Fraser 02 - Highland Quest (21 page)

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Bryce grunted at his brother’s crudeness, but did not allow his remarks to rile him. Not today. He was married to Fallon, had spent an incredible night making love to her, and was happier than he deserved to be. He would not let anyone spoil the mood.

“Have you seen Robert? I need to speak to him.” Bryce scanned the campsite for the Bruce.

“I’m here. What did you wish to talk to me about?” Robert approached.

“After we’ve eaten, Fallon and I will be on our way.” Bryce slid his arm around her shoulders and brought her to his side.

Robert extended his arm and Bryce clasped his wrist. “You’ll need to take along some men for protection. I will ask for volunteers to accompany you. The MacDougalls were driven back and you are heading north, not south, but you canna be too careful.” Robert turned to Alasdair. “Pick a dozen men from those who offer their service to escort you and your brother to Fraser Castle. Also select a suitable mount for Fallon.”

Alasdair glanced from Bryce to his king. “I will gladly select the men and horse, but I willna be going to Fraser Castle. I intend to stay with you, Robert, and will continue the fight to drive the English out of Scotland.”

Bryce’s brows knit together. “We will sorely miss you on the journey, and I am sure Connor will be disappointed if you dinna return with us. But you know your mind, brother, and must do what suits you. Promise you will come home to us soon.”

Alasdair took a stepped backward and sniffled, his voice strained with emotion when he spoke. “I will be home in time for the birth of your first babe. Tell Connor and Cailin I am well, and give Andrew a hug from his uncle.” He reached into his sporran and pulled out a small, carved wooden ball. “Give this to the lad?”

Bryce took the toy. He’d noticed Alasdair carving the ball while sitting around the fire at night. “I’ll hold you to your word and will tell Andrew you made this for him. Are you certain we canna convince you to come with us?”

Alasdair shook his head. “Nay. My place is here and yours is with your wife. I must admit, I never thought I would say those words to you, but am pleased you chose Fallon for your bride.”

Bryce swallowed against the lump of emotion growing in his throat. Despite their frequent bickering, they cared about each other. His heart twisted in his chest. Leaving his older brother to fight alone was one of the hardest things he had ever done.

Fallon moved toward Alasdair, stood on tiptoe, and kissed his cheek. “Take care of yourself, brother. Come home safe and soon.”

Alasdair nodded. “I will, but now I must gather the men who will travel with you.” He trotted off.

“He’ll be all right.” She placed her hand on Bryce’s forearm.

“He’d better be, or I’ll never forgive him.” Bryce hauled her into his arms and kissed her. “Time to leave,
mo goal.”

She gazed up at him and smiled. “I love you, Bryce. Let’s go home.”


July 1308, Castle Fraser, Beauly Scotland

The sun hung high in the sky and a warm breeze ruffled Elise’s raven curls. Fallon kissed her sleeping daughter’s brow then laid her on the plaid she’d spread out on the ground. “Sleep, my wee one. Your da will be back from the hunt very soon and I’m sure he’ll want to see his little princess. I’ve never seen a man dote on a bairn the way he does on you.” Fallon smiled. Her life was perfect.

“Andrew Simon Fraser! Come back, you little scamp!” Cailin raced after her son. “When I get my hands on you—” She came to an abrupt halt, pressed her hand to her lower back, and doubled over at the waist, her breath coming in sharp pants.

“Nay!” The toddler giggled and raced to where Fallon sat beneath the shade tree and climbed into her lap.

“Mamma mad.” He popped his thumb into his mouth and buried his face in Fallon’s gown.

“Are you all right, Cailin?” Fallon tousled Andrew’s auburn hair. “You must be kinder to your mam. She is going to give you a little brother any day now and canna keep up with you the way she used to.” She peered up at her sister-by-marriage. “He is a handful.”

“He’s his father’s son. Always on the go and giving me grief.” Cailin laughed and lowered herself to the ground beside Fallon. “I’m sorry. I hope he dinna wake Elise.”

“She is a very sound sleeper. Not much disturbs her.” Fallon gazed at her babe and covered her tiny shoulders with a knitted shawl. “She is growing so fast. I can hardly remember the day she was born.”

“How could you forget?” Cailin shook her head. “We were in the middle of the worst snow storm I’d ever seen. You labored for two long days before the babe decided to finally come. She entered the world early, feet first, and you almost died.”

“Aye, but I survived and she is the joy of my life.” She tore her eyes from her daughter and looked at Cailin. “Andrew’s delivery was not easy for you, either. I remember how surprised you were when your birthwater broke during your wedding dance. I’ll not forget the look of shock on Connor’s face or his anger when we told him he could not be in the chamber during his son’s birth.” She reached out and touched Cailin’s swollen belly. “You labored long and hard, yet you are about to do it again. Are you afraid?”

