connor was equally reluctant to admit he needed a woman in his life.” She shook her head. “Unfortunately, Bryce has suffered a great loss and canna move beyond his guilt. He seems to think that everything bad that happens in life is his fault.”

“He told you about Ashlen?”

“Aye.” She nodded. “But he was a lad and while I dinna doubt he loved her, it was not his fault she died. I don’t know how to reach him or how to make him understand he is not responsible for her death or for my abduction.”

“He has carried that burden for many years. When our mam and youngest brother were killed, Bryce took their loss very hard. He tried to put on a brave front and mimic our father’s stoic attitude, but he still had the heart of a lad who had barely seen eleven summers. When Ashlen was killed, the fact her father blamed him for her death dinna help.”

“But he was a bairn. A lad of sixteen summers canna possibly expect to fight off a band of highly trained English soldiers single-handedly.”

“Connor and I have both tried to reason with him, but he refused to listen. We lived with our cousin Simon at the time. He spoke to Ashlen’s father on Bryce’s behalf, but nothing came of it. The day she died, my brother became focused on the cause and dedicated his life to it. He’s had many a lass willing to warm his bed, but he would commit to none of them. He has not wavered until he met you.”

“What makes you think I can change his mind?”

“There has been an obvious connection between you since the day you met at the Scott’s castle. When we left and you were not there to say goodbye, I could tell it bothered him greatly. Even if he would never admit it.”

“I was assisting with the birth of a bairn and was unable to be there when Connor and Cailin departed for Fraser Castle.” While she spoke the truth, she kept the fact that she didn’t want to say goodbye to Bryce a secret. She’d felt an overwhelming attraction to him the first time she saw him, but she had her own demons of the past to deal with.

“Do you love my brother?” Alasdair asked boldly.

“I—I,” she stammered, uncertain how to answer Alasdair’s question. She felt the heat rising in her cheeks and lowered her gaze.

While she loved Bryce, she didn’t know how to compete with
from the past or how to rid herself of the uncertainty she felt about falling in love. Everyone she loved had died and while Bryce set no store in prophecy, she had seen his death in a vision. She didn’t want to be responsible for his demise simply because she selfishly wanted his love and to be loved.

“How I feel about Bryce dinna matter. He has his mind set and his reasons for not wanting a woman in his life. I canna see a way to change how he feels.”

“If you love him, tell him,” Alasdair said bluntly.

“It is not that simple.”

“Things are only as complicated as you make them, Fallon. I admit that Bryce is a stubborn man. It runs in the family.” He laughed, then continued. “Sometimes he dinna see what is best for him unless it jumps up and bites him in the arse. As much as I hate to admit it, the two of you were meant to be together.”

Fallon chewed on her bottom lip, contemplating what Alasdair said. She’d always hoped Bryce would realize they belonged together, but she’d also feared falling in love for her own reasons. She’d lived most of her life alone, an outcast, feared because she possessed second sight. She had built her own protective walls to keep people out. Her heart clenched, afraid to believe she might find happiness with a man she adored more than life itself, afraid to love.

“Could I have a moment alone to speak with Fallon?” Bryce approached and she turned to face him.

“About time you came to your senses,” Alasdair said and thumped Bryce on the back.

Bryce scowled at his brother. “I thought you had no use for women or marriage.”

“Och, so we’re talking marriage now, are we?” Alasdair laughed.

“If she’ll have me.” Bryce dropped to one knee and brought Fallon’s hand to his lips.

Fallon stared at him in disbelief. Was she dreaming? She shook her head to be sure. “You want to marry me? Have you forgotten your plans to travel and finding your fortune? What about—”

He rose and silenced her with a quick kiss. “I’m certain with you for a wife my life will never be dull or lacking adventure. As for my fortune . . . I canna think of a more valuable treasure than having you as my bride.
Tha gaol agam ort.”

“But you told me you could never fall in love, that you would never take a bride. What prompted you to change your mind?”

“A wise man talked some sense into me. He made me understand that while I canna change the past, I must try to move forward and take control of my future. He also made me realize time is fleeting and we dinna always get a second chance. You were right when you said Ashlen would not blame me for what happened or wish me to live alone.”

