Freight Trained (9 page)

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Authors: Sarah Curtis

Tags: #cowboy, #possessive alpha male, #virgin, #shy heroine, #rodeo champion, #schooteacher, #rancher

BOOK: Freight Trained
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That thought scared her enough to bring lucidness back to her heedless mind.  Placing her hands on Cole's chest, she pushed with all her strength in an effort to free herself.

* * * * *

Fuck.  Fuck.  Fuck.  His mind yelled as he lost himself in the taste of Abby.  He knew she would be different, knew if he ever touched her, he wouldn't want to let her go.  He'd tried to save her from that fate.  Tried to save her from
, but when he'd seen her last night with that asshole's hand on her, something in him snapped.  She was his, and he was staking his claim.  He might not be good enough for her but sure as fuck, that limp-dick motherfucker at the bar wasn't either.  

He buried his fingers in the silky strands of her hair

hair so fucking long and soft, he'd thought he died and gone to heaven when he discovered it last night

and mindlessly tugged, gaining him unrestricted access to more of the taste he craved.  She tasted of hope and dreams.  She tasted of redemption and forgiveness.  She tasted like his salvation.  But he didn't deserve to be saved and one day, she would discover that, and then he would destroy her, too. 

He felt the moment her compliance switched to resistance, even before he felt her hands push against his chest.  It was a futile effort on her part, but he wasn't ready for her to feel trapped
, so he slowly backed away, giving her some space.

She stared up at him, blinking a few times, confusion clearly written in the little lines that adorned her forehead.  "What was that?"  Even in puzzlement, her voice was sexy as fuck.

"I believe you called it being neighborly."  One corner of his lip twitched into a smirk as he caught the quick flash of anger in her eyes.  He did so love to rile her.  His little mouse had claws, and he couldn't wait to feel them scrape along the skin of his back.

"I meant, why."

He raised his hand and traced a path down her cheek with his thumb.  Her skin was so soft, everything about her was a distraction.  "Because I want you."

"Really? You could've fooled me."  She issued a mocking chuckle.  She watched him for a few beats before hugging herself and lowering her head to look at her feet, slowly shaking her head in clear disbelief.

Planting his thumb under her chin, he raised her head to look at him.  "Don't mistake me pushing you away as me not wanting you."

Her look of confusion was back.  "Then why?"

The skin under her chin was even softer than her cheek, and he couldn't stop his thumb from brushing back and forth against it.  "I'm not a good man."  He chuckled.  "Hell, I'm not even a decent man, but for you, for once in my life, I tried to do the right thing.  One look at you, and I knew you were goodness and light and one touch from me would bring you darkness and pain, so I tried to walk away, leave you clean and untouched."  He chuckled again, and it sounded sinister even to his own ears.  "But I'm a selfish bastard and even if I thought I couldn't have you, I didn't want anyone else to have you either.  When I saw you in the bar, with another man's hands on you," he pinched her chin, focusing her gaze directly on him.  "Let's just say, I didn't like that very much, and it won't be happening again."  His lips twisted, and he was sure the smile he gave her was a bit sinister.  "I don't like to share what's mine."

Her eyes grew wide before she whispered, "But I'm not yours."

His jaw tightened as a sense of determination filled him.  "You are now."





Chapter Eight

Abby wasn't sure how it happened but a few minutes later, she found herself sitting at Cole's breakfast bar, a full plate of food in front of her.  Cole stood directly across from her already digging into his equally piled plate. 

He looked up, fork halfway to his mouth, noticing her lack of participation.  "Darlin', you need to eat.  It'll make you feel better."

Her head
pounding, but the queasiness in her stomach made food sound like a really bad idea.  Plus the fact, still confused from the kiss he'd given her not five minutes ago, she was too distracted to eat.  She wasn't usually so slow on the uptake, but Cole had her tied up in knots, and she couldn't think clearly where he was concerned.  "Not to sound like a broken record, but what the heck is going on?"

