Freeing Alex (22 page)

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Authors: Sarah Elizabeth Ashley

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I must fall to sleep and I wake with a start at the sound of
James’s mobile ringing. I’m still resting on his shoulder, he’s still fully
dressed and awake, I don’t think he’s slept. He reaches for his phone and
glances at the screen.

 “Benito.” He stands and moves away from the bed, taking his
conversation to the far side of the room. He pulls the drapes aside and stands
in the window, looking out over the lights of London. I glance at the clock.
It’s three in the morning, does this Benito chap not sleep?

I listen to the one side of the conversation, trying to fill
in the blanks, but it’s difficult.

“Yeah,” he says, “that’s right… Little village, I think… Not
sure, I’ll ask Alex.”

He turns to me. “What does Lewis drive?”

“Land Rover Discovery.” I frown. “Why?”

“No reason.” He smiles.

“Hi Benito.” He returns to his conversation. “Did you catch
that? A Land Rover Discovery… That’ll be it… Yes, I think so… Great. Speak
soon.” He ends the call.

“What was that all about?” I ask. “Please, nothing stupid!”

“How many times, Alex, I will not be involved in anything,
and neither will you.”

I listen to him, taking in every word.

I look at him, seriously. “You said
what about this Benito chap?”

“Benito will not be involved in anything either, you have to
believe me. How can I make you understand? Nothing will happen that involves
Benito, me or you. Are you clear?”

“So something
happen, then?”

“Alex,” he raises his voice, “what has Lewis done to you?
Your back, your ribs, your face only last week? That’s wrong, totally wrong!
Was it not wrong when Lewis landed that iron on your back? Are you trying to
tell me that it was okay to do that and not face any consequences? That bastard
is more than just a wife beater, he’s an unstable one! Do you know what would
have happened to him if he’d have done what he did to you in my dad’s home
town? Do you? I’m going to get the car back from Roberto’s. You’ll be okay here
for an hour, don’t answer the door to anyone. I’ll pick up my master key I’ll
let myself in when I come back.”

I can’t argue with him, I’m out of steam. I feel mentally
and physically drained, and it’s Lewis’s fault. The very moment I think I’m
starting to move forward, up he pops again. Maybe I should just let Benito and
whoever else is involved get on with it.

I curl up on the bed again and must fall back to sleep.

Chapter 14

I wake early. The alarm clock is
showing 6 a.m., the sun’s shining through the crack in the drapes on this fine
morning. The Bossman must have crept back in earlier, I didn’t hear him. James
is supposed to be on duty today and I feel the need to stay around the hotel,
just for security’s sake after Lewis’s latest stunt last night, but I’m also
determined that I’m not going to become a prisoner in my own home or here, life
must and will go on. Although I’m tempted to send Katie back home, remove her
from the situation.

I whisper to James. “Wake up, it’s six – you need to relieve

He stirs and tightens his grip around my waist. He’s still
fully dressed and I’m still in my hotel robe; we’re both on top of the bed,
although being early August, it’s not cold.

“James, James – wake up.” He opens his eyes. “Hello
Bossman.” He smiles up at me. “Good morning, sleepy head.” I kiss him gently on
the forehead. He moves quickly and soon I’m lying under him. He kisses me hard,
his hand has found its way inside the robe and he’s rolling and pulling my

“You need to get up, James, you need to take over from
Robbie,” I say between kisses.

“Oh, I need to get up all right!” he whispers against my

I feel his erection press against my lower stomach. I put my
arms around his broad shoulders and pull him close, raking my nails across his

“I like that,” he says. “Hard and fast?” He growls the

“Umm,” I mumble.

And he does, it’s so hard and fast, he pounds against me
until we both find our release. He holds me tightly, squeezing me. “You’re
staying close today,” he says.

“Yes. I’m also going to speak with Rachel, Katie’s mum. I
think that Katie should leave early,” I muse.

“Don’t, don’t ruin it for the girls. They go back the day
after tomorrow anyway.” He puts their case forward. “Do you think Anna will be
any safer if Katie isn’t here?”

“No, I don’t suppose so.” He’s right, what difference will
it make if Katie is here or not? “I just didn’t want Katie to know what a
dysfunctional family we are!” I mumble.

He looks down at me. “You’re not. He
. And you’ve
always maintained that Lewis would never, ever hurt Anna.”

“No, he wouldn’t, I’m sure of it – not physically anyway –
but he damn well upset her last night,” I seethe. I am so angry with his latest
stunt, especially as Anna was directly involved.

“We’re sorting that. Listen, I need to get gone.” He removes
himself from my side and walks through to the bathroom. I hear the shower turn
on and drag myself out of bed. Looking out of the window, I can see it’s going
to be a beautifully sunny day and yet Lewis is looming in the background,
ruining things constantly.

