Freedom Saga 1: Heaven's Light (20 page)

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Chapter 37 - The
Freedom Launches


Seles and Mira
ran into the room where the Artemis and Siren were and gazed at their finished
mobile suits.

Seles looked to
Mira. “You know the plan?”

Mira smiled.
“You don’t think I’ve been slaving in a simulator for a year for nothing.”

Seles laughed.
“Sorry, but I’m an old Nova pilot through and through.”

“I know,” Mira
said. “But you still can’t carry a tune.”

“Hey, I’m
working on it,” Seles said.

The two grabbed
the elevator cords and headed inside their mobile suits. Both went to full
power as their gravity drives spun and weapons came online.

This is it.
Seles thought
to herself.
We’ll come for you soon Brian.


* *


Confederation forces tore into the Shandi fleet with little resistance while
the Avoni, Daevoni, Raulno, Reinkar, and Vomada built their mobile suit and mobile
armor formations. The five ships advanced as the Shandi fell back into their
area of defense. The pulse cannons and HV missile batteries from the nearby
orbital defense satellites opened fire at the same time the five ships started
their counterattack. As the engines of the Freedom fired up Myden entered the
bridge. He looked at Jesela and Grigon.

“Since Brian’s
not here I’ll man the weapons,” the Grey said.

Grigon pointed
to a console opposite of him in the circle. “Are you sure you remember how to
use them?” the old Malcovin joked.

Myden laughed as
he looked at the letters written in English. “It has been a long time since I
saw action.”

“Was that before
or after your people went crazy?” Jesela asked.

Myden armed the
weapons and readied the shields. “After young lady,” he answered. “We didn’t
run without a fight.”

“That’s good to
know,” she said. “All engines are functioning normally.”

“All mobile
suits report the same,” Grigon said. “By the way, which of us is in charge?”

“I am,” Seles
said as she appeared on the monitor. “But any of you would do just as well.
Let’s get out there and move into formation D-7.”

“Yes commander,”
all three said separately.

Kyli appeared
next to Seles on the monitor from her Phase Rakna. “Will you be leading us or
not?” she asked.

“You’re in
charge Kyli,” Seles said. “Valis and the rest of us have something special in
the works.”

“I’ll do my best
commander,” she said before ending transmission.

The massive ship
turned from its dock and headed for the gate. As the Freedom cleared the exit
all mobile suits deployed outside in defensive formations. A moment later two
lights streaked from another launching bay as the Artemis and Siren headed out.

“Take her to the
front Grigon,” Seles ordered. “She can take whatever they throw at her.”

“Yes ma’am,”
Grigon said.


* *


While the
Freedom moved to the front the Minerva and Aegis flew out of the Avoni. A
moment later the Gemini launched from the Raulno. They gathered around the
Aegis before it activated its shield. The Minerva was a mix of silver and
violet and looked much like a Phase Rakna. The Aegis maintained its pure silver
color and looked the same. The Siren was a mix of red and silver and its
distinguishing feature was the communications array on its back. The Artemis
was blue and silver with reflector plates on its outer hull and a massive rifle
on its back. The Gemini was twice the size of the others and was equipped with
a massive pulse cannon and a pair of swords on its back. In front of the five
of them was the Confederation fleet. As pulse fired turned towards them the
Aegis’s shields deflected them with ease. Valis sat in the Minerva and closed
her eyes.

“You wanted me
to change this world,” she said while thinking of Brian. “I’ll do what I can.”
She opened her eyes as they started glowing. The Minerva’s tactical system
began functioning. The data seemed to surround Valis as the enemy’s plan became
clear. “This is Captain Valis speaking to all ships and mobile suits of
Heaven’s Light. Move into formation Q-14 and concentrate your attacks on the
front line of their fleet. Once they’ve been annihilated, the Freedom will lead
the assault through the center of their formation. Maintain contact for further
orders.” She switched the com to speak with the other four. “Seles and Kivi,
move to the front and open fire as we approach. Our goal is to tear the heart
out of them. Celi, maintain the center with shields at full. Mira and I will
act as the rear guard.”

“Yes Valis,” she
heard from the other four.

The Artemis and
Gemini charged their cannons and moved to the forward position. The Minerva and
Siren slid back and turned about with their weapons charged. The Lances from
the Confederation started closing in as the five charged into their formations.
Both the Artemis and Gemini aimed their pulse cannons and fired. The massive
beams cut through five and six Lances respectively while damaging a pair of
ships to the point of explosion. The Aegis’s shield deflected everything coming
near it and remained at the center. The two in back fired as they moved into
the enemy fleet and took out a pair of Lances each.


* *


Grigon cawed.
“They’re even better than expected!”

“It’s good they don’t
have to use their special features,” Jesela observed.

“True,” Grigon
said. He hit the com as Veda appeared on the screen. “Is everyone on your end

“Anytime,” Veda
said. The pulse cannon and HV missile batteries emerged from their positions on
the Columbia base asteroid and charged up. “All gun batteries are ready to fire.”

