Freedom Saga 1: Heaven's Light (8 page)

BOOK: Freedom Saga 1: Heaven's Light
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Chapter 13 - Kalmar


After completing
a gravity jump, the Columbia base appeared in orbit of the desert planet
Kalmar. Veda and Grigon were in the command center when Kivi joined them.

“What’s our
status?” she asked.

“The same as the
last jump,” Veda said. “It seems the Confederation took the bait.”

“We hoped they
would,” Grigon said.

“I feel bad
making Brian and the Avoni to act as decoys,” Kivi said. “I don’t like, not at

“Sometimes we do
what we must though we don’t like it,” Grigon said.

“Valis hesitated
when she came up with this plan,” Veda said. “I can understand why.”

Kivi turned to
the monitor showing the planet below. “Valis has grown quite fond of him over
the years. She tries to separate her feelings for him from the rest. But at times,
I can see it in her eyes,” Kivi looked at Veda, “You know what I’m talking

“The first time
I saw them together I knew her feelings,” Veda said. “She tries to push
everything down to control herself. That’s how she wins battles.”

Grigon cawed.
“I’m glad I’m not a mammal; too much fire in the blood.”

“As much as it
weakens us that fire also gives us strength,” Kivi said.

“Spoken like a
true Southlander,” Veda said.

“And you sound
like a Northerner,” Kivi countered.

Grigon feigned a
caw with a confused look on his face. “I have no idea what the two of you are
talking about.”

The two women

“Don’t worry, we
don’t expect you to,” Veda said.

Outside, a
number of Shandi ships appeared around the base.

Kivi noticed a
message was coming in. “It looks like our friend has arrived,” she said.

Shiken Ka’s
image appeared on the main monitor. “All of you look well,” he said.

“As do you Lord
Ka,” Veda said.

“I brought my
fleet to aid in your survival,” the snakeman said.

“How were the
negotiations?” Kivi asked.

Shiken growled
with frustration. “They went nowhere. The High Council is set in its decision
and won’t listen to reason.”

“Then the plan
will continue as is?” Kivi asked.

“Yes,” Shiken
said. “My people will do their best to conceal the presence of your base.”

“Thank you,”
Veda said.


* *


Seles, Mira, and
Jesela stood on the half lit bridge of the Freedom, located at the center of
the ship. The shape of the bridge was similar to the command center on the base
but smaller. The circular room had consoles and monitors in every direction.
Three doors were equally placed to allow for easy entry and exit. In the center
of the room was a large chair on a track and swivel to allow for movement.
Seles went the captain’s chair and put her hand on it. A moment later all the
ship’s systems turned on.

“That’s handy,”
she said. “Is it set for anyone touching the chair?”

The other two
joined her. “No,” Jesela explained. “Only the crewmembers can do so.”

“It’s lenient
when it comes to activating the ship,” Mira observed.

“Yes,” Myden
said as he stepped out of the shadows. His hood covered most of his head and
face while he held his black staff. “But necessary.”

“So you’re the
Grey I’ve been hearing about,” Jesela said as she went over to him. She
measured herself when standing next to him. “Taller than I thought.”

“My name is
Myden young Kalaidian,” he said. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Jesela,” she
said. “I don’t like being referred to as chief engineer or lieutenant commander.”

“As you wish
Jesela,” Myden said.

“It’s great to
see you again,” Seles said as she embraced him. “I didn’t think you’d be
joining us yet.”

He patted her on
the back as they hugged. “There are many things we must prepare for,” he said.

“What plans are
you talking about?” Mira asked.

Myden pointed to
the captain’s chair. “Would all of you join me in touching the chair?”

“Sure,” Jesela

She ran to the
chair and touched with her hand. Seles and Mira nodded before doing the same.
Myden was the last as placed his three fingered hand on the chair. A moment
passed before a holographic image of Brian appeared before the four of them. He
held his
blade in both hands before him with the tip in the
ground. He smiled as he looked forward.