Cailin patted her belly and gave her head a shake. “Giving birth is always frightening, but you are right, the risk and pain is well worth it. She reached for her son and tugged him into her lap. “Andrew did everything so early. He walked before he was one summer old and has never stopped. He started to talk not long after that. I hope our next one stays a babe a little longer.”

“Da, Da!” Andrew jumped to his feet, scurried to his father, and scrambled up his leg.

Connor hugged his son and spun him around in a circle. “Have you been a good lad for your mam?” He carried the toddler across the grass and put him down beside his mother. “Are you well, lass?” He bent over and kissed his wife.

Bryce approached and laughed when Andrew darted after a butterfly and Connor gave chase. “And how are my ladies?” he asked, then squatted and kissed Fallon.”

“We are well. Did you have a good hunt?” Fallon smiled at her husband.

“Aye. We killed two bucks and a wild boar. There will be plenty of meat to get us through the first part of the winter. We plan to go out again before we leave-”

“Leave?” Chest suddenly tight, Fallon stood and touched Bryce’s forearm. “Where are you going?”

Bryce shifted his weight and glanced away. “We received a missive from Alasdair.”

“Is he all right? Will he be coming home? He promised to return to Fraser Castle before Elise was born and has yet to do so.”

“Robert has been engaging the English across the Highlands since last fall. He has retaken many of the castles under English rule and those that once belonged to the supporters of King John Balliol. He is planning to return to Galloway and is preparing for a major battle with the MacDougalls and McCanns. He has called for support.”

Fallon wrapped her arms around Bryce’s waist and pressed her cheek to his chest. “You and Connor are going to join them, aren’t you?”

“Aye. We canna turn our back on our countrymen while Alasdair is fighting on behalf of the Fraser Clan.”

“I understand. Will your brother return to Fraser Castle or meet you in Galloway?”

“Since he has been fighting in the northern part of Scotland for so long, he has decided to accept an invitation to visit the Clan Sinclair. The laird was a dear friend of our da and his oldest son, Jayden, and Alasdair played together as lads. My brother spent many a summer there before our parents were killed.”

“Your brother deserves a chance to rest and to have a wee bit of fun. He is always so somber and gruff. Mayhap he will someday settle down with a lass of his own. I pray he finds the kind of happiness we have.” Fallon kissed Bryce’s cheek.

Bryce shook his head and chuckled. “Why do women feel the need to see all men betrothed? You know my brother. He has no use for a woman in his life.”

“People can change. Mayhap he has not found the right lass and when he does—”

He brought his fingers to her lips. “Hell will freeze over before Alasdair marries so there is no point wishing for things that willna happen.”

“When do you depart for Galloway?” Fallon asked as she fought to rein in the knot of dread squeezing her chest. She didn’t want him to go, but would never try to stand in his way.

“We’ll wait until after Cailin has her babe. According to Alasdair’s missive, Robert doesna plan to launch his attack until the end of summer. We have plenty of time to join them.” He glanced down at Cailin. “I’m sorry you found out this way. I know Connor wanted to tell you about this himself.”

Cailin shook her head. “I knew this day would come. It was just a matter of time.” With Bryce’s help, she climbed to her feet.

Bryce gathered Fallon in his arms. “I know I promised to stay with you and Elise—”

“You must do what is in your heart. I remember you once said that to Alasdair. Your brother needs you. Your king needs you. I would never try to stop you from doing your duty. Elise and I will be waiting and praying for your return.”

“You never cease to amaze me. I best go help Connor catch Andrew before he reaches the stream.” He pressed his lips to her brow then trotted off to find his brother.

“Will you ask Connor to stay?” Fallon chewed on her bottom lip as she watched Bryce disappear over the hill.

“I know better than to try. I am fortunate Connor has not returned to the cause before now. When we met, it was his whole life. He gave it up to care for Andrew and me, but I always knew in my heart it wouldn’t last.”

“Aye. Bryce was destined to return to the fight as well.” Fallon sat on the plaid beside her daughter.

“Did you see it in a vision?” Cailin asked. She held her chin high, but failed to hide the nervous tremor in her voice. “Tell me. I want to know good or bad.”

Fallon took Cailin’s hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. “I have not had a premonition since the day Bryce rescued me from Dungal. Mayhap the curse is lifted. But like you, I know my husband and his sense of duty.”

“Do you think Elise will inherit your gift of second sight?”

Fallon lightly stroked her daughter’s brow. “It is possible. They say
da shealladh
is passed from mother to daughter, but I hope not. I would never wish it upon any bairn.”

“Do you plan to tell Bryce about the new babe before he leaves?” Cailin slid her hand over Fallon’s shoulder.

Fallon caressed her belly. “Nay. God willing, I’ll share our good news when he returns.”

The Fraser brother’s saga continues with
Highland Homecoming.

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