From Seduction to Submission (5 page)

BOOK: From Seduction to Submission
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She knew that it was not her favorite egg that was needed tonight. It was
Big Black, and as her hand closed around the shaft, she dreamed that it was Mr. James who was standing beside her bed. She had hold of him, and he was going to do her bidding rather than the other way around. She had spent the time before going out to ensure she was cleanly shaven and that there was no stubble to annoy and itch. Although she did not have any particular expectations when she left home, she also knew from experience that one can never tell where an evening like this will end. In this case, she would never have guessed it would end up with her angry and frustrated, laying alone on her bed with her hand around a big silicone dildo.

As she opened her legs and raised her knees, she began sliding
Big Black slowly up and down her wet labial lips, gently pushing the head up under her clitoral hood in each upward stroke. It was not long before she knew it was fully lubricated, and that with a little more effort, she would explode in no time, but she was determined to extract every little bit of pleasure she could out of this exercise. She paused, applying just enough pressure to open her pussy.

Again the vision of Mr. James filled her mind
, and she felt herself actually thrusting up against Big Black in order to achieve satisfaction. She could imagine a smug look of control on his face as he slowly impaled her, withdrawing it nearly all the way before sliding it back in. The only difference was that in this case, it was her who had the control. With the fingers of her free hand teasing her nipples, it was not long before she pushed Big Black in to the hilt. She gasped as the balls of the large silicone cock slapped against her butt and she held it inside, pushing firmly against the base to get every last bit of length.

Every time she moved her fingers, the pressure inside her altered slightly
, and her orgasm inched ever closer. With the vision of Mr. James in her mind, she felt the spasms commence as the first wave of her orgasm washed over her. Spasm after spasm wracked her body; each one causing her to clench the dildo, trying to draw it further inside her. She pictured herself looking into his eyes with a satisfied look on her face, saying, “You couldn’t deny me that one, Mr. acquiesce James!”

, the orgasm faded and she lay there, her body spent. Her eyes were closed and she spent some time running the events of the whole evening through her mind once again, trying to rationalize some of the things that had happened. As she went over each step, she felt alternating anger and excitement. He played her from the time she first pushed the intercom button, and with each alternating act of his twisted little play, her excitement level inexplicably built.

It eventually dawned on her that the moment she allowed herself to be blindfolded
, was the moment she accepted that despite his strange behavior, she actually trusted him. Somehow he knew what she needed, and he was very adept at giving that to her. The only problem now was that she had no real idea of what she needed herself, and hence the thought of where this might take her was both scary and exciting at the same time.

She withdrew Mr. James
– whoops, Big Black from herself and drifted into a deep sleep, but even in her dreams, he was never far from her and that made her undeniably very happy.

Chapter 3 – Exposed


Natalie awoke to th
e sound of her radio alarm at 6:15am, and as she rolled over to hit the snooze button, she rolled onto Big Black. As her fingers wrapped around the shaft to move it out of her way, she groggily thought of Mr. James once again. Despite the daylight streaming into her room through the curtains, she had no trouble dozing off again with it in her hand. When the radio came on for the second time, she left it playing and sat up on the edge of her bed. Without consciously thinking about it, she was feeling the bumps and ridges on her large, but remarkably realistic, silicone cock. She idly wondered why artificial cocks were always modeled on circumcised penises. Although she was glad they did, as she preferred them ‘foreskin free’ as she liked to say.

She got to her feet and headed for the bathroom, dumping the dildo on its base on her sink top,
smiling to herself as it sat there flexing back and forth a few times as it settled. As the jets of water hit her face, she was instantly wide awake, wasting no time cleaning and drying herself. When she was finished, she held the dildo against herself, wondering if she should give in to temptation. She knew she would be annoyed if she gave in so easily, and so after washing the dildo, she left it to dry as she tried to get the vision of Mr. James out of her mind.

Her working day proceeded normally
, but she knew she simply had to confide in someone about the weirdness of Mr. James and her feelings towards him. At lunch time she phoned her friend, Jo-Anne, who made the safe call the previous night and arranged to meet her for drinks after work, agreeing on a wine bar just down the street from Natalie’s work.

When Natalie arrived, her friend was already there
with two glasses of white wine sitting on the table. They greeted each other with the regulation twin air kiss and started chatting about the day’s events. Before long, her friend prompted Natalie on the main reason for their meeting, fairly sure that it was to do with the date Natalie had the previous night. The story began with the initial meeting and how Mr. James had treated her that evening. Jo-Anne sat there slack jawed as the details emerged; from the initial invitation to the feeding of Natalie and finally through to the instruction to call her.

“That is so fucking hot,” her friend said as Natalie paused, fishing through her handbag for Mr. James’ business card bef
ore handing it over to her wide-eyed friend.

