French Kiss (Decadence Nights Book 2) (18 page)

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“Someone else at BSE is involved.”

“Perhaps,” he murmured, still staring intently at her face. Beneath her anger, he read desperation and fear. There were circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. “She’s scared shitless and is going to screw up.”

“I think she already has,” Jonas offered. “And the noose is getting tighter.”

“I need to get into that safe.”

“Agreed,” Jonas said with a nod. “Do you have those skills or do you need one of our men?”

Arturo arched an offended brow his way. “I am quite capable on my own.”

Jonas inclined his head, conceding the point.

“Tonight, after we’re settled at the beach, I’ll come back.”

“You’re still planning on coming? I thought in light of the new intel—”

“No, Mari’s safer out of town and having her away from Adriana suits me fine. I’ll make up some excuse about an urgent business matter.”

“This is looking good to clear her name, friend.”

“Yeah, but it’s another blow to her circle of trust. I’m not sure how much more her armor can take.”

“The beach is a perfect place to get in with her deeper.”

“It smacks of manipulation.”

“All’s fair in love and war, she’ll come around. You’re doing this to save her ass.”

“I hope she realizes that when it’s over,” he murmured as he rose to leave, wishing he could be as optimistic as Jonas.


* * *


“Who is he?”

Mari met Jordy’s eyes. “He’s a very charming man that I met.”

“Where? He’s French. In what circles do you meet French dudes?”

“It was a social event. I’ve been trying to get out more and meet new people. He was right when he said I’ve been lonely. With you two at school, it’s been worse.”

“What do you know about him, Mom?” Beth asked. “He looks, I don’t know, kind of dangerous.”

Her brows gathered, they’d been so busy fucking, she’d never asked about his job, his family, his plans for his life. Dang, that made her feel as slutty as the looks on her children’s faces clearly proclaimed when they caught her making out with a stranger in the kitchen. And wasn’t that what he was, really, a stranger?

No. They had a connection, she was sure of it. The details were simply that, details.

“He’s not dangerous, honey. He’s here in Houston on business and we hit it off.”

“Is it serious?” Jordy asked, his tone more respectful, but his expression full of suspicion.

“It’s still new,” she answered evasively. “We’re seeing where it leads.”

“But if he’s French, and it gets serious…” Beth alluded. “Are you going to be moving to France?”

“Honey, it’s way too early to even consider anything like that.”

“So it’s about sex?” Her daughter’s voice cracked as she asked that personal question.

“That’s not really your business.”

“That’s a yes,” Jordy answered. “But that’s okay. He was right when he said you’re still young. You are, and you’re beautiful. Just do like you’re always telling us, go slow and be careful.”

She smiled. “I never thought I’d be hearing this same old lecture from the receiving end.”

“Rather awkward, isn’t it?” Beth giggled, her cheeks crimson.

“Yeah. So let’s change the subject. What are you two doing here?”

Jordy looked away and Beth’s face crumpled.

“You came for money, didn’t you?”

“Oh, Mom. I’m sorry. I got so caught up in me, and school, that I forgot to worry about you.” Her daughter threw herself into her arms, sobbing.

“It’s okay, baby, but I have felt distanced from you. Can we work on that?”

“Absolutely. I can come home at least once a month, I promise.”

“Me too,” Jordy said, approaching much slower. “And I’m sorry, too. I’m supposed to be the man of the family and I let you down.”

Mari opened her arms to include her son. He moved in and they all held each other in a great big group hug.

“I can come up some, too, and we can meet in the middle. The shop will be back to normal with Adri back.”

She then urged them to a seat at the breakfast bar and as they caught up on each other’s lives, she made their favorite—French toast with almond extract, stuffed with cream cheese and raspberry preserves. As she whipped the eggs and milk together, she smiled to herself at the irony of the menu. Arturo would approve.


Chapter Fifteen


Standing on the warm sand as streaks of red and pink painted the sky, with the smell of salt air surrounding her, and the gulf breeze gently blowing through her hair was a wonderful way to wind down any day, but having Arturo’s strong arms wrapped around her, his broad chest supporting her back and his lips brushing occasionally against her temple, made it perfect.

“Come eat, you two,” Lexie called.

They turned to see her on the second level deck waving them over as Jonas manned a smoking grill behind her.

“I like them,” she said as she waved back, Arturo’s arm slipping around her shoulders as he guided her up the sandy path to the steps.

“I do too. And this house is amazing,” he added, as they climbed steadily, side by side up to where their hosts were laying out dinner. “It’s a far cry from damp, dreary London, this time of year.”

“Now that’s somewhere I’d like to go. I’ve never been out of Texas.”

“Never? Then I shall be happy to expand your horizons someday soon. We’ll plan a London excursion after the rainy season, which means we have a narrow two-week window of opportunity in May.”

She laughed. “You’re exaggerating, surely. Besides, you’ve experienced summer in Houston. Nothing is worse than the humidity and heat. And you were lucky to miss out on any tropical storms and hurricanes this year, which is rare.”

