Fresh (12 page)

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Authors: Mark McNay

BOOK: Fresh
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At that point she got up and grabbed me and cried her wee eyes out. It was the drink that done it. She begged me to forgive her.

Ah telt her there was nothin to forgive. Ah love Maggie. She’s the centre of my universe. If anythin happened to her, Ah’d curl up and die. Thing is, Ah wanted to believe it was all Archie but my head started tellin me that he wouldnay have went round there if he didnay think he had a chance.

Ah didnay see him for a long while after that. The wean asked about him. Where was he? Ah got fed up hearin his name and one night Ah gave her a slap on the leg coz she wouldnay shut the fuck up about him. She just looked at me and ran up the stairs. Maggie gave me a look as well and ran up after her.

Ah thought Archie was avoidin me coz he never came round at all hours for a sandwich and a kip on the couch. It turned out he’d fucked off to England with Sammy and a coupla guys they knew from the Phoenix Tongs. One of Sammy’s cousins telt me they were goin to make their fortunes out of hoors and crack. They didnay though.

Within six months one of the Tongs was dead and the rest of them were in the jail. Archie got a five stretch. It wasnay long before Ah got a letter from Lewes tellin
me how much of a good brother Ah was and would Ah send him a tenner. And a pouch of tobacco. And a coupla magazines. Ah was that taken aback with the cheek of it, Ah sent them.


Sean’s head was flicked forward when the bus halted. He looked up and saw they were back in Glasgow. The bus pulled away from the stop and he turned back to the window and watched the red tenements slip past as they got closer to Royston. The bus stopped and started as it got caught in the city traffic. Albert and Rab gabbed away about Friday night in the Fiveways.

Ah’m goin to do ye at pool the night.

Aye in yer dreams wee man.

Sean turned to Rab.

Ah thought ye were seein this lassie the night?

Ah am.

What, and yer takin her down the Fiveways?

Rab looked at his dad and then back to Sean.

What’s the matter with that?

Sean looked at Albert.

And they say romance is dead?

Rab looked confused.

What would you know anyway?

Ah’d know better than to take a wee bird to the Fiveways.

How, where would ye take her?

Ye could take her up the Scala. Get her onto the
back row. Throw some popcorn and ice cream into her. Before ye knew it, she’d be all over ye.

Albert nodded.

That’s what Ah’ve been tryin to tell him.

Shut up Da.

Sean laughed again.

Don’t tell yer da to shut up. He’s giein ye good advice for fuck sake. Yer goin to be walkin home alone ye know. Ye might as well prepare yerself. Rab’s jaw stiffened.

Ah’m takin her to the Fiveways.

She’ll no like it Rab.

But she wants to go.

Sean looked at Albert.

What sort of lassie wants to go to the Fiveways?

Albert looked out of the window. Sean pointed at him.

See son? Even yer da thinks she’s a dog.

Rab looked at his dad and pointed his thumb at Sean.

Tell him Da.

Leave the boy alone Sean.

Sean rubbed his hands together.

So yer takin yer new honey to the Fiveways? This Ah’ve got to see. Ah’ll definitely get a tenner the night. Albert leaned forward.

Are ye sure Maggie’ll let ye?

Rab laughed.

Aye Sean.

Sean turned to Rab.

Fuckin right she will. All Ah need to do is gie her the look. Her wee legs go to jelly and Ah can do anythin Ah want.

Rab laughed.

Listen to ye. Ah’ve no heard ye talk like that in front of her.

Sean winked at Rab.

Don’t worry wee man. Ah’ll be down there tonight inspectin yer new bird.

Rab scowled.

Ye better no fuck it up for me.

Fuck sake Rab. What d’ye take me for? Ah just want to see the wee lassie that’s goin to take yer virginity.

Albert tried to be serious through his laughter.

Leave the boy alone Sean.

Rab looked really serious.

Ah’m no a virgin.

Aye ye are.



Albert raised his voice.


The bus trundled down the Royston Road and stopped opposite the park. Sean watched an old man’s dog take a shite next to the entrance. He nudged Rab and pointed out the window.

Ye should tell yer girlfriend it’s illegal to do that in public.

Rab tried not to laugh but he couldn’t help it.

Ha fuckin ha.

The bus pulled away from the stop. An old drunk staggered up the pavement in front of them. He had wet patches on the crotch of his trousers. He looked as if
he might fall in front of the bus. Rab nudged Sean and pointed at the tramp.

Ye should tell yer da to watch in case he gets ran down.

Sean looked at Rab.

That’s no funny ya wee bastard.

Albert looked at Rab.