“We’ve been telling you that for years,” Alasdair said, but got no response from Bryce or Fallon. They were too busy looking at each other to pay him any mind.

Bryce took Fallon’s hand and continued. “I was a fool and blind to the truth. I tried to distance myself. I dinna want to fall in love. But when I learned that Dungal had taken you prisoner, it became clear how much you meant to me. I was so afraid I’d lost you, and might never have the chance to tell you I was wrong for leaving you in Turnberry . . . for leaving you at all. I promise to make amends starting now if you’ll give me that chance.” He brought her hand to his lips. “Will you accept me as your husband, Fallon?”

She didn’t know how to respond. She loved Bryce with all her heart and wanted to marry him. But the fact remained, she believed her love was a curse of death. With downcast eyes, she tried to back away, but he refused to let go.

“Are you not pleased by my offer of marriage? Am I presuming too much?”

She detected the nervous tremor in his voice when he spoke and inclined her chin. “Becoming your bride would make me very happy.”

“Then marry me, Fallon.”

“I canna.”

Alasdair threw his hands in the air. “The two of you are making me dizzy. Best you decide what you want and then see to it.” He turned and stormed off.

“I have to admit, I am confused. I thought you wanted us to be together.” Bryce’s voice softened to a whisper.

“I do . . . or I thought I did.” She nibbled on her bottom lip and averted her eyes.

Bryce slid his fingers beneath her chin and raised it. “Talk to me, Fallon.”

She wrapped her arms around her waist and turned her back. Her mind reeled and the tug on her heart was too much to bear. “I canna marry you. If I do, you will die. My love is a curse. I saw your death—”

Bryce spun her around and kissed her before she could finish, then lifted his head and laughed.

“I dinna see what you find so humorous.”

“I feared your refusal to marry me was because you dinna love me. But the visions are what bother you. I told you I set no story in superstition.”

“But I saw your death. I saw Dungal kill you.”

“Aye, but as you can see, I am very much alive. Mayhap it was your love that saved me.”

Taken aback by his remark, she was rendered speechless. What on earth was he saying?

“Don’t you see, Fallon? We both had things in our past that kept us from falling in love. Riddled with guilt over the deaths of others, deaths we had no control over, we were ready to deny our happiness and throw it all away. But it wasna until we met and our love was put to the test, that we both learned the past was not our fault.” He drew her against his chest and tucked her head beneath his chin.

She heard his heart pounding in unison with hers and smiled. She found the slow even raise and fall of his chest soothing. “I’m not sure I understand.”

“A series of tragedies happened to us when we were both bairns. But you were right. We were too young and innocent to be held responsible for the deaths of those we loved. Loving them dinna kill them. You saw my death in a vision and until now, you have never been wrong. That in itself is an omen of good fortune. You saw Dungal destroy me in your dream, but my love for you gave me the courage and determination to fight. In turn, I destroyed Dungal.”

Fallon gazed up at him and smiled. “I never looked at it like this before now.”

“In a way, we saved each other. It was your dagger that kept me from bleeding to death when I was wounded. It saved me again when I faced the boar, and in my final confrontation with Dungal.” Bryce reached into his sporran and pulled out the swatch of MacDougall plaid. He opened it, lifted her talisman, and tied it around her neck. “This kept you safe when you were in Dungal’s clutches and it brought me to you when I was sure I’d never see you again.”

“If you’d dispense with the idle chatter, you can get on with more important things.” Alasdair retuned and nodded toward Robert’s tent.

“Ignore my brother’s crudeness. He never did learn any manners.” Bryce scowled at Alasdair before returning his attention to Fallon. “You dinna answer my question. Will you, Fallon MacCrery, of the Clan MacCrery, agree to be my wife?”

“We’ve not read the banns. Nor do we have a priest present.” Her heart hammered in her chest and her voice trembled when she spoke.

“Robert can declare us married and forego the reading of the banns. We can have a proper ceremony when we return to Fraser Castle if that is what you wish and all of our family can attend.”

“What about your duty to Robert? Can you turn your back on the cause? I willna be the reason you give up your dreams.”

“Robert has insisted that if we decide to marry, we return to Fraser Castle and start our new life together. He has released me from my pledge.” Bryce smiled and tucked a wisp of hair behind her ear.

