French Kiss (Decadence Nights Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: French Kiss (Decadence Nights Book 2)
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“I won’t make it, sir,” she wailed as the vibe in her ass moved in counter-sync with the one in her pussy. “I’m almost there now.”

“That would be disappointing and would earn you some lashes on your pretty breasts.” She sucked in a breath as the thought of that sent her higher; he had keyed in on day one how much she enjoyed breast play. “That’s in addition to the lashing you’re going to take on your lush derriere with both the Johnny and the martinet. That is a given. I’m curious to find out how they compare.”

She started panting, trying to stave off the climax that was looming, but she knew it was hopeless when she heard another click and the dratted triple threat really kicked in. She’d thought he’d maxed it out before, but he had been holding speeds in reserve. This did her in and she screamed, convulsing violently as she came hard and long. And it didn’t abate, not when she thought it would because her sadistic dom didn’t turn any of them off, instead he held all three in place and started building another orgasm.

Mari closed her eyes and tried to think of other things, like those heart wrenching Sarah McLachlan neglected animal commercials, cleaning out her refrigerator, which was long past due, and the dental appointment which she had scheduled next week. But none of them distracted her from the endless vibrations and gyrations going on between her legs.

She felt the bed shift and opened her eyes just as Arturo straddled her thighs. With his knees, he nudged her legs closed, which wedged the vibe into place and allowed him the use of his hands. He picked up the red lash and dragged the length of it through one hand before snapping it at her breasts with the other. A lick of fire spread across the underside of her left breast as just the tips of the falls caught her. He then snapped it again at the same place, and again, the last one coming over top and across her nipple. The heat and bite of pain combined and sent a quake through her body from breast to clit and she came again.

Arturo grinned. “Too easy. We’re going to have to build up your endurance.” Taking aim at her other breast, he concentrated three straight licks right across the crest of her breast and spurred yet another climax.

“Please,” she cried out. “No more.”

“Not up to you,
. You know the words that will make the pleasure stop, but I don’t think you really want that, now, do you?”

She sobbed as the vibes continued to buzz away at her over sensitized tissues, hovering on a plateau between the last orgasm and the next. He relented somewhat, though, and lightly flicked his martinet downward, over her belly in a gradually downward line, then to her hips, lashing both sides lightly, with a mild, sting. Then he did the expected and snapped the flails right across her mound, once, twice, three times in a row, his body weight and wrist restraints the only thing keeping her from flying right off the bed in a fourth stunning climax.

He set the evil lash aside and then with long open hand strokes ran his hands up and down her torso, massaging every line left by the biting falls, over her hips, belly and up to her breasts. When he reached them, he leaned over and took each tip in his mouth sucking and laving the tips as he massaged away the ache left behind.

And still the vibe carried on, but she was beginning to feel numb and didn’t think there was any way possible she could come again. Arturo moved up and over her, until his face aligned with hers. He placed a tender kiss on her open mouth, delving inside with his tongue, heedless of her breathless state.

“You come beautifully, but I think you need a little break, hmm?”

“Yes, please, sir,” she agreed.

He moved down her body, his hands dragging across her flesh in reverse, then blessedly, the vibrations stopped and he eased the vibe from her swollen flesh. She sighed heavily in relief. His fingers soothed over her mound and across her wet lips as he murmured something softly in French. The sound of his voice and the tender caress lulled her, easing her down from the constant state of sexual excitement, for how long, she had no idea. She had allowed her body to relax when abruptly, she was flipped on her belly and a pillow stuffed under her hips.

“It’s my turn. You rest and don’t mind me while I play.” He said this with an evil chuckle as his big hands began to deeply massage the globes of her ass. As he squeezed and rubbed, he pulled her cheeks apart and surprised a yelp out of her as he slid his tongue up through her slit. “Mmm, your juices are so sweet. I could feast on you for sustenance, I believe.”

As he spoke, his breath tickled her back hole, making it clench and quiver. With one open hand, he swatted her rear smartly. Her quickly inhaled breath turned into a groan as he began massaging where his palm had landed. This became a pattern of slaps and squeezes, swats and moans, and at one point, his fingers, two of them at least by the feel of it, sank into her tender pussy and began a slow in and out thrusting. She was on the verge of what she thought physically impossible, when he moved back. There was a soft crinkling noise, and she relaxed, thinking he was covering himself and ready to fuck her, but fire exploded across both of her cheeks instead. After a moment, it came again, and by the third stroke she was crying out.

His body weight came to lie over her and his voice, husky and deep, intoned in her ear, “Hush,
, not so loud. Use the pillow to muffle your cries or I’ll need to get the gag.”

“The pillow, sir. I hate a gag.”

“So noted, but if you can’t control you impassioned cries, I’ll have no choice,

“I’ll be good. I swear.”

“That’s my girl. You’re ready to continue with our little experiment, then?”

“Yes, sir, but whatever that was burns like fire.”

“That’s the loopy Johnny. You’ve got three more, then six with the martinet. Take the pain for me and after, I’ll fuck you hard and make you come again.”

“Yes, please, sir.”

His tongue licked up her neck to her ear and he caught the lobe between his teeth, something she noticed he seemed to enjoy a lot.

“I’m hard and aching for you now, so only those few strokes in the name of research,
?” He eased away. “Here we go, use the pillow.”

And she did, moaning into it and muffling her cries as fire rained down on her already burning behind three more times. After a brief pause and a soothing rub, another half dozen licks followed. They stung, quite a bit, but were more tolerable than the dreaded loops, but like that wicked tool, barely made a swishing sound upon her skin.

When he set it aside, he pulled her up on her knees. The only forewarning of the promised fucking was the head of his cock gliding along her wet flesh, then he pressed into her. Slowly, he sank into the hilt, Mari so wet she took his considerable length easily.

