Freya's Quest (6 page)

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Authors: Julian Lawrence Brooks

BOOK: Freya's Quest
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I was rather anxious.

‘Don’t worry, I’ll look after you.’

Her mischievous smile was enough. I donned the helmet and clambered onto the saddle behind her. The bike was an old Triumph, with discoloured chrome and a skull-and-cross-bones crudely painted on the fuel tank. She kick-started the machine into life. I held on tightly around her slender midriff, buffeted by her flowing hair as we zoomed off. The lawn was wet after the storm, so we churned it up mercilessly in our wake.

‘Careful!’ I screamed, as she rode over several flowerbeds, but she took no notice.

Then she reached the rough track and we sped through the woods, bouncing over tree roots and loose rocks. Somehow I clung on as we gathered speed along an improving surface. She slowed down only when we reached an old arch. This was set into a high stone wall, a well-built castellated structure which appeared to encircle the whole property. We came to a stop in a sideways skid.

She shrieked like a banshee, flicking up my helmet visor. ‘Now, wasn’t that something!’

I mumbled ‘Wow’, trying to get my breath back and feeling giddy.

Seeing my ashen face, she steadied me as I climbed off. She propped the motorbike against the wall and sat down beside me on a tree stump. She put her arm around me.

‘You sure know how to ride.’

‘Yeah, my boyfriend’s a good teacher.’

‘You certainly pissed off Dylan. Well, everyone in fact.’

‘Yeah, as intended.’

‘Thought you’d finish it off by destroying his garden?’

‘Yeah. You don’t seem to approve.’

‘No. And I don’t understand.’ I paused. ‘But the way you handled your mum, well, that was something else!’

‘Yeah, the stuck-up bitch. Don’t know why Dylan keeps himself tied to her. And I pity Rupert.’

‘Me, too.’

‘He’s just a pawn in Mother’s game. Just like Janis. Dylan’s probably
her right now. Or letting Yasuko

I looked puzzled.

‘You’re very naive, aren’t you?’

I shrugged.

‘I was right. You two have fucked?’

‘Made love, yes.’

‘Fucked,’ she insisted. ‘You’ll learn, in time….I had to.’

‘You mean to say he’s been with you?’

She shook her head. ‘You really didn’t know, did you?’

‘No.’ I gazed down at the forest floor and kicked at a pinecone, feeling disconsolate.

‘Don’t worry. Just be careful. Don’t expect anything. He’s the type of man who’s easy to get, but impossible to keep….Enjoy him while it lasts.’

I found her remarks upsetting, but didn’t want to show it.

She lifted the left cuff of her leather jacket to consult a diver’s watch on the underside of her arm. ‘I’ll have to go now, before it gets dark.’

I didn’t answer. There were scars on her wrist.

She noticed what I was looking at and pulled up her sleeves. Both forearms were a mass of razor-blade cuts.

I averted my eyes.

‘I do it when things get too much.’ She took out another cigarette, offering one to me, then lighting up when I refused. She didn’t care to elaborate further. ‘Will you be able to find your way back to the house from here?’

‘Yes. I’m sure I can.’ I handed back her helmet and watched her mount her motorbike.

She was very beautiful, I thought. Easy to see what Dylan saw in her. And she looked and spoke more maturely than her eighteen years, as if she’d been made to grow up too quickly.

I rose up to say my farewells.

She kissed me on each cheek. ‘It’s been great to meet you.’ She took a few lengthy drags on her cigarette, before stubbing it out on the wall. She put on her helmet. ‘Shut the gate after I’ve gone. ’Bye.’

‘Wait. I’m curious. How did you realize Dylan and I are an item?’

‘You wouldn’t still be here it you hadn’t got together. Let’s face it, me and my family have seen it all before….Many times.’ Her grin disappeared behind the closing visor. Then she gunned the engine and the motorbike roared off through the archway.

I was left to muse over her unsettling comments. But I now knew for certain what I had hoped since seducing him: that being Dylan’s girlfriend would provide a perfect cover for my mission.

- V -

I STAGGERED THROUGH the woods as darkness began to envelop the path. I was sure I was going the right way, but there were junctions I hadn’t seen on the way in. The call of an owl sent shivers through me. I leant against the nearest tree, clutching my chest and gathering my breath.

After a while I journeyed on, only to trip over a tree root and fall headlong into the undergrowth. I sat up, rubbing my bare arms where nettle stings tingled. I flicked my long hair over my forehead and out of my eyes and rose to my feet once more.

‘Lost, are we?’

I jumped back in fright, keeling over onto my bottom again.

A torch flicked on, shining up into the face of a man.

It was all right. It was Dylan.

He laughed.

‘That wasn’t funny, you scared me.’

‘I’m sorry. Where’s Emily?’

‘Gone. Out the back gate.’

‘Oh, she has, has she? Wait till I catch up with her! What were the two of you thinking? My garden’s a mess.’


‘Bit late for that. The damage’s been done.’

He gripped my upper arms and pulled me to my feet. We walked back to the house in silence. Guilt overwhelmed me. Maybe this would end his hospitality.

We found Yasuko loading the dishwasher in the kitchen and could hear Janis playing the piano again in the drawing room.

‘Put the kettle on please, Yasuko.’

She did as instructed. After he’d gone, I noticed her heavy sigh and the slumping of her shoulders.

‘Let me help you with those,’ I said, picking up a pile of plates from the counter.

No. My job. I know my place

I reluctantly left her to finish the task, finding Dylan in the lounge. As I entered the room, I heard Rupert snoring loudly, and turned to find him crashed out on the sofa.

‘He’s been drinking himself into oblivion because of what Emily said. Probably best to let him sleep it off down here,’ Dylan said.

‘Where’s Veronica?’

‘Gone to bed. They’re going early tomorrow, so she wanted a good night’s sleep.’

‘Wanted to get away from Emily more likely.’

‘Well….yes. She upset everyone.’

‘Sorry, Dylan, if I had any part to play. But Veronica behaved badly, too.’

‘I know. She can be hard to like sometimes. She’s very needy under the surface.’

‘I’m sorry, Dylan. I don’t like her very much. I don’t know her as well as you, of course, but I’d say she’s highly manipulative.’ I rubbed at the bruise on my arm, the skin broken in two places by Veronica’s fingernails. ‘I’d watch her, if I were you.’

He said nothing.

‘Emily was great, though. I’m glad you invited her. It would’ve been dull without her.’

Dylan didn’t quite know what to say.

I kissed him and put my arm around him. ‘You coming to bed?’

‘Later. I’ve things to do down here first.’

I was beginning to drift off to sleep when I heard a commotion outside. I crept over to the door and opened it a fraction. Through the crack, I could make out Dylan and Janis on the landing. They were speaking in hushed tones.

Then he drew her towards him, but she pushed him away and gave him a slap around his face.

He recoiled, surprised, holding his cheek.

‘How dare you! Don’t try to comfort me now, it’s a little too late for that. Why can’t you defend me against Mother? That’s all I ask.’

She marched off and I heard her bedroom door slam.

Dylan stood there for a while, still clutching his face. Then he went downstairs.

I tiptoed out onto the landing and leant over the banister. Dylan was down in the hallway, guiding Yasuko towards the front door.

I crept back to my room and watched them walk across the courtyard to the inner gatehouse. Soon a light came on and I saw them moving about inside, before Dylan came to open a window and close the curtains.

Intrigued, I went back onto the landing, down the stairs and into the cool night air. I ran across the courtyard and hid underneath the gatehouse arch. I had hoped to overhear conversation, but all I heard were strange noises and what I thought were mumbled wails from Yasuko.

I hurried back inside. I was soon glad I had retreated when I had, as within a few minutes Dylan returned. He slipped into bed and snuggled up beside me.

Yasuko woke me with an early morning pot of tea. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up. Dylan was gone.

‘Thanks, Yasuko.’

She walked awkwardly towards the door.

‘You OK?’

Yes. Just a little cramp. Tired out
, she wrote, and came back to hand the paper to me.

‘You look it.’

Try telling Dylan that!

She left again, before I could answer.

I showered and dressed quickly, and made my way down to breakfast, passing Rupert with his head over the toilet bowl. Dylan and Veronica were already at the table and relations looked strained between them.

‘Morning.’ I sat down and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I studied Veronica carefully, embarrassed, before summoning the courage to convey an apology; not because I meant it, but in the hope she would do the same to clear the air for Dylan’s sake.

‘It’s OK. Dylan tells me I was a bit brash myself.’

Lame excuse. No apology. I suppressed my brewing anger.

Yasuko came in with fresh toast and took orders for bacon and eggs.

‘Yasuko,’ Dylan said. ‘Go and change, please.’

Yasuko looked down at her kimono, then back at Dylan, before scurrying off.

‘What was all that about?’ I said.

Veronica laughed. ‘Don’t worry. It’s all part of the game they play.’

‘What? You can’t treat employees like that!’

Veronica and Dylan looked at each other, then guffawed together, which broke the tension between them.

I slumped back in my seat, confused, which made their mirth greater.

Only Rupert joining the table curtailed their raillery. His hair was unkempt, his eyes glazed.

‘Look at the state of you! No wonder my daughter doesn’t want you.’ Veronica snorted. ‘Well, at least you’ve changed your clothes now, which is more than I can say for some.’ She was looking at me.

I bowed my head. ‘This is all I’ve got, Veronica. But at least I didn’t sleep all night in it.’ I looked at Rupert, then cast a frozen stare back to her.

She fidgeted with her hair, discomfited.

‘Don’t worry,’ Dylan said, sensing my upset. ‘We’ll go out this afternoon and buy you a new wardrobe.’

Veronica’s eyes narrowed, just as Janis entered the room.

I smiled a wan smile. Then I excused myself.

Dylan drove the Bentley out of the stabling block, where it had been garaged. He parked it on the driveway beyond the inner gatehouse, in front of Veronica, Janis and Rupert. Yasuko struggled with their bags, cramming them into the boot.

Dylan climbed out, handing Rupert the keys.

‘Don’t give them to him!’ Veronica cried.

‘Why not?’

‘Because, Rups, you’re still way over the limit. And if you think I’m letting you drive me about in the state you’re in, you’ve got another think coming!’

He took a step back, in defensive pose. She snatched the keys and climbed into the driver’s seat.

Rupert shook Dylan’s hand and kissed Yasuko and me. His stubble grated against my cheek and the smell of stale alcohol on his breath was nauseating.

At least he’d deigned to say his farewells properly. Veronica kissed Dylan, but ignored the rest of us. Janis waved meekly and climbed into the back.

When Rupert hopped in and closed the door, Dylan ran on ahead to help guide Veronica around the car wreck. She revved the engine, controlling the clutch so the rear wheels would spin and send gravel up in our faces, before accelerating off down the drive.

Glad she gone
, Yasuko scrawled.

‘So am I,’ I said, relaxing.

- VI -

LATER DYLAN ESCORTED me to the Land Rover and we drove off down the driveway. My Fiat sat precariously on the edge of the embankment.

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