“It appears you have given this a great deal of deliberation.” Fallon stroked his cheek. “Are you certain this is what you want?”

“I love you, Fallon, and was a fool not to realize how much until now.”

His words gave her heart a jolt. Fallon offered a hesitant nod and smiled. Bryce loved her enough to forego his quest to make a name for himself, was prepared to give up his fight for the cause, to put his past heartache behind him. How could she deny him?

“Aye. I agree to marry you.”

Chapter 20

Before she had a chance to say another word, Bryce scooped her into his arms and carried her toward the tent, amidst the cheers from the men. “Fetch Robert,” he called over his shoulder to Alasdair. “We’ve already wasted enough time.” He could hardly contain his excitement.

Fallon nuzzled her nose against his chest, her fist curled in his tunic. “You suddenly appear to be in a hurry.”

“I canna wait to get you alone. Not only will I make you my wife, but I promise you a night to remember.”

Robert joined them outside the tent. “Alasdair tells me you wish to take me up on my offer.” He shot Bryce a knowing glance and a wry smile.

“Aye. I wish to make Fallon my bride.” He set her down, brought her hand to his lips, then held it in the air. “I wish to declare before the King of Scotland and all those present that I take Fallon MacCrery as my wife.”

“What have you to say, lass? Do you accept Bryce as your husband?” Robert waited for Fallon to answer.

“Think long and hard, lass. You dinna know what you are in for,” Alasdair added and laughed. “There is still time to change your mind.”

Bryce shifted his weight and anxiously awaited her reply. When she hesitated, his chest tightened. Had she changed her mind?

She gazed up and him and smiled. “Aye. I do wish to marry him,” she answered softly. “Nothing would make me happier.”

“Then it shall be done.” Robert took their hands and wrapped length of plaid around their wrists, binding them together. After he recited several prayers in both Scots and Gaelic, he smiled and patted Bryce on the shoulder. “You have chosen well. I wish you much happiness and many strong sons.”

Onlookers raised their swords in the air, then shouted, “Aye, Fraser!” along with some bawdy comments that made Fallon’s face flush red.

“Go ahead and kiss her,” Robert prompted. “The hour grows late and you have more important things to tend to.”

Bryce kissed her with purpose, lifted her again, then entered the tent.

The soft glow of tallow candles added a romantic ambiance to their surroundings. A jug of mead and a trencher containing bread and cheese sat on a small table beside an overstuffed pallet in the corner.

“It appears Robert was expecting us.” Fallon smiled and kissed Bryce on the cheek.

“This is not how I envisioned our wedding night, but it is a far cry better than the place we first joined.” Guilt tugged at his gut when he recalled the selfish way he’d taken her innocence.

He set her down, then took both her hands and kissed her knuckles. “I’m ashamed of the way I behaved that night in the cave. But you are so ravishing and my body burns with desire every time you’re near. You came to me a virgin, yet I acted like a randy lad, taking you on the cold stone, with little regard for the fact you were a maiden.” He let go of her hands and shook his head. “In truth, I dinna want to be attracted to you. Mayhap a small part of me even hoped you’d hate me for being such an insensitive brute, that you’d be glad to be rid of me. I’m afraid you’ve married a fool.”

Fallon caressed his cheek. “I’d not trade my memories of our first night together for anything.”

Bryce encircled her waist, pulled her into his arms, and dropped his head. She opened her mouth, meeting the sweep of his tongue with equal enthusiasm, and the fire in his groin burned hotter.

“You taste like Heaven. I don’t think I will ever tire of kissing you.” He moaned the words into her mouth as he deepened his sensual exploration. His hands tugged at the neckline of her gown, but she covered them with her own.

“Let me do it.” She fumbled with the laces, and soon the creamy flesh of her throat and breasts were exposed for his perusal. She let her gown slide over her shoulders and down her body, coming to rest in a pool of fabric at her feet.

She stood naked before him, rendering him breathless, just as she had the first time he’d laid eyes on her at the Scott’s castle and the first time they’d joined. But tonight she belonged to him, and he intended to show her how much he loved her.

He eased her onto the pallet, tugged the tunic over his head, and removed his trews.

She rose to her knees, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Her fingers lightly floated over his burgeoning shaft.