“If you’re
seeing this than the four of you must be in the room,” the hologram said.
“There are a number of things I wanted to say to each of you, but time
constraints and secrecy had to be taken into account. The only one I told about
this message was Myden, but he hasn’t been briefed on what it contains. It’s
time I start explaining a few things. Mira, you know about the physical issues plaguing
me of late. Celi hasn’t exactly kept it a secret and Myden suspects it as well.
I know Jesela and Seles don’t know much about it. For a few years after the
sojourn I was normal both physically and mentally. My brief awakening during
the last battle with the Greys didn’t appear to affect me. But as time passed I
started seeing things. I felt something creep upon my very soul. You see,
during our time in the Greys’ territory I was touched by their machine god.
It’s a presence of such darkness words can’t describe. But recently, I’ve been
hearing the echoes of it in my mind. It knows I’ve begun awakening and wants me
on its side. I can’t and won’t allow such a thing to happen. The plan Valis
came up with has one hole in it. She doesn’t know my true intention and what I
have to do. Sometime during the journey I will leave everyone. I have to do
this because I’m a threat to everyone. If the machine god manages to warp my mind
I won’t be the man you know, I’ll be a twisted agent for its cause. I’d rather
die than suffer such a fate. That’s why I decided to leave you for now. Until
the day my mind is right I won’t return. If it never gets right I wish all of
you all a fond farewell. But before that there are a few things I need to tell
each of you.” The hologram paused for a moment before starting again. “Myden, I
entrust the plan to you. I know the wise ones have a specific place in the
Teacher’s plan. The reasons you do what you do may be your own, but I trust the
spirit behind them. You long for peace more than anyone. You’ve seen more
death, destruction, and war than anyone in the Confederation. You know what
must be done Myden, so do it old man!” The hologram smiled. “Jesela, you’re
much more than you seem. You proved that to me during our time on the sojourn.
With you as the visionary the Freedom and the Maidens’ mobile suits are secure.
You will change this world Jesela, one machine at a time. Someday the
Confederation will be glad you were the one to push them forward. I hope I’m
there when they commend you, but I’m not making any promises.” He smiled again.
“Mira, you know my feelings. When my spirits were down you’d comfort me. I want
you to show that same love to everyone you treat onboard the Freedom. My wish
is for you to help Seles find her voice. In the past the two of you have butted
heads. But deep down you are friends. Cherish that relationship and help her.
Everyone needs someone to talk to once in a while. Keep the song going Mira,
the world is a better place with you in it.” He coughed before smiling once
again. “Finally, to Seles; over the years I’ve told you what I wanted for the
world. You know what my dream is. You have the strength, conviction, and
ability to make it come true. I know you have doubts, but trust in your
abilities. If there’s one person I know who can lead Heaven’s Light it’s you.
Long ago I was willing to give you my life because I believed in you. That
hasn’t changed. I believe in you Seles. Fly, fly higher than any Kalaidian has
before and lead them to the future. My role in the Teacher’s plan was to set
the path to paradise. But someone else has to open the door. I love you and I’m
sorry if I never return.” The hologram stopped again before saluting to them. “The
future is in all of your hands and with it the fate of the peoples’ of Alden.
Let freedom reign with the tolling of the bell.”

When the
hologram raised its hand a sound reverberated throughout the Freedom and
Columbia base; the sound was the tolling of a great bell.

Myden raised his
staff. “On my life and honor Brian, I will see to it the job gets done.”

“Mine as well,”
Jesela said with a salute.

Mira raised the
whip. “I’ll do as you ask.”

Seles drew the
from her belt and raised it in salute. “I’ll do my best Brian.”


Chapter 14 -
Learning about Freedom


The four stood
in silence for a moment to gather their thoughts. Seles closed her eyes.
time to move forward in my life. For years I’ve stood in the shadows taking
orders. I’ll do as you wish Brian. Hopefully, someday, you’ll come back to us.
She opened her eyes and looked at the others.

