From Lies to Promises (10 page)

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Authors: Faith S Lynn

BOOK: From Lies to Promises
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  “Good morning!” I sing song to her.

  “Hey.” Jamie says, “Got a call from my mom this morning. She wants me to come home, seeing as I have been gone all weekend already.”

   “Ok. Get your things and I’ll drop you off.”

  As she gathers her stuff I head to the kitchen and reach in the fridge to get a coke. We jump in the car and I plug in my phone and hit random. ‘I’m Not Okay’ by My Chemical Romance starts playing, of course I turn it up. Fall is in full swing today, it’s all in the air. Just a hint of cold in the breeze that makes it perfect. At her house Jamie leans over and gives me a hug, then climbs out of the car and runs to the front door.

  Back at the house, Lexi and Skeigh have got out of bed and are sitting on the couch catching up on some shows missed during the week, still in the clothes they slept in.

  “Hello, my loves!” I say as I flop down in between them throwing my feet in Skeigh’s lap and laying my head on Lexi’s legs. I wiggle all over the place as if to get comfortable, but really I just can’t sit still.

“Hello, to you too.” Lexi laughs. “You’re in a good mood today. What’s up?” She questions.

  “It’s so pretty out today. Let’s g
o do something fun.” I explain.

  “You got something in mind, chick?” Lexi smiles.

“Not really. We can think about it while y’all get ready!”

They both head to their rooms to get ready and I head to the stereo and set up my phone to play some music. No matter the mood I am in, or the songs that play, music is like an automatic pep me up. I turn the volume way up so that I can feel it beating through me. Walking around the living room nodding my head to Linkin Park’s ‘Leave Out All The Rest’. It’s perfect for the way I feel today, after the dream from last night. I am done with my past haunting me. I told Ryder last night I was letting go, and I am. Not just with him but everything.

  Fifteen minutes
later the girls come walking back into the living room. I reach over and turn the music down.

  “How about we drive down to
Sir Goony’s.” I say. Sir Goony’s is like a family fun place. They have go carts, mini golf, batting cages, arcades and tons of other stuff.

  Skeigh’s eyes light up and she ask
s, “Oh, yeah. Can I text Dave and see if he wants to go?”

  “Sure. Sounds like a plan. I’ll text Ryder too.” I take my cell phone out of my back pocket and text him.

Hey, the girls and I are headed to Sir Goony’s for the day. Want to go?

  Skeigh starts bouncing around when her phone dings back letting her know Dave is in.

Yes ma’am. Dave and I are getting in the car now and headed your way.

“I guess they are going to pick us up.” I tell them. “They just left so they should be here soon.”

  Lexi walks over and turns the music back up, but changes to a different playlist.
Before you know it we are dancing around the house, just having fun. We are jumping around and being silly, not really caring what we look like, when Skeigh stops suddenly. A blush creeps into her cheeks and me and Lexi both stop and turn to look at what has got her embarrassed. The guys are standing in the doorway. I reach over and slap the power button on the stereo so hard it nearly falls over.

“We knocked, but we guessed you couldn’t hear us as loud as you have the music going. The door was unlocked.” Ryder confesses with an impish grin.

  Dave is next to him laughing hyst
erically, “Don’t mind us ladies. Please, continue.”

“Enjoying the show, was you?” Skeigh teases him with a swing of her hips.

  “Oh, yes.” He grumbles as he walks to her and grabs her by her by the hips and moves with her.

  On the way, Ryder and Dave make sure to give us hell about catching us. We are in Ryder’s car, Skeigh and Dave took the backseat. Lexi sat up front with Ryder
and me, me getting to ride bitch. Somewhere during the middle of taunting us Ryder takes his right hand of the steering wheel and places it on my knee. I can’t help but smile. Lexi sees Ryder’s hand then looks up and to my smile. She winks at me, then her attention goes back towards the road.

decide the first thing we want to do when we get there is play mini golf. We are all standing in line to get our little clubs and bright colored golf balls, when TJ comes to join us in line. When his gaze sweeps over my face I look away. I still haven’t gotten over the way he acted the other day, or the way his chest felt beneath my palms.

  Lexi throws one arm around his waist, “I didn’t want to be a third wheel to all
of you today. Besides I was in need of some brother / sister bonding.”

While we head to the first hole the guys get acquainted with each other. The usual, first they size each other up, then introduce themselves followed by a fist bump.
We play in teams, Ryder and me, Skeigh and Dave, and Lexi with TJ. On the ninth hole I am beginning to think the girls should have teamed up against the men.

  “Four!” Dave shouts when he hits his ball a bit too hard and
it goes flying over the stream. It nearly hits an old man in the head playing with his grandson.

  Ryder huffs, “Dude, they are going to make us leave if we don’t keep the balls on the course.”

  Everyone but TJ and I have hit and are waiting for us at the hole. I step up for my turn, place my pretty orange ball on the marker and judge where the ball needs to be, then hit. I pull back the putter and swing. I follow the orange streak through the lower tunnel, out the other side to the stream. The water pulls it to a grove in the green where it lands in the hole. I did it!
Go me!

  “Hole in one!” TJ shouts as he picks me up by the waste and swings me in circles. When he sets me down, he places a kiss on my cheek.
The stubble from his chin send goose bumps down my body. He lingers there for a moment before someone clears their throat and he backs up and looks over my shoulder. A victorious smile plays on his face before he leaves to join the others. When I turn to do the same, Ryder is right there.

Is there something I should know about the two of you?” Ryder asks.

  I pl
ace a hand to the center of his chest to feel his heart beating, hard. “No. TJ has pretty much been like a big brother to me since I’ve known him.”

  “I’m not so sure he sees you as his little sister,
Kat.” He places his hand over mine and tangles our fingers together.