His body responded with a lustful vengeance. He clutched her hand to stay her ministrations, but she’d not be denied. She lowered her head, touching the tip of his arousal with a brush of her soft, pink tongue, the erotic act sending a shiver of pure ecstasy up his spine.

He swallowed hard. This night was Fallon’s and he meant to see her sated before seeking his own pleasure. “Do that again, our encounter will be over before it begins.” He almost choked on the words.

She smiled up at him. “I’ve heard that a woman can drive a man to madness with the flick of her tongue. Is this true?” Before he had a chance to respond, she parted her lips and took him into her mouth, one agonizing inch at a time.

He threw back his head and growled like a feral beast, the threat of releasing his seed a very real possibility. But sublime bliss outweighed logic. He threaded his fingers through her hair, holding her head in place for a few glorious minutes before backing away.

“Tonight is our wedding night, and I want to make it special.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and eased her back until she lay on the pallet. “Trust me and I promise I willna disappoint you.”

Fallon was truly the loveliest woman he had ever met. He drank in her beauty while his body burned with desire and his mind reeled with possibilities. He stifled the overwhelming urge to take her hard and fast. He intended to spend the night exploring her silky skin, memorizing each sensual curve and dimple.

She languorously stretched before him. “Make love to me, Bryce.” She reached for his aching rod, but he caught her hand and brought it to his lips instead.

“You are so exquisite. I’m not sure where to begin.” He brushed her lips with a kiss. “Here . . .” He kissed her again. “Or here.” He lowered his head, then quickly drew a nipple between his teeth and tugged. “Mayhap, I should start here.” He cupped her other breast with his hand, causing her to arch her back and moan aloud. “What suits your fancy, m’lady?”

“I’m confident you will think of something, m’lord.” Her words mingled with a breathy sigh.

Her dark lashes fluttered against her pale cheeks, and her sultry voice caused his heart to quicken. Her pouty lips were swollen from kissing, but he needed to sample them again.

He captured her mouth in an all-encompassing kiss. While he tasted her desire and her surrender, his hands skimmed along her ribs and across her flat stomach, coming to rest in a nest of soft, dark curls at the apex of her thighs.

She whimpered when he put his mouth to her woman’s mound and began to nibble and suckle. Her body answered with a surge of wetness, and the scent of her arousal urged him on.

Her hips relaxed, giving him better access to the soft, pink folds that guarded the entrance to her most intimate place. His mouth watered at the thought of her sweet nectar, of plunging his tongue deep, and watching her writhe with pleasure.

With each lap of Bryce’s tongue, every skillful stroke of his fingers, Fallon drifted deeper into a euphoric fog. He repeatedly brought her to the edge of rapture then eased off so he could build the tension again.

She closed her eyes, savoring the firestorm of sensations raging through her body, heating her blood, and igniting her soul. The moment he dipped his head between her thighs and circled the bud of pleasure with his tongue, she thought she might melt into a pool of ecstasy.

He lapped hungrily, alternating the speed and pressure until she found herself on the precipice of release. Her legs began to quiver and when he quickened the pace, she threw back her head and called out his name as she tumbled into an abyss of pure bliss. He continued to fondle and stroke until the last ripples faded and her erratic breathing slowed.

“That was incredible.” She found it hard to speak.

“This is only the beginning,
. The best is yet to come.” Bryce trailed kisses across her belly and paused to nip at her breast before settling his stiffened member in the hollow between her legs. He traced her lips with his fingertips. “Are you ready to truly become my wife?”

“Aye, husband. I want you more than anything.” Even though they had already made love, this time felt like the first. Ignoring the nervousness twisting her stomach, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer than she believed two people could ever be.

Wonder prompted her smile. She loved Bryce and had prayed they’d find a way to be together, but now it was actually happening, and it was amazing.

He kissed her, gently at first and then with purpose. His mouth moved over hers, and she tasted her own tangy essence, caught the strangely intoxicating scent of her climax. For the second time, her body responded with urgent need. Moist heat surged between her thighs.

“You are so wet and ready to love.” He groaned and pressed the thick tip of his manhood against the entrance of her core.

She sucked in her breath and her body tensed when he slid to the hilt in one smooth move.

“Are you all right, Fallon?” He lay very still and raised his head.