“For now I’ll be
the acting captain of the Freedom,” she said. “I’ll be relying on all of you
for help.”

“I’ll help in
any way I can,” Mira said.

“The same for
me,” Jesela said.

“As you wish
La…Seles,” Myden said. “I’m still getting used to calling you by only your

alright,” Seles said. “All of you can refer to me by my first name. I’m not one
for changing what’s worked in the past. Hopefully you’ll let me do the same.”

“I will,” Mira
said. “A title means nothing to me anymore.”

“Agreed,” Jesela

“As I have no
rank my name is enough,” Myden said.

“Now that we’re
clear on the issue we need to learn about this ship,” Seles said. “Jesela, what
are the specs as far as weapons, shields, and the engines?”

Jesela danced to
a console nearby and put the schematics on the screen. She highlighted the
launching bays, engines, and weapon arrays spread across the ship.

“As you can see
the Freedom integrates the designs from a number of races, not just our own,”
Jesela explained. “The overall interior is similar to an Avoni class, but the
power systems are closer to a Geld class ship.”

“So the power
systems are pocketed and not centralized?” Mira asked.

Jesela said. “There are a number of inefficiencies in Malcovin vessels I don’t
care for, but the pocketed energy systems are a major plus.”

Seles observed
the shield arrays. “These resemble Shandi style shielding systems.”

“In terms of
defensive technology, the Shandi are second to only the Original Five,” Jesela
said. She highlighted the pulse cannons on the screen. “The Freedom is equipped
with twice as many heavy cannons as an Avoni class ship. In addition, we have
three times the HV missile output. As an additional measure we have a backup
attack and defense system.” Jesela moved the highlights to the cargo hatches on
the sides of the ship and opened them up on the computer. Inside were a large
number of upgraded Novaguards.

Seles smiled. “I
was wondering what we were going to do with those.”

Jesela nodded.
“We’ve installed the automated system Grigon has been using in his Talons.
Their weapon and shields have been upgraded as well. Novaguards don’t have the
same power as a mobile suit, but they still can serve as an extra line of
defense.” She switched the image over to the launching bays and focused on the
mobile suits onboard. “As you can see, only twenty five percent of our eventual
mobile suit force has arrived. One of the main features of the mobile bases our
organization uses is they have a production factory for anything from fighter
class to mobile armors.”

“Are the mobile
suits upgraded as well?” Seles asked.

“Yes,” Jesela
said. “Although their moniker of Phase Rakna hasn’t changed they are second
generation. Their weapons and shields are ninety percent better than the first
generation. Their maneuverability has also been increased by seventy five

“How do the
drive systems function?” Seles asked.

Jesela switched
the image highlighter over to the engine tiers on the back of the vessel. “The
Freedom is equipped with four heavy class gravity drives. Two act as full time
rechargers for the Q-Drives in the mobile suits. The other two function as the
main engines of the ship. Using this system, the Freedom can gravity jump twice
per day rather than once.” She moved the image back and displayed the ship in
full. “Is there anything else you need to know?”

“Not at the
moment,” Seles said.

“What’s the crew
composition?” Mira asked.

Jesela switched
the image to the roster of the vessel. “These are the current crew members.”

The numbers read
as a hundred and twenty two Kalaidians, seventy three Malcovin, sixty one
Shandi, thirteen Minans, ten Reiki, one Ick-Tckt, one Grey, and one Terran.

“It’s a bit
Kalaidian heavy, but what can we do?” Jesela asked.

“It’s a start,”
Myden said. “As the plan moves forward the number of races represented onboard
will increase.”

Mira checked the
medical officers’ roster. “According to this my second is Shandi.”

Jesela smiled.
“She’s a bit rough around the edges but you’ll like her Mira.” She started for
the door before turning back. “Well, off with me now. I have a thousand things
to do and only a bit of time to do them all.” She stepped onto the door leading
to an elevator.