“I like what I’ve seen here so far,
ma colombe

Her eyes met his swiftly. Seeing he was not talking about the weather, she blushed, glancing down at her feet as they tackled the second flight of steps.

“Are you thinking of staying longer, if your business pans out?”

“My options are definitely open, particularly if things keep going as well with the pretty submissive who has caught my eye.”

“Oh, what will she say that you’ve taken off on a romantic seaside weekend with me?”

He stopped and trapped her against the rail, his hips pressing into hers until she felt the hard evidence of his interest. “I’m glad you could get away, Mari.” The teasing clearly having come to an end. “Let’s say we leave talk of work and future plans for a later date and enjoy the company, the atmosphere, and best of all, quiet, uninterrupted time with each other.”

“Okay,” she replied, barely managing to get the word out before his mouth claimed hers hungrily.

“Hey,” Jonas’ amused voice called down to them, “I’d say get a room, but you’d miss the phenomenal job I did with these steaks and sea scallops. Lexie will tell you I’m a master at the grill too, but my fragile ego needs stroking.”

Lexie giggled, leaning over the rail beside her grinning husband as they looked down at them. “It’s true, he does require extensive stroking.”

Jonas and Arturo looked at each other and burst into laughter.

“Wait, that isn’t what I meant to say!” Lexie protested, her face turning red.

“Surf and turf, now, sunshine,” he said to his blushing bride, “extensive stroking later.”


“I knew what you meant, Lex,” Mari said, coming to the aid of her new friend, as they made it up to their level.

“See. You’ve got your mind in the gutter,” Lexie complained as she elbowed a still laughing Jonas playfully in the ribs. “Behave. I want them to like us.”

“No worries there, honey,” Mari assured her as Arturo pulled out her chair and held it, while she took her seat.

Jonas turned the conversation as he gave his wife an affectionate squeeze. “Beer, red wine—sorry, sport, it’s not French—or, Lexie made fresh lemonade.”

Drinks were passed around and they enjoyed a leisurely laugh filled dinner together. Afterward, Mari helped Lexie clear and get the dessert. After pulling a huge bowl of sliced strawberries out of the fridge and a can of whipped cream, she passed them to Mari while she grabbed a plate of pre-sliced pound cake, dessert plates, napkins and silverware.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Anything,” Mari replied, balancing the bowl of berries in one hand as she tucked the cold can under her arm.

“Why have you never stayed after at the club? I think you’d fit in great with the other girls. You always seem—”

“In a hurry?”

“No… lonely.”

Caught off guard by her perceptiveness, Mari stared back at her.

Lexie instantly apologized. “I shouldn’t have asked, truly. But I’ve been like you, sort of. My parents died when I was young and I kind of bounced around from place to place, then before Jonas, I had a failed marriage. It’s not the same as your loss, but I grieved, and the loneliness took its toll. And I know how hard it is getting back to living again.”

“How did you do it?”

“I fell in love with Jonas, but first my friends dragged me to the club. That’s where we met. It helped that I knew some of the girls already, but it took courage to take that first step and even more to say yes when he asked me out day one. If I hadn’t taken the chance, I think I’d still be stuck.”

“That’s where I’ve been, stuck in limbo. Now I think I’m ready to take that chance with Arturo, but…”


“I’m afraid. My heart was shattered when Derek died. He was my world. As were my kids, now they’re gone too.”

“But you’re young, honey, there are a lot of lonely years ahead if you don’t give life a try again.”

“I’m beginning to see that. And Arturo, well he makes me feel alive again. I didn’t think it was possible.”

“Are you in love with him?”

“It’s soon, and I’m trying to go slow—although I’m not sure Arturo has that speed—but I think I’m half way there, Lex. Truly.”

She hugged her. “I’m so happy for you. And does this mean you’ll hang around every once in a while after? Arturo likes to dance, as you know, I saw you two putting on a show the other night. And if you like music, Elena and her band are awesome. Plus, you need your girls, honey, other submissives. These men we’ve latched onto are bigger than life, you need sisters to help keep you from getting squished. We’ll help you navigate around the pitfalls. Believe me, we all need the support.”

“I’m beginning to realize that. Derek and I were loners, he didn’t share or want anyone to know about our lifestyle, but watching you at the club, the support you give each other, I think we really missed out.”

“You were isolated. That can be scary when you’re starting out.”

“I wasn’t scared so much as, I don’t know, embarrassed. Derek was too, and he worried that if others found out... Well, it would have been nice to know there were others out there besides us that were into kink.”

“A community is essential I think. It becomes rather like family. You look out for one another. It’s like that at Club Decadence, but when you add the Rossi bunch on top of that, well, someone is always in your corner—which isn’t always a good thing, honey. These doms stick together and tell each other everything.”

“But Arturo doesn’t work for Rossi, does he?”

Her eyes got wide. “Uh, well, I guess you’re right. He’s in the business though, so you know.”