C’mon sir. There’s a line now. Don’t cross it. Rab tutted and stared out of the front window. He leaned forward and Albert caught Sean’s eye over Rab’s back.

So where are ye meetin Archie?

Fuck knows. He’ll probably turn up at the house at some point.

Rab leaned back.

What, is Archie about the night?

Sean nodded. Rab laughed.

Just what ye need. That mad bastard throwin a spanner in the works.

Sean looked at Rab.

Just watch the road.

Albert nodded at Rab.

He doesnay know any better.

Aye Ah know.

The traffic thinned out and the bus picked up speed. The Cadge Road stop appeared in the distance and quickly got closer. They gathered their stuff and made their way down the stairs. On the way down, Sean tapped Rab on the shoulder.

So where’s she from, this what’s her name?

She’s from Sighthill.

Has she got tattoos?

Rab punched Sean on the sore thigh. Sean yelped and laughed.

Alright wee man, Ah’m only messin with ye.

They got off the bus and walked towards Cadge Road. Albert rolled a fag and put it in his mouth. He looked over his shoulder as him and Rab turned for the path.

So we’ll see ye in the pub the night?

What time are yeez goin?

About eight.

Alright. Ah’ll come down when Ah’ve sorted things out with Archie.

Sean felt his guts heave as he looked up at the house and walked along the garden path. He could imagine her stood behind the curtains with her arms folded across her chest. He got to the front door and pulled his key from his pocket. He pushed into the lobby and smelled the fags as he walked into the house. He went through to the kitchen and she was sitting at the kitchen table. The kettle was just reaching the boil. He nodded.

Check that for timin.

He went through to the back lobby and hung up his jacket. He kicked his wellies off into the corner and put on his slippers. He went back into the kitchen and sat at the table. Maggie hadn’t made any tea. She was sitting at the table.

Are ye goin to tell me what’s goin on?

Ah suppose Ah better.

He got his pouch out and put it on the table.

D’ye want a fag?

She put her elbow on the table and rested her chin on her hand.

Never mind the fags.

Sean pulled tobacco out and made a slow fag. She tutted.

For fuck sake Sean.

Archie left me a load of money to watch when he was in the jail.

She sat upright.

And ye’ve spent it?

Aye but Ah’ve got it back.

That’s alright then.

He picked at a stain on the table.

Ah’m sorry doll.

So how much did ye spend?

Seven hunner.

What on?

He rubbed his face with his hands.

Ah paid for Donna’s school trip, did Ah no?

But ye said ye won that money in the bookie’s.

Well Ah never. Ah took it out of Archie’s stash.

But that trip was only two hunner.

He looked at her.

And Ah spent a bit on Christmas for yeez.

So it’s our fault?

Ah never said that.

She looked at the ceiling.

Ye might as well have.

Well Ah never.

She folded her arms across her chest.

And ye never spent five hunner on our Christmas presents.

And the dinner and all the trimmins.

She looked at him with her head tilted to one side.

Still doesnay make five hunner Sean.

Well Ah spent a wee bit at the bookie’s.

Ah might’ve known.

He tried to look really sorry.

Ah’m sorry doll.

She put one hand on her hip.

What am Ah goin to do with ye?

But Ah’ve got the money back.

Where is it?

He pulled the two hundred out and put it on the table. She picked it up and flicked through it.

There’s no seven hunner here.

Sammy’s got the rest of it, so there’s no need to panic.

She tapped the wedge.

So where did ye get it from?

He told her.

Ye went to Albert? How am Ah goin to be able to look at him and Jessie?

She rested her head in her hand.

What about payin it back?

He told her.

Twenty-five pound a week? How are we goin to manage that?

Ah’ll do some more overtime.

She stood up and went to the kettle.

Jesus Sean it’s goin to be tight.

Tell me about it. Ah’m the one that’ll be doin the extra work.

Ye should’ve thought of that before ye spent the money.

Sean put his fag in the ashtray as he stood up. He moved over to her.

Never mind a tea for me, Ah’m goin for a bath. He tried to give her a cuddle but she pushed him away.

Yuck. Yer no touchin me with them scabby overalls on.

His arms dropped and he stood there like an awkward teenager. Maggie pointed to the washer.

Ye might as well get them off and Ah’ll put them through the machine.

He stood by the sink and pulled his overalls and clothes off. Right down to his underpants. She tutted.

Put yer pants in as well.

He looked at her as he dropped his pants.

Any excuse to get me in the scud eh?

Aye alright handsome, just get them off.

She put his clothes in the machine.

