Friends With Partial Benefits (29 page)

Read Friends With Partial Benefits Online

Authors: Luke Young

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Humor

BOOK: Friends With Partial Benefits
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He led her out to the pool area, where he had candles, glasses, and a bottle of champagne on ice waiting for them by the lounge chairs.

"When did you have a chance to set this up?" She gazed at the setup, blown away.

"While you were making dinner."

Holding her hand, he guided her to a chair. He lit the candles, opened and poured the champagne, and then handed her a glass. They each took a sip and placed the glasses on the table.

"So, what is it? Do you want to have sex right here or something?"

"Maybe later." He drew in a long breath and let it out slowly. "Okay, my company has a permanent position open in Miami, and once I get through the management program, they said it’s mine if I want it."

"Do you want it?"

"It depends."

Getting down on one knee in front of her, he pulled a box from his pocket. She looked at him, holding her breath and more than a little uncomfortable. He stared into her eyes. "I know I’m young, and I don’t really know exactly what I want to do with the rest of my life... career-wise or anything." Studying her face, he noticed he was losing her a little. "Sorry, I mean, I do know that I want to spend every minute I can with you. From the first moment I saw you right here on this chair and... then we spoke for, like, an hour on the tennis court... talking about the damn court surface," he added, rolling his eyes. He grabbed her hand, and they shared a smile as he continued, "I knew then I was falling for you. I’m absolutely head-over-heels, can’t-stand-to-be-away-from-you in love, and I don’t care who knows it. You are more alive and fun to be with than any of those supposed young college women I’ve ever met."

He opened the box and displayed the gorgeous two-carat diamond ring. Her eyes lit up as she gazed at it. He pulled it from the box. "Jillian Grayson, will you marry me?" Smiling at her with his eyes hopeful, he slipped the ring on her finger.

She gave him a hesitant look. "I’m old enough to be your mother."

Slipping back to his chair, he did some quick calculations in his head. "You’re still only thirty-nine right?"


"So, maybe if you were sexually active when you were, like, twelve, which for both our sakes, I’m hoping you weren’t."

She looked at him, confused. "What do you mean? I’m not a math expert or anything, but aren’t you only twenty one?"

He scoffed. "I turned twenty-six in January."

After trying to process this, she shook her head. "You and Rob both got fake IDs together."

"We did... I really didn’t need it," he said sheepishly.

She looked at him now, even more confused.

"Wait, I can explain. I have a late birthday, and I was held back a year because of some learning delay. After high school, I kind of fooled around a little before I started college."

She still didn’t appear satisfied, so he added, "Look, I was a twenty-two-year-old freshman, and I didn’t want anyone to think I was a giant loser, so I kinda lied about my age."

"And the fake ID?" she asked.

"Just part of the cover-up."

She scoffed. "You have to be the only person on the planet with a fake ID that says he’s younger."

After conceding with his eyes that it was completely ridiculous, he lifted his hands and opened his palms to her. "So, I’m, like, thirteen years younger. If you round it down, it’s, like, ten."

Smiling at him, she warmed to the idea a little. "But what about Rob? Do you think he would be scarred for life, or anything?"

"Don’t you think he’ll be a little more than understanding, since he had sex with Natalie and pretty much stole her away from me behind my back? I mean, what could he say?"

She fell back in her chair, shocked. "Rob slept with Natalie? 'Leg thing' Natalie?" Turning her head toward him, she stared, gape-mouthed.

"He didn’t tell you that?"

"No, I’m learning all kinds of things today." She looked off toward the pool, trying to take it all in.

Returning her gaze to Brian, she made a sour face. "'Technical virgin' Natalie?"

He nodded, and they sat together, staring at the pool for an awkward moment.

He turned to her. "Wait, did you give me an… Did you answer my question?"

She met his gaze, suddenly anxious. "Um, sorry, I was just… I think I—"

"I know." He put on a bright smile. "How about I play you for it tomorrow? I win, and you marry me. You win, and I’ll just be your sex slave for, like, the next sixty years or so."

"Either way, that sounds like you win." After pondering letting fate or their tennis skills decide, her worry melted away into a smile. "Okay, I’ll take that bet, but only if you shave the mustache first."

Moving to her chair, he leaned over and kissed her.

The kiss lasted only a moment before she turned away, giggling. "Could you shave it now? It’s just…" She rubbed the top of her lip, trying not to laugh.

He pulled back, frowning, and whined, "All right."


Over at the Wilde residence, Victoria and her hunky neighbor, John, were making out furiously on the sofa. Controlling herself perfectly during dinner, Victoria didn’t think about sex at all until she was about to serve dessert. That's when she found out that John was the head football coach at the university. He invited her to visit his office on campus. When she discovered his office was connected to the locker room, she daydreamed about being there and walking through the locker room filled with naked, muscular football players. This completely knocked her off the wagon, and at her suggestion, he agreed to skip dessert. They moved to the sofa, and moments later, they were kissing.

They were fully clothed, but she was stroking his penis through his pants while his hands were all over her ass. After taking hold of his zipper, she exhaled deeply, reconsidering for a moment, then pulled her hands back and scooted away.

He looked at her breathlessly. "What’s wrong?"

"I promised myself I would take it slow."

"You’re right. You’re right. This is moving too fast. I’m still getting over my divorce and everything—but you are so gorgeous."

"I’m so attracted to you, too." After standing, she moved a safe distance away to a chair across the coffee table from him.

Her eyes locked on the still-evident bulge in his pants.