The Freedom
maintained its position with the Avoni and Daevoni acting as rear guards. The
Vomada and Reinkar moved to the other side of the base’s exterior. While the
Maidens carved through the center of the Confederation fleet, the forces of
Heaven’s Light moved forward with their base acting as a shield. The surviving
Shandi forces moved around the base as additional support while the slow moving
asteroid advanced on the enemy.


* *


While the five
battered the center of the Confederation forces they noticed a light flashed at
the edge of the battle. A number of Lances turned away and moved to intercept
the new enemy. Seles switched the scanners to long distance to see what it was.
Speeding amongst a number of Lances was the damaged Mjolnir. It was fighting to
join them when the com flashed on as an encoded com link went through.

“This is the
Mjolnir speaking. I have returned to base as ordered by Commander Peterson.”

Valis appeared
on Seles’s monitor with her eyes still glowing. “We’ll turn to pick up the
Mjolnir, alright?”

“Sure,” Seles

“Great idea,”
Kivi added.

“As you wish,”
both Celi and Mira added.

The five turned
and met with the Mjolnir as it finished off another pair of Lances. The damaged
mobile suit flew within the Aegis’s shields and joined the Minerva.

“Mjolnir,” Valis
said. “You’re to stay with the Aegis until the battle has concluded. The damage
you’ve suffered is too great to risk your destruction.”

“As you wish captain,”
the mobile suit said.

“How was Brian
doing?” Seles asked.

“He was in great
condition when he left me,” the Mjolnir said. “He used the medicine lieutenant
commander Celi gave to him.”

“I’m sorry he
had to,” Celi said.

“It’s good to
know he’s still alive,” Mira said.

Kivi laughed. “I
know. Myden knows a lot but I can’t trust him on this kind of thing.”

“Stay focused
everyone,” Valis piped in. “Our attack has split their fleet into three units.
When we reach the target point we’ll turn about and move through another unit.”

“Yes Valis,” all
of them responded.

The Mjolnir
moved next to the Aegis with its sword in hand and battered shield in the
other. The six mobile suits flipped around as they came to the rear of the
Confederation forces. In front of them, the Columbia base and the ships around
it tore into the center of the enemy fleet. Valis pointed the Minerva’s rifle
at the fleet nearby.

“That will be
our target,” Valis ordered. “Everyone will continue as is until further

While the six
mobile suits moved forward the Confederation forces moved closer together to
combine their shields.

“Seles, Kivi,
switch your weapons from long distance mode to condensed energy mode,” Valis

“I’m on it,”
Seles said.

“I’m ready,”
Kivi said.


Chapter 38 - The
Maidens’ Victory


Shiken Ka
entered the command center while Veda was coordinating everything. Numerous
officers ran about as the battle outside intensified. The Shandi noble watched
as the five Maidens destroyed another fleet.

“Where one was,
five emerge,” he said. He looked at Veda. “Why does everything seem like chaos
in here?”

“I haven’t led a
military unit since the second Malcov war,” she looked at the monitors, “Things
have changed for those of us who remember the past.”

“My grandfather
was still alive when that war occurred,” Shiken said.

“Are you saying
I’m old?” Veda asked.

“No, just
seasoned,” he responded.

“So what brings
you here Lord Ka?” she asked. “I’m sure making snide remarks about my age isn’t
on your list of priorities.”

“No, I’m here to
inform you I’m leaving for Confederation headquarters,” he said. “Brian will be
up for trial soon and I must be there to defend him.”

Veda shook her
head. “How can they call that farce a trial? Anyways, I understand. But you might
want to wait until the battle is over.”

He pointed to
the screen. “It already is.”


* *


Valis closed her
eyes as they stopped glowing. She opened them and looked at the battlefield.

“We won,” she
said to herself.

Confederation forces signaled moved away from the area as quickly as possible.
Valis hit the com.

“All ships
maintain position,” she ordered. “We’ll wait until all of their forces have
left before moving to stand by position. That will be all.”

She sat back and
rested against the pilot’s seat with exhaustion in her eyes. The monitor flashed
on with Seles on the other side.

“Are you feeling
alright?” she asked.

“I’m not used to
battles from the front, that’s all,” Valis said.

“You’re going to
have to get used to it,” Kivi piped in as she appeared on the screen.

“I had it easy,”
Celi said as she joined in. “All I have to do is maintain the middle.”

“Rear guard duty
is much the same,” Mira added.  “Only Valis got to use her special system.”

“I’d rather save
our special abilities until they’re needed,” Valis said. “Also, I only needed a
small portion of the Minerva’s power to help with this battle.”

“That’s good to
know,” Kivi said. “I’d hate to think you had to use a lot at this stage.”

“Things will be
different when we have to split up,” Seles said.

“I’ll still give
each of you mission plans when I get the chance,” Valis said. “It’s time we
return to base.”

“We’ll be going
now,” Seles said as she and Mira headed for the Freedom.

“Take care
Valis,” Kivi said as she headed back to the Raulno.

“Shall we go
home?” Celi asked.

“Yes, let’s go
home,” Valis said as she and Celi headed back to the Avoni.