I sit next to Ryder on a bench tallying up our score card when we finish the course. I don’t know how, but he still ended up getting a better score than I did. Our score together ended up being better than everyone’s. TJ takes Ryder’s spot on the bench when he leaves to take our putter’s back.

  “How long have you known him?” TJ ask
s, his voice low so no one else hears.

  “Ryder?” When he nods I continue, “I met him on my birthday after we left your bar.”

  “I don’t think he is right for you.” He whispers.

  “Ha. What the hell is that
supposed to mean?” I balk. He just looks at me with sad eyes and shrugs. “If he isn’t right for me, please tell me who is then. Anyone?” His mouth opens, but then he closes it back. I shake my head. When I stand I scan the area to find Ryder walking back.

  “I vote go carts next. Actually after saying go carts there shouldn’t be a vote.
go carts
!” Ryder says.

  I take off running while yelling back at him, “Last one there gets last pick on carts!”

  I wasn’t the first one there, but I wasn’t the last one either. That spot was all TJ’s, who sulked the whole way there. In no time we are racing around the track, screaming at one another how they weren’t going to win. Skeigh takes off around the corner ahead of us but over judges it and slams into the wall. I am laughing so hard I nearly wreck myself. I look back to see her straightening it back out. Lexi and I are neck to neck, when Ryder comes flying past us waving like a royal or something and smiling. Dave ends up at the end before everyone.

  Skeigh, Lexi and I
order a pizza while we watch the men in the batting cages. They wanted to burn some time waiting on the sun to go down. Sir Goony’s has their haunted house open tonight. Try as I might I can’t get Lexi to go in.

  “Nope. Ain’t happening.”
She says, lips pulled thin. “You are all crazy. Why in the hell would you want to get scared on purpose? And don’t think you and Skeigh are climbing in bed with me tonight when the shadows start creeping you out.”

  “That was just once.” Skeigh argues. “Ok, so maybe a few times.”

  “I don’t understand the need in putting yourselves through it.” Lexi admitts.

  “I don’t know about them,” D
ave says pointing back to Ryder and TJ, then continues, “but I’m doing it to have this one hang on to me like a leech.”

  Skeigh smiles, “Awe, we don’t have to go into a Halloween attraction for that. You could just take me back to my house.”

  They call our number for the pizza and Ryder walks up with me to get it and some napkins. When we sit down we all joke and eat.

  “I think I am going to pass on the haunted house and stay out here with Lexi.” I announce.

  “Are you scared?” TJ asks.

  “No, I don’t like leaving Lexi out here by herself.” I retort.

  Ryder wraps his arm around my back and pulls me into him. “Don’t be afraid. I’ll keep you safe from all the boogie men in the dark.” I think back to my dream. How he brought the light with him to me and I’m sure he will.

  “Kat, go on and have fun. I’ll be fine, I’m a big girl.” Lexi says.

  You would think that I wouldn’t want to go into a dark place where things jump out and yell boo. But I have been in several haunted houses before. They don’t bother me. The animatronics and people with mask
s aren’t real. The things that they are trying to portray don’t exist. I’ve seen real monsters. This one wasn’t any different, it wasn’t even the scariest I’ve been in. Ryder keeps his word and holds onto me tight during the whole thing.

Lexi, is waiting for us at the exit when we are finished. TJ says he has things to do at the bar, and leaves without so much of a bye to anyone but his sister. We all head to the car and the guys take us home. Ryder’s hand comes back to the spot on my knee in the car, but this time I place mine on top of his and he gives my leg a little squeeze. Everyone climbs from the car when we arrive at the house, except Skeigh and Dave. They are having a teenage make-out session in the back of Ryder’s car. Lexi has already made it inside when we make it to the door.

  “I had a good time today, but I like it much better when it’s just you and me.” Ryder says. He is so close I
take a step back, but he takes a matching step.

  “Today was fun.” I say as I back up again but h
e matches me step for step until my rear hits the wall next to the door. One of his hands is placed on the wall beside my head, while the other comes to my hip and around my back. My thoughts become a jumbled mess, and random words fall from my mouth in a shaky whisper, “You…Me…Alone…Can’t…Dangerous.”

  “Katrina,” he starts, “nothing about you and me alone sounds dangerous, it sounds
heavenly.” Then he kisses me. At first it’s needy, like he needs to kiss me to make it another second. Then it slows, his tongue inside my mouth melds with mine making my toes curl in my shoes. My hands find their way to his stomach and up his chest. It is like he is made from soft steel. The heat from his body is giving me chills. I reach his neck and deepen the kiss and sigh into his mouth. His grip on my back tightens.

“You just proved my point, dangerous.” I stutter.

I will take the danger then.” Ryder says before he presses his lips to mine one last time. “Dream sweet.”





              I arrive at the school half an hour early, so I head to the courtyard and sit on a bench. I have a heck of a lot of reading to catch up on, considering I didn’t take any time out of my weekend to do it. I’m a couple of pages in when someone sits on the bench next to me and sticks a coffee in my face. I raise my eyebrow at the steaming cup and follow the arm of the person holding it to my face. It’s none other than Ms. Bran.

  “I don’t like coffee.” I almost snarled.

  “As much as your mother drinks it, I would’ve guessed you did.” She just confirmed my suspicions and then places the coffee on the bench arm beside her.

What is it you want exactly, Ms. Bran?” I ask.

  She reaches in her purse and pulls
out a manila envelope. “I thought I made myself clear Friday night at dinner. I want to write your story. These are copies of statements I received from the people in your hometown. The ones that would give them anyway.” Then she extends it for me to grab.

  “I don’t want them.” I
put my book in my bag and stand up. “I left there so I would never have to think about any of that shit ever again, so I could make a life where it didn’t happen, where it didn’t matter.”

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