Unlike their first joining, there was no pain. She smiled and released a shuddering breath. “Aye. Everything is wonderful.”

“Try to relax. I won’t do anything not meant to give you pleasure,” he whispered in her ear then started moving slowly. As she mimicked his actions, he altered the tempo, pressing deeper into her body with each thrust.

Beads of sweat misted his forehead and soaked his chest. The muscles of his arms and thighs strained and bunched as he continued his fervent ride toward their mutual release.

The pressure began building in her core yet again. Her body bucked beneath his powerful form, and together they let the waves of rapture carry them to the height of completion and beyond.

After shouting out a war cry and releasing his seed, he collapsed on top of her, his heart pounding in unison with her own. He rolled to the side, taking her with him. Cradled in the crook of his arm, she rested her hand on his heaving chest and her fingers furled in dark, sodden curls. “You kept your promise.” She snuggled closer.

“Rest for a bit. The night is still young, and I have many things to show you.”

To her utter delight, he honored that pledge several times.

Dawn came too early. Huddled in Bryce’s arms, Fallon let her mind wander. A smile of contentment tugged at her lips. She closed her eyes, wishing that when she opened them, it would still be night, and that Bryce would make love to her again.

A king-sanctioned union, they were legally wed by declaration according to Scottish law, yet she found it difficult to believe her dream had come true. Joy filled her as she thought about their future together. Bryce accepted her for who she was and didn’t fear her gift of second sight. For the first time in her life, she felt truly blessed.

Their first few hours as man and wife had been incredible. Her hand slid over her belly. After a night of fervent passion, did she carry his babe?

“Do you think my son will be born when the snow flies?” Bryce’s voice was thick and hoarse from lack of sleep. He covered her hand with his and smiled. “I’d like to have five bairns, mayhap more. What do you think?”

She looked at him and smiled. “Best we consider one first.” She managed to force the words past a sudden sob building in her throat.

Bryce frowned and lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Why are you upset? Are you not happy?”

“I need to be certain marriage is what you truly want. It is not too late to change your mind, or to ask Robert to repudiate his declaration of marriage.”

Bryce pulled her into a tight embrace. “I am so fortunate to have you for a wife. Did I not prove that to you last night?” He brushed aside a stray curl and pressed his lips to her brow. “I know I dinna make it easy on you, but I hoped by consenting to marry me you had forgiven me, and were ready to move ahead. Are you having second thoughts?” Bryce’s expression darkened and he tightened his hold on her.

“Nay.” She stroked his cheek. “I could never imagine being with anyone else. But I also know how duty-bound you are and that by giving up the cause, you also relinquish your chance to seek amends for the deaths of your parents and friends. I want to be certain you can you live with that decision?” Her voice trailed off and tears threatened again.

“After my parents and brothers were killed, I thought the Lord had forsaken me. When Ashlen died, I was certain of it. I carried that grief for so many years that I almost missed out on the most important thing in my life. You. Things changed the minute we met. No matter how hard I tried to fight temptation and deny what was in my heart, the battle was over before it began. I love you, Fallon, and when my son is born, I will adore him, too.” He cupped her belly again.

“Daughter,” Fallon whispered.

He cocked his brow. “A lass?”

“I had a vision my first babe would be a daughter. Will you be terribly disappointed?”

Bryce tossed his head back and laughed. “I would be the proudest da in Scotland. Especially if she is half as beautiful and feisty as her mam.” Before she could respond, he rolled her beneath him, kissed her, then raised his head. “In case she has yet to be conceived, I think it best we try again.” A devilish grin brightened his face.

“The time has come to pack up the camp. If the two of you wish to break your fast before we leave, I’d suggest you make haste,” Alasdair shouted from outside their tent.

Bryce heaved a deep sigh and kissed the tip of Fallon’s nose. He wished the night could go on forever, but unfortunately good things must end. Best we get dressed before they pull the walls down around us.” He rose and handed Fallon her gown and kirtle. He quickly donned his clothes and tugged on his boots. “I’ll meet you outside.”

Alasdair was waiting for them in the clearing. “There are oatcakes and porridge if you’re hungry. I’m sure you worked up quite an appetite.” He slapped Bryce on the back then doubled over laughing.

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