Freeing Alex (25 page)

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Authors: Sarah Elizabeth Ashley

BOOK: Freeing Alex
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Chapter 16

By lunch time my day has, so far,
gone to plan. I’ve interviewed the potential drivers and telephoned the agency.
I’ve offered the position to Archie, he’s in his fifties and is only just out
of work due to the family he has been working for going back to their home
country. He hasn’t said a lot about them other than that, and I liked the fact
that he appears to be loyal to them, even though he’s not working for them any
longer. He’s a great deal of experience, having worked for several households
up and down the country, although mainly in London, which results in an
impressive CV that includes several years working for Her Majesty in the
forces. He was a little vague over what he actually did, but for me the
important thing is that it appears he knows his way around just fine and is
happy with the hours that we’ve discussed.

He was delighted to learn that when he’s not driving me
through the terrible London traffic he’ll be ferrying hotel guests who have
selected this new personal touch that I’ve decided we should introduce. Anyway,
Archie has accepted the position, and as he has already worked for the agency
I’m using, his checks are complete and he will start tomorrow, I can’t wait.

I spend the few minutes I have free talking with Michelle.
She tells me that it’s common knowledge amongst the staff that James is staying
at my home and she has not heard any negative comments, although deep down I
wouldn’t expect her to say anything else other than that. 

The team meeting comes and goes. I’m introduced to one or
two staff that I haven’t met before and leave feeling that I have a really good
strong team working at Reid’s. They’re a great bunch and I don’t think there’s
a single person that gives me any cause for concern.

Looking at my watch, I’m aware that I’ve only an hour before
the first lady is due to meet me about the housekeeping role. I find James and
tell him that I’m off home and that I’ll see him later.

“Any ideas about where we can go this evening?” I ask
brightly. “I still want to go and throw myself around a dance floor somewhere!”

He laughs at me. “You’re really serious about this?” 

I frown. “Yes, I am. I haven’t had a proper night out, or at
least one that hasn’t been stuffy, for years. I’m deadly serious.”

“I’ll sort something. We’ll eat out too?” he suggests.

“Where?” I ask. I’m feeling excited that I’m going out this
evening, to dance!

“It’s a surprise. Leave it with me, Alex, I’ll sort it.” He
busies himself at his desk. “Need to get along with this if I’m leaving early,”
he reminds me.

I pout. “No fair!” I must sound rebellious.

I get a stern look from the Bossman. “Perhaps not, but if
you want me to finish early I need to get it done. And with regard to tonight,
it wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, would it? Now, go and meet your
ladies, sort a housekeeper, get yourself glammed up and leave tonight with me!”
He’s taking control again.

I turn and walk towards the front of the hotel. As I walk
away I turn back and see James watching me, smiling. He flaps me away with his
hand. “Go!”

“I’ll phone you when I’ve met the ladies – make sure you
save some energy for dancing!” I call back to him. I smile as I turn to leave
for home, leaving him laughing as I do. I think he’s a little stunned that I
really do want to do this clubbing and dancing thing. To tell the truth, so am
I, I think it’s just a bit of a mid-life thing coupled with catching up on
things that I never did as a young woman.

My afternoon passes quickly and I’m so pleased to have met
Muriel amongst the potential housekeepers that came along to see me this
afternoon. I explain to each of the ladies that come along that I have little
experience with having someone to work at home for me. In fact, I’ve little
experience with anyone working
me but particularly those that are
there to support me at home. Muriel was the only one of all the ladies who
smiled sweetly, reassured me and offered some guidance as to how this should
all work; she reminded me a bit of my mum and I liked that. She asked me what I
wanted and we agreed that she will work each morning, Monday to Friday, to keep
the house clean and tidy and see to the laundry, including the ironing, a chore
which I don’t particularly like, the iron frightens me somewhat, it’s a job I
have to do when there’s nobody else around, nobody that could pick up that
domestic device when I’m using it.