Go and get bathed and changed

He climbed the stairs to the bathroom and turned on the taps. He sat on the side of the bath. The water came quick and steam soon filled the room. He put his arms in to swirl it around and the heat was strong. He climbed in. The heat tortured him as he eased deeper into the water. Then his bum touched the bottom of the bath and it was time for the best bit. Lean back and feel the hot water seep into his spine.

After a hard day ruling the masses, the Emperor relaxed and tried to ease out his aches and pains in a hot bath. His favourite concubine joined him. She appeared with a tray covered in chilled grapes. This
didn’t happen very often because back in them times they had no fridges and grapes tended to go off in the hot weather.

His concubine could make the finest cigars in the whole Empire. After he’d eaten the grapes, she brought out some tobacco leaves. She rolled a fat cigar on her thighs as she told him tales from the Kasbah and gossip from the harem. Then the Emperor leaned back and she lit his cigar. It was the greatest pleasure to relax in his extravagant bath with a hand-made cigar hanging from his lips.

He called downstairs.



Could ye bring us up my tobacco and a can of beer? She came up the stairs and into the bathroom. She handed him the beer and he popped it and took a swig.

Ah lovely.

She went to hand him his tobacco. He smiled.

Ye couldnay roll us one?

She made him a fag and lit it and passed it to him. He took a puff and rested back in the bath, fag in one hand beer in the other.

Cheers doll.

Is there anythin else or can Ah go now?

He winked at her.

Ah’m no finished with ye yet.

Yer all talk.

Do my back.

She dipped her hands in the water between his legs. He leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

Yer lovely ye are.

She grabbed the soap out of the tray and worked up a lather. Then she grabbed his shoulder.

Right come on.

He leaned over and she rubbed the lather into his back. He groaned.

Yer no a bad wee bath servant.

Ye think yer somethin special, so ye do.

Sean stretched his neck and groaned.

Ah do when Ah’m with you.

She tutted.


He leaned back and smiled.

Do my chest.

She rinsed her hands in the sink.

Aye alright Sean.

She flicked cold water in his face and walked out of the bathroom.

Call yerself a wife? Get back here before Ah rise to ye.

He heard her laugh as she went down the stairs. He took a long draw on his fag and blew a smoke ring into the cloud of scented steam.

This is the life.

He sighed and took the last drag on his roll-up. He reached behind and flicked it into the toilet. It hissed as it hit the water. A last swallow and the beer was finished. He put the empty can by the side of the bath and searched for the soap. He found it and put it on the tray. Then he leaned back and relaxed. The world was not such a bad place. Everything was going to be alright.

But he couldn’t relax for long. Thoughts of Archie irritated his brain as pinpricks of sweat burst through his forehead.


Me and Maggie were cuddled up in front of
Top of the
. We’d just got Donna down and we were shattered. This was Maggie’s favourite part of the day. When she could lie on the couch with me and we could have a bit of peace. Just the two of us. We were on the verge of a ride when somebody tried the front door. It was locked so they banged it. No just a light chap. A proper bang. Ah knew it was Archie. He opened the letterbox and called in. C’mon to fuck Sean. Pull yer breeks up and let me in.

He said he needed my help. Ah telt him Ah was busy but he said it was fuckin urgent. Maggie tutted but Ah knew Ah had to help my brother, so we left the house and got in the car. Maggie was at the window and she gave me some look. Archie wheel-spinned up the street and said Ah shouldnay worry about her. They’re all the same. Treat them right and they come the cunt. They need to know who’s boss. Tonight’ll be a valuable lesson in the fact she’s no the centre of the fuckin universe.

He asked if Ah knew what went on with Lizzie and a guy from Balornock while he was in the jail. Ah said Ah didnay know. Ah’d heard rumours but Ah was fucked if Ah was tellin Archie. Ah’ve saw him kill too many messengers to fall for that one. He looked me in the
eye and asked if Ah was sure. Ah said Ah wasnay. He gave me a funny look but by this time we were pullin up in front of Lizzie’s flat and he was distracted.

Lizzie looked rough as fuck. She had two black eyes and there was blood clotted round her nostrils. She looked at everything in the room but Archie. Ah could hear his breathin as Ah sat next to him on the couch. He made a roll-up and asked her for a light. Her hand shook that much he had to grab and hold it steady enough for his fag to catch the flame. He lifted his hand and she jumped, and he laughed and brushed his hair back. He looked at me and said that’s the place to keep them.

Right, bell the cunt said Archie and she got on the phone. She telt the guy from Balornock to come round. She said of course it’s alright, Archie was away in Edinburgh sortin somethin out. He was goin to be away for the night. Archie turned to me and snorted and straightened his neck. He flicked ash on the carpet and looked at her like she was goin to say somethin about it.

