Fresh (13 page)

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Authors: Mark McNay

BOOK: Fresh
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Ah helped him stand up. We were walkin towards the livin room door when Archie came back down the stairs. He had fresh clothes on. He looked and said ye make me sick ya fuckin dirty – and spat on him. Archie looked
at me and said Ah thought Ah telt ye to get that cunt to fuck?

Ah helped the guy to the door and opened it for him. He limped down the path, still snivellin. When Ah went back into the livin room, Archie was sortin out another line of speed. We couldnay look at each other. Ah’m no a poof he kept sayin. It’s just cunts like that do somethin to me.

Archie offered me a line of speed but Ah knew if Ah got too close to him Ah’d gag so Ah said no and sat on the chair. He had a coupla lines before he looked at me and when he did he wasnay my big brother any more. He looked right through me. He telt me what to say and what no to say. And there’s certain things ye’ll no tell any cunt, do ye know what Ah’m sayin Sean? Ah couldnay speak so Ah just nodded.

He gave me a tenner for my help and gave me a lift home. When Ah got out the motor, my hands were shakin like Lizzie’s.


Sean reached for the shampoo and put a dollop in his hand. He rubbed it into his head and neck and ears. He tried not to get it on his face but it got there anyway. Right into his eyes so he had to keep them closed. He was starting to put the water on his head to rinse it off when he heard banging on the front door. He tried to reach for the towel to clear his eyes but it was nowhere to be found. He splashed water on his face and tried
to open his eyes but the soap stung so much he had to close them again. He heard the front door slam and shouting in the lobby. He heard someone banging up the stairs and into the bathroom.

So that’s where yer hidin ya wee cunt. He tried to get the soap out of his eyes and spluttered a reply. Cold hands grabbed the back of his neck and pushed his head towards the bath water. He resisted but the hands wriggled deep into his hair and gripped hard. He tried to grab them but his head went quicker into the water. He put his own hands down to the bottom of the bath and tried to push his head back into the air but the force was too great and his face stayed in the water. He started to struggle and felt the tension tear something in the small of his back. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t fucking breathe.

As quick as they grabbed his neck, the hands let him go and he managed to sit up. He sucked air into his chest and rubbed the lather from his face. Through his blinking eyes he could see a blurred image of Archie leaning on the wash basin.

Alright wee man?

Sean didn’t know what to say. Maggie came into the bathroom.

What’s goin on?

Archie lifted his hand and pointed to the door.

Get to fuck down the stairs. This is between me and him.

Sean wiped the last of the suds out of his face and turned to Maggie.

Get the money.

She turned and left the bathroom. Sean looked at Archie.

Alright brother?

Archie just stared at him. Sean put his hands on the side of the bath and braced himself to get out.

Stay where the fuck ye are.

Sean slumped back into the bath. Archie pulled a packet of fags out of his pocket and lit one. Sean looked at the dots tattooed on Archie’s knuckles and the cigarette resting in nicotine-stained fingers. The hand moved to the face but Sean couldn’t follow it. He looked down at the brand new trainers kicking against the skirting board. Archie picked up odd bits of bathroom stuff from the shelves and wash basin and put them back. He had a look in the cabinet then shut the door. Maggie came back with the money. She handed it to Archie. He took it and leaned back as he counted it. Sean looked at Maggie.

Go back downstairs love.

Maggie tightened her lips.

Suit yerself.

She left the bathroom.

Archie tapped the worktop with the cash and stared at Sean. Then he sprung across the bathroom and grabbed Sean by the hair on the back of his head. He shook him to the rhythm of the question he asked through his teeth.

Where’s the fuckin rest?

Sammy’s got it.

Archie nodded. He kept hold of Sean’s hair with his left hand and took a few puffs on his fag. When its head
was big and glowing, he held it in front of their faces and blew on it.

Oh aye?

Sean tried not to look at the fag-end but his eyes kept coming back to it.

He took it off me at work the day.

Archie took another couple of puffs on the fag. Sean felt the grip on his hair tighten. He found it hard to speak.

Yer no tryin it on with me are ye?

No, am Ah fuck. Ah swear on it.