I mentally run through what I need to do. Ring the agency
and arrange a driver, or some interviews at least, and for someone to look
after the house, to look after us. Call Rachel, Katie’s mum, ask her how she
feels about Katie coming home early. I really don’t want Anna going back up to
Staffordshire on her own; we’ll either have to take her to get her results on
Wednesday or she goes with Katie. I need to call the solicitor, discuss a
restraining order and let the police know about the text that Lewis sent to
Anna’s phone last night.

“What are you thinking?” James walks up behind me as I stand
at the window.

“Just what I need to do today.” The list within my head.

“And what’s that?” he asks.

I take a deep breath and reel off my list. “Organise a
driver, a housekeeper, speak with the solicitor, Katie’s mum, and tell the
police about his latest text and, I nearly forgot, arrange delivery of the new

“Don’t tell the police about the text, Alex. There’s no need
and they can’t do anything about it. This is about you and Lewis, not Anna,” he
says firmly.

“No James, they need to know. I’m sorry I’m going to call it
in.” I look at him, a frank expression I’m sure on my face.

He just shrugs, “Whatever you feel you need to do.”

I watch him dress. “Yesterday’s clothes?”

“Yep, nothing here. It’ll have to do, unless you want to go
with Roger and bring me some back from home?” he suggests.

“Home?” I smile. “It’s home now, is it?” I’m glad he’s
referring to my house as “home”.

“Yes, home, Alex.” He holds me and plants a chaste kiss on
my lips. It’s warm and shower fresh. He dresses quickly and starts to walk
towards the door. I grab hold of his arm not wanting him to leave.

“I’ll go and get you something. I’m going to freshen up,
check on the girls and then I’ll be down for coffee.”

He kisses me again. “Lock the door after me.” And he’s gone.

I turn the key and set about showering and getting myself
ready. Once I’m finished I blast dry my hair and check my face in the mirror.
The bruise is nearly gone, very faint. I check the clock. It’s too early to
call Katie’s mother, so I dress in yesterday’s clothes and leave the room,
knocking on Anna and Katie’s door as I go. Katie answers in her PJs. “Hi, Al!”

“Are you okay?” I ask as I walk into their room.

“Fine. Anna’s in the bathroom, she was so upset last night.
I had no idea that Lewis could be like that!” Katie looks so sad as she turns
to me.

“There’s a lot you don’t know, Katie, a lot that Anna didn’t
know until recently, but let’s just say that we’ve moved forward, or we’re
trying to. Are you nervous about getting your results?” I ask, changing the

“I am, but my predictions are good so I should be okay.” She
fiddles with her hair.

“You want to study medicine, don’t you?” I question.

“Umm, I think so, my dad wants me to. A gruelling few years
ahead of me, assuming I get the right grades.” She smiles.

“I’m sure you will, you’re both bright girls, although I
think Anna’s had second thoughts about the course she wants to do – I know
she’s made some phone calls.”

“Does it worry you, that’s she’s changing her mind?” she
asks me.

“No, not really – she can do what she wants. All I care
about is that she’s happy in whatever she does, that’s the most important
thing,” I say and I mean it, happiness has to come before

“She’s so lucky, having a mum like you, Al,” she mutters.

I sit in the easy chair waiting for my daughter. Katie is
tidying her side of the room. You’d think they’d been in here for weeks looking
at the mess, not a few nights.

“What are you doing for the rest of the holiday?” I ask.

She carries on clearing her things away. “Nothing. Mum and
Dad are going off to Spain, I don’t want to go with them, so I’m at home with
my brother.”

I know that Katie’s brother is older than her. “Young Greg’s
in his twenties, isn’t he?”

“He’s twenty-five, there’s seven years between us,” she says
as she starts to pick up one or two discarded items of clothing.

“If you and Anna want to go to Tuscany or California, there
are two holiday homes sitting empty,” I suggest.

Katie looks at me open mouthed. “Really? She never told me

“I expect she forgot. There’s a place in Tuscany, a villa I
think. I know it’s cleaned and maintained because I’ve seen the bills, but you
might need a car there. I didn’t know that Maggie had it until… well, until all
of this. From what I know of Tuscany I think parts are quite rural. Then
there’s a house in California, I think the solicitor said the Mission Bay area.
I mean, if you and Anna want to go, you’re more than welcome. I won’t be going,
not just yet anyway. Have a think. I want to speak to your mum today, do you
want me to mention it?” I tell her what I’m planning to do.

“Why not? See what she says, Mum and Dad would have to pay
for my flight anyway. What did you want to speak to my mum about?” Katie looks

“Just to let her know what’s been happening, because you’re
here and last night you were in the middle of it. I don’t want her to think
I’ve dragged you down to London and plonked you in the middle of a family war
or something,” I say, because I really am embarrassed at Lewis’s behaviour.

“I’m sure she’ll be cool,” she says as she continues to tidy
her things away.

“Maybe, but I’d want to know if Anna found herself in… in a
situation,” I tell Katie, because I would.