“Don’t worry. That is only the half of it. It gets better.” She continued with her story, taking up where she had arrived at the entrance to his building, eventually getting to the part where she first laid eyes on the things in his second bedroom.
“You can only imagine how wet I was as I scanned the contents of the bed. I couldn’t even identify some of the things that were sitting there. Or if I could identify them, I had no idea what one would do with them in a sexual sense.”

“I think I do have an idea because I am getting a little like that just with your description of things. Oh my God! I never would have expected you to meet up with someone like that down here in San Diego; maybe San Francisco or in Los Angeles
, but not here.” She quickly added, “I have read about people like this but I had my doubts about whether they existed in real life. So what are you going to do?”

Natalie noticed the strange expression and somewhat wry smile on Jo-Anne’s face
, but thought nothing much of it as she was so engrossed in her own thoughts.

“Well, I am going to go back there to see where this goes. I admit to being conflicted in so many ways
, but despite his foibles, he is actually quite the gentleman. I mean how long is it since a man stood whenever you approached or departed the table? How long since a man kissed the back of your hand in greeting and spoke French? How long since a man was up close and personal where he wasn’t trying to grope you? I mean I couldn’t even get him to grope me when I was practically begging him for it!”

“Are you sure he isn’t gay?”

“Not positive, but why would he go to all the trouble of seeing me and being such a gentleman if he was gay?”

“Good point. Well, at this stage I don’t know whether to envy you or to feel sorry for you
, but I sure as hell can’t wait to hear how your next encounter with him turns out. Just let me know if you need a safe call. Maybe you can give me a quick update if I do call.”

“Assuming I can even hold the phone,” Natalie responded with a slightly nervous laugh.

They had a few more glasses of wine and by the time they headed off in their different directions, Natalie was a little buzzed. She didn’t even notice that Jo-Anne’s kiss good-bye was not an air kiss but a quick peck on one cheek followed by an equally quick kiss on the lips. When she got home, she decided to call Mr. James and let him know she was available the following night. She was secretly hoping that he would summon her tonight, yet in her slightly buzzed state, she realized that would be a really bad idea.

She had stripped down to her bra and panties and was stretched out on her bed when she dialed his number. The phone picked up on the third ring. “Ahhhh; my dearest Natalie;
I am so pleased to hear from you. I do hope it is to let me know of your availability tomorrow evening.” He sounded genuinely pleased to hear from her.

“Ahhhh, m
y dearest Mr. James, Sir,” she said, mocking him. “As I lie here in my finest lingerie, I wish to inform you that I shall be available for the pleasure of your company tomorrow evening, should you so desire.” Even as she was saying the words she was thinking to herself what an idiot she was. You shouldn’t be speaking to him like this, especially after a few drinks, but it was too late to follow her own advice.

“Sir? I have to say that I like the sound of that. In fact you should call me Sir whenever we are communicating. That is much more to my liking than Mr. James, I think. It will be my pleasure to see you in your finest lingerie
, and it is my desire that you arrive no later than 6pm. I will be less forgiving if you are not on time tomorrow, and you will feel the kiss of the crop. Do you understand, Natalie?”

She paused, having no idea how to reply. A crop? Shit
! That didn’t turn out the way she had expected. After what seemed like an eternity but which was probably only about 20 seconds, she blurted out, “No…er… I mean, yes… er…Mr. James… Sir.”

“Excellent. You will do well.” The phone went dead.

A few moments later it buzzed as a text message arrived. Her heart skipped a beat as she read: ‘Please wear a skirt and your highest pair of pumps. I have decided that you may feel the kiss of my crop, anyhow. Sir James.’

She stared at the message, her mind in turmoil. The message was quite clear. If she visited the house of James tomorrow evening, he may apply the riding crop to her. It doesn’t say that he WILL apply the riding crop. It only says he MAY, she reasoned to herself. Once again it was her choice whether to visit him or not. As she drifted off to sleep, she knew what the answer was.

The following day went by in a blur as she thought about what had transpired the previous evening. She called Jo-Anne to let her know what had happened.

“Are you insane, calling him like that after having had a few glasses of wine? Well, now I really can’t wait to see what happens,” she chuckled.

Arriving home from work Natalie jumped straight under the shower, ensuring her body was freshly shaved all over and that she was sparkling fresh. After blow drying her hair and brushing it back off her face, applying a minimum amount of make-up and lip gloss, she dressed in the outfit she had selected. She chose a beautiful set of lingerie from La Perla consisting of white satin panties with an intricate lace waist band and a matching satin and lace bra that enhanced her natural curves perfectly.