Archie’s eyebrows went up and he looked deep into Sean’s eyes.

Ye fuckin sure?

Sean tried to nod but the grip on his hair was too tight. He squeaked out a reply then coughed. His head was pulled back till he could feel the pressure in his neck.

This isnay addin up wee man.

Sean smelled the fag before he felt the heat of it under his chin. He tried to wriggle away from it but Archie’s grip was tight as fuck.

Ah swear on it.

Archie let his hair go with a flick. He stood up and looked out the window. Sean stretched his neck and rubbed it with his hand. He noticed a cigarette burn in the leg of Archie’s tracksuit. Archie turned.

Ye better be tellin me the truth here.

He looked at the scar on Archie’s face.

Ah swear on wee Donna’s life.

Archie crouched down next to the bath.

Look me in the eye.

He flinched a wee bit but he did as he was asked. Archie grabbed him by the chin and stared right into him. Their auntie Jessie had said those eyes were beautiful. Sean thought they looked dead. He gulped and sweated, but he done it. He looked into the eyes and told him. Archie flicked his fag-end into the bath.

Right, Ah’m off. Don’t get too relaxed wee man, coz if yer tellin me lies they’ll be fuckin consequences. Have ye got that?

Sean nodded but couldn’t look at Archie or say anything. Archie grabbed him by the hair again and twisted his face till they were close enough to kiss. His breath smelled of the jail.

Have ye got that?


Archie let him go and stomped down the stairs. Sean heard the front door slam.

Maggie came into the bathroom. They looked at each other as a car started in the street and screeched away. Sean wiped the soap from his hair and face and reached for a towel. He looked at his wife.

Ah cannay handle this fuckin carry on.

Maggie grabbed the towel and passed it to him.

Well he’s got his money now, so that should be it finished.

Sean stood up and started to dry his body.

Ah fuckin hope so.

Maggie lifted her arms up.


Sean climbed out the bath and they hugged.

Ah’m sorry.

She rubbed his back. She kissed his neck. He felt the heat enter his belly and his cock flicked against her jeans. She pushed him away and looked down. She looked at his face and smiled. The wee flush of red on her cheeks made her delicious. He smiled at her. She looked back at his cock.

Is that all ye think about?

He pulled her close and felt her hands tighten on his back.

Yer nothin but trouble O’Grady.

That’s why ye like me.

He felt the lust course through his veins and he leaned in and smelled the hair next to her ears. He kissed her gently and her tongue snaked out. She bit his lip. She leaned back and he bit her throat.

That’s lovely, she whispered.

His hands unbuttoned her and pulled the zip down. She grabbed his bum and ground her belly into his cock. He put his fingers in her waistband and felt her warm skin as he eased down her jeans. She wriggled her hips to help them down. When the jeans and knickers were halfway down her thighs, he turned her round and bit the back of her neck. She rubbed her bum in his groin and he bent his legs and felt the beautiful heat as he pushed his cock slowly into her fanny. She gasped and leaned forward onto the wash basin. He pushed harder and faster until she cried like she was hurt and he came twitching inside her.

They remained still for a while. Sean’s breathing slowed and he coughed as a piece of catarrh tickled his
throat. The cough bounced his cock out of her. He stood up. Maggie covered her fanny with her hand, and turned round.

Pass me a bit of toilet paper.

Sean passed it. Maggie wiped herself and pulled her jeans and knickers back up. Sean looked at his glistening cock.

Ah need another bath now.

They both laughed but Sean never had another bath. He just gave it a rub with the towel. Maggie watched with a grimace.

Dirty bastard, ye better bring that towel down to be washed. Get dressed and Ah’ll make us some tea.

She left the bathroom and Sean smiled. He walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He grabbed a pair of socks and a pair of boxers from his chest of drawers and sat on the bed, where he pulled them on. He sat there for a bit wondering what tracksuit to put on. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and winked.

After a hard day making love with his numerous concubines, the Emperor often relaxed by sitting on the side of his bed with nothing on but his underwear. He cut a dashing figure that men envied and women found irresistible. He had perfected the sparkly-eyed smile that the camera loved. In fact if he hadn’t been born to be the Emperor, he was sure he could have made a lot of money starring in pornographic films.