On two days each week she will also prepare an evening meal
for me or me and James. I don’t want to let this task go completely as I enjoy
cooking very much, but Muriel has said that if ever I need to change the
arrangement I just have to let her know. She really is lovely and I got along
so well with her, I told her there and then I would be offering her the
position and I’ve let the agency know. They hope to have background checks
completed in the next 24 hours or so and Muriel will start as soon as these
have been done, although based on our meeting this afternoon, I would be happy
for her to start straightaway!

 I spend the rest of the afternoon preening myself for my
evening on the tiles with James. I bathe in my favourite coconut bubbles, wash
my hair and style it nicely, taking the time to use some new heated rollers
that I’ve got. I feel like a teenager, I’m behaving like Anna does when she’s
getting herself ready to go out: nail painting, hair doing… I look down at my
bald sex. There’s a little re-growth, well, that will have to stay because as
soon as it’s long enough I will go and be waxed.

Once I’ve finished primping and preening I relax with a
magazine and a cup of tea. My thoughts move to Anna, who will be collecting her
results tomorrow and also to Lewis, the bastard. I really need to speak with my
solicitor again and let her know what’s happened. Just because he’s laid up in
hospital, surely that doesn’t mean that the divorce proceedings will stop! The
amount I’m paying for all of this, they should be able to go to his bedside to
do whatever they need to do!

Time marches on and it’s soon eight o’clock. I send James a

Will u still b hme for 9?

He must be in his office as the reply is more or less

Just leaving now. C U in thirty. Are you ready?

I reply:

More or less. Waiting 4 U! XX

He replies quickly again:

On way!

Great. I go to my room and faff with the clothes I’ve put
out to wear this evening. I’ve put out a little black dress by Alexander Wang,
a simple and understated sleeveless knee-length dress on which the only detail
is the keyhole neckline. It really is simple but fits perfectly and looks great
on. I believe that every girl should have a simple black dress in their
wardrobe, something that I’ve always done in the past, but my old black dress,
which is still with Lewis, was not as luxurious as this one, but still looked
good. I’ve teamed this up with a lovely pair of glittery Lucy Choi four-inch
pumps and matching clutch. I expect I’ll stagger in the heels, but so what,
I’ll just have to hold onto James for support.

I pull out a beautiful black bra and thong that Anna helped
me choose. The silk is almost translucent, and the set is trimmed with a little
lacy detail. I put these on. Sitting on the edge of my bed, I rummage through
my handbag and take out what I’ll need for this evening, my best lipstick and a
handbag atomizer with my favourite
by Salvatore Ferragamo. I
find my diary and flick through. Since I had my new smart phone I haven’t
really used my diary. I turn to today. Of course, there’s nothing written in
it, but I flick through the pages. As I turn to the very front I realize with a
little shock that I haven’t noted my last period, which should have been at the
end of July, a couple of weeks ago. Hold on, did I have a period at the end of
July? Shit, no!

With not having any sort of sexual relations, not even with
my husband, I haven’t taken the pill for years, never had the need and
foolishly just didn’t even think about it. Oh hell!  What am I going to do? I’m
forty-two, for heaven’s sake.
Don’t panic!
I tell myself,
can’t do
anything about it now, wait until tomorrow, get a test and see where we go from
. I know that stress can do all sorts to the human body, including
stopping periods. Maybe it’s the menopause? Yes, that’s what it’ll be.


little bit confused, I finish my makeup and take my heated rollers out as I
hear James arrive. “Hello, Alex!” he calls upstairs.

up here!” I shout back.

I hear him go to the kitchen and then he appears at the
bedroom door a minute or two later with a large glass of orange juice. “Thought
you might like a drink before we go.”  He hands me the glass; his other hand is
behind his back.

“Umm, thanks.” I take the glass from him. “What have you got
behind your back?” I nod towards his back.

“Close your eyes, Alex,” he orders.


“Just close your eyes!” He’s stern.

I close my eyes slowly and as I do I feel his hands brush my
neck and there’s something cold, a chain. I’m aware that James has walked
around me and is fastening what I think is a necklace at the back of my neck.
He brushes his fingers across my collarbone and then guides me to my dressing
table. “Keep your eyes closed,” he reminds me.  He steers me in front of my
dressing table stool. “Sit,” he commands, and helps me.