Archie pulled a broken bit of mirror from under the couch and asked me if Ah wanted a wee line of sulphate to get me in the mood for the evenin’s entertainment. Ah thought Ah’d better, so we had one each, then he had another one. He asked Lizzie if she wanted one. She said aye, then he laughed and telt her she could fuck off. She looked at the carpet and said nothin.

Between rubbin his nose and swallowin snot, he telt me what was goin on. He’d heard about a guy sniffin round Lizzie while he was in the jail. After a bit of
questionin, she had seen the error of her ways and telt him everythin. He’d gied her a bit of a slap for punishment and that, but had decided to forgive her. If it happened again but. She sniffed and said she promised it wouldnay. Fuckin better no he said.

Then he turned to me and telt me my job for the night. If the guy ran to the polis after his batterin, Ah was on hand as the only witness to the fact the cunt had attacked Archie and got hit back. The only defence was self-defence, know what Ah mean wee man? Ah nodded. Archie couldnay afford another conviction for serious assault. They’d gie him fuckin life this time. Simple.

Ah nodded to Lizzie. What about her? Archie looked at her and growled. She cannay be trusted at the minute. The best thing is for her to get away down her ma’s. He gave her a tenner and telt her to get. She put her coat on and was on her way out the door when he called out. Make sure ye don’t phone the cunt. She promised she’d go straight round her ma’s.

Me and Archie sat on the couch and he asked how things were with Maggie. Ah telt him we were gettin on fine. Are ye sure? he asked. Coz ye cannay trust none of them. Wan thing the jail had taught him. When yer out of sight, birds fuck off to the next cunt throwin bread on the grass. They’re fuckin hoors, the lot of them.

Ten minutes later the door went. Archie telt me to get it and he went into the kitchen. The guy was shocked when Ah opened the door but Ah telt him to come in. Lizzie was upstairs and he was to wait in the livin room.
He looked unsure but the thought of his hole got the better of him and he came in. Ah shut the door behind him and watched him sit on the couch.

What are ye doin here ye cunt? said Archie as he walked out of the kitchen. He had a baseball bat twitchin in his hand. The guy went to get up but Archie pushed him back onto the couch with the tip of the bat. The poor cunt looked at the door and Archie said yer goin nowhere ya cunt. He dragged a chair close to the couch and sat on it. He stared at the guy. Have ye got anythin to tell me? The guy shook his head. Sure? The guy nodded. Archie tapped his foot with the bat. C’mon son Ah’m sure ye’ve got somethin to tell me. The guy looked at me. Ah looked away. Ah felt a bit sorry for him but he’d made his bed so.

Archie banged him on the shin with the bat. Who came on to who? The guy said it was nobody’s fault. They’d got drunk and it just seemed to happen. Archie cracked him on the knee with the bat and he went down on the carpet, rollin around holdin his leg. Just like that happened ya cunt shouted Archie, crackin legs and arms. He gave me the bat and nodded at the wounded lover. Ah gave the poor cunt a coupla halfhearted belts on the back. Archie kicked him in the guts and the head. Then he started laughin and pointin. The bitch has pissed herself he said and the guy started cryin. Listen to her, she’s fuckin greetin like a wee lassie. Archie gave him another kick and started to unbutton his jeans.

Right cunt, if yer goin to act like a lassie Ah’m goin to treat ye like one. He telt me to pull the guy’s jeans
down. Ah grabbed the waistband and tugged them. The guy whimpered and tried to hold them up. Archie said for fuck sake and bent down and gave him a coupla punches. Then he grabbed the jeans and yanked them and yanked them till the bare arse was showin. The guy was shakin his head, cryin, goin no no no. He covered his ears with his elbows and bubbles of snot came out of his nose. Archie telt him to shut the fuck up ya dirty wee bitch.

Ah couldnay watch any more so Ah went into the kitchen. Ah heard him gruntin and callin the guy a tight wee cunt. It didnay take long and he started laughin, sayin the bitch is into it. Sean the bitch is into it. Ah came into the livin room and he was pointin at the guy’s half a stauner. He called him a fuckin homo. Go on get yer fuckin kit on ye dirty fuckin hoor. He kicked him on the arse, and blood and spunk ran down his arse cheek and onto his thighs.

Archie said he was goin for a wash and Ah was to get that cunt to fuck before he stains the carpet. Ah said right son ye better get yerself the gether. The guy just laid there with his arms over his face. Ah reached down and grabbed his shoulder but he shrugged me off. After a bit, he stopped cryin and his hand reached down and pulled the back of his jeans up. He still had his face in the carpet and didnay get up till his arse was covered.

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