Maggie called from downstairs.

Tea’s ready.

The Emperor pulled his tracksuit on and went downstairs. He swaggered into the kitchen and sat at the table.
He lifted the cup of tea nearest his seat. He blew on it and slurped some off the top. He had another slurp and put the cup on the table. Maggie pulled a fag from her packet and offered it to him. He put it in his mouth. She got one herself and lit it. She reached across with the lighter and Sean sucked the flame into his fag. He leaned back into his seat and exhaled the smoke towards the ceiling. He sighed loudly and had another suck on his fag.

Aye yer no a bad wee wife.

Maggie looked at him and her eyes glinted.

Is that right?

Sean felt a bit self-conscious, so he looked at his tea. He took a slurp and had more fag.

So when’s the dinner?

Is that all ye think about? Yer knob and yer belly?

What else is there?

Yous men are like weans.

Aye when we’re no puttin food on the table.

Maggie crushed her fag and smiled.

Ah could’ve done worse Ah suppose.

Fuckin right ye could’ve.

But then again Ah could’ve done a lot better.

Aye in yer dreams.

Maggie run her fingers through her hair.

Ah could’ve got myself a doctor or a dentist, and maybe got a wee bungalow out in Bearsden or somewhere.

A guy like that couldnay keep ye happy.

What are ye talking about?

If you had a guy like that, ye’d end up goin with the milkman or somethin.

What makes ye think Ah havenay already? For all you know, me and the milkman might be settin up a wee love nest up in the Campsie’s.

What, with that ugly bastard?

Beauty’s only skin deep ye know.

Aye and ugliness goes right to the bone.

Maggie laughed.

Yer that shallow, so ye are.

Sean tried to puff on his roll-up but it was out, so he sparked his lighter and lit it.

Ah’m shallow? Listen to ye goin on about guys with money. And anyway, if Ah was ugly ye wouldnay have looked at me.

Aye but Ah was only a young lassie then, Ah didnay know any better.

Yer fuckin unreal. Ye know how to make a man feel good about himself after ye’ve had yer way with him. Maggie laughed.

Sorry, Ah forgot about yer wee male ego.

Have less of the wee.

Maggie looked at her watch.

Right, Ah better get the wean.

Does she no walk home with her pals?

Ah promised Ah’d get her a top for the youth club the night.

Sean pushed his chair back.

Ah’ll walk down with ye.

Maggie looked shocked.

What, to the school?

What’s up with that? She’s my fuckin daughter isn’t she?

They think Ah’m a single mother.

Sean laughed.

Fuck off. Ah was at the last parents’ night.

That was over a year ago.

Sean scratched his head.

Was it? Fuck sake, time flies when yer a good father. Maggie went into the back lobby.

Get yer jacket then if yer comin.

Sean followed her in. He picked his work jacket off a peg. Maggie snorted.

Yer no wearin that thing.

How no?

It stinks.

He hung it back up and grabbed his anorak.

Is that better?

She reached up and adjusted the collar.

Right, c’mon.

The two young lovers laughed and teased each other as they walked down the street. When they got to the end of Cadge Road, the sound of traffic filled their lungs. They turned into Royston Road and a lorry drove past. The exhaust must have been broken because it made the window in the newsagent rattle. Sean walked sideways along the pavement with his hand ahead to make a path through the people. He pulled his wife along behind him. They snaked between a woman pushing a pram and an advert stand for the local paper. The crowd thickened at the bus stop. He tried to find a space but the only way past was close to the kerb, where the draught from passing buses pulled at his hair.

Sean wanted to walk arm in arm with Maggie down the middle of the pavement. With nothing on but shorts and flip-flops and the flash of neon telling them they were in Spain. But he couldn’t. It was winter in Royston and the streets were squeezing them into the gutter.

The crowd thinned as they passed the bus shelter. He could feel Maggie’s grip on his hand as they approached the bookie’s. The door opened and a man stumbled out. He dropped a cigarette end on the pavement and stood on it. He tucked his paper under his arm and looked down the road. His face lit up when he recognised Sean.

Alright wee man? How ye doin?

Sean felt Maggie tug harder on his hand.

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