She frowned. “No, I don’t know. What do you mean the busine—”

“Hey, sunshine! My sweet tooth is killing me! Are you coming or are you two subs gonna hide all night in the kitchen gabbing?”

“Coming,” she called, leading Mari out on the deck.

Mari swore she saw relief on Lexie’s pretty face. There was something she knew, but wasn’t telling her.

Once outside, Arturo took the bowl and cream from her, then rubbed the cold spot the can left on her arm. The next second, he settled back in his chair and pulled her into his lap, curling his arms around her hips.

“Time for a little payback. This time you feed me dessert,

She accepted the heaping dish from Lexie and snuggled against his chest, alternating bites on the same spoon between them. Her conversation with Lexie, lingered in her thoughts, until Arturo’s wandering hands and sweet tasting lips, pushed it to the back of her mind.


* * *


It was approaching midnight when they entered the third floor guestroom that offered a sweeping view of the gulf during the day and a moonlit seascape at night. Arturo closed the door behind them and gathered her close as she stifled a sleepy yawn.


“Sun and sea air always do it to me, I’m not sure why.”

His phone buzzed in his pocket. It was a prearranged text from Jonas, his cue to do what he needed to do. He excused himself. “Why don’t you get ready for bed while I return this call? I’ll try to make it brief.”

She nodded with a drowsy smile, gathered the things she needed from her suitcase, and walked into the en suite bathroom. While she was occupied, he stepped out on the balcony as if to make his call. He felt like a shit for deceiving her. A throat clearing made him look up, Jonas was standing on the balcony at the other end of the house. He didn’t say anything, simply looked at him, giving his silent support. Arturo repeated in his head; priority one, clearing her name.

After lifting his chin in acknowledgement, he turned back inside. Mari was just climbing into bed.

“I hate to do this to you,
but I must leave for a while to take care of something urgent.”

“Business?” she asked, blinking up at him like a drowsy kitten.

“Yes, it shouldn’t take too long.”

“Exactly what do you do, Arturo? You never said.”

“Security and investigations, mostly.” Which was true, but evasive.

“Like Jonas does for Rossi?”

“Very similar.” He didn’t elaborate further, instead leaning down for a kiss, deliberately taking it deep until the haziness that showed he’d muddled her senses, clouded her eyes. He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. “I’ll be back as fast as I can,
. Don’t wait up.”


* * *


As searches went, it was very low key. With no danger of being found out, he also had it easy because he had a key to the house, Mari having given him one earlier that week. And he didn’t have to search for the safe, going directly to where he knew it was located in the master suite.

Once inside, he took in the soft feminine space, with a white and teal patterned comforter on what he knew was a soft bed. And the bounty of pillows that he teased her about the two nights he spent with her here.

“They’re pretty!” she’d protested when he’d said two, four at the most would be sufficient.

“Pretty time consuming taking them off every night, only to have to pile them back on the next morning.”

“You’re such a man.”

“You’ve noticed,” he quipped.

She glared at him. “They’re functional too.”

He’d cocked his head and grinned at her across the wide king size bed. “How so?”

“Well…” she drawled, biting her lower lip. He waited the count of three seconds while she tried to come up with something before making his way around to her side of the bed.

“Come up with anything yet?” he asked, moving in close and gazing down at her.

“Uh, they’re pretty,” she repeated, scowling at him when he chuckled. “Which is good enough for me.”

He reached over and picked up two rectangular ones, the first was covered from seam to seam in puffed out ruffles, the other was plush with a satiny covering. He piled them on the edge of the bed in front of her. “I’ve discovered a function. Bend over.”

She gaped up at him. “Why?”

“You’ve got a bad habit of glaring, scowling, and arguing with me. I thought I could kill two birds with one stone. Define a function for your copious amount of pillows, and paddle your naughty bottom until it’s red and hot, at the same time.”

On an indrawn breath, her mouth opened, and her tongue came out to lick lips that had gone suddenly dry. Her lovely eyes held the glimmer of excitement that he saw more and more often of late.

“Uh, I don’t have a paddle, sir.”

“No? If anyone ever needed one it is you,
. But I shall improvise. Bend over the pillows and wait for me, while I see what I can find.”

Once she was settled atop the pillows, the hem of her sheer nightie pulled up to her waist, leaving her lovely bottom bare and on display, he began his search. “I suppose I could use my hand, but for you and me, that’s child’s play. On the other hand, you have been arguing like a belligerent teen.”

“I haven’t!”


“Oooo,” she huffed in frustration.

“Tsk tsk, now, you’re only making it worse.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her prop up on her elbows and watch as he explored her room. At her dresser, he stopped and picked up her hairbrush, it was round without a back. He frowned at her in disappointment as he held it up.

“Really, Mari?”

She peered back at him, innocently.

When he turned back, he thought he heard a snicker. Grinning, he continued his perusal. He found a long, flat wooden stick with a curve on the end. This time when he turned, he raised a brow in question.

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