Following her gaze, he gave her a sorrowful look. "Sorry about that. I... it’s been a while for me, and I... uh..."

"God you’re so, um... I hate to leave you like this."

"I’ll be fine. I’ll... Really, I’ll be okay."

She paused a moment with her mind racing. "What if we could take it slow, but not? I mean, not leave here unsatisfied."

He looked at her, confused. "What are you talking about?"

"I have a friend who told me about this thing she... uh... they called it friends with... limited benefits, or something like that."

Looking at her, intrigued, he adjusted his still-crowded pants. "That sounds interesting."

"She was attracted to this younger guy. He’s her son’s best friend, and they didn’t want to have sex, so they came up with this idea."

"What happened?"

"They were naked out in the pool and almost got caught by her son," she said casually.

"So skinny dipping is allowed?"

"It's within the rules." After pausing a moment to think, she frowned. "Oh, but we already broke one of the rules—no kissing."

He shrugged his shoulders. "But we haven’t done anything else, so maybe we could just not kiss any more... for now. What are the other rules?"

She smiled as she went through them matter-of-factly. "No sex, of course... No mouth kissing, no kissing of parts..." She opened her eyes wide as he looked at her, a little baffled. To clarify, she pointed to her breasts and crotch. "No fun parts."

After his facial expression morphed into one of understanding, he nodded in agreement. "Well, that makes sense."

"No touching those same parts, and uh, no telling anyone about friends with limited benefits."

He looked away, smiling, and then back to her, puzzled. "If you can’t tell anyone, then how did you find out?"

"She told me. That last rule is more of a guideline."


"Should we maybe try it?" She smiled at him, waiting for his reply.

"I think we should. Do you want to go skinny dipping?"

"No, not really." She looked at him hesitantly. "What were you going to do when you got home?"

"Go to sleep, I guess."

"You weren’t going to do...
before that?" She stared down with a sultry gaze at his still semi-bulging groin.

Looking down at his crotch, he smiled. "Oh, maybe if I couldn’t sleep, I, uh..."

She gave him a skeptical look. "Uh, maybe?"

He exhaled deeply and then smiled. "Well as soon as we stopped kissing, uh... all I could think of was running home and jerking off while I thought about you. You are so beautiful and sexy... If you must know, I was going to do it as soon as I got into the house."

She grinned at him. "I was planning on doing the same." After bringing her finger to her lips, she widened her eyes. "Since we were going to do it anyway, why not do it here, in front of each other?"

He looked at her, contemplating, with his mouth open as he adjusted his penis in his pants once again. "Do you think we'll be able to—"

"I promise I can control myself. I won’t touch you or break any of the rules."

"I can control myself, as long as you stay over there."

"Okay, great." After spreading her legs, she brought a hand to her knee and touched it seductively.

He exhaled deeply as he squeezed his bulge through his pants. "So are we just going to do it? I mean, I should just, uh..."

She licked her lips then slumped down in the chair as she lifted the short black dress up and folded it to her waist. His eyes locked on what her nonexistent panties should have been covering.

He grinned. "You were planning on taking it slow, but you didn’t wear underwear?"

"I had them on, but I got so wet during dinner that I took them off."

"Oh." Exhaling deeply, he quickly unbuttoned his pants, unzipped them, and unveiled his prize. She began running her finger slowly between her legs as she hungrily eyed him.

"You’re so big."

"Are you really wet?"

"Soaked." After letting out a soft moan, she ran her tongue seductively around her lips.

"My dick is so hard." He stroked it up and down slowly. "You are so hot."

Lifting her legs up on the arms of the chair, she spread them wide. Her ass cheeks curved down deliciously and were fully exposed to him. He stared at her, mesmerized, as he continued to touch himself, stopping every so often to prevent the climax, which he felt coming on way too soon.

"You have a beautiful body, and your pussy is gorgeous."

She closed her eyes, imagining that John was tonguing her and whispered, "Thanks." With her fingers still busy, she opened her eyes and looked at his erection. After sighing, she held her hand still. "These rules they have..."

"Yeah," he struggled to say.

"They're not like official rules, or anything. There’s no reason why we can’t change them a little or make up our own rules."

"That makes sense. They are a little restrictive." He nodded wholeheartedly.

"I know, aren’t they?"

They both gazed at each other’s parts with open mouths. He shook his head with a grimace. "If you ask me, all these rules are kind of stupid, in fact. Um, what did you have in mind?"

"What if we just had oral sex? We wouldn’t go all the way, but we could..."

He almost blew his load right there. He asked simply to hear her say it again, "What was that?"

"Oral sex—we could do just that. What do you think?"

He nodded as a big smile washed over his face. "I think that’s a great idea."

Popping up out of his seat, he rushed over to her. He got between her legs and gazed at her perfect parts for a moment. She held her breath as his mouth slowly lowered to her. As John pressed his tongue gently into her folds, Victoria threw her head back and moaned. Blindly she reached her hand out and ran it through his hair before pulling his head closer into her. He got the message and stepped it up a notch as her eyelids fluttered away dreamily.



Just as John was coming up for air, Jillian and Brian stood together in the master bathroom. She sat on the edge of her large soaking tub as he looked over at her with shaving cream covering his upper lip. "Can we do it with you in that deviant leg derriere thing position tonight?"

She didn’t bother correcting him but frowned. "That really hurts. I don’t think so." Giving her a disappointed look, he turned to the mirror and began to shave his pathetic mustache.

She gave him a hopeful smile. "But I could get into the arabesque position, and we could give that a try."

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