Friends With Partial Benefits (2 page)

Read Friends With Partial Benefits Online

Authors: Luke Young

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Humor

BOOK: Friends With Partial Benefits
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Jillian listened for a moment. "Victoria?"

"Hello?" Victoria finally replied in a throaty drawl.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Oh, uh... not much. I just have a friend over."

"Sorry, I’ll let you go then."

"No, don’t worry about it. I can talk for a few minutes."

Victoria was sitting on the sofa in her living room, wearing a skintight, cleavage-featuring top. She had just turned thirty-nine but looked much younger, as she was in spectacular shape and dressed like a woman in her late twenties. Her "friend" wasn’t currently visible at her eye level, but he was nearby.

"So, what’s going on?" Victoria asked.

Jillian sighed and began, "I tried to do some writing tonight, but I’m struggling
. I’m just not in a very sexual mood."

"Why don’t you try watching some porn? That always gets me in the mood."

"I don’t have any... porn," Jillian replied, taken aback a little by the suggestion.

Victoria moaned slightly, "Yeah," in a low voice.

Narrowing her eyes, Jillian asked pointedly, "You sure this is a good time?"

"I think the ice melted," Victoria said.

"What?" Jillian asked.

"Sorry, I was talking to my friend."

"Oh. You sure you can talk?"

"I have at least five minutes before I finish."

"Okay…" Jillian said, a little confused.

Victoria slumped down low on the sofa, her miniskirt pulled up to her waist. Her twenty-six-year-old friend Austin’s head was buried between her legs. He was extremely busy.

"You have no porn? Really? Check Rob’s room. I’m sure he has a stash."

"I will not go searching my son’s room for porn," Jillian replied, horrified.

Pulling the phone from her ear, Victoria tapped the young man on the shoulder, gave him a tired look, and said a little curtly, "Ice."

The young man pulled his head up and then smiled at her. "Sorry. I was so totally focused."

Victoria put the phone back to her ear and continued, "Come over here, and you can borrow some of mine."

"No, thanks. I think I’ll just go to sleep."

Austin slipped a piece of ice into his mouth then went back to work between her legs. When his super-cold tongue reached a particularly sensitive area, she dropped the phone and squealed. She closed her eyes and moaned. "Oh, yeah... that feels good."

Jillian widened her eyes. "Victoria? Victoria, are you sure I’m not interrupting anything?"

Victoria put the phone back to her ear. Her lips were slightly parted, and her eyes were almost closed. It was becoming increasingly hard to concentrate. She heard Jillian’s voice.

"Victoria, are you there?"

"Oh, sorry about that."

"Who’s over there? What are you doing?"

"Oh, yeah. Keep doing exactly that," Victoria said with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes and then grinned. "Jillian, have you ever had anyone perform oral sex on you while sucking an ice cube?"

"What? Ice? No!"

"Well, that would certainly help you write-- Oh, my..." After breathing in deeply, Victoria moaned.

Jillian made a face as she asked, "I’m almost afraid to ask. Are you, uh, doing that... now?"

Victoria exhaled slowly and said languidly, "Yeah, and it’s... amazing!"

"And you’re talking to me?"

"I can multitask," Victoria replied casually.

Jillian’s mouth flew open as she thought about how to proceed.

"So, what else is up?" Victoria asked.

"Should you really be talking to me with some guy doing that to you?"

"Well, I figured I’d be returning the favor soon, and..." Victoria paused to exhale deeply again and continued, "I certainly won’t be able to talk to you then."

After Jillian nodded, her face registered mild agreement. "Oh, that makes sense... Wait, no it doesn’t... I’m going to go."

"Oh... yeah, Austin. Jillian? Jillian, what I meant was when my mouth is full, it'll be really hard to hold a conver–"

"No, no. That part I got," Jillian interrupted. "I think I’m going to go and let you..."

Victoria ran her fingers through Austin’s hair as his tongue continued licking away.

"You should... totally try this. It would clear up that writer’s block issue immediately. When’s the last time someone went down on you?"

Jillian made a sour face. "I’m just going to—"

"I mean, like, really got in there and did a good job with it?"

"Okay, I’m going to hang up now."

As Jillian hung up the phone, her sick expression morphed into a smile, which eventually transformed to something akin to confused longing. She actually could go for some good oral sex right about now. Jillian stared blankly ahead as she tried to recall the last time anyone did that to her, much less if he did a good job while doing it. She couldn’t remember exactly, but she knew it’d been a long, long, long time.


Rob Grayson was throwing a Super Bowl party in the on-campus suite at Georgia State University that he shared with five other guys. The suite was ordinary, with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a common living area. It featured one extraordinary thing, though. Rob owned the biggest television on campus.

His mother, a bestselling author, had purchased it for him. He never told anyone about the types of books she wrote, because he was totally embarrassed by them. He told people his mother wrote legal thrillers under a pen name. He didn’t want to admit that she wrote about perfect-bodied men and gorgeous women with huge, full, bouncing breasts having mind-blowing sex.

Rob and his best friend, Brian Nash, both college seniors, had lived together with most of the same guys in the same suite since sophomore year. Virtual opposites, the two had been best friends almost from the start. They never shared a room, since they were on different sleep schedules. A morning person, Rob preferred early classes, while Brian enjoyed sleeping in and attending afternoon classes. They spent most of their time together at bars and hanging out.

Another probable factor in their close friendship was that neither had been preoccupied with an on-campus girlfriend during the entire time they had known each other. Rob had a longtime girlfriend back in Florida, and Brian... Well, Brian was shy with women. He’d had a few girlfriends over the years, but none were ever serious or lasted more than a few weeks.