Their eyes crossed paths as he looked up from his plate, and she looked down at it.  She was shocked to find half his mountain of food already gone.  Either she'd sat in a daze longer than she thought, or he was a really fast eater.  "We're eating breakfast."

Abby rolled her eyes, wondering whether he was intentionally trying to be obtuse and figured, he was too smart not to be.  But she wasn't backing down.  He wanted to play word games?  Fine.  She would be more direct.  Make him answer her questions.  "I meant between you and me.  The kiss.  You claiming I'm yours."

He set his fork down on his plate, braced his hands on the counter for support, and leaned in close.  She noticed he did this a lot, got in her space, and she wasn't sure if she liked it or not.  Her family had never been the touchy-feely sort.  Waking in Cole's arms that morning was the closest she'd come to a hug in so long, she couldn't even remember.  Close human contact had not been part of her make-up.

"I thought it was pretty self-explanatory, but if you need more explicit details, I'd be happy to share them with you."  She was weary of his sudden wicked smirk and evil twinkle in his eye.

She cleared her throat, but it didn't help.  Her voice still came out raspy.  "I'm not sure I like you."  And that was the God's truth.  Her body might be in love, but her brain was flashing big, red warning lights almost impossible to ignore. 

The smile he gave her lit his eyes, making him appear almost boyish, and she realized it was the first time she'd seen such a carefree smile from him.  "That's because you're smart."  He lost his smile as he leaned into her again, only this time, supporting himself on one hand so the other could come up and caress her cheek.  "I'm not a real likable guy, I get that, and it's okay if you don't like me because your body tells a different story and like I said, I'm a greedy bastard, so that's enough for me. 

"Now, me, on the other hand, I like you.  I think you're sweet, funny, and your voice makes my dick get hard every time I hear it.  You're quiet and shy but under the surface, you've got a quick temper that I love to poke a stick at because that's a whole nother turn-on in itself.  And darlin', your ass, whether in tight ass jeans, those little skimpy jean shorts you like to wear, or those sexy, fuck-me skirts, looking at it is my new favorite pastime.  But even your ass, as gorgeous as it is, has got nothing on your face."  His thumb skimmed across her cheekbone.  A light, barely there touch, like a lover's caress.  "Flawless, unsurpassed beauty.  I've never seen its equal.

"Now, let me clear up any confusion.  Last night, you became mine.  I claimed you in front of your girls.  That kiss," he said, with a nod to the living room, "sealed the deal.  So to answer your question, there is no you and me, we are now an us."    

By the time Cole finished his speech

and it was a speech, it was the most she'd heard Cole say at one time

she was left
less, staring at him, her mouth hanging open, eyes so wide she could feel them bugging from her head.  Her brain did a flashback processing everything from the moment she'd met him until now.  Who was this guy?  Gruff, bossy, blunt to a fault, one moment.  Protective, caring, charmer the next.  His possessively dominating Neanderthal act from last night clashed drastically with his tenderly sweet words from but a moment ago and was enough to give any girl whiplash, especially a girl as relationship challenged as she.

His hand skimmed her jaw, his fingers stopping under her chin, applying light pressure to close it.  "Eat."  He picked up his fork and dug back into his plate.

Not knowing what to say, her head pounding too much to think about and process everything that just happened, she picked up her fork and ate.


Abby sat on her couch, feet up on the coffee table, head tipped back, trying to get rid of the last of her headache.  After she'd eaten enough to make Cole happy, she'd insisted he take her home.  He hadn't been happy, even tried to coerce her with another bone-melting kiss (that nearly worked), but short of tying her to his bed

which, Abby had a feeling he wouldn't be opposed to doing

he couldn't force her to stay.  After explaining she needed some time alone to process everything, he'd grudgingly complied.

Now, hours later with a shower, nap, and light dinner of soup under her belt, she felt almost normal.  Her body, at any rate, her emotions were a different story.  She still had trouble wrapping her brain around the fact that Cole wanted her.  And although she was hesitant to make assumptions

because that had worked so well for her with their first two encounters

it did sound like he wanted her for more than a one-shot deal.  After all, he was the one who'd called them an "us." 