* *


Seles and Mira
landed their mobile suits and headed for the bridge. As they walked Kyli ran to
join them.

“The two of you
looked great out there,” she said excitedly.

“You weren’t too
bad yourself,” Seles said.

“Only because of
the drilling you gave us,” Kyli said.

“You can say
that again,” Mira added.

“What?” Seles
asked sarcastically. “Am I that stern?”

“No, it’s because
you’re good we’re thankful,” Mira said. “I’m surprised we didn’t have to do
anything other than charge this time around.”

“That will
change,” Seles said. She glanced at Kyli. “Be ready for some offensive action lieutenant.
Next time things will be different.”

“Of course commander,”
Kyli said.

The three
entered the bridge and went to the center. Myden, Jesela, and Grigon all looked
up from their consoles before continuing their work.

“What’s our
status?” Seles asked.

“She’s purring
like a happy Mylor,” Jesela said.

The others
stopped and looked at her.

“Can they even
do that?” Mira asked.

Myden cracked a
smile on his normally expressionless face. “Yes, they can.”

Seles waved it
off, “Save the jokes for later please.”

“Don’t be a song
killer,” Mira said.

“I’ll keep that
in mind,” Seles said. “So she’s doing alright?”

“Systems are
working better than expected,” Grigon said. “And I must say those mobile suits
look great.”

“I’m kind of
jealous,” Kyli said.

“The Phase Rakna
you’re flying is twice the craft I piloted ten years ago you know,” Seles said.
“But Grigon and Jesela will probably be looking for mass production soon

“Already working
on it,” Jesela said.


* *


Seles entered
her quarters and stepped out of the silver and blue exoskeleton before letting
out a big sigh. Exhaustion showed on her face as she looked in the mirror.
Despite the years since she and Brian met her face showed no age. She carefully
checked her eyes and ran her hand through her hair before looking at a small metal
disk on the counter. She pressed the button and up popped a small holographic
image of Brian in his armor while smiling. She knelt down with her head on her
hands while staring at the image.

“I still feel
lost,” she said. “For years I knew my place in the world and now everything’s
different. With every step forward I feel more uncertain about what I’m doing.”
She closed her eyes. “But I’ll get through this. You suffered far greater
hardships during the sojourn.” She opened her eyes again. “I pray that when we
meet again you’re the man I met on that frozen moon and not the one I saw

A buzz came from
the door. “It’s me,” Mira said through the com. “Can we talk?”

Seles stood up
and turned the hologram off. “Sure.”

When Mira opened
the door Seles noticed she wasn’t wearing her exoskeleton. Mira came in and
looked around.

“You’ve got some
nice quarters,” Mira said.

“We should have
the same kind,” Seles countered.

“True, but it
seems bigger, that’s all,” Mira said.

Seles took a
seat at the table in the middle of the room. “So what did you want to talk

Mira sat down
with her. “You’re feeling uncertain about things, aren’t you?”

Seles nodded. “A
little,” she paused, “I’m not used to giving orders.”

“Neither am I,”
Mira said. “It seems you’ve figured out the role.”

“Am I faking

“Not in that
way,” Mira said. “All of us have to put on a mask when we’re in front of
others. It seems to me you’ve mastered the use of it quicker than you think.”

“So you’re
saying we all wear masks?”

“In a manner,”
Mira said. “Both of us have had to put on the mask of being unconcerned when it
comes to a certain Terran we care deeply about. But the worst offender is

Seles shook her
head. “She can out strategize anyone in Alden but couldn’t figure out her
emotions if it killed her. But on the subject of Brian I have to agree. The
uncertainty is what’s getting at me.”

“I feel the
same,” Mira said.

“By the way, how
are you getting along with your second?”

Mira leaned
back. “Suv Gar is a handful, that’s for sure. I’m so used to the warrior types
my mind has a hard time dealing with Shandi who break the mold. She’s
compassionate, dedicated, and one heck of a medical officer. The only drawback
is her ability to push others around.”

“What do you

“It’s not that
she bullies anyone or anything like that,” Mira explained. “But she has a way
of talking you into things. Other than that she’s great to work with.” Mira
paused for a moment before leaning forward. “Now it’s your turn Seles. How’s
working with Kyli and the other pilots?”

“It’s a lot to
deal with,” Seles said. “Kyli’s a firecracker to keep an eye on. I don’t just
mean in the pilot sense. That girl has a crush on Brian bigger than a gas

Both laughed for
a moment.

serious?” Mira asked. “But she’s a little girl.”

“That’s what I
thought,” Seles said. “Until I saw her in the community bath,” Seles shook her
head, “her figure puts Celi’s to shame.”

“I’ll keep an
eye out then,” Mira said. “At least I don’t have to worry about my second on
that issue.”

“It would be
strange if a Shandi woman went for him,” Seles said. “But Kyli…well…she’s
definitely the type to force the issue.”

“You don’t seem
too worried,” Mira said.

“I’m not,” Seles
said. “Brian has enough on his agenda right now. When he returns I’m sure he’ll
pick one of us over her anytime.”

“From his past
actions I tend to agree,” Mira said.


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