Mira turned to
Seles and Myden. “I should look over sickbay.” She headed for a different door
than the one Jesela had left from. “Seles, I’ll see you later.”

“Later,” Seles
said as Mira left. She looked at Myden. “I’m going to check on the pilot

“Seles,” Myden
said as she went to leave. “Remember that I’ll always be at your side. If you
need my help you can ask anytime.”

“Thanks,” she


* *


Mira took her
time walking to the main sickbay so she could look around every corner she
passed. After a while alone she came to the door. She went inside and inspected
all of the sections in the sickbay. Because the Freedom was a multiracial
vessel, the sickbays reflected that in the shape of the rooms and beds. Mira
casually went into the main lab and turned on the computers and monitors. She
heard a noise from outside and turned. She noticed a large form moving towards
her through the dark room. As the form moved into the light Mira saw it was a
tall and slender Shandi female wearing the sash of a lieutenant. She came up to
Mira, standing nearly twice her height.

“You must be
lieutenant commander Mira,” the Shandi said. “I am Lieutenant Suv Gar.”

“I’m glad to
meet you lieutenant,” she said as she extended out her hand. Suv Gar took it and

“Same for me,”
Suv Gar said as their hands separated. “I’ve heard many things about you
commander. Your skill in music is second to none amongst the Kalaidian people.
But your skill in medicine is equal.”

“My reputation
precedes me,” Mira said. “Tell me, what academy did you graduate from?”

“I graduated
from the Torik Academy at the top of my class,” Suv Gar said.

“Do you have any
combat experience?” Mira asked.

Suv Gar grinned.
“There is a weakness to being learned; but to answer your question, none as of

“That’s a
weakness you’ll be cured of soon enough,” Mira said. “What about treatment of
differing species?”

“I have actual
experience with the lizard races and mammals, but I will admit I have little
experience with insectoid or aquatic types,” she said.

“Well then,
let’s run through as many simulations as we can,” Mira suggested.

“As you wish
commander,” Suv Gar said.


* *


Seles stood
outside the mobile suit training facility and watched the pilots as they ran
through their simulations. She noticed Kyli was standing next to her.

“Reviewing the
troops?” Kyli asked.

“In a way,”
Seles said. “I noticed we only have Kalaidians, a few Malcovin, and a single
Ick-Tckt as pilots.”

“The engineers
are working on mobile weapons for every race,” Kyli said. “But at the moment we
only have Raknas and Talons. The Ick-Tckt, Tctie, will be using a modified
Rakna for now.” She looked Seles over. “Haven’t you received your armor?”

“I haven’t been
to my quarters yet,” Seles said. “I’ll make sure it fits later.”

“Is he coming
back to us?” Kyli asked.

Seles stood silent
for a moment. “Yes.”

She watched the
pilots in the simulations having problems. Kyli could tell it was bothering

“I can teach as
best I can,” Kyli said. “But the best should be taught by the best.”

“Are you trying
to ingratiate yourself?” Seles asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Kyli laughed.
“No, I’m just stating a fact. If you’re as good as we’ve seen then teaching
them won’t be an issue.”

“Indeed,” Seles
said. “Let’s go.”

Seles opened the
door to the training area. Each pilot stopped what they were doing and watched
as she went to the simulation room’s main computer. She programmed a battle
into it before turning back to her subordinates. “As many of you know I’m
Commander Seles Daevon, your acting captain for the time being. Up until now
you’ve run simulated battles for your future service on this ship. I have to
say I’m a bit disappointed with your effort. Over the next few months I’ll be
leading your training personally. Hopefully this will yield the results our
organization is expecting.” Seles hit the button the console to send the battle
plans to each simulator. “We’ll begin our work by separating into different
groups. We’ll start with ten squadrons of ten. Given our numbers, I’ll lead the
bottom nine of the trainees. Lieutenant Kyli will lead the next bottom nine.
The top of eight of you will act as squad leaders of the other eight units. You
have half an hour to form your squadrons and prepare for battle.”


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