After carefully sliding into a new pair of sheer thigh highs with a black seam running up the back of her legs, she
stepped into her favorite ‘Come fuck me’ shoes, as she called them. They were an open-toed black leather pump with 5-inch heels by Christian Laboutin. She knew that the red soles drove men wild and she enjoyed being seen in them. She had no intention of driving in them, but she had to parade around her bedroom making sure she would move with elegance and poise, checking herself from all angles. She was quite proud of what she saw. She then donned a lacy white blouse that buttoned up the front. It was tailored to fit her perfectly, again with a look of elegance. She finished off the ensemble with a white figure following linen skirt that came down just above her knees.

With her shoes in a bag and a pair of slip ons on her feet, she commenced the drive to Mr. James
, or Sir James as she was now getting used to calling him after her slip up on the phone the previous evening. Traffic was horrendous on her way up town and despite having left more than enough time under normal circumstances, it looked like she might be late.

Despite her concern
, she decided that it was better to be late and to face the consequences rather than not get there at all. Managing to park the car just down from his apartment building at about 5:55, she decided to put her pumps on when she arrived at the building rather than risk damaging them on the surface of the road and sidewalk. In addition, she no longer had time to walk elegantly to his building wearing shoes like that so she quickly locked her car and strode as quickly as she could to his front door, pushing the intercom button a few seconds after 6pm.

She was buzzed in
, and as she waited for the elevator, she put her pumps on and shoved her other shoes into her handbag. She then took a few deep breaths to calm herself down and checked herself in the elevator mirror. When he opened the door of his apartment, there was a look of mutual surprise on both their faces although he was very quick to resume his usual inscrutable look. As was his custom, he held out his hand to take Natalie’s and kiss it in welcome. He looked into her eyes and a smile broke out as he said, “Thank you for coming, Natalie. You look stunning if I may be so bold. Let me take your handbag.”

She handed it to him and without releasing her other hand he turned and led her into the living room. She felt her heartbeat and her nerv
ousness increasing as she took in his appearance. He was wearing black leather trousers that had what Natalie thought to be a strange looking cod piece covering his crotch. The way it sat indicated a significant bulge beneath it and Natalie wondered whether he was pleased to see her. He certainly appeared to be. What really took her attention though was the pair of handcuffs that were hanging from one of his belt loops. A little further around, she saw the riding crop hanging from one of the other belt loops.

He stopped her in the middle of the floor at the same point she had been standing in her previous visit. Turning to face her
, and without saying a word, he produced the blindfold once again, and this time he fitted it over her head and tightened the straps himself. The combination of his hand holding hers as they walked in, his general proximity to her and the other sights she had seen before he robbed her of her sight, nearly made her swoon. That delicious combination of fear tinged with excitement that she was coming to love had already made her nipples hard and she could feel her arousal inside her panties. She wondered if it would be obvious to him, although she was sure it would.

“Stand with your legs slightly apart and your hands behin
d your back again please; just as you were taught last time you were in my company.” His voice was quiet but with that huskiness that Natalie found just increased her arousal.

Sir.” Her mouth felt a little dry as she adopted the position and waited. She found her knees shaking as the tension increased. Eventually, she heard him and it was obvious that he was back at the dining table. As she was trying to determine what the sound was, it dawned on her that it was the clicking of the locking mechanism of the handcuffs.

“Natalie, I want you to take your blouse and skirt off. Leave everything else for the time being
, but I wish to see you in your— how did you put it last night— your finest lingerie?”

As she paused, trying to decide on the ramifications of either obeyin
g or disobeying him, she heard the ratchet of the handcuffs clicking once again. Her hands came slowly around and started fumbling with the buttons on her blouse as she wondered where this was going to take her.

As Natalie
worked on her blouse, she wondered what Mr. James, or Sir James as she now called him, was doing. She could hear the clicking of his handcuffs and it was a logical conclusion to draw that she would be wearing them before long, providing she continued to acquiesce to his requirements.

At that stage she was still not quite sure how she would deal with that decision. In some respects she felt it was going to be a point of no return
, but before she reached that point, she had to deal with her current issue of stripping down to her underwear in front of him. She was exposing herself, yet not really exposing herself. He would see no more of her now than what he would see if she was lounging around a swimming pool, but this was different. This was intimate, this was sexual, and it involved power. Who is it that holds the power?

With trembling fingers
, she undid the last of the buttons on her blouse and slowly opened the front, exposing her satin and lace clad breasts. As she moved her arms behind her to let it slide to the floor, her breasts strained against the material of her bra, and she was aware of her taut nipples pushing out clearly against the satin. She then worked on the waist band of her skirt, undoing the two buttons and sliding the zipper down. She then slowly let the skirt slide over the curve of her tight butt, easing it down her thighs and bending slightly before letting it fall down around her ankles.

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