“So hot and tight,
, you feel like heaven.”

He proceeded to fuck her, slow and steady at first, but hard. Each stroke stretched her, going infinitely deep, while his balls slapped her clit, and on each inward thrust, the skin of his hips and thighs smacked her fiery behind. She was vibrating everywhere, accompanied by a blistering heat and stinging pain, but she loved it, feeling utterly alive.

Arturo took her relentlessly, driving into her, moving faster and faster until he was slamming into her with such force that he drove her up the bed. She had to brace her bound hands on the headboard. It thumped loudly against the wall, the irony that this noise in a hotel room was not questioned, but the sound of floggers and paddles or open hands on skin, with associated screams of pleasure would be.

His hands came up to her wrists and with a quick tug, he untied her, pulling her body upright on her knees until her back was to his front. His arm snaked around her, stabilizing her at an angle across her belly as one hand cupped the opposite breast.

“Grab the headboard with both hands and hang on. I’m not holding back anymore.”

Dear lord! She didn’t think that he had been.

But he proved her mistaken as he pistoned into her even harder than before, making her grunt each time he plunged deep, imprinting himself on her tender insides. Her head fell back on his shoulder and she turned her face into his neck. A few more strokes and she was flying once more, six times in total, which was a lifetime best, if she were the kind to keep score of such things. As she began to cry out with her release, one of his hands sank into her hair and turned her head, guiding her mouth up to meet his. He muffled her blissful moans with his kiss, his answering growl of completion swallowed up by her own, as they both came together in spectacular fashion.


* * *


She lay soft and warm against his side, her breathing easy for the first time in the past hour as she snuggled in deeper, her cheek resting against his chest. Beautiful, responsive, able to take what he could dish out and enjoy it, yet adorably uncertain of herself, in need of someone to lead her, protect her, but not smother her as her asshole husband evidently had. He could see a future with this woman, one mutually rewarding, if they could get through this mess.

Stirring beside him, Mari tipping her head to blink drowsily up at him, sweet, soft, and cuddly like a kitten waking from a nap.
, the diminutive suited her to a tee.

“I need to open the shop in the morning.”

His arm tightened around her, not ready to give her up yet, but it was past midnight, plenty of time for Jonas and his crew to have finished. The thought brought reality crashing back and reminded him of something else. He rolled to his side, coming up on an elbow. “I’ve been invited by one of the masters from the club to Galveston this weekend. His wife Lexie has a place on the beach. I’d like for you to join me.”

“For a play weekend?”

“Not specifically, but if that’s what you’d like to do, I’m sure that can be arranged.”

“Oh, I didn’t mean… I was merely asking, uh—” She stopped when she saw the amused quirk of his lips. She pushed at his shoulder for teasing, but he didn’t budge, laughing at her peeved look instead. As his arms came around her, he rolled onto his back, bringing her over him, her hair falling forward to frame her face.

“It’s Jonas and Lexie Mitchell, Mari. They don’t seem like the hardcore play party type although if we ask, Jonas might show us some shibari ties. He’s a master and teaches classes at his mixed martial arts studio in San Antonio.”

“I’ve seen them do a demonstration at the club. It’s quite beautiful.” She bit her lower lip, a habit when she turned reflective he’d noticed, yet another thing about her which he found endearing. “I haven’t been to the beach in ages, which is really a shame, living so close. But my manager is still out of town.” Her brow furrowed. He could tell she wanted to say yes, so he left her alone to work it all out. “I could ask Katy, I suppose.” She glanced up at him, eyes bright. “It sounds wonderful, Arturo, and I want to, but give me some time to work out coverage?”

One of his hands slipped to the back of her head and pulled her face down to his. “Work a miracle, Mari,” he said, his lips brushing hers. “I have a desperate need to see you in a bikini.”

“You’ve seen me in much less,” she replied with a small laugh, her twinkling eyes gazing down at him.

“Yes, but not slick with tanning oil and wet from a swim.”

“I’m a redhead, sir. I wear SPF 50 not oil and a big floppy hat or I burn.”

“Then I will look forward to slathering sunblock all over your body, liberally, thoroughly, and often.” He punctuated each of his last few words with a kiss on her parted lips. Then he rolled them again, this time to the edge of the bed where he reluctantly set her on her feet. With a pat on her rosy behind, he sent her off to the living room to get her things while he pulled on a pair of jeans and slipped a tee shirt over his head. Her phone rang in the other room. Gathering his keys and wallet, he ran his fingers through his hair and tied it back. As he walked into the other room in search of his shoes, her voice was a low feminine murmur.

“I’m glad she’s doing better, Adri.” She paused, her eyes meeting his as he passed, a smile lighting her face. “Yes, the shop has been busy and I’ll be glad for a break. I’ve been invited to the beach this weekend.”

He grinned, understanding her eager expression as he sat on the couch and pulled on his sneakers.

“What? No, I haven’t seen anyone asking for you and no calls.” She halted for a brief moment, then replied, her voice full of concern. “If you’re short on money, honey, I can give you an advance.” Listening, she bent and picked up her dress and panties, leaning against the wall to slip her feet in one at a time.

While she was occupied, he pulled his own phone out and sent a quick text.


Arturo: Are you getting this?

Jonas: Tracking it now.

Arturo: Full report on caller first thing in the morning.

Jonas: Will do.


“Okay, honey,” Mari said, clearly wrapping it up. “I’ll see you tomorrow at noon.” She then swiped the screen and looked up.


“No. The opposite. My manager is coming back to work tomorrow so I’ll be able to go to the beach with you this weekend.”

“A bright blue, would be my preference.”

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