I stand and start to collect Anna’s clothes together,
folding them neatly as the bathroom door opens. A wet-haired Anna appears with
a towel wrapped around her. “All yours,” she says to Katie, who gathers some
essentials and disappears.

Anna walks to where I am folding her clothes. “Can I have a
hug, Mum?” She holds her arms outstretched.

I hug her tightly. “Are you okay?” I ask quietly.

“Fine, it was just such a shock. I’ll never, ever speak to
him again,” she says firmly.

“Well, that’s up to you, I don’t want to come between you
and your dad. The only advice I’ll give you is to be careful. Please, whatever
you do around your dad, be careful!” I look seriously at my darling daughter.
If Lewis ever hurt her I’d kill him myself.

“I will Mum, promise.” 

I give her a squeeze. “Are you going to tidy your room or
shall I carry on?” I ask as I fold yet another t-shirt.

“I’ll do it. Can we go home today? Katie hasn’t seen our new

“If you want. I’ll be going back myself at some point, I
need clothes. We’ll all go back together,” I suggest.

“Is James working today?” she asks.

“Yes, he has to. Robbie’s been on all weekend. Why do you

“I just wondered, no reason.” She looks worried.

“What’s up, Anna, why are you asking about James?” I raise
an eyebrow.

“Nothing,” she grumps.

,” I say in my best Mum voice.

“I… I just feel safer when he’s here. You know, nothing
happens when he’s here with us.” Last night clearly upset Anna, more than she’s
letting on, but she’s right, nothing ever happens when he’s around. Lewis
always seems to throw spokes in the wheel whenever we’re on our own, he has to
be watching us.

“Anna.” I put my hand on her shoulder. “It’s going to be
fine.” I try and reassure her.

“Listen, I’m going to have breakfast with James, in his
office. Why don’t you both get yourself some food, have room service if you
want? As soon as it’s nine I want to ring the employment agency, my solicitor
and Katie’s mum, and I need to arrange delivery of the new car. Then we can get
someone to give us a lift home – OK?” I tell her my plans for the day.

“Katie’s mum, what are you ringing her for?” She scowls at

“Because it’s only right that she knows there’s been a bit
of bother, and because I suggested to Katie that you and her might like to
spend some of your holiday in Tuscany or California. I’m not using those places
and have no plans to go there, not yet anyway, you may as well use them, if you
want to?”

“Wow – I never thought of that, it would be great.” Her
smile brightens the room, it’s a smile I haven’t seen for such a long, long

“It would, but I need to run it by Katie’s mum,” I tell her.

“Okay,” she says brightly.

I leave her room and head off to James’s office. His head’s
down amongst a stack of papers when I arrive. “Busy?” I ask, as he appears to
be drowning in paper.

“There’s loads. Things that Robbie couldn’t do over the
weekend. I’m going to be stuck in here most of the day.” He doesn’t look up.

“Okay, I need to make some phone calls and then I’m taking
Anna and Katie back home. They want to stay there tonight and possibly
tomorrow, all depends on what Katie’s mum thinks about me sending her home
early.” I tell him what I’ve discussed with the girls.

I sit in his comfy chair. I’ve arranged for some pastries to
be brought up to his office and we sit with our tea and breakfast, not talking
but still enjoying each other’s company.

Nine o’clock soon comes around and by twelve I’ve spoken
with the employment agency and arranged some driver and housekeeper interviews.
I’ve arranged delivery of the new Mercedes for later today – it can stay at the
hotel until we’ve a driver – I’ve spoken with Shauna, my solicitor, about Lewis
and I’ve also spoken with Katie’s mum, who is happy for Anna and Katie to go
back as planned. Anna can stay with her, just until they get their results. She
also thinks it will be an excellent idea for the girls to have a couple of
weeks away, destination of their choice. She even asked if maybe her and her
husband, Greg Senior, could possible rent the villa in Tuscany from me later in
the year. A very productive few hours.

Then I’ve spoken with Anna and Katie and explained that they
are going back to Katie’s a day early and that they can choose Tuscany or
California and that I’ll pay for the flights. They’ll need to sort the bookings
themselves, but they need to get results and university places confirmed before
they do anything else.

Yes, I feel like I’ve accomplished so much this morning.
Everything I wanted done has been done, and all the while I’ve been talking to
this person and that company James has had his head down over his paperwork.
We’re becoming closer, I can feel it. We’re just so comfortable together.

I sit, just watching him work. He looks up. “Problem?” He

“No, just watching you, I like watching you. Anyway, I’m
going now, back home. Do you want me to bring you any fresh clothes?” I ask.

He raises his arm and sniffs his armpit.

“Charming,” I say.

“No, I’ll be fine, it’s not like I’m leaving the office
today anyway.”

“Are you sure?” I ask.

“Yes. Look – I’m going to be here until late, probably about
ten this evening. Are you going to come back or shall I just come home?” He
looks up again, stacking some papers as he does.

“I’ll stay at home, okay?” I say.

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