She pondered how she felt about that.  She'd been willing to try a short fling

walking in with her eyes wide open, knowing not to get attached

never having felt sexual desire before and wanting to explore it.  But how did she feel about starting a relationship?  Did she want to risk emotions getting involved?  What would happen if the lust she was feeling turned into love and he didn't reciprocate those feelings?  She'd be left heartbroken when he finished with her.  Was the saying about love and loss true?  Because from where she sat, the whole idea seemed scary. 

Being twenty-two, she should know the answers to these questions.  The average person would've had a few relationships under their belt and maybe even a few one-night stands by now.  But that was her problem, she wasn't normal.  She was socially stunted.  And the only way to fix that problem was to go out and live a little.  So that's what she needed to do.  She would not only step out of her box but throw the box away.  This move was supposed to be a fresh start at a new life.  And what better way of starting her new life than an adventure with Cole Garrison.  However long or short the adventure may last, she would live the experience to its fullest.

Mind made up, she thought it best to set her plan in motion quickly.  She knew if she slept on her new resolution, she would probably lose her nerve by morning.  She needed to talk to Cole.

A knock at her front door startled her out of her musings.  She frowned, it was rather late for a Sunday-night visitor.  She wasn't sure of the exact time, but it was dark so knew it had to be past eight.  The knock came again, this time, louder.  Standing from the couch, she looked down at herself.  She wasn't dressed for company.  After taking a shower, she'd put Cole's T-shirt back on

the silly part of her brain liked the idea of wearing his shirt.  It wasn't overly revealing, covering more skin than the average sundress but the reality was, it was still just a T-shirt. 

Pushing aside the curtain, she looked out the side window surprised to see a sheriff stood on her front porch.  The overhead light, reflecting off his badge, capturing her attention.  A tingle of apprehension shivered down her spine as she hastily unlocked the dead bolt, and multiple worst case scenarios filtered through her head as she swung the door open.

"Ma'am."  His voice was a deep rumble, his movements shadowy through the thick mesh of the locked privacy screen door.  He tipped his hat before standing fully erect, hooking his thumbs into his waistband.

"Is something wrong, Sheriff?"  She stood at a slant, shielding her lower half with the front door.

"It's deputy, ma'am, Deputy Williams and no, nothing's wrong.  Just doing a drive-by of the area, saw your light on, thought I'd introduce myself.  I'm sure you'll be seeing me around, didn't want to be a stranger."

Abby breathed out in relief, her heart rate slowing when she realized he wasn't there for some life or death situation.  She needed to start thinking in "small town" mentality.  Of course, people would stop by, introduce themselves, even the local law enforcement.  That was why she'd moved to Jasper Falls, to experience "small town" living and break herself out of her cocoon of shyness.  "Oh... Well, it's nice to meet you, Deputy Williams.  I'm sorry, I would invite you in, but I'm really not dressed for company."

"I understand, ma'am.  It's late, and this was an unexpected visit."  He slipped a business sized card in the crack of the screen door and jamb.  "Here's the number to the station.  Be sure to call if you need anything."

"Thank you, I'll be sure to do that."

"You have a good night, ma'am."  He tipped his hat once more before turning and walking down the porch steps.

"Good night, Deputy."  She pulled the little white card out of the screen, and tossed it on the side table by the front door without looking at it. 

Did she think it strange that as she left the house ten minutes later

decked out in a pair of comfy blue jeans and baggy sweatshirt, ready for her talk with Cole

she saw the deputy's car still sitting in front of her house? Yes, yes she did.  Was it stranger that as soon as she descended her porch steps the cruiser made a U-turn and took off down the road out of sight?  Yes, again.  She supposed there could have been a logical explanation.  He was on a phone call.  He was catching up on some paperwork.  But still, she made a mental note to check the locks on all windows and doors before going to bed that night to be on the safe side. 

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