I’m sat with my eyes closed in front of my dressing table.
“Open,” he says. I open my eyes and gasp. Around my neck is the most beautiful
diamond heart pendant on a silver chain.

I press my hand to the pendant. “It’s beautiful, James,
absolutely, I love it.”

He brushes his fingers across my collarbone. “Just like its
owner,” he murmurs.

I stand and hug him tightly, looking up into those dark
pools. I’ll never come to terms with how handsome My James is.

He backs away. “You look lovely,” he says, running a finger
over the top of my bra. “I like this, very much.”

I stand to face him and kiss him gently on the cheek. “Your
hair’s different,” he says.

“Rollers,” I say, pointing to the Babyliss set on the floor.

“I like this too.” He runs his fingers through my now bouncy
hair and kisses me again, then he pulls away quickly. “I need to shower before
we go.”

“Oh.” I sulk, looking at him as he walks away to the

“What’s the matter?” He smiles. Of course, he knows full
well what the matter is.

“Nothing, you just get along with your shower, just leave me
here all hot and bothered. I don’t care!” I turn away, pretending to be

He ignores me. He quickly gets showered, shaved and dressed.
He’s wearing some really well-cut black trousers and a steel grey open-neck
shirt – now that’s different from his normal white. He looks great, but then he
looks fantastic in whatever he wears. He’s messed with his hair, everything
about him looks stunning.

“You ready?” he asks.

“We are going to eat as well, aren’t we?” I ask, my stomach
telling me it’s starving.

“Yes, I’ve told you, it’s all sorted. I arranged for the car
to pick us up and collect us too, he’ll be here any minute.”

“The car? You’re indulging me, then?” I smile.

He winks at me and gives me that killer smile. “Oh yes,
lady, I certainly intend to show you a good time!” 

I pick up my shoes and bag and make my way downstairs,
feeling like a million dollars. James follows behind me. He goes through to the
living room and glances out of the window. “Car’s here!” he calls.

I slip my shoes on and half walk, half wobble, meeting him
in the hall. He looks at me strangely. “Going to manage in those?”

I huff at him.

We’re soon in the car. I’ve no idea who he’s arranged to
drive as Archie doesn’t start until tomorrow. “This is very nice,” I whisper to

The driver opens the door and I slide into the roomy car.
James follows and sits beside me. The driver shuts our door and once behind the
wheel he turns to James. “No changes to the plan, sir?” he asks.

“No. None at all.” James looks at me, laughing.

“Right you are, sir, madam.” We pull away from the kerb.

“Where are we going?” I look at James.

“Wait and see… It’s a surprise.” He puts his arm around me
and presses a hidden button discreetly. A screen slides up behind the driver
and we’re on our own, I can see out of the windows but I have no doubt that
no-one is able to see in through the tinted glass. James fumbles with the sound
system. “I thought I’d start the evening off with some music.” He leans back
into his seat as Little Mix’s
Change Your Life
filters through the

As we move along I recognise some of the buildings and
street names that we pass, places that I see on my way into some parts of
London and on the way to Reid’s, but we’re soon passing places that I don’t

“Where are you taking me?” I ask again.

He taps the end of my nose. “Wait and see!”

He wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close,
placing his lips on mine, kissing me. The effect he has on me is always the
same, I feel free and if I’m totally honest it doesn’t feel like it’s me here
in the back of this luxurious car in the arms of this beautiful man. There are
times when I’m grounded, when I know that the events of the last few weeks and
months really have happened, that I have been given the route to move on to a
better life and I know it’s true, it’s real, but then here, now as he kisses
me, I find it hard to believe that I am worthy of all this. Surely it can’t

He pulls away from me. “What are you thinking, Alex?”

“That this can’t last, that it’s not real. Things like this
don’t happen to people like me.”  I look down, fiddling with my clutch bag.

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