At the height of the Super Bowl party, about thirty people crowded into the living area, watching the game on the seventy-inch high-definition screen. Most were Steelers fans, but a few, including Rob and Brian, cheered on the Packers. After the game, the majority left to hit the local bars, but four of the guys and two girls—a junior named Natalie and her roommate, Cindy—stayed behind.

Brian was a little drunk. He sat on the sofa and watched Natalie and Cindy talking to Rob and another guy from the suite. Natalie was wearing a bulky white sweater and tight gray stretch pants. Her ass looked amazing in those pants. He’d noticed the curve of her backside much earlier, and whenever given the opportunity throughout the night, he stole a quick glance.

Brian had seen Natalie around campus before, but he had never met her. She had been invited by some of the other guys in the suite, but he didn’t know much more about her. He’d heard that she didn’t currently have a boyfriend, but he wasn’t all that interested, since she was a little tall for him and always seemed so full of herself. But now he was beginning to rethink his initial impressions, since she did look spectacular in those pants.

He sipped his beer as he alternated between watching the postgame coverage and the other people in the room, who were trying to coax Natalie into doing something. He wasn't paying close enough attention to know what they were talking about. Natalie rolled her eyes, evidently persuaded, and removed her sweater to reveal a tight camisole underneath. Brian perked up in his seat, since this was now much more exciting than the postgame coverage. Was she going to take off more?

No more clothing came off, but what she did next would change Brian’s life forever. Standing perfectly still, Natalie took a deep breath and slowly and gracefully lifted one of her legs until it was pointed straight at the ceiling. The other remained firmly planted on the floor as she rose up onto the ball of her foot. She held her raised leg with one hand, almost effortlessly, as Brian looked her up and down.

He zoomed in on her ass, trying to see any hint of the underwear she wore under those tight pants, but he could see none. She was either wearing nothing or some kind of tiny thong. While staring at her open-mouthed, his beer began to spill on his pants. When he realized it, he simply corrected the bottle without bothering to wipe off then quickly looked back at Natalie as she maintained that amazing pose. He studied her legs and tilted his head slightly to get a better angle. Looking closer, he was convinced he could see just a hint of the outline of her parts in the crease between the leg pointed south and the other, pointing due north.

Like the rest of the group, he was amazed by Natalie’s athletic ability, but unlike them, he was more impressed with the incredible firmness of her ass. He supposed that made him shallow. The beer could be partially to blame. But he had such a limited sexual history that he often found himself more preoccupied with sex than other guys his age. He knew that was saying something, too, since most of his peers thought with their penises far more often than with their brains. He seemed to think with his penis
the time.

Seconds later, as Natalie slowly brought her leg down, Brian’s eyes followed it the whole way, his mouth still wide open. While her audience clapped, he approached her. He was hooked. He spent the rest of the night talking to her, getting her drinks, and hanging on her every word. Later, he walked both Natalie and her roommate to their dorm.



As he lay in bed that night, unable to sleep, Brian pictured Natalie with her leg in the air in the same amazing position, but this time she was completely naked. It was only the two of them in the living room now, but he again sat on the sofa, holding a beer and just watching her. While she continued to hold her right leg skyward with a hand near her ankle, she used one finger of that occupied hand to motion for him to come to her. Dropping the beer, he leapt up and went to her. When he reached her, she was somehow able to remove her hand from the leg without it moving at all. He knew it was impossible, but it was his fantasy. He stood next to her with her ankle inches from his head. Natalie looked him in the eye while she used both hands to unzip his pants, extract his equipment, and guide him inside of her. Sighing, Brian rolled over in an attempt to go to sleep, hoping he could coax that thought into his subconscious as a full-length sex dream.



For the next few weeks, Brian dated Natalie somewhat unofficially. They did homework together, they ate together in the dining hall, and they even made out a few times, but that was all. There was no removal of clothes or touching of parts or even dry humping. Brian would leave her dorm room, usually bent over at a strange angle and very frustrated. He wanted to see her naked, and he wanted to see her strike that ballet pose while she was naked. He was infatuated with her, and the more she held back physically, the more head-over-heels in love he became.

Their relationship took a very minor step forward three weeks after they started dating, when Rob, Brian, Natalie, and three other friends went to a college party at a university about two hours away. At three in the morning, they left the party and returned in an old station wagon with Brian and Natalie lying next to each other in the cargo area. She reached out to touch his hand, and he took her hand, interlocking his fingers with hers. They held hands for the remainder of the ride home, with the back of Natalie’s hand resting over Brian’s groin. He didn’t know if she realized it at first, but as his penis began to expand in his pants, he started to feel her pressing against it a little more firmly, which only made it harder. For the rest of the ride home, he hoped she would unzip and pull him out to relieve the pressure, but she never did. Instead she was either asleep or was pretending to be, as she lay next to him. When they arrived at daybreak, Brian offered to walk her to her room. Natalie declined and told him to come over later that day. Brian went home, jerked off, and quickly fell asleep.



The next morning, Jason, one of the guys who went on the trip, interrogated Brian about the goings on in the back of the wagon as Rob stood near them.

Jason asked, "So did Natalie give you a little tug back there?"

"A tug?"

"A hand job, you idiot!"

"Not exactly," Brian said.

"I heard something going on back there," Jason said.

Rob laughed. "Well, what do you call it when a girl presses the back of her hand into it?"

